편지(Letter)와 사명

1969's Intel and IBM and Microsoft,,,had better read the blogs for God and God's work through prophet.

정희득이본명이자가명 2019. 12. 5. 18:15

1969's Intel and IBM and Microsoft,,,had better read the blogs for God and God's work through prophet.

(보완 2) 장애물개척전차 내년부터 도입비금속지뢰 탐지기도 완비 계획


(보완 2) 오늘의 댓글 20191203_’록펠러(Rockefeller)와 하늘의 하나님(God: Spirit)의 일


(보완 3) 1965년도부터 2019년 지금 현재까지 1억평의 땅이란 기부금을 대신하는 것으로서 언급된 3,333,333개의 부동산 중 1개도 받은 것이 없습니다.


(보완 3) 본인 정희득에게 전달해야 할 여의도의 금융회사로부터의 5장의 신용카드를 사용한 사람들과 그 대금을 지급한 사람들이 알아야 할 것은,,,


(보완 3) 본인 정희득에게 전달해야 할 여의도의 정책들을 사용한 사람들이 알아야 할 것은,,,


(보완) 법원 "1562억원 증여세 취소하라"…이재현 CJ 회장 사실상 승소(종합)



The History Of CPU:




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Busicom (Busicom was a Japanese company that owned the rights to Intel's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, which they created in partnership with Intel in 1970.  Busicom asked Intel to design a set of integrated circuits for a new line of programmable electronic calculators in 1969.[1][2] In doing this, they spurred the invention of Intel's first microprocessor to be commercialized,[3] the Intel 4004. Busicom owned the exclusive rights to the design and its components in 1970 but shared them with Intel in 1971.[4]  Two companies have done business as "Busicom" over the years; the Nippon Calculating Machine Corp, Ltd and subsequently Broughtons & Co.(Bristol) Ltd of the UK. Tadashi SasakiRobert NoyceTed Hoff, Federico Faggin,,,)(Who said it to me, 정희득(JungHeeDeuk/JeongHeeDeuk/JeongHuiDeuk/) who was born in Year 1965, in DeokMyeongRi of HaiMyeon of GoSeongGun of GyeongSangNamDo of South Korea that Busicom asked Intel to design a set of integrated circuits for a new line of programmable electronic calculators in 1969? Which one is first between God's Prophecy through me, 정희득(JungHeeDeuk/JeongHeeDeuk/JeongHuiDeuk/) who was born in Year 1965, and  the fact that Busicom asked Intel to design a set of integrated circuits for a new line of programmable electronic calculators in 1969?)