What is the difference between three facts; the fact that Jesus revived as a living life within 3 days after one's physical body's death and the fact that Jesus' dead physical body could be moved without one's life like some scene in Movie by the invisible inaudible intangible power of Spirits as God or Angels and and the fact a living tangible cubic vision of Jesus was appeared like a vison of Dove who came down to Jesus by the invisible inaudible intangible power of Spirits as God or Angels?
The dead physical body cannot revive, because the dead physical body is dead and lose what physical body can do as a living existence.
If Jesus revived as a living Jesus just like before Jesus died, there should be blood in one's side or in one's body, and then Jesus' physical body should die again due to shedding of blood, and if Jesus' physical body should not die again due to cure of sheddding of blood, Jesus used to do missionary works as usual,,.
This is not related to any interesting social concept of all ages and countries, because of the existential origin of Sprits as God or Angels in The Bible in the sky.
Also, this is not any representative of certain religion or certain understanding about The Bible, but this is just what I have known about the existence and identity of one world of Spirits as God or Angels from my own communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels in 21st Century in South Korea regardless of the name of religion or the name of region or the name of race or the name of nation or etc in this earth. There is something that can be proved by the current scientific method, if there is any necessary for it. If we try to think about the content and origin of each religion of The Bible, The Koran, Buddhism, Maoism, Confucianism, and etc instead of trying to think the name of religion or the name of region or the name of race and nation, there can be no conflict among those religions, as many peoples know it already, Each religion tells about one's own issue or way about human being, the life of human being, society, this world, the world after one’s physical body’s death, or the world of Spirits as God or Angels. But there are some peoples who misunderstand the content and origin of each religion of The Bible, The Koran, Buddhism, Maoism, Confucianism, and etc, because they understand the content and origin of each religion of The Bible, The Koran, Buddhism, Maoism, Confucianism, and etc only from the viewpoint of the name of religion or the name of region or the name of race and nation regardless of the content of each religion or what each religion tries to say through its religious activity. Some of the above religions are directly or mainly related to the world of Spirits as God or Angels, and some of the above religions are not related to the world of Spirits as God or Angels but related to the status of intellectual understanding or spiritual realization of human being’s physical spiritual activities or to the soul after physical body’s death of one’s ancestor.
If there are some inappropriate contents, I sincerely beg your pardon.
There is continual series about the existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky in The Bible in the name of 'Believable Or Unbelievable' in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom, http://blog.paran.com/wwwhdjpiacom, http://blog.chosun.com/jungheedeuk, http://blog.joins.com/jungheedeuk, and so on, written by HuiDeuk Jeong(or HeeDeuk Jung) in South Korea, since around the end of Year 2004, based on my phenomena which has happened in my daily life from Spirits as God or Angels since around Year 1970, or since Year 1986, or since Year 20010816, and also based on logical knowledge about the world of Spirits as God or Angels, or The Bible, or human being, or this world.
I hope that the contents in my blogs could be read just like understanding of a novel or a scenario, till or even after we could know what is going on in this world or in this universe or in the world after one’s physical body’s death or in the world of Spirits as God or Angels as a living human being with soul and physical body, because we have to and will live our daily lives in this beautiful nature as a living human being who has one’s own life and dignity and freedom and equality as a creature regardless of our understanding and knowledge and science about ourselves and all the things in this world and this universe and the world after one’s physical body’s death and the world of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky(or in the space or in the heaven), believable or unbelievable. Especially, I really wish that anyone who happens to read the contents of my blogs would be open-minded to the information of my blogs and could not be led to any kind of religious social national debate or quarrel or sin or crime or etc.
I wish The Lord God and His Angels, i.e. Spirits as God or Angels, and The Spirits who dwelled in and worked with Christ Jesus about 2000 years ago and now exist in the sky like other Spirits as God and Angels bless you! Thanks.
자우림, 봄날은 간다,
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width='480' height='412' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'
pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /></object>
Some of the following were written in Korean Language.
뮤직비디오를 보는 중 연관되거나 연상된 것에 대한 말이니,
입과 입에 만드는 오해에 연루되어서 당사자에게 피해를 끼치지 않기를,
(The concerned facts have been said by recollecting something during watching Music Video, so I wish the following words could not be led to the bad results of the concerned peoples.)
어울리는 장면의 그곳은 언제 어디메뇨,
직장 생활을 하고 있을 당시로서 어떻게 나타났고 어떤 모습이었을까?
법정 진술의 증거나 증명 방식으로 확인 가능한 일로서,
나의 어린 시절 10여 년 동안 및 the world of Spirits as God or Angels과 관련하여 the world of Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 글을 쓰게 될 2005년 무렵까지, 물련 1986년도 및 20010816일 등에 잠시 기억을 되찾은 것 제외하고, 망각 아닌 망
각의 시간에 있게 될 동안에 발생한 일로서,
물론 the world of Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 알고 싶은 사람에게 말을 하기 위한 방법으로 나와 the world of Spirits as God or Angels 사이의 약속된 의사 소통의 방법 및 그 기계에 의해서 발생한 일로서,
그리고 붉은 스카프의 여인이 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 몇 번째의 조우였을까?
Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 마음이 열려 있는 여인이었을까 아니면 이런 저런 일로서 나와 연관이 되었지만 나의 활동에 문제를 야기시키고 있는 여인이었을까?
그리고 그 옆의 '시간과 공간의 정지'의 화신이 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 특히 나에 대해서 알고 있는 것처럼, 물론 충청도란 말과 연관이 되어서, 한 말은 무엇이었을까?
환영을 보는 것이나 the world of Spirits as God or Angels의 현상과 관련되어 사람이 알 수 있는 경우와 없는 경우 등에 대해서 사람의 인지 능력 및 사람의 상식 선에서 내가 한 말은 무엇이었을까?
또한 환영을 보는 것이나 the world of Spirits as God or Angels의 현상 및 신앙 생활과 관련하여 한 말들은 무엇이었고 신앙 생활에 관련된 여러 요소들이 있지만 사람이 사람과 더불어 살고 있고 사람의 지식 과학 물질 문명 등은 계속 발달하여 이런 저런 유혹에 휩쓸리기 쉬우니 스스로를 지키기 위한 것이 많으므로 신앙 생활의 본질적인 요소와 관련하여 심플하게 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 현재의
종교 분야에서, 특히 성경과 관련된 분야에서, 가중 중요하게 추구할 바로서 말을 한 것은 무엇이었
(As one way of communication with Spirits as God or Angels to tell about that there is some one who wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and also to protect me, a machine or a toy which is useful with my residence was made around Year 1970 at my childhood, because what was said about the existence of Spirits as God or Angel was differently understood due to lots of real reasons, such as my age or eastern area or traditional religions regardless of the contents of religions or etc and also due to the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels whom Saint Mary and Joseph could not know the fact of their conception by (the power of) Spirits as God or Angels and only Abraham to Apostle John had been seen to the cognition of human beings with some phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angel, such as a vision of a Dove who came down to Jesus. But, it was destroyed by a man due to some reasons, such as the dignity of human bieng and the world of human being and social customs and so on,
Who took the machine or the toy during my sleep at my childhood? What was the man's name and the son of the man? Where was the place?
The existence of the machine or the toy was told to someone in order to protect me and the machine or the toy, but it was taken by someone who knew it. If he took the machine or the toy, it was just the activity of steal from me and from what Spirits as God or Angels would do with me during my life for the welfare and salvation of mankind. So, I gave some idea and chance to the
man in order to avoid his sins and crimes, 'If the son of the man works with me or help me to do my works or at least to support me to do my works or especially help me to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, it could be cooperation, but if not, it could be just the activity of steal from me and from what Spirits as God or Angels would do with me during my life for the welfare and salvation of mankind.
As far as I knew, he should be religious man of certain religion which is not related to the existence of Spirits as God or Angels but related to realization or spiritual status of human being.
So,there were some words about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels; The identity of Spirits as God or Angels is not related to human being and human being's soul. Human being cannot be Spirits as God or Angels by one's own physical spiritual efforts in this world and also after human being's soul leave one's dwelling physical body in next world. If you can meet or communicate with Spirits as God or Angels like me or like someone in The Bible, it can be easily
found out.
However, it is not easy for you to meet and communicate with Spirits as God or Angels like me or like someone in The Bible, because it is dependent upon Spirits as God or Angels and also you have wrong concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though you have some concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels and also about the world after one's physical body's death. Especially, you do not distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. While you talk about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, you talk about the results of human being's physical spiritual activities and also human being's soul, especially based on human beings social concepts, such as region or religion or race or nation and so on.
Even though there are lots of chances to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through me, but you do not believe in my words and the phenomena through me by Spirits as God or Angels, because I am a child and you do not directly communicate with Spirits as God or Angels and you have different religion from Spirits as God or Angels and you have wrong concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though you have some concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels and also about the world after one's physical body's death. Especially, you do not distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. While you talk about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, actually you talk about the results of human being's physical spiritual activities and also human being's soul, Buddhism and Maoism and Confucianism and etc, especially based on human beings social concepts, such as region or religion or race or nation and so on. As far as I know, what Buddhism and Maoism and Confucianism and etc try to say is basically good about how to live and how to avoid sins or crimes and so on, but it is not related to the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, so there is some wrong concept about human being and human being's life and human being's sins or crimes and the world after human being's physical body's death and also the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, which will lead the lives of peoples to poverty, want, and indigence.
Right now, around Year 1970 at my childhood, my expression is not enough to tell about what I know about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels or your religions or etc and your misunderstandings about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels or your religions or etc. I will write about it around my age 40 Year 2005.
If you or your son want to have religion, you or your son to have any religion. but one thing to remember is that you or your son should distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. So, basically you have a religion based on The Bible or the contents of The Bible, whatever religion you or your son have due to some personal or social reason.
You can try to realize something about this world by your physical spiritual effots, and you can also believe in and pray to Spirits as God or Angels, and there is no conflict between them, because each one tells about each one's own area which is totally different from each other. What you pray to Spirits as God or Angels should be right and good and within the contents of 10 Commandments. Another thing to remember is that you should not commit sins or crimes to
oneself and other peoples regardless of whatever religion you have. If you do not know the contents of sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples, try to see the contents of 10 Commandments. Another thing to remember is that the world of Spirits as God or Angels is one regardless of all the things in this world and the world after human being's death is one, consisting of bad place and good place and unknown place, regardless of all the things in this world and the world of human being is one regardless of all the things in this world and so on. You can understand what I try to say, if you listen to my words without one's social religious positions and interests. More detail thing will be told around my age 40 Year 2005. You can understand what I try to say, if you listen to my words without one's social religious positions and interests. More detail thing will be told around my age 40 Year 2005.
Spirits as God or Angels have not name. There is no name about Spirits as God or Angels. But, the existence or name of Spirits as God or Angels is similar to 하늘(HaNl), 하늘님(HaNlNim), 하느님(HaNeoNim), 하나님과 천사님들(God and Angels), I AM, what The Bible tries to tell about,,,
BuCheoNim(부처님) is realized wise person who gets to know something about this world by one's own efforts or by meeting one of Spirits as God or Angels according to what peoples in this world try to say about BuCheoNim(부처님) and also what peoples know about BuCheoNim(부처님). Spirits as God or Angels traced the orgin of BuCheoNim(부처님) back to its beginning based on the information on the thoughts of peoples who want to know about the origin of BuCheoNim(부처님) and also on the information on the Buddhist Temples in lots of mountains.
It is not the issue of the name of religion nor the issue of eastern and western region. Try to know the contents of each religion based on what was said in The Books, 사서오경 노장사장 아함경 다라니경 팔만대장경 등등, and also try to understand what each religion's activities try to do.
Buddhist/Maoist/Confucianist/Korean Shaman,,,anyone in this world,,,can try to do what he/she try to do until he/she can meet Spirits as God or Angels or he/she can become the existence of Spirits as God or Angels who are existentially originally different from human being and human being's soul. The calm of mountain is good for meeting with and communicating with Spirits as God or Angels. But, one thing to remember is that he/she should have a mind toward the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, if he/she is not the case that Spirits as God or Angels select him/her in order to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels.
But, one thing to remember is that you or your son should distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. Another thing to remember is that you should not commit sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples regardless of whatever religion you have. If you do not know the contents of sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples, try to see the contents of 10 Commandments. Another thing to remember is that the world of Spirits as God or Angels is one regardless of all the things in this world and the world after human being's death is one, consisting of bad place and good place and unknown place, regardless of all the things in this world and the world of human being is one regardless of all the things in this world and so on. You can understand what I try to say, if you listen to my words without one's social religious positions and interests. More detail thing will be told around my age 40 Year 2005.
What alienation was made by someone in order to invoke the man to betray me or to attack me up to now?
Who made the machine or the toy? why was the life of battery 200 times? why didn't I mind the machine or the toy? The machine or The toy is just one of ways to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels to the concerned peoples. If human being can know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels really, his/her life can be changed by the change of one's mind toward one's life. Also. the existence of Spirits as God or Angels is not directly related to the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels but it can be a role or a sign or a signal to tell Spirits as God or Angels that there is some one who wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels.)
Many chances to dazzle or mislead me to do something which is not directly related to what I would have to do during my life had been given to some men under some thoughts which had made them to forget about oneself and human beings and and family and nation and race and the world after one's physical body's death and so on, even though they talked about oneself and human beings and and family and nation and race and the world after one's physical body's death and so on, till my age 40 around Year 2005 when I would write about the existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky based on my 40 years' experiences with communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels, which is one of promised times with the world of Spirits as God or Angels after around Year 1970 in order to check whether to tell Spirits as God or Angels by the power and method of Spirits as God or Angels is possible like in the contents of The Bible or not, such as Year 1986 or from Year 20010816 through Year 2005 upto now or Year 2030 or Year 2050, because my words and the phenomena about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels had not been understood as what I had tried to say as it is during several years at my childhood,,,
If there is something that is against the contents of The Bible in the above or in my writings, you can tell about it at any time. Thank you for your patience and kindness.
The Film Scenario Of Ten Production.
Right now ‘www.hdjpia.com’ is not my website nor my domain since several years ago during my writings for the existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels,
누들, Noodle,
Some of the following were written in Korean Language.
1970도에는 기생충과 누들이 비슷하게 보일 때가 있었다. 기생충이 살아 있는 누들처럼 보일 때가 있었다. 왜? 어떻게 그런 현상이 가능했을까?
내가 대한민국에서 태어나서 아주 어릴 때 잠시 국내외 여행을 하고 그 과정에 내가 태어난 곳에서 신의 세계, 즉 THE WORLD OF SPIRITS AS GOD OR ANGELS과의 교통과 동행 및 그 실존에 대한 증거를 해야 한다고 내가 태어난 곳으로 돌아온 후 대한민국에서 성장하고 있는 나에게 기생충을 신기한 듯이 보고 있으니 내가 잠시 살았던 곳에서는 무엇이라고 표현을 하는지 물어서 대화를 하는 중 언급된 말이었다. 나에 대한 사람들의 반응에 대한 대화 중 내가 잘난 것만 제외하면 사람들이 거리를 두는 이유를 물으니 이런 저런 말을 한 사람과, 사회마다 다르지만 K가 하나만 있어도 달갑지 않아 하는 사람이 있는데 K가 두 개 세 개나 되고 거기에 사람의 영역이 아닌 하늘의 세계의 일까지 겹치니 이곳 지역에서는 금시초문의 일이고 감당이 되지 않아서 그렇다는 말을 하기에 나도 다른 아이와 동일하게 각자 자기의 말을 하듯이 나도 나의 말을 하는 것인데 이해가 되지 않는다고 말을 하니 그 말을 이해하는 사람도 있고 그런 말에 대해서 이유 없는 반감이나 적대감을 가지고 있다는 페스탈로찌와 같은 교육 철학을 가진 사람과, 닮은 사람인지 몰라도 자신의 생각으로 사는 사람들 중 하나였고 그래서 다수의 고초 아닌 고초를 겪고 있는 사람들 중 하나였던 것처럼 보이는데 본인은 그렇지 않다는 말을 하는 사람과의 대화에서 언급된 말이다.
정치 종교 활동을 하면 각자의 이해 관계나 영리 추구와 맞는 사람만 보는 것이 아니라 불 특정 다수의 사람들을 만나게 되고 대화를 하게 되니 사람으로서의 스스로의 정치 종교에 대한 견해와 이해는 가지고 있어도 사람으로서의 자신의 생각을 버려야 한다고 말을 하고 사람으로서의 인성을 버려야 한다고 말을 하니 그 말이 와전이 되어서 생각 = 사람 = 해야 할 일들 또는 인생이란 말로서 사람으로서 자신의 해야 할 일들을 막고 인생을 파괴하는 행위로 나타나고 그런 것을 정치 활동 종교 활동이라고 명명하는 네트워크 활동도 3-40년 동안 있으니 있을 수 있는 일이다.
사람이 이 세상의 생명체이듯이 기생충 또한 이 세상의 생명체에 불과하고 사람의 육체와 기생충은 이 세상의 물질의 개념을 가지고 있데 기생충과 하나님의 세계와의 교통이나 동행과 무슨 관련이 있을까?
In the similar situation;
The mentioned movies are just for examples to explain the concerned situations, which have been possible by the power of Spirits as God or Angels like the instant spatial movements and conversations with the concerned peoples and some situational activities from my hometown in South Korea to lots of places in this world from country area to Kingdom area and from remote place to big city and from farming fishing wood area to technical monetary political area in a dream, or in a cubic moving talking visionary form transformed from soul or real physical body, or in a real physical body, or combination of some types, in my writings of the volume of more than 300 books since Year 2004, most of which are related to telling the existence of Spirits as God or Angels based on my actual phenomena from the world of Spirits as God or Angels and also based on my true life story since Year 1965 in this earth, and some of which are related to the linguistic knowledge,,,So, it could not be led to the bad effects on the concerned movie and actors and actresses.
The boy was not hungry in the day due to some water, but the boy was hungry in the night, and it was not lie.
What was the situation?
She left the city, and I gave her a chance, but she misused the chance wrongly,
Are you Chinese? No! Are you Japanese? No! Which country is your country?
Kor, Korea, AhHa Korea,
I came from Korea? How could you come to here? We came to here by the power of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and she followed me to come to here. Is there any one who can know me? Is there any one who can believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky or is there any one who needs some proof activity for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? May be you can do something to prove my existence and words in here when I was a child. Do you know where Korea is?, or can you think where Korea is with some remarkable building or image or scene? – what was our gesture for this conversation? – Try to think the location in your thought or mind or brain for Spirits as God or Angels in the sky to know the location for my movement from here? Can you see Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? No! May be it is no good situation. For example, if you can see something related to Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, you might be in test situation!
Can you move the knowledge in her brain into my brain? Impossible? Why? She is a woman and I am a man. How about just knowledge? You had better learn something by yourself by studying or during conversation, because,,,
In the front of window, Come to Seoul in Korea in Year 2005 to see me with your food or your clothes or sleeping bag, I will tell something about Heaven and Spirits as God or Angels in the Heaven, and my name is JungHeeDeuk.
Who was some one who tried to play my role as a man who met Spirits as God or Angels in the Heaven in order to tell the identity of Spirits as God or Angels in the Heaven as that of CJ VP HK,,,?
감독 아일레트 메나헤미
출연 밀리 아비탈 / 바..
장르 드라마
열흘 밤의 꿈 (2008)
Ten Nights of Dreams / 夢十夜드라마
In the similar situation;
The mentioned movies are just for examples to explain the concerned situations, which have been possible by the power of Spirits as God or Angels like the instant spatial movements and conversations with the concerned peoples and some situational activities from my hometown in South Korea to lots of places in this world from country area to Kingdom area and from remote place to big city and from farming fishing wood area to technical monetary political area in a dream, or in a cubic moving talking visionary form transformed from soul or real physical body, or in a real physical body, or combination of some types, in my writings of the volume of more than 300 books since Year 2004, most of which are related to telling the existence of Spirits as God or Angels based on my actual phenomena from the world of Spirits as God or Angels and also based on my true life story since Year 1965 in this earth, and some of which are related to the linguistic knowledge,,,So, it could not be led to the bad effects on the concerned movie and actors and actresses.
How and When? In a dream or in a visionary world or in a form of vision or in a real physical body?
The cat is impressive, The cat is impressive,
The dance and sculpture is impressive in the 6th corner. It is similar to the case of the power of Spirits as God or Angels; if I use keyboard, someone else feel that something invisible tap his physical body on certain part, when there is a promised communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels, such as a machine for the purpose of it, and also there is someone who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and to have belief in Spirits as God or Angels in the sky.
One thing to remember to prevent someone from committing sins or crimes which will lead to Hell is that the power of Spirits as God or Angels cannot be performed, even though there is a promised communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels, such as a machine for the purpose of it, and also there is someone who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and to have belief in Spirits as God or Angels in the sky.
Anybody can communicate with me about the relation between promised communication method and the contents of The Bible.
Some of the following were written in Korean Language.
옴니버스 110 분 12세 이상 관람가 2008.12.18개봉
감독 시미즈 다카시 야마시타 노부히로 니시카와 미와 ..
출연 마츠야마 켄이치 / 토다 에리카 / 코이즈미 쿄코 / ..
국가 일본
제작사 -
수입사 -
배급사 시네마 밸리
일본의 천재 감독들은 이런 꿈을 꾸었다.
나츠메 소세키에게 보내는 100년 동안의 러브레터.
첫 번째 밤_사랑하는 여자를 잃고 재회를 꿈꾸는 남자이야기
두 번째 밤_깨달음을 얻기 위해 번민하는 사무라이와 그에게 깨달음을 강요하는 선승 이야기
세 번째 밤_눈이 먼 아이를 버리려고 숲 속을 배회하는 아버지의 광기에 관한 이야기
네 번째 밤_불가사의한 노인에게 이끌려 미지의 세계로 떠나는 순진무구한 아이들의 여행 이야기
다섯 번째 밤_사랑하는 남자에게 가기 위해 질주하는 여자와 그를 막으려는 여자의 혈투
여섯 번째 밤_뛰어난 조각가를 보고 자신도 마음 속에 인왕상을 새기려는 남자 이야기
일곱 번째 밤-허식과 외로움을 견디지 못하고 배에서 몸을 던지는 남자 이야기
여덟 번째 밤-시공을 넘나드는 집필에 고민하는 소세키의 이미지
아홉 번째 밤_전쟁터에 나간 남편의 무사함을 기원하는 아내 이야기
열 번째 밤_아름다운 여자를 쫓아갔다 짐승들과 사투를 벌였던 남자 이야기
“나는 내 글을 백대까지 전하려는 야심가일세.”
일본 근대 문학의 거장 ‘나쓰메 소세키’의 동명 소설을 영화화!
<열흘 밤의 꿈>은 기발하고 독특한 10개의 꿈 이야기를 다룬 걸작으로, 데스노트 제작진이 소설 발표 100주년을 기념해서 만든 영화이다.
나쓰메 소세키는 생전에 지인에게 편지를 보내면서 ‘나의 글은 지금 사람들이 이해할 수 없으며, 지금으로부터 100년 후에나 이해할 수 있다’고 언급했다. 그로부터 100년 후, 일본 최고의 감독들과 최고의 신예 배우들이 참여한, 일본인이 가장 사랑한다는 작가에게 보내는 오마주이다. 10개 의 각기 다른 오묘하고 신비스러운 이야기 일부는 작가 자신의 꿈 이야기이며 일부는 지인들의 꿈 이야기로 10개의 에피소드는 정말 이것이 같은 작품으로부터 나온 영화들인가 할 정도로 각기 다른 장르들을 보여 준다.
<열흘밤의 꿈>은 일본 근대문학의 거장의 작품과 다양하고 재미있는 연출, 환상적인 비주얼, 신예배우들과 최고의 감독들의 열연이 어우러져 벌써부터 그 기대감들 고조시키는 영화다.
열흘 밤의 꿈에 7번째 밤을 애니메이션으로 연출한 캐릭터 디자이너 아마노 요시타카는 개구리 왕눈이, 파이널 판타지, 독수리 오형제 등의 작품에 참여한다.
감독; 시미즈 다카시 야마시타 노부히로 니시카와 미와 이치가와 콘 아마노 요시타카 짓소지 아키오 카와하라 마사아키 마츠오 스즈키 시미즈 아츠시
출연&스텝; 마츠야마 켄이치 (츠구미 역) / 토다 에리카 (츠구미 역) / 코이즈미 쿄코 (츠구미 역) / 카시이 유우 (소세키 아내 역) /야마모토 코지 (사무라이 역) / 이치카와 미카코 (사무라이 역) / 아베 사다오 (사무라이 역) / 우지키 츠요시 (사무라이 역) / 마츠오 스즈키 (?e켄 역) / 나카무라 우메노스케 (스님 역) / 호리베 케이스케 (소세키 역)
각본; 이노즈메 쉬니치 니시카와 미와 시미즈 다카시 토요시마 케이스케
'English. Book,' 카테고리의 다른 글
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