영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

In Bloom,

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 2. 29. 16:16


In Bloom,

The following is not directly related to the movie. I wish Your No Misunderstanding about it.

The Phrase that 'I Wish Your No-Misunderstanding' does not mean the right of Mr No to misunderstand my words or what I have said about what has happened to me from invisible, inaudible, intangible, non-physical-material, living God and Angels in the heaven.

I wish there is not your misunderstanding about some expressions for God and Angels or for Heaven.

I wish the expression that God has no physical body should not be translated into the expression that God has Mr No's physical body.

I wish the expression that God has no name should not be translated into the expression that God has Mr No's name.

I wish the expression that No Space in the sky for physical body's heaven should not be translated into Mr No’s Space in the sky for physical body's heaven.

I wish the expression that 'I Do No Game' should not be translated into the expression that I do Mr No's game.

The expression that 'I Do No System' should not be translated into the expression that I do Mr No's System.

As far as my religious activity and political activity are concerned, I do no game, I do no system, I do no joke, I do no play, I do no show, I do no lie,,,. DO DO DO,,,NO NO NO,,,

The expression that 'I Do No Game' should not be translated into the expression that I do Mr No's game.

The expression that 'I Do No System' should not be translated into the expression that I do Mr No's System.

As what happened in Southern Part of South Korea around Year 1970, the fact that I could see the living cubic vision of Kingkong or Monkey or Gorilla or any other animal in the sky above Mr No's left shoulder during my conversation with two men who could be called as Mr Kim and Mr No was not related to any the theory  of  evolution about the origin of mankind, even though there was a man in that area who wanted to know the origin of mankind.

The living cubic vision of Kingkong or Monkey or Gorilla or any other animal in the sky above Mr No's left shoulder was just reflection of the thought of Mr No, who wanted to know about something about religions and the world of God and Angels in the sky, in a way of vision, because Mr No heard that I could happen to communicate with God and Angels in the sky but the identity of God and Angels in Korea seemed to be similar to that of God and Angels in The Bible instead of that of God and Angels in Korean Traditional Religions.

But, it cannot be regarded as power competition among believers or among religions or among God and Angels in religions, because the relation between the world of God and Angels and mankind is not related to the name of religion or to any other social reason but related to the relation between the world of God and Angels and mankind, and because God and Angels do not have physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept.

What I said about the theory of evolution at my childhood was that mankind evolves from mankind, because mankind remembers what happens to mankind and mankind comes from mankind.

Try to disable or harm some one and his life according to the story of movie or to verification on the truth of some one's words about God and Angels is just one of personal, social crimes.


Where have you been today?

I was in the space.

What have you seen in the space?

There was only dark and sometimes there was light in the spot.

How can you be in the space, because human being cannot be in the space as far as we know by science?

I was in the space like the inside of bloom in the space. I was in Bloom in the space. Sometimes something that only I can know  comes to me from Heaven and takes me to some place, which is not here and which is far away from here, such as foreign and universal and so on. Why? Is it ridiculous to say about it?

As far as I know, you slept.

No, I awoke, before you came to me. It does not take long time for me to go to some place, which is not here, and to come back here. May be it can happen, while you come to my house from your house. How long does it take for you to come to my house from your house on feet? It can happen during that time.

Sometimes it can happen in the dream.

Sometimes vision can happen around me and I am in the inside of vision. I do not know how it look like, because I can see only what I can see with my eyes.

Sometimes it can happen to me in the real physical world by something in heaven that only I can know.

Anyway, it happens through my real physical body.

인 블룸 (2007)

The Life Before Her Eyes

스릴러, 드라마 | 미국 | 90 분 |

개봉 2008-09-25 | 

홈페이지 해외 www.lifebeforehereyes.com/


감독; 바딤 페렐만

출연; 우마 서먼 (다이애나 맥피 역), 에반 레이첼 우드 (어린 다이애나 역), 에바 아무리 (모린 역), 가브리엘 브레넌 (엠마 맥피 역), 브렛 컬렌 (폴 맥피 역

충격의 교내 총기난사사건!

˝한 명만 쏠거야. 누구를 죽일지 너희가 선택해!!˝

15년 후, 그때의 절박했던 생명협상의 순간이 다시 찾아온다!

열정적이고 반항적인 여고생 다이애나(에반 레이첼 우드)와 반대로 모범적인 모린(에바 아무리)은 서로 둘은 없는 단짝친구. 그들은 어느 날 교내에 총을 들고 와 무차별 난사 중인 한 남학생에 의해 둘 중 한 명만 살아 남겨 주겠다는 기막힌 제안에 부닥치게 된다.

그로부터 15년이 지난 후 남편과 사랑스런 딸 엠마와 함께 단란한 가정을 이루고 살고 있는 성인 다이애나(우마 서먼). 하지만 그녀는 워인 모를 불안과 공포, 위기의 순간에 쌓여있고 서서히 그녀에게 충격적인 결말이 그 내막을 드러낸다.