이런 곳 이런 죽음
This Kind Of Death In This Kind Of Place,
실제로 죽지도 않았는데 마치 죽은 것처럼 만드는 것의, 이 핑계 저 명분으로 사회적으로 고립을 시켜서 시간의 경과와 더불어 사회 활동을 막고 발언권을 박탈하게 하는 것과 같은 사회 활동 방식의, 궁극적인 목적은 무엇일까? 그것도 타고난 재능이나 능력이나 끼 등이 탁월해 보이는 사람을 상대로 애국 애족, 가문, 대를 위한 소의 희생, 대리 정치, 위임 정치, 이상 실현, 볼모,,,등등 어디선가 새로 편찬한 사전의 의미로 조직적인 삶의 침해가 발생하는 사회 활동 방식의 궁극적인 목적은 무엇일까? 아래의 장소들은 라이프 스토리를 통해서 글을 작성하고 있는 당사자도 실제로 발생한 현상들을, 실제의 공간 이동이라고 생각을 하든 환영이나 꿈이나 상상력에 의해서 만들어진 스토리라고 생각을 하든 실체가 있는 현상들을, 언급을 하는 것 외에 달리 말을 하기 힘든 믿거나 말거나 현상들에 의해서 나타났다가 또 사라진 곳들 중 일부이다. 그렇지만 아래의 장소들에서 나를, 즉 나를 알고서 본 것이 아니라 외국인들 중 한 사람으로서 나를, 보았던 사람들 중 일부는 나의 존재 자체를 전혀 모르고 내가 대한민국에서 왔다가 대한민국으로 다시 돌아간 사실 자체도 전혀 모르고 단지 가끔 해외 토픽에서나 볼 수 있는 것과 같은 현상들로 내가 사라지게 되는 것만 보니 내가 실종된 것과 같이 생각을 할 수도 있을 것이다.
(아래의 영어 문장은 상기 내용의 번역은 아님. The following sentences are not the translation of the above contents.)
Why have these kinds of deaths been said just in words by using actual accidents, or by using the scenarios of movie and drama, or by using the contents of novel and comic strips, as if I or other peoples died in order to make me or other peoples to isolate from social activities and existences?
What kind of words have been said by face-to-face conversations among the concerned peoples about life or movie or the existence of Spirits as God or Angels or the situations which have made it possible for me and my traveling companions to appear in and disappear from some places whose locations are not known to I and my traveling companions or the situations which have made it possible for some images of I and my traveling companions to stand in the sky like some images of Movie ‘Dragon Ball’, while traveling around from this place to that place in the worldwide by unknown phenomena up to now, believable or unbelievable, such as instant spatial movement, vision, dream, etc by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, or by the actual transportation? If peoples consider my social careers up to now since Year 1986, such as a duty of National Defense(30 months), University Student(Year 1984~1991), High School Teacher(Year 1992), Works in the company(Year 1993~2003) Writing walking around here and there(Year 2003~),,,how could I and my traveling companions be those places in the world ?
How many times could I be regarded as being disappeared into the sky or into the other space or into the world of Spirits as God or Angels on the reason that my appearance could not be seen abruptly in those mentioned spots directly after I made several conversations about ‘Who are you?’ ‘Where we are?’ ‘How could we be here?’ ’Did you see the moment of our coming into this place?’ ‘No!’ ‘You are alone’ ‘Life’ ‘Movie’,,,certain persons on the spots, as if similar situations can be read in the story of taxi or ship or person by the worldwide topic regardless of its truth or not, when the phenomena of instant spatial movement, vision, dream, imagination caused by conversations or pictures, or whatever possible methods, or etc, could be possible from me by the power of Spirits as God or Angels which was caused by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood as one of methods to see the existence and the power of Spirits as God or Angels, until there will be actual proof by the method of the world of Spirits as God or Angels, according to my words and experiences or other’s words and expressions?
And what kind of words can be said from the persons who had several alien conversations and times with uninvited self-invited unbidden guest who appeared in those places and disappeared from those places in abnormal way, or in the-out-of-ordinary spatial movement among places, from (South) Korea? Disappearance from the viewpoints of the persons who saw me in the spots and had conversations with me and also got to know my disappearance from the spots where the incoming and outgoing of person can be surely visible to persons?
What kinds of phenomena was made in front of bathroom in my room in SinRimDong of Seoul City, when there were a kind of I-do-not-know-spatial movements from I-do-not-know-places where I tried to go to bathroom directly after I had conversations with certain persons whose image were similar to whom I saw somewhere? What kinds of words were communicated among my traveling companions in those situations? How many times were those situations? (This situation happened when I was in unmarried status and also nothing happened except for seeing or knowing or proving the existence and the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised between I and my travelling companions.)
Who were other persons of Mr. ELS near by my living house in order to use the abnormal spatial movements by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, (which was caused by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood as one of methods to see the existence and the power of Spirits as God or Angels), for political social purposes by saying as if those situations related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels is up to them, when there were a kind of I-do-not-know-spatial movements from I-do-not-know-places to my room in (South) Korea?
I do not know how I could move into the inside of bed during my sleeps at (South) Korea and also other persons’ sleeps at other regions by a kind of I-do-not-know-spatial movements among I-do-not-know-places, as those happenings were in lots of film productions or in lots of dangerous places, such as seas, lakes, waterfalls, cliffs, streets, railroads, mountains-covered-with-snow, rock-wall, building-construction-places, the place of The Movie ‘Sons Of The Wind / Les Fils Du Vent’, or in other lots of places, in this world. How many international or foreign persons were related to the situations of I-do-not-know-spatial movements into sleeping beds in I-do-not-know-places by the power of Spirits as God or Angels? How many races were related to a kind of I-do-not-know-spatial movements among I-do-not-know-places? I-do-not-know-spatial movements among I-do-not-know-places were possible for the representative races in the earth, including man, regardless of regions by the power of Spirits as God or Angels! (This situation happened when I was in unmarried status and also nothing happened except for seeing or knowing or proving the existence and the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised between I and my traveling companions.)
What was the reason to put the 3rd person or my traveling companion, when the power of Spirits as God and Angels would be performed by the promised method which was made between I and Spirits as God and Angels at my childhood about 30~40 years ago, even though the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels would not need the 3rd person or my traveling companion from the viewpoint of the power of the 3rd person or my traveling companion? What is the purpose or the goal of the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels to human beings in the world, which can be also guessed from The Bible?
When I and my traveling companions appeared in and disappeared from the concerned places by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, what kinds of images could the persons have seen through ME and my traveling companions by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, which had been performed through my traveling companions by the promised method between I and Spirits as God and Angels at my childhood? Why? For what kinds of political religious purposes or due to what kinds of orders from mysterious group did my traveling companions take some kinds of abnormal postures while moving around of this place and that place in this world?
Most of concepts in human societies have been made by human beings according to the passage of time and the development of mankind’s culture! When could mankind start to use the concept of communism as one way to solve social problems in political constitution? What have Spirits as God or Angels tried to say through 10 Commandments or 2 Commandments of Christ Jesus or lots of prophets or Christ Jesus or Conception by the Holy Spirit or Dwelling and Going of Spirits as God or Angels with human being or The Bible? What have Spirits as God or Angels tried to say the creation of this universe and all the things in it? Especially what kind of meaning have Spirits as God or Angels tried to say for human’s life with soul and flesh or human being’s right for one’s life or relation among human beings through the creation of this universe and all the things in it?
I really think the concerned persons for a kind of I-do-not-know-spatial movements from and to I-do-not-know-places in order to make some phenomena to know the existence or the identity or the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the power of Spirits as God or Angels which could be possible by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood, believable or unbelievable!
(아래의 영어 문장은 상기 내용의 번역은 아님. The following sentences are not the translation of the above contents.)
영화 촬영 장소들을 비롯하여 바다 호수 폭포 벼랑 도로 철로 설산 암벽 빌딩 공사장 영화 ‘야마카시’의 몇몇 장면 등과 같이 경우에 따라서는 위험할 수도 있는 곳들 등 전 세계의 이곳 저곳으로 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력으로, 즉 실제로 Spirits as God and Angels의 능력에 의한 것으로서 appearance and disappearance의 현상만 나타나 보이는 공간 이동에 의해서나 환영에 의해서나 꿈에 의해서나 사진을 본 것이 상상력으로 만들어지게 된 것에 의해서나 또는 (내가 나의 고향을 떠난 이후 지금까지 발생한 것들 중 나의 글들에서 언급이 된 곳들과 지금까지의 나의 사회 경제 활동만을 생각을 해도 현실적으로는 불가한 방법이니) 몇몇 유언비어의 말들처럼 CIA NSA의 작전 상황처럼 사람이 만든 교통 수단에 의한 것 등을 통해서, 다닐 수 있게 되었을 때 그런 상황들이 실제로 어떻게 발생을 한 상황이었고 또한 직접적인 당사자들이 아닌 사람들에게는 어떻게 이해가 될 수 있는 상황들이건 간에 나의 글들에서 대화 내용이 기록이 될 수 있을 정도로 해당 장소들에 있었던 당사자들과의 사이에 오고 간 일에 있었던 대화들이었고 그런 사실들에 대해서 감사하게 생각을 한다.
(아래의 영어 문장은 상기 내용의 번역은 아님. The following sentences are not the translation of the above contents.)
The following places are just some of places where only the appearance and disappearance of I and my traveling companions could be visible by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood and the ‘How’ and ‘By Whom’ about the phenomena was scientifically, cognizably, unrevealed to the mankind and also to the concerned persons who walked around due to each one’s own purposes, as mentioned in my writings.
주산지, 저수지에 빠져 죽고, Fallen into pond to death,
무건리, 계곡에 미끄러져 죽고, Slipped down ravine to death,
덕유산, 눈에 파묻혀 죽고, Covered with snow to death,
(제주도 외돌개의 바닷물에 빠져 죽고, Drowned to the death in the seashore of JeJu Island, OeDolGae,)
(해외의 어느 바닷가에서 빠져 죽고, Drowned to the death in the sea of foreign country,)
하룽베이에서 떠내려 가다 죽고, Fallen into river to death at HaRong Bay,
리비아 사막의 모래 폭풍에 파묻혀 죽고, Covered with sandstorm to death,
리비아 사막의 대수로 공사 때 폭파사고로 죽고, Died of bomb explosion at the construction place of water supply at Libya Dessert
고비 사막의 모래 언덕에 미끄러져 죽고, Slipped down sand hill to death in the Gobi Desert
아프리카 부족 전쟁 때 전사하고, Died of battle between tribes in Africa.
아프리카 추장 딸 성추행으로 사형 당하고, Sentenced to death due to disgraceful[shameful, scandalous] conduct the daughter of a chief of a tribe.
마추피추에서 보물 훔친 죄로 사형 당하고, Sentenced to death due to the case to steal the valuables or treasures of MaChuPiChu
세계 각국의 왕실에서 보물 훔친 죄로 사형 당하고, Sentenced to death due to the case to steal the valuables or treasures of Royal Palace in the world.
I do not know how many times I have died of criminals or murders or accidents or wars, which have existed in the scenario of movie and drama or novel or worldwide news, which I do not know and I have never been involved in.
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