편지(Letter)와 사명

The mind-reading power of God and Angels in NL

정희득이본명이자가명 2011. 6. 18. 04:15

The mind-reading power of God and Angels in NL

What was the purpose to attend to know the existence and identity of Unidentified Living Beings in sky or in Heaven over Korean Peninsula through mind-reading power which has happened through me by the power of Unidentified Living Being, which was held on the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001, as it was said in Year 1965-76 of my childhood or in the middle of Year 1986? To deny the contents of my current writings? To take pies from current social religious activities by misusing it? To defraud Copyright or Sales Right or Contribution or other economical value by using the number of peoples, who were related to knowing mind-reading power of God and Angels through me, and by using the fact that results would have been proved by me in these days, and by using the fact that the existential origin of God and Angels or the miracles of God and Angels cannot be proved in a way of mankind's physical material concept?

If there is anyone who can give the communication ability between mankind and God or Angels in the sky to other person by one's own will, and if there is anyone who thinks that what I have said since my childhood has been caused by any other one's religious phenomena, he or she had better talk about it to me before there is some accident which will be related to national law.

If there is anyone who has decided against what I will have written about the existence and identity of Unidentified Living Beings in sky or in Heaven over Korean Peninsula based on what has happened to or through me, and also if there is anyone who has decided against contribution to publish books and to produce movies, he or she had better solve it. To destroy the concerned's life or to prevent what the concerned has to do is another crime from the viewpoint of mankind, social law, and also the work of God and Angels.

The Below Book Data is related to the trial to know the mind-reading power of God and Angels through me and the existential identity of God and Angels over Korean Peninsula as a result of it, which happened on the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001 in SA Building in Seoul City, regardless of how to understand the concerned situation.

However, I do not know about the lady from the viewpoint of mankind's personal information and also social information, because the mind-reading power of God and Angels is related to the certain thought which is for the mind-reading power of God and Angels, when God and Angels try to tell about the existence and identity of God and Angels through mind-reading power of God and Angels. Of course, believable or unbelievable, it is different from the mind-reading power of God and Angels which happens to soul of mankind in the Heaven after the death of physical body of mankind. Especially, it does not happen in the way of mankind's thought or desire or life or physical material, because usually many peoples do not like the exposure of one's thought and personal information to other peoples or even to God and Angels, even though many peoples can live enough to go to Heaven by one's own will, as The Bible says about it.

The problem is that mankind cannot cognize the existential origin of God and Angels in a way of physical material concept of mankind even in this situation, which had been told in the middle of Year 1986 and in the period of Year 1965 through Year 1976, or even in the situation of miracle is being performed by the power of God and Angels, which can be seen in Chapter 5 of Mark in The Bible.

Christ Jesus' walking on the surface of water cannot be performed by the physical body of Christ Jesus and it can be guessed through the words and activities of Christ Jesus in The Bible, but mankind cannot see the owner of power which enable Christ Jesus to walk on the surface of water even in that situation, because God and Angels do not have physical material body of physical material concept of mankind.

The contents of my current writings and what I have written since Year 2004 cannot be caused by the ability of my physical body or by my intellectual intelligence, and it can be proved in a way of mankind, if peoples read the contents of my current writings since Year 2004, especially if peoples think it had been said in Year 1968~70. But, mankind cannot see the owner of power which enable me to remember and write about what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels in front of computer which is in the libraries in Seoul City and Suwon City, because God and Angels do not have physical material body of physical material concept of mankind.

The fact that the dead body of mankind becomes earth and also there is no more thought which comes from living physical body of mankind due to its death cannot prove the truth or the false of the mind-reading power of God and Angels after the death of physical body of mankind. Why?

The fact that all the momentary thoughts and activities of mankind cannot be written in a way of life and death book by God and Angels cannot prove the truth or the false of the mind-reading power of God and Angels after the death of physical body of mankind. Why?

If so, How can we prove the fact that mankind can be exposed to their activities during whole life in this earth after the death of one's physical body which has been related to sinful activities in this world and also the death of thought which has been related to the mind-reading power of God and Angels in this world?

The meditation or The prayer in quiet place is one way to know oneself and soul over the physical material factors.

All the thoughts and activities of mankind cannot be explained in a way of physical material concept and characteristics of mankind, either.

Mankind cannot create oneself. Mankind cannot create even a tree nor unicellular[one-celled; single-cell] animal[plant].

Mankind cannot be evolved from unicellular[one-celled; single-cell] animal[plant]. It can be proved in a way of mankind, even though it cannot be proved in a way of scientific knowledge.

Mankind cannot be evolved from Monkey and other animals which has similar genetic map or chromosome map to that of mankind. It can be proved in a way of mankind, even though it cannot be proved in a way of scientific knowledge.

There has been communication between mankind and God or Angels since the beginning of this earth.

The communication between mankind and God or Angels cannot be proved in a way of physical material concept of mankind nor in a way of time schedule of mankind nor in a way of social concept of mankind. But, the communication between mankind and God or Angels can be proved in a way of mankind, because it usually happens through the physical body of mankind and it can cognized through 5 senses of physical body of mankind with the help of power of God or Angels, such as vision or zoom-in or a kind of fluoroscopy or etc., and because it happens in the place where there is a person who can talk about the communication between mankind and God or Angels, or etc.

He or she had better talk about it to me and solve it by himself or by herself before there is some accident which will be related to national law, if some groups has misused the contribution, which has been intended to help me to write my current writings during 5~6 years and also to publish those writings into books and movies, according to each one's own understanding and decision about 1) The Bible, 2) other religions, 3) what I have said since my childhood, 4) the fact that I will write about what has happened to or though me from God and Angels since my childhood after a lapse of time of 30 years about my childhood since Year 1977 and after a lapse of time of 30 years when I cannot regard what has happened to or through me from God and Angels as that of God and Angels, 5) a case of prophet in these days in South Korean, 6) a case of The Bible in these days in South Korea, 7) writing of book like The Bible, 8) writing books in a volume of several hundreds of books during 5~6 years from around Year 2005 by using a machine which can write like a mankind's hand writing by mankind's tapping, 8) the life schedule up to the time when I write about God and Angels, as I said at my childhood,,,,

To deny the truth of my current writings by my life schedule up to now, such as school up to university or National Defense Duty or economical activity or etc. , it can be a fraud by National Law.

To deny the truth of my current writings by the places where I have appeared to in a dream or in a vision or in a way of the 4th phrase of Chapter 9 of Mark of The Bible or in a way of instant movement of physical body by the power of God and Angels, such as Buddhism's temple, Muslim's temple, mountain and so on, it can be a fraud by National Law.

To deny the truth of my current writings by the contents of my conversations with other peoples or by my linguistic expressions, it can be a fraud by National Law.

To deny the truth of my current writings by my activities, such as drinking or smoking or eating or working in company and so on, it can be a fraud by National Law.

To deny the truth of my current writings by the result of set-up to check miracle by the power of God and Angels who can help me to remember and write about what has happened by the power of God and Angels in front of computer in libraries in Seoul City and Suwon City, it can be a fraud by National Law.

To deny the truth of my current writings in name of The Bible or in the name of Christ Jesus or in the name of Saint Mary or in the name of Asia or in the name of science, it can be a fraud by National Law.

To deny the truth of my current writings in the dignity of Vatican or Church or 신학대학교, it can be a fraud by National Law.

If there is someone who wants to talk about the truth of my current writings, it should be based on the contents of my current writings and also based on the contents of The Bible and also the contents of other religions. If not, it can be a fraud by National Law.

If there is some who wants to prove the truth of my current writings, I should be there also.

The Film Scenario

2011. 5. 28


도서관에서의 자료 신청에 관련된 심령관찰, 2001. 8. 16,

1 文學春秋;1964-6     文學春秋社 [편] 文學春秋社 1964-06-01 087-108-2 연속간행물실

2 文學春秋;1964-9     文學春秋社 [편] 文學春秋社 1964-09-01 087-108-3 연속간행물실