For your coffee time;
I would be funny story, if you read the Bible without the sicial historical human life activities of Abraham to Apostle from Pregnancy to Death.
Just for your coffee time; It would be funny story, if you read the Bible without sicial historical human life activities of Abraham to Apostle John from Pregnancy to Death.
자우림, 봄날은 간다,
<object id='skplayer' name='skplayer' width='480' height='412' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase=''><param name='movie' value='|17396251/20071008201000269929871001' /><param name='allowFullscreen' value='true' /><param name='x-x-allowscriptaccess' value='always' /><param name='wmode' value='transparent' /><embed src='|17396251/20071008201000269929871001' wmode='transparent' x-x-allowscriptaccess='always' allowFullscreen='true' name='skplayer' width='480' height='412' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' /></object>
Some of the following were written in Korean Language.
뮤직비디오를 보는 중 연관되거나 연상된 것에 대한 말이니,
입과 입에 만드는 오해에 연루되어서 당사자에게 피해를 끼치지 않기를,
(The concerned facts have been said by recollecting something during watching Music Video, so I wish the following words could not be led to the bad results of the concerned peoples.)
어울리는 장면의 그곳은 언제 어디메뇨,
직장 생활을 하고 있을 당시로서 어떻게 나타났고 어떤 모습이었을까?
법정 진술의 증거나 증명 방식으로 확인 가능한 일로서 나의 어린 시절 10여 년 동안 및 the world of Spirits as God or Angels과 관련하여 the world of Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 글을 쓰게 될 2005년 무렵까지, 물련 1986년도 및 20010816일 등에 잠시 기억을 되찾은 것 제외하고, 망각 아닌 망각의 시간에 있게 될 동안에 발생한 일로서,
물론 the world of Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 알고 싶은 사람에게 말을 하기 위한 방법으로 나와 the world of Spirits as God or Angels 사이의 약속된 의사 소통의 방법 및 그 기계에 의해서 발생한 일로서,
그리고 붉은 스카프의 여인이 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 몇 번째의 조우였을까?
Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 마음이 열려 있는 여인이었을까 아니면 이런 저런 일로서 나와 연관이 되었지만 나의 활동에 문제를 야기시키고 있는 여인이었을까?
그리고 그 옆의 '시간과 공간의 정지'의 화신이 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 특히 나에 대해서 알고 있는 것처럼, 물론 충청도란 말과 연관이 되어서, 한 말은 무엇이었을까?
환영을 보는 것이나 the world of Spirits as God or Angels의 현상과 관련되어 사람이 알 수 있는 경우와 없는 경우 등에 대해서 사람의 인지 능력 및 사람의 상식 선에서 내가 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 또한 환영을 보는 것이나 the world of Spirits as God or Angels의 현상 및 신앙 생활과 관련하여 한 말들은 무엇이었고 신앙 생활에 관련된 여러 요소들이 있지만 사람이 사람과 더불어 살고 있고 사람의 지식 과학 물질 문명 등은 계속 발달하여 이런 저런 유혹에 휩쓸리기 쉬우니 스스로를 지키기 위한 것이 많으므로 신앙 생활의 본질적인 요소와 관련하여 심플하게 한 말은 무엇이었을까? 현재의 종교 분야에서, 특히 성경과 관련된 분야에서, 가중 중요하게 추구할 바로서 말을 한 것은 무엇이었을까?
(As one way of communication with Spirits as God or Angels to tell about that there is some one who wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and also to protect me, a machine or a toy which is useful with my residence was made around Year 1970 at my childhood, because what was said about the existence of Spirits as God or Angel was differently understood due to lots of real reasons, such as my age or eastern area or traditional religions regardless of the contents of religions or etc and also due to the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels whom Saint Mary and Joseph could not know the fact of their conception by (the power of) Spirits as God or Angels and only Abrahman to Apostle John had been seen to the cognition of human beings with some phenomena by the power of Spirits as God or Angel, such as a vison of a Dove who came down to Jesus. But, it was destroyed due to some reasons, such as the dignity of human bieng and the world of human being and so on, by a man who try to call 'Sister' as 'Prostitute' 'ChangNeo' due to one of social customs which tells that woman should not meet many men except for only one man whom she will marry.
Who took the machine or the toy during my sleep at my childhood? What was the man's name and the son of the man? Where was the place?
The existence of the machine or the toy was told to someone in order to protect me and the machine or the toy, but it was taken by someone who knew it. If he took the machine or the toy, it was just the activity of steal from me and from what Spirits as God or Angels would do with me during my life for the welfare and salvation of mankind. So, I gave some idea and chance to the man in order to avoid his sins and crimes, 'If the son of the man works with me or help me to do my works or at least to support me to do my works or especially help me to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, it could be cooperation, but if not, it could be just the activity of steal from me and from what Spirits as God or Angels would do with me during my life for the welfare and salvation of mankind.
As far as I knew, he should be religious man of certain religion which is not related to the existence of Spirits as God or Angels but related to realization or spiritual status of human being.
So,there were some words about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels; The identity of Spirits as God or Angels is not related to human being and human being's soul. Human being cannot be Spirits as God or Angels by one's own physical spiritual efforts in this world and also after human being's soul leave one's dwellig physical body in next world. If you can meet or communicate with Spirits as God or Angels like me or like someone in The Bible, it can be easily found out.
However, it is not easy for you to meet and communicate with Spirits as God or Angels like me or like someone in The Bible, because it is dependent upon Spirits as God or Angels and also you have wrong concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though you have some concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels and also about the world after one's physical body's death. Especially, you do not distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. While you talk about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, you talk about the results of human being's physical spiritual activities and also human being's soul, especailly based on human beings social concepts, such as region or religion or race or nation and so on.
Even though there are lots of chances to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through me, but you do not believe in my words and the phenomena through me by Spirits as God or Angels, because I am a child and you do not directly communiate with Spirits as God or Angels and you have different religion from Spirits as God or Angels and you have wrong concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though you have some concepts about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels and also about the world after one's physical body's death. Especially, you do not distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. While you talk about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, actually you talk about the results of human being's physical spiritual activities and also human being's soul, Buddhism and Maoism and Confucianism and etc, especailly based on human beings social concepts, such as region or religion or race or nation and so on. As far as I know, what Buddhism and Maoism and Confucianism and etc try to say is basically good about how to live and how to avoid sins or crimes and so on, but it is not related to the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, so there is some wrong concept about human being and human being's life and human being's sins or crimes and the world afte human being's physical body's death and also the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels, which will lead the lives of peoples to poverty, want, and indigence.
Right now, around Year 1970 at my childhood, my expression is not enough to tell about what I know about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels or your religions or etc and your misunderstandings about the identity and world of Spirits as God or Angels or your religions or etc. I will write about it around my age 40 Year 2005.
If you or your son want to have religion, you or your son to have any religion. but one thing to remember is that you or your son should distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. So, basically you have a religion based on The Bible or the contents of The Bible, whatever religion you or your son have due to some persoal or social reason.
You can try to realize something about this world by your physical spiritual effots, and you can also believe in and pray to Spirits as God or Angels, and there is no conflict between them, because each one tells about each one's own area which is totally different from each other. What you pray to Spirits as God or Angels should be right and good and within the contents of 10 Commandments. Another thing to remember is that you should not commit sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples regardless of whatever religion you have. If you do not know the contents of sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples, try to see the contents of 10 Commandments. Another thing to remember is that the world of Spirits as God or Angels is one regardless of all the things in this world and the world after human being's death is one, consisting of bad place and good place and unknow place, regardless of all the things in this world and the world of human being is one regardless of all the things in this world and so on. You can understand what I try to say, if you listen to my words without one's social religious positions and interests. More detail thing will be told around my age 40 Year 2005. You can understand what I try to say, if you listen to my words without one's social religious positions and interests. More detail thing will be told around my age 40 Year 2005.
Spirits as God or Angels have not name. There is no name about Spirits as God or Angels. But, the existence or name of Spirits as God or Angels is similar to 하늘(HaNl), 하늘님(HaNlNim), 하느님(HaNeoNim), 하나님과 천사님들(God and Angels), I AM, what The Bible tries to tell about,,,BuCheoNim(부처님) is realized wise person who gets to know something about this world by one's own efforts or by meeting one of Spirits as God or Angels according to what peoples in this world try to say about BuCheoNim(부처님) and also what peoples know about BuCheoNim(부처님). Spirits as God or Angels traced the orgin of BuCheoNim(부처님) back to its beginning based on the information on the thoughts of peopels who want to know about the orgin of BuCheoNim(부처님) and also on the information on the Buddhist Temples in lots of mountains.
It is not the issue of the name of religion nor the issue of eastern and western region. Try to know the contents of each religion based on what was said in The Books, 사서오경 노장사장 아함경 다라니경 팔만대장경 등등, and also try to understand what each religion's activities try to do.
Buddhist/Maoist/Confucianist/Korean Shaman,,,anyone in this world,,,can try to do what he/she try to do until he/she can meet Spirits as God or Angels or he/she can become the existence of Spirits as God or Angels who are existentially originally different from human being and human being's soul. The calm of mountain is good for meeting with and communicating with Spirits as God or Angels. But, one thing to remember is that he/she should have a mind toward the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, if he/she is not the case that Spirits as God or Angels select him/her in order to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels.
But, one thing to remember is that you or your son should distinguish human being and human being's soul from Spirits as God or Angels in your thought and knowledge. Another thing to remember is that you should not commit sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples regardless of whatever religion you have. If you do not know the contents of sins or crimes to oneself and other peoples, try to see the contents of 10 Commandments. Another thing to remember is that the world of Spirits as God or Angels is one regardless of all the things in this world and the world after human being's death is one, consisting of bad place and good place and unknow place, regardless of all the things in this world and the world of human being is one regardless of all the things in this world and so on. You can understand what I try to say, if you listen to my words without one's social religious positions and interests. More detail thing will be told around my age 40 Year 2005.
What alienation was made by someone in order to invoke the man to betray me or to attack me up to now?
who made the machine or the toy? why was the life of battery 200 times? why didn't I mind the machine or the toy? The machine or The toy is just one of ways to tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels to the concerned peoples. If human being can know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels really, his/her life can be changed by the change of one's mind toward one's life. Also. the existence of Spirits as God or Angels is not directly related to the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels but it can be a role or a sign or a signal to tell Spirits as God or Angels that there is some one who wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels.)
Many chances to dazzle or mislead me to do something which is not directly related to what I would have to do during my life had been given to some men under some thoughts which had made them to forget about oneself and human beings and and family and nation and race and the world after one's physical body's death and so on, even though they talked about oneself and human beings and and family and nation and race and the world after one's physical body's death and so on, till my age 40 around Year 2005 when I would write about the existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky based on my 40 years' experiences with communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels, which is one of promised times with the world of Spirits as God or Angels after around Year 1970 in order to check whether to tell Spirits as God or Angels by the power and method of Spirits as God or Angels is possible like in the contents of The Bible or not, such as Year 1986 or from Year 20010816 through Year 2005 upto now or Year 2030 or Year 2050, because my words and the phenomena about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels had not been understood as what I had tried to say as it is during several years at my childhood,,,
If there is something that is against the contents of The Bible in the above or in my writings, you can tell about it at any time. Thank you for your patience and kindness.
The Film Scenario Of Ten Production.
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