영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

실종, A Different Loyalty, 2004,

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 11. 23. 12:13

실종 (A Different Loyalty, 2004)


제작국가 : 미국

개봉일 : 2007.02.16

장르 : 드라마/로맨스/스릴러

상영시간 : 102 분

등급 : 15세 이상 관람가

제작사 : 라이온스 게이트

배급사 : 라인트리 엔터테인먼트

출연 : 샤론 스톤 / 루퍼트 에버렛 / 마이클 코크레인

제작 : 루퍼트 에버렛



How could I appear in the front of actors or actresses in the practice for movies in lots of movie sets which are not in areas of my daily lives as student and army soldier and high school teacher and salaried man in big companies in South Korea? In a dream by someones speaking during my sleep? In a dream by the power of Spirits as God and Angels? In a vision by someones showing picture or something else? In a vision by the power of Spirits as God and Angels? By actual transportation such as airplane, ship, car, walk, and so on,,,? By the movement through space by the power of Spirits as God and Angels? How can be on the place which I do not know by the power of Spirits as God and Angels? By fake or by show with several frauds? If what I say seems to be a kind of fake, whats the purpose which cannot have any purpose or any profit or actual result, especially with the situations that what I say seems to be unbelievable even from believers in God and Angels?,,,?


Believable Or Unbelievable, how can I see some kinds of living moving pictures or visions of animals at my house of my hometown at my childhood, even though others cannot see or hear or touch anything about what I say?,,,?


How can I make conversations? How the conversations can be some kinds of questions and answers with the concerned scenes? In actual situations by real transportation such as airplane, ship, car, walk, and so on,,,? In actual situations by the power of of Spirits as God and Angels? In dreams by someones talking? In dreams by the power of Spirits as God and Angels? In visions by someones showing picture or something else? In visions by the power of Spirits as God and Angels? ,,,?


If the conversation is a just combination of each ones dialogue without partner, how can I know other peoples dialogues and also how can the conversation be story? My questions will be same, even though the concerned movie sets had been in Korea. As far as I know, the natural environments had not been those of Korea.




Short Comments For The expression My or Our in The Bible; If someone meets Spirits as God and Angels, he/she can express My or Our,,,and if the time between Human and Spirits as God and Angels continues for long time, its concept of My or Our of Personal Concept will become My Or Our Of National Concept,,,However, the really important thing is that Spirits as God and Angels exist actually, so how to live in this world regardless of social status or position is really important, because social status or social position is of human and human society,,,


The conversation between Human and Spirits as God and Angels like prophet or Christ Jesus will be selected from Spirits as God and Angels, but  The conversation between Human and Spirits as God and Angels like response to sincere prayer will be up to prayer,,,


Prophet or Christ Jesus will be the same from the viewpoint of heavenly mission of the world of Spirits as God and Angels, but there will be small or big difference between Prophet or Christ Jesus from the viewpoint of missionary method or the performance of power of Spirits as God and Angels,,also one difference between Prophet or Christ Jesus is Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit, however, Spirits Is Spirit and Flesh Is Flesh and Human Soul Is Human Soul,,,


A girl says that in Korea there is a word that human can manipulate Spirits as God and Angels,,,if so or true, the level of Spirits as God and Angels will not be that of Spirits as God and Angels of The Bilbe,,,actually I do not know about it,,,as far as I know, human cannot manipulate Spirits as God and Angels at any case. If you really want to experience the power of Spirits as God and Angels or to know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, the decision for it does not depend on me but the decision for it depends on Spirits as God and Angels, and also I do not know when your experience on Spirits as God and Angels will be possible, the decision for it depends on Spirits as God and Angels and the time for it depends son when Spirits as God and Angels find out suitable ways or methods for you in your daily life. The phenomena from Spirits as God and Angels can happen in your dream or in your way to school or in your playing games or in one of your daily activities.


In here, or in my words, Spirits as God and Angels does not mean special human being or some religious human being, Spirits as God and Angels are originally or essentially different from any kind of human being.


The scene; running horses è what comments?


The scene; two ladys drinking è what comments?


The scene; a mans playing piano è what comments?


The scene; embrace or hugging between a girl and Sharon Stone è what comments?


The scene; funeral è what comments?


The scene; farewell greetings on the bed è what comments?


The scene; in the inside of apartment in USA è what comments?


The scene; in the airport è what comments?


The scene; a boy and two girls and a ladys playing in the field è what comments?


,,, è what comments?


The problem is from peoples whom I have met that they want to know,,,The really important thing is,,,


What kind of conversations had been made between peoples movie sets for the issue of courtesy between peoples, such as human to human or social status to social status and so on,,,?


What kind of conversations had been made between peoples in movie sets for the issue of action or muscle movies and sets between peoples,,,?


What kind of words had been said for the contents of some conversations of the movie,,,and some scenes of the movie,,,?


What kind of words had been said for the concept of religion and the concept of Spirits as God and Angels and the existence of Spirits as God and Angels and also the difference between human being and Spirits as God and Angels,,,?


The Film Scenario Of Ten Production,







'영(靈,Spirit)과 사명 ' 카테고리의 다른 글

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