Prayer 20080924
Spirits as God or Angels exist before the creation of the universe,
All the existences including human beings have existed since the creation of the universe, As The Bible or 10 Commandments of The Bible or Jesus had said, human has one's life with one's physical body in this earth and also one's life as a existence of soul after death of one's physical body,
All the activities of human being in social life are not against belief. nor a life as believer, In the era of Moses, even Moses lived one's life with communications with Spirits as God or Angels and other peoples lived their lives with their beliefs. In the era of Jesus, even Saint Mary or Joseph or Jesus lived one's life according to one's missions with communications with Spirits as God or Angels.
The name of Moses itself did not have any almighty power. The name of Saint Mary or Joseph or Jesus itself did not have any almighty power. It is similar to the name of prophets in The Bible.
Why could some miracles happen in the name of Jesus in the era of Jesus? How may times had the name of Jesus been called and how many times had some miracles happened in the era of Jesus? Had there been miracles, whenever the name of Jesus had been called here and there?
In the era of Jesus, the world of Spirits as God or Angels had tried to say the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through Baptist John, Saint Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the disciple of Jesus. Saint Mary conceived a child of the Holy Spirit. Saint Mary and Joseph got to know her conception of the Holy Spirit through Spirits as God or Angels. Jesus had performed lots of miracles by the power and decision of Spirits as God or Angels, while traveling with Spirits as God or Angels who came down to Jesus in the vision of Dove. (It is not strange that Spirits as God or Angels could come down to Jesus or any other prophet in the vision of Dove or in any other vision or in any other phenomena about 2,000 years ago or also in these days. How long time had the vision of Dove by Spirits as God or Angels been appeared in the sight of peoples? The cognizable vision of Dove or any other cognizable vision or any other cognizable phenomena is mainly to tell the existence and appearance of Spirits as God or Angels in this world.) Spirits as God or Angels had traveled with 70 men or other believers or Jesus’ disciple, who had believed and followed Jesus, through Jesus, as it can be seen patriarch through patriarch in the era of the patriarchal age.
Baptist John, Saint Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the disciple of Jesus was a kind of promised name who would do heavenly missions with Spirits as God or Angels in the era of Jesus about 2,000 years ago. That might be one of the reasons Jesus said himself as a King of Jew. So, if peoples believed in Jesus and so on or what Jesus and so on tried to say, the power of Spirits as God or Angels could be easily performed through Jesus and so on Believable or unbelievable, long time ago, in the beginning of this world, Jew was the name of peoples who could communicate with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky.
Even though human being communicates with Spirits as God or Angels, human being is human being who has physical muscle, bone, function, metabolism, and physical death during the process of birth, growth, illness, and death. Jesus died on the Cross by spilling or shedding or letting of blood. It is not the issue of being prearranged by the world of Spirits as God or Angels or not. It is just related to the characteristics of physical body.
The disciple of Jesus or the followers of Jesus about 2,000 years ago can call Jesus as Lord, because the expression of Lord can be used between human beings in the days of 2,000 years ago.
Lord is an expression for relation. Jesus is the name of the child who was being conceived in Mary of the Holy Spirit. What Jesus had said and performed is in The Bible. The physical body of Jesus might be disappeared during Spirits as God or Angels who came down to Jesus in the cubic living vision of Dove went back to original existential identity as Spirits as God or Angels in cubic living vision of Jesus, or The physical body of Jesus might be disappeared, as times went by. The soul of Jesus is in the world after human being’s physical death. Spirits as God or Angels who came down to Jesus in the cubic living vision of Dove went back to original existential identity as Spirits as God or Angels in cubic living vision of Jesus and have existed in the sky or in the heaven or in the space, as other Spirits as God or Angels have existed in the sky or in the heaven or in the space. Christ is the role of Jesus, as it can be seen in the role of prophets.
If we know the name of a prophet, Baptist John, Saint Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the disciple of Jesus, it would be better for the person who cannot directly know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky by himself/herself, and also the name of a prophet, Baptist John, Saint Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the disciple of Jesus was a kind of promised name for the heavenly missions with the world of Spirits as God or Angels regardless of the real names of a prophet, Baptist John, Saint Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and the disciple of Jesus, which were known to the world of Spirits as God or Angels. But, it would be for the purpose to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky through other human being’s communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels during one’s whole life and also to know what Spirits as God or Angels try to say through other human being and, as a result of it, to know how to live.
If Spirits as God or Angels have physical existences like human being’s physical body, Spirits as God or Angels should be basically exposed to the eyesight of human being. Even though Spirits as God or Angels can appear and disappear from the viewpoints of human being’s eye sight, the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels should be seen to the eyesight of human being, regardless of where Spirits as God or Angels exist.
If someone really respects a Priest, he/she can try to respect a Priest, but, Do not harm other peoples in the name of The Bible and Saint Mary and Christ Jesus. Do not steal the possessions of other peoples in the name of The Bible and Saint Mary and Christ Jesus. Do not lie to other peoples in the name of The Bible and Saint Mary and Christ Jesus. Do not commit a fraud on other peoples in the name of The Bible and Saint Mary and Christ Jesus. Money does not come from Heaven or Priest or Jesus or even Spirits as God or Angels who were with Jesus or land.
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.
But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit
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