안녕, 형아, 부록,
안녕, 형아, 부록,
(The following situation had happened around Year 1970 during conversations between a kind old aged person, who was called as grandmother or grandfather, and a child, so, the expression! cannot be the same one, and also there might be lots of help for linguistic expression! and also religious knowledge from the viewpoint of human being's knowledge about this world except for real physical non-physical phenomena from the power of the world of Spirits as God or Angels, which has happened by the own will of Spirits as God or Angels and also by the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels,,,)
Sorry, I did not know that you are in here.
Did it hurt? Did you get hurt? Do you feel hurt? No. I did not know you fall down to me from sky.
I came through sky or by the instant spatial movement from Kin,,,of Eng,,,by the power of Spirits as God or Angels. Space shuttle made by the power of Spirits as God or Angels landed on the sky above your head and I got off it and I met you. Can you see space shuttle, something to carry away, which was made by the power of Spirits as God or Angels?
May be, do you know anyone who knows me? Do you believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? Or, is there anyone who wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? one of your ancestors believes in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? His belief in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and his efforts to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is worthwhile to do it or is worth doing it.
However, do not risk your life to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, because to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is to make you and other peoples to live well happily according to one’s own talents abilities characteristics interests hobbies and so on with other peoples, and do not risk your life to do even something in this world, because Spirits as God or Angels exist regardless of anything in this earth, and regardless of whatever you say about Spirits as God or Angels, and everything is with you and other peoples with your life. Each one has to live one’s life till the end of one’s life. When you live, you can know and believe and tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and also repent one’s sins or crimes. You know that you should not commit sins or crimes. However, you should protect yourself and your life and your fortunes and anything related to you from sins or crimes by other peoples. If you need some principle for your life, try to understand and realize the contents of 10 Commandments of The Bible.
Everyone knows it even by one’s wisdom. However, the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is true, as you can know it by your own wisdom, if you read it, and also my appearance in front of you in this place by the power of Spirits as God or Angels tells about it.
What was his answer?
What other conversations were made?
How did he think about my talks about my traveling with Spirits as God or Angels as a little child from
What place do you know or can you think about
What was the answer?
What country and place do you know and think in
I am going this way now and you try to think about in your brain or in your heart or in your soul?
And God will read it and take me to the place in order to tell you the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. If we do not take this kind of procedure, you cannot know or remember what has happened to you by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, because you can see only me as a little child. Can you understand me a little? I wish you should telephone someone in Kin,,,of Eng,,,and tell him about my appearance in and disappearance from like UFO. God will remember you and God also try to tell the concerned person about this situation.
What else was said and what happened in there and who had been there?,,,,,,
--- in
What's your role?
What can you do for me?
How long can you be with me?
Is there anything for you to do?
What kinds of benefits have been given to you?
Do not commit sins or crimes to anyone due to nation or race or family or especially past story, because sins or crimes are just sins or crimes, because you thought and activity are your thought and activity, i.e. each one’s thought and activity are each one’s own thought and activity.
Try to think about yourself and your thought and your activity. Can you remember from when yourself and your thought and your activity existed in this world? Can you remember who can be yourself with your face your tall your fat you style and so on, and who think your thought, and who act your activity,,,in each moment during one’s daily life from waking up to sleeping or during one’s life from pregnancy to one’s physical body’s death?
Even though there is some trouble with you, try to talk about the current issue first, and then try to tell it to public organization instead of personal sins or crimes.
However, if you are in the situation of someone's attack, and there is no way for public organization to settle it, and then you should try to defend yourself. To protect yourself and your life and your fortune is basic activity for your life.
To be victimized by criminal is just to be victimized. Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth is not for revenge oneself on criminal but for preventing criminal and other peoples from committing further sins and crimes also. To love is to love, but if you love someone, you cannot harm or attack someone and you cannot steal someone’s fortune and you cannot lie to someone also.
To revenge oneself on someone is also just one’s sins or crimes and it cannot be to revenge oneself on someone, because the 3 persons’ activities are each one’s own activities. You are in here and your sons or daughters are in other places. You and your sons or daughters do each one’s daily doings and each one does not know what each one does in each moment. So, if you commit sins or crimes, your sins and crimes are your own sins and crimes.
For the understanding of the No. 4 of 10 Commandments, or the contents of The Bible, you should know that Spirits as God or Angels have or live the live of Spirits as God or Angels and human beings have or live the lives of human beings, and there sometimes happen communications with and traveling with between I and Spirits as God or Angels to tell the truth of the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, and there sometimes happen sins or crimes among human beings.
Right now, as a little child who cannot read the contents of The Bible, even though I can have conversations with other peoples about Spirits as God or Angels and the contents of The Bible, I do not know why were those kinds of expressions said by Spirits as God or Angels who are not directly related to the lives of human beings in this earth or even to the destruction of the earth. Dirt is dirt, and wood is wood, and stone is stone, and iron is iron, that’s all. However, if one thing sure is that Spirits as God or Angels does not follow all the daily lives of all the human beings. Even for the case of Abraham to
So, the No. 4 of 10 Commandments can be understood as the fact; if someone makes an idol for oneself in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below, he/she bows down to them or worship them, and the he/she gets to lose how to live in one’s life as human being who was created as human being who is similar to Spirits as God or Angels, and he/she gets to commit sins or crimes for one’s desires money and so on, and it leads to the destruction of one’s life in this earth and also in next world, and it leads to the destruction of the lives of one’s children and so on.
To say about The Bible in one word is not easy neither good way to have conversation about The Bible. That is one of the reason I do not try to say about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in an order of Some Power Man in this world, so you have to understand and realize the meaning of the contents of The Bible, as you had better believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels by your own physical metal spiritual logical intellectual experienced understanding about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and also about religious life in order to prevent one from committing sins or crimes. The destruction of one’s life is not directly related to wealth and social position and social status, because to steal money from someone or some place without the concerned’s notification and punishment on it can be led to the welfare of the thief in this earth sometimes, but it also can be led to the destruction of someone’s life and also to the destruction of the thief’s life at any time in this earth and to the thief’s hard life in next world.
To have desires money and so on is no problem, but the key point is how to achieve it. Stone is stone, but if someone bows down to stone or worship stone which can do nothing and exists as it exists without any thought and activity, it can be led to lots of unreasonable thoughts and activities of human being with human being’s ridiculous stupid activity. Human being is Number one Existence among physical existences in this earth, but if human being bows down to them or worship stone, how can it be ridiculous stupid?
(As a comment which had been said around Year 1970,
when there was some one who asked me to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple with lots of purpose, I asked ‘To Whom’ ‘For What’ of the person, with the words; Spirits as God or Angels are with me. There is no reason to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple. Spirits as God or Angels are not in/above BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in
When there was some one who asked me to hit BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple with lots of purpose, I asked ‘Why’ ‘For What’ of the person, with the words; Spirits as God or Angels are with me. There is no reason to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple. Spirits as God or Angels are not in/above BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in
When there was some one who asked me to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple with lots of purpose, and when I bow down to Statue, it was not related to religious issues but it was just an actor to tell that to bow down to Statue to tell something in test situations is not related to worshiping idol but is just for a bow to tell something in test situations. As everybody knows it, statue is statue and human being is human being whose activity is not any related to statue, but one’s continual bow to statue as a kind of ceremony will be led to worship idol and gets to lose how to live in one’s life as human being who was created as human being who is similar to Spirits as God or Angels, and he/she gets to commit sins or crimes for one’s desires money and so on, and it leads to the destruction of one’s life in this earth and also in next world, and it leads to the destruction of the lives of one’s children and so on.
Try to put the name of realized person, such as SeokGaMoNi or DalMaDaeSa or WonHyouDaeSa or UiSangDaeSa or SaMyungDaeSan or etc, in the front of statue with the realized knowledge, such as AHamGyung or DaRaNiGyung or PalManDaeJangGyung or etc., in order to prevent the statue from becoming a kind of living idol to a human being and to make peoples to think the statue as just dirt or wood or stone or iron or etc. It is really important for the live of human being and also for the future of our nation which has really good nature. It is not the issue of eastern and western countries.)
For the understanding of the No. 5 of 10 Commandments, or the contents of The Bible, you should know that Spirits as God or Angels have or live the live of Spirits as God or Angels and human beings have or live the lives of human beings, and there sometimes happen communications with and traveling with between I and Spirits as God or Angels to tell the truth of the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, and there sometimes happen sins or crimes among human beings.
To tell about right or wrong about some issue may be good for the development of one's ability and knowledge,,,But according to what you have tried to tell me up to now, you seem to try to make some-right-or-wrong case which can be led to interfere with someone's social activities and life from 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.', based on some lies which have been made by uncertain peoples who have hostile attitude toward religion or religious person, especially religious person who talk about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible, or a member of King.
First of all, as you can see me, who has the same physical with other human beings, with your eyes, I am human being whose words are not regarded as those of human beings in here (south) Korea and whose words can be recorded as books in other regions and which will lead to possession of some land.
Sometimes, a kind of communication and other phenomena have been made from Spirits as God or Angels, when I am alone or when I have conversations with other peoples to tell about Spirits as God or Angels, like wth you right now, and it is totally dependent upon Spirits as God or Angels. There is nothing for me to affect or influence it.
Do you know why? I am a little child whose words are not regarded as those of human beings in here (South)
May be someone tries to call me with one of some expressions in The Bible in order to tell the fact that Spirits as God or Angels communicates with me and travels with me in order to tell the chances for some one to know Spirits as God or Angels indirectly or in any other way, because Spirits as God or Angels are invisible-visible inaudible-audible intangible-tangible even to me and Spirits as God or Angels are non-material and Spirits as God or Angels can pass through physical materials in this world. This problem will be solved, if the knowledge and science of human beings have been developed well enough to cognize the existence of Spirits as God or Angels partially. However, the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels are non-material, and Spirits as God or Angels always cannot be cognized, and Spirits as God or Angels can be cognized, only when Spirits as God or Angels appear to the scope of science of human beings.
Anyway, why can it be a problem to you? When someone say himself as Some expressions in The Bible, if it is related to sins or crimes from the society of human beings, it can be said to the social law and any other public regulation, and if it is related to sins or crimes from the world of Spirits as God or Angels, it can be handled by Spirits as God or Angels in this world or at least in next world after one's physical death.
To tell Spirits as God or Angels is one of lots of things in this world. So, nobody can say Yes or No about it, because it happens to human being as one of lots of phenomena in this world and it is not related to harming peoples nor stealing the possessions of peoples nor lying to peoples. It is just related to telling the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and how to live as human being without committing sins or crimes between human beings. Basically, to tell Spirits as God or Angels is one of lots of things in this world does not demand money or any other possession or any other social thing forcibly,,,the problem is that Spirits as God or Angels cannot be proved in the way of physical science or physical cognition up to now, especially by the will of ourselves. However, there will be lots of phenomena and results of the power of Spirits as God or Angels, which can be reasonably guessed by our own cognitional abilities.
Even though there has been some creation in this world from the world of Spirits as God or Angels, nothing can be seen about creation but there will be new thing or creature by chance. Sometimes something may be created in some area without
Believable Or Unbelievable, if possible, I, not I as human being but I Spirits as God or Angels traveling with me in the sky, will try to demolish all the things related to this world in this earth to prevent peoples from committing sins or crimes, which happen due to telling something that one know and that is not lie,,,what is this?
But, do not worry about it, nobody will be hurt due to it. We, not We as human being but We Spirits as God or Angels traveling with me in the sky, do not kill anyone, as it has been said lots of times. We just create something and demolish something .
Do you the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
What was his answer?
To know the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
You can tell me about the person but there is some condition.
I can do it by myself, if you say some condition about telling me the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
Is there anyone who can tell the location of the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
What else was said and what happened in there and who had been there?,,,,,,
--- in the playground of Elementary School of 안녕, 형아, ---
sofa regulation,
'나야 나',
Who is '나야 나'?
Who can say '나야 나' in this world?
Who is this tall guy who follows me?
What is his role to harm me or not?
Do you believe in what I say about Spirits as God or Angels? You will know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels during my life, if you believe in me and my words and what I say about Spirits as God or Angels and the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. All my says about Spirits as God or Angels are very reasonable thinkable scientific logical, even though you cannot know it directly physically materially like physical material in this earth.
The combination of two types of persons, each part is normal. If it had been done by the power of Spirits as God or Angels to tell about my identity around age 40, Year 2005, can it be believable or not? How many issues had been said about my identity around age 40, Year 2005?
Sorry, I did not know that you are in here.
Did it hurt? Did you get hurt? Do you feel hurt? No. I did not know you fall down to me from sky.
I came through sky or by the instant spatial movement from Kin,,,of Eng,,,by the power of Spirits as God or Angels. Space shuttle made by the power of Spirits as God or Angels landed on the sky above your head and I got off it and I met you. Can you see space shuttle, something to carry away, which was made by the power of Spirits as God or Angels?
May be, do you know anyone who knows me? Do you believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? Or, is there anyone who wants to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? one of your ancestors believes in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky? His belief in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and his efforts to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is worthwhile to do it or is worth doing it.
However, do not risk your life to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, because to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is to make you and other peoples to live well happily according to one’s own talents abilities characteristics interests hobbies and so on with other peoples, and do not risk your life to do even something in this world, because Spirits as God or Angels exist regardless of anything in this earth, and regardless of whatever you say about Spirits as God or Angels, and everything is with you and other peoples with your life. Each one has to live one’s life till the end of one’s life. When you live, you can know and believe and tell the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and also repent one’s sins or crimes. You know that you should not commit sins or crimes. However, you should protect yourself and your life and your fortunes and anything related to you from sins or crimes by other peoples. If you need some principle for your life, try to understand and realize the contents of 10 Commandments of The Bible.
Everyone knows it even by one’s wisdom. However, the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is true, as you can know it by your own wisdom, if you read it, and also my appearance in front of you in this place by the power of Spirits as God or Angels tells about it.
What was his answer?
What other conversations were made?
How did he think about my talks about my traveling with Spirits as God or Angels as a little child from
What place do you know or can you think about
What was the answer?
What country and place do you know and think in
I am going this way now and you try to think about in your brain or in your heart or in your soul?
And God will read it and take me to the place in order to tell you the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. If we do not take this kind of procedure, you cannot know or remember what has happened to you by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, because you can see only me as a little child. Can you understand me a little? I wish you should telephone someone in Kin,,,of Eng,,,and tell him about my appearance in and disappearance from like UFO. God will remember you and God also try to tell the concerned person about this situation.
What else was said and what happened in there and who had been there?,,,,,,
--- in
What's your role?
What can you do for me?
How long can you be with me?
Is there anything for you to do?
What kinds of benefits have been given to you?
Do not commit sins or crimes to anyone due to nation or race or family or especially past story, because sins or crimes are just sins or crimes, because you thought and activity are your thought and activity, i.e. each one’s thought and activity are each one’s own thought and activity.
Try to think about yourself and your thought and your activity. Can you remember from when yourself and your thought and your activity existed in this world? Can you remember who can be yourself with your face your tall your fat you style and so on, and who think your thought, and who act your activity,,,in each moment during one’s daily life from waking up to sleeping or during one’s life from pregnancy to one’s physical body’s death?
Even though there is some trouble with you, try to talk about the current issue first, and then try to tell it to public organization instead of personal sins or crimes.
However, if you are in the situation of someone's attack, and there is no way for public organization to settle it, and then you should try to defend yourself. To protect yourself and your life and your fortune is basic activity for your life.
To be victimized by criminal is just to be victimized. Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth is not for revenge oneself on criminal but for preventing criminal and other peoples from committing further sins and crimes also. To love is to love, but if you love someone, you cannot harm or attack someone and you cannot steal someone’s fortune and you cannot lie to someone also.
To revenge oneself on someone is also just one’s sins or crimes and it cannot be to revenge oneself on someone, because the 3 persons’ activities are each one’s own activities. You are in here and your sons or daughters are in other places. You and your sons or daughters do each one’s daily doings and each one does not know what each one does in each moment. So, if you commit sins or crimes, your sins and crimes are your own sins and crimes.
For the understanding of the No. 4 of 10 Commandments, or the contents of The Bible, you should know that Spirits as God or Angels have or live the live of Spirits as God or Angels and human beings have or live the lives of human beings, and there sometimes happen communications with and traveling with between I and Spirits as God or Angels to tell the truth of the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, and there sometimes happen sins or crimes among human beings.
Right now, as a little child who cannot read the contents of The Bible, even though I can have conversations with other peoples about Spirits as God or Angels and the contents of The Bible, I do not know why were those kinds of expressions said by Spirits as God or Angels who are not directly related to the lives of human beings in this earth or even to the destruction of the earth. Dirt is dirt, and wood is wood, and stone is stone, and iron is iron, that’s all. However, if one thing sure is that Spirits as God or Angels does not follow all the daily lives of all the human beings. Even for the case of Abraham to
So, the No. 4 of 10 Commandments can be understood as the fact; if someone makes an idol for oneself in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below, he/she bows down to them or worship them, and the he/she gets to lose how to live in one’s life as human being who was created as human being who is similar to Spirits as God or Angels, and he/she gets to commit sins or crimes for one’s desires money and so on, and it leads to the destruction of one’s life in this earth and also in next world, and it leads to the destruction of the lives of one’s children and so on.
To say about The Bible in one word is not easy neither good way to have conversation about The Bible. That is one of the reason I do not try to say about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in an order of Some Power Man in this world, so you have to understand and realize the meaning of the contents of The Bible, as you had better believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels by your own physical metal spiritual logical intellectual experienced understanding about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels and also about religious life in order to prevent one from committing sins or crimes. The destruction of one’s life is not directly related to wealth and social position and social status, because to steal money from someone or some place without the concerned’s notification and punishment on it can be led to the welfare of the thief in this earth sometimes, but it also can be led to the destruction of someone’s life and also to the destruction of the thief’s life at any time in this earth and to the thief’s hard life in next world.
To have desires money and so on is no problem, but the key point is how to achieve it. Stone is stone, but if someone bows down to stone or worship stone which can do nothing and exists as it exists without any thought and activity, it can be led to lots of unreasonable thoughts and activities of human being with human being’s ridiculous stupid activity. Human being is Number one Existence among physical existences in this earth, but if human being bows down to them or worship stone, how can it be ridiculous stupid?
(As a comment, when there was some one who asked me to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple with lots of purpose, I asked ‘To Whom’ ‘For What’ of the person, with the words; Spirits as God or Angels are with me. There is no reason to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple. Spirits as God or Angels are not in/above BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in
When there was some one who asked me to hit BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple with lots of purpose, I asked ‘Why’ ‘For What’ of the person, with the words; Spirits as God or Angels are with me. There is no reason to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple. Spirits as God or Angels are not in/above BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in
When there was some one who asked me to bow down to BulSang, which is just the Statue made by iron and is not related to anyone who may realize the truth about human being and human being’s life and this world, in Buddhist Temple with lots of purpose, and when I bow down to Statue, it was not related to religious issues but it was just an actor to tell that to bow down to Statue to tell something in test situations is not related to worshiping idol but is just for a bow to tell something in test situations. As everybody knows it, statue is statue and human being is human being whose activity is not any related to statue, but one’s continual bow to statue as a kind of ceremony will be led to worship idol and gets to lose how to live in one’s life as human being who was created as human being who is similar to Spirits as God or Angels, and he/she gets to commit sins or crimes for one’s desires money and so on, and it leads to the destruction of one’s life in this earth and also in next world, and it leads to the destruction of the lives of one’s children and so on.)
to be complemented,,,
Do you the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
What was his answer?
To know the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
You can tell me about the person but there is some condition.
I can do it by myself, if you say some condition about telling me the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
Is there anyone who can tell the location of the place of DeukMyungRi HaiMyun GoSeongGun GyungSangNamDo in
What else was said and what happened in there and who had been there?,,,,,,
--- in the playground of Elementary School of 안녕, 형아, ---
sofa regulation,
'나야 나',
Who is '나야 나'?
Who can say '나야 나' in this world?
Who is this tall guy who follows me?
What is his role to harm me or not?
Do you believe in what I say about Spirits as God or Angels? You will know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels during my life, if you believe in me and my words and what I say about Spirits as God or Angels and the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. All my says about Spirits as God or Angels are very reasonable thinkable scientific logical, even though you cannot know it directly physically materially like physical material in this earth.
The combination of two types of persons, each part is normal. If it had been done by the power of Spirits as God or Angels to tell about my identity around age 40, Year 2005, can it be believable or not? How many issues had been said about my identity around age 40, Year 2005?
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