영(靈,Spirit)과 사명


정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 9. 13. 14:28




If there is anyone who really wanted to know the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit) through mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit) in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001 or before. you can know something about it in the http://q.freechal.com/hdjpia99-동영상; 신앙, 종교와 선행지식 and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/과 즐겨찾기에 등록된 블로그 1, 2 , 3. But, if you try to test and verify it in your own verification method toward me based on some miracle or some phrase in The Bible and also what I have said since my childhood of Year 1965-77, you cannot know it. Why?

For example, there are many things to think about mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit), because the host of mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit) is not mankind of flesh, bone and blood but God and Angels(Spirit), and it happens between mankind as physical existence and God and Angels as Spirit. and there is many information in mankind's brain by eyes' detection, ears' hearing and body's feeling, and mankind consists of soul(or spirit) and physical body and so on. Anyway, mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit) is to read the thought of mankind at that moment of mind-reading of God and Angels(Spirit). So, when we say about the result of mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit) in August 16 of Year 2001, we can know only the thoughts of the concerned peoples at that moment of mind-reading of God and Angels(Spirit) in August 16 of Year 2001. We cannot know any other things, especially about anything related to human being and society which have been caused by the lives of mankind.

Mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit) is one way to tell that God and Angels(Spirit) exist, because mankind cannot know the existence of God and Angels(Spirit) due to the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit), even though God and Angels(Spirit) appear to mankind and have a conversation with mankind in a way of telepathy, vision, and any performance of power which is called as miracle. Mankind cannot create mankind and this solar system and this universe, and also there have been lots of communications and proof activities between mankind and God and Angels(Spirit).

Therefore, mind-reading power of God and Angels(Spirit) does not happen in that way of certain mankind's set-up test and verification situation to verify the truth of someone who has said about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit) based on what has happened to oneself from the power of God and Angels(Spirit). While God and Angels(Spirit) appear to me and travel with me, there will be mind-reading situation by God and Angels(Spirit) to tell that God and Angels(Spirit) exist and God and Angels(Spirit) happen to appear to me. But, if someone tests it in one's own way, it does not work so.

When God and Angels(Spirit) appear to me, God and Angels(Spirit) try to tell about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit) for mankind through me by using the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit). However, there are many limitation and barriers on it. When there are proof activities between mankind and God and Angels(Spirit), God and Angels(Spirit) do not read and study The Bible which talks about God and Angels(Spirit), but a prophet including Christ Jesus and his disciples read and understand The Bible, God and Angels(Spirit) try to tell about God and Angels(Spirit) by one's own performance of power and in one's own existential way, which can be guessed in The Bible.

Even though you send some special person who can help me to publish  book, to produce movie, and so on from my current 5-6 years' writings which is the result of what has happened to/through me by the power of God and Angels(Spirit) since my childhood of Year 1965-77, it may not be led to my cognition by the power of God and Angels(Spirit). Why?

It makes many curiosities that there have been 30 years' lapse of memory about it as one way to prove my relation with God and Angels(Spirit) and also the power of God and Angels in The Bible and there have been many phenomena through me by the power of God and Angels(Spirit) in the place where I have been during 30 years' lapse of memory.

If you try to test me in order to know the truth of my words and my relation with God and Angels(Spirit) by setting up situations and peoples surrounding me, you cannot get what you want from me from God and Angels(Spirit) except for your wrong decision and your hindrance on other one's life as a result of it. If you try to believe in my words about God and Angels(Spirit) and the existence of God and Angels(Spirit), relatively lots of phenomena happen to be made through me by God and Angels(Spirit) and you happen to directly experience it, while God and Angels(Spirit) sometimes appear to me during my life.

Even though there are key words to get someone's mind to help me in this kind of set-up since August 16 of Year 2001 or Year 1986 or Year 1965-77, the appearance of God and Angels(Spirit) to me is not fixed nor managed nor manipulated nor controlled by mankind's own will, and even though God and Angels(Spirit) appear to me, it cannot led to mind-reading power toward the key words to get someone's mind to help me by God and Angels(Spirit). Why? I am human of physical body and soul, and I cannot know what other peoples have planned for me. God and Angels(Spirit) try to say God and Angels(Spirit) by one's own performance of power and in one's own existential way, which can be guessed in The Bible. 

If you have sent the concerned peoples from all over the world to work with me and to help me and to become my witness or testifier since Year 1970, he/she had better refer to http://q.freechal.com/hdjpia99-동영상; 신앙, 종교와 선행지식 and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/과 즐겨찾기에 등록된 블로그 1, 2 , 3, and then he/she had better find out one's own things to do. I have written about God and Angels(Spirit) during recent 5-6 years, as I have said during my childhood of Year 1965-77, but the concerned situation has been changed in lots of ways by someone's alienating words who imitated someone in The Bible by misunderstanding on the contents of The Bible.

If there is something that you want to talk to me about, you can talk to me verbally or in written words or in Korean or in English.

However, as it mentioned in many ways, if I talk about the current situation related to my writings about what has happened to/through me from God and Angels(Spirit) since my childhood of Year 1965-77, I have to find out some ways to publish books and to produce movies and to do missionary works by myself, because there have been misunderstanding about me, my words, my careers up to now, and what has happened to/through me from the power of God and Angels(Spirit) since 1965 due to the concept of eastern western region, and because there have been misunderstanding about my political activity from My Age 40th to My Age 60th including presidential election as a person who have to prove the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit) by what happen from the power of God and Angels(Spirit).

As one of the most important things,

Basically, God and Angels(Spirit) try to tell about God and Angels(Spirit) through selected person in one's own existential way and by one's own performance of power, while selected person lives one's life as one of mankind in this world. If there are peoples of Chapter 2 or 4 of Acts of The Bible and peoples try to believe in my words about God and Angels(Spirit) and the existence of God and Angels(Spirit) in the mind to know God and Angels(Spirit) by experiencing some phenomena made by the power of God and Angels(Spirit), it will be good to help it and there will be relatively lots of phenomena from God and Angels(Spirit), but the peoples try to test it based on one's own social religious status or the peoples try to deny my words about God and Angels(Spirit) due to social economical political religious reasons, it can be led to really bad influence on it. However, there is not many proper organizations which can support it in these days of speed and complexity and expense.

The Film Scenario

2010. 9. 10.