English. Book,

How many things among scientist's thoughts and activities can be prove

정희득이본명이자가명 2008. 10. 2. 19:47

PRAYER 20080929


Spirits as God or Angels exists before this world, Spirits as God or Angels try to communicate with us up to now and forever since our existence in this world, but we have had a tendency to forget the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky as times have gone by, and our belief toward the existence of Spirits as God or Angels has been strong, when we have been in difficult situations.


Spirits as God or Angels do not deny the existence of human being, or the talent or the ability or the characteristics or etc of human being, because the existence of human being and this world begins from Spirits as God or Angels. The Bible has lots of words and expressions about human being and this world,


But, there are lots of expressions about human being and this world from some social religious positions in the society of church. Those expressions are enough to deny the importance of human being and this world. Why? Is it related to belief in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels or is it related to worshiping mind toward the existence of Spirits as God or Angels? Usually, those expressions are being misused by peoples who try to use other human beings, even other religious human beings. Believable Or Unbelievable, there are lots of think-tanks or planning which will try to put lots of believers in difficult social economical situations in the name of belief training, and also there are some human beings who act as if he/she is the management of believers, especially believers who has natural beliefs from the inside of oneself or Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, with money or social economical powers.


After we know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, or The Bible, the religious life as human being who do social activities is simple, and we cannot have the prayer responses from the existence of Spirits as God or Angels frequently, sometimes we need lots of religious activities to encourage and keep our belief, including sincere prayer to Spirits as God or Angels. However, those religious activities should not neglect the value or the importance or the social life or etc of human being whose origin began from the world of Spirits as God or Angels.


What is the difference among, the origin of human being, who comes from human beings, began from Spirits as God or Angels, or the origin of human being human, who comes from human beings, began from just, or the origin of human being human, who comes from human beings, began from monad or unicellular plant?


What is the difference among, human being with visible physical body, or human being with visible physical body and invisible soul in it? Human being's invisible soul can usually be cognized by watching oneself, and, long time later, several hundred years later near to 1,000 years, Human being's invisible soul can be cognized by scientific ways, if science can be developed to the level above human being's physical cognition.


To communicate with Spirits as God or Angels and to tell about it is one of natural rights of human being regardless of the cause and reason of it, and also to know Spirits as God or Angels and to tell about it is one of natural rights of human being regardless of the cause and reason of it, as human being has one's own experiences with internal and external phenomena and tells about it. or as human being tells about the natural phenomena which is invisible and is caused by the external phenomena.


How many things among scientist's thoughts and activities can be proved in a way of scientific ways to other peoples?







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