영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

Police, Cleaning Up, 03

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 5. 11. 18:22

Police, Cleaning Up, 03

There were some talks at my army service, Year 1986 ~ Year 1988, on the road between club house and chow house in Camp 'L-G-' as follow; 'After I finish army service and graduate university, I will do normal social political economical religious activities or businesses as normal or usual case in South Korea, and, of course, most of things or missions or roles about what I have to do in the future already might be spoken out, if I met, talked to, played with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels long time ago like at my childhood, even though the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels are usually invisible inaudible intangible and so on to the cognition of human beings, as everyone can guess the situation between 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and  selected human being like in The Bible in that case, and the problem is that just I can not remember it whenever somebody want to say it like my childhood or my past and so on, but I do not worry about it at all, because everything or what have happened to me between 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and me will come to me/my mind/my memory or everything or what have happened to me between 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and me occurs to me, if it is true that I met , talked to, played with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels long time ago like at my childhood, and also I have to wait for something unknown even to me up to my age 40 for more clear information or decision for my missions or roles from 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky/Heaven, even though I cannot remember what had happed to me at my childhood and what had happened to me at my army service, so for me or for my political religious economical career in the future I hope you try to find me through internet, if you cannot find me in the newspaper before my age 40. one sure thing is that I will do political activity for presidential election as far as I know myself after my age 40.

If there were some words related to giving one time's chance to other candidates for the 1st Presidential election after my age 40 at my childhood from me from the communication result of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in The Heaven, might be, it would be decided by their activities as how to live or what to do was told by me, because I did not know about human being's custom, society, political economical and religious activity, and human being himself/herself due to my age as human being. If their activities are against how to live or what to do, even one person, I also would try to be in the 1st Presidential election after my age 40.

And for woman's Presidential election, I would help or assist some woman to be President after I finish my long time's Presidential period according to my personal social opinion at that time and also according to my saying about it at my childhood. It is related to our people's way of thought and our people's custom and so on. (Refer to other writings for more detailed information). And you will know what I try to say through my words or our conversation, so do not stick to words which I select for our conversation, because I am not so excellent in English Words or Speaking or especially Listening.

And 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels can make conversation through me or can make me say something, but it is not my will but 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' will, also my condition or physical and metal status is more important for that purpose, because 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels have to say something through me. Let's think about it, if 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' power is so strong, what will happen to me, if 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angel's power is so weak, what will happen to me. 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels'conversation through me is possible both at childhood and at adulthood. At childhood 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' conversation through human is easy but Child is not accustomed to speaking language. At adulthood 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' conversation through human is also possible and adult is more accustomed to speaking language but adult is physically and mentally strong, so physical and metal status is more important for that purpose. However, the conversation between 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and selected Human is possible in a way of telepathy any time at childhood and also at adulthood without any voice or any physical sound. So, human being can say something at the result of conversation with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in a way of telepathy, but those situations cannot happen whenever human being wants it, because the conversation is up to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels for the purpose of the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in order to let human being know the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and also the world after human being's death. Just try to think about you and this world and this universe and all the things, especially living things, in those spaces, what kind of thoughts would occur to you? 

Selected human means that some human beings are selected for the mission or the purpose of the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angles, even Jew or Pope or Priest has to believe in 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and has to live his/her life according to what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels say like 10 Commandments in order to go to Heaven, not go to Hell. Every human being is equal from birth as you can guess it by watching you and your family and your friends from birth to death, even though there are differences from the viewpoint of ability and talent and characteristics and physical shape and physical color and so on, and especially in order to go to Heaven there is not selected race or nation or human from birth but only belief for 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angles and how to live can tell selected human. However, there would be some exception like me, because we do not/cannot know the whole world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and everything in the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels.

To believe in Christ Jesus or to believe in The Bible or to believe in any prophet in The Bible is equal to believe in 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and has the same meaning as living according to 10 Commandments in our daily activities in our daily lives. If we say it in brief, it is not easy to say it in brief, because it is related to human being's daily life, however if we say it in brief, live(do or be) good and live(do or be) kind and live(do or be) righteous with the belief for the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky/Heaven and also the world after human being's death, if you believe in what I say and even though you do not believe in what I say, as I told it at my childhood to someone who wanted to know how to live without having any religion due to our country's social situations and due to so many religions in our society, because he did not know about religion but he wanted to go to good place or world after he die.

(For reference, at my childhood, when I tell 'To live(do or be) good and live(do or be) kind and live(do or be) righteous', he told me that he knew it already. 'If so, it is good, and it is time to know that 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels exists in the Sky/Heaven and also there is the world after human being's death, even though human being cannot see or touch it and human being cannot hear what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels say, if you believe in what I say and even though you do not believe in what I say. For the way in which people can meet 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, I cannot say something, because it is up to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, not me, and I am jus telling people about what people should know. If you know chara(cteristics), try to read The Bible for more detail information. I am not advertising The Bible, just I am telling what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky/Heaven said to me, when I asked 'There is anything similar to what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels try to say to human beings through me of ''I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels', because nobody can see or talk to or communicate with ''I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' and only I can do it, and I cannot express the existence of ''I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' and even what I got to know from ''I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' in human being's words and languages, even though I know it naturally and by communicating with ''I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' in a telepathy without human words or languages, because I am child, and also usually people do not believe what child says. To say 'The Bible' before 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' whom I met can do something like miracles in The Bible in this world through me is no good for Them, because 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' whom I met also try to do something like miracles in The Bible in their own ways like 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' whom prophet met and Christ Jesus had in his body. But also it could be no problem, because their purposes are to let people know the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' and the world after human being's death and how to live in this world. I am not advertising The Bible but jus I am telling what you/people have to know while you/people live in this world. As you say, you know 'how to live' which I tell you, what would be the difference between just 'You know how to live' and 'What I try to tell you'? Have you ever had experience to do something wrong, even though you know what is right/good/kind/nice? If you know 'how to live' by knowing that 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' is in the Sky/Heaven and there is the world after human being's death, you will try to not do something wrong as possible as you can do as human being.' But you cannot be perfect, because you has your body, so if you do something wrong, you can be repentant over what was done wrong to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' is in the Sky/Heaven, not to me. Even I have one Spirit, not human being's soul/spirit/mind, in my body and it is good to people for their lives, because what I say and what The Bible says is not lie /untruth/falsehood/fabrication/deceit but truth. But if I tell it to people in here, people think it strange, so that is one of the reasons (why) I tell you The Bible without performing any things like miracles in The Bible. Long time later you will know what I try to say by reading my writings. Do you know when is my age 42 or'Bulhok'? At that time I will write my books about what have happened to me and what people to know or what makes people to understand and believe The Bible, but it is not over, my job will be continued, while I live in this world. Do not try to harm me, because my existence is related to the existence of this world. I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels is in the Sky/Heaven above and between you and me during our conversation, even though I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels cannot be revealed to other persons in a way of cognition of human being. For me, also, I can see the existence of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels or hear what I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels says in a way of telepathy or touch the existence of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels, when I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels want to make me see or hear or touch. The difference between me and other persons is like now, ie. I know that I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels is in here, but you do not know it, even though I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels is in here.

'Be Nice'(What was my pronunciation?, What was the song which  I sang after I got to know or told 'Be Nice'?) is similar to ''Binaida' in Korean(Praying to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels for accomplishment of his/her wishes)'in pronunciation. There are similar things between Korea and America like ''GaeChaBan' in Korean' and 'A(child)+meri(dog)+ca(car)' in other writings.

There was a question about the difference between Judaism and Christ Jesus(Christian). May be he heard something about various internal and foreign religions for life. It is the same thing, but from the viewpoint of human beings who like to make his/her own words, like one of 'Eyes of Shrimps', the difference would be like 'To know The Bible' or 'To know each one's mind or conscience' from the viewpoint of Sin. You know what you have to do in your daily lives and You know You Mind/You Conscience/Yourself from the viewpoint of Sin. It is not easy for me to explain to other people, because even for me there are a lot of things which I do not know, such as words and languages and customs and the way things are going on in human beings' world which human beings made.'

I do not know what other human beings try to say by saying 'To live(do or be) good and live(do or be) kind and live(do or be) righteous', but for my saying, it is nothing by itself, but if you live in that way in your daily life, whatever you do like farmers or sellers or teachers or policemen and so on, it is good to you for this world and after this world. 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels' help is up to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky/Heaven, not up to me. The existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels is real, true, or actual, as far as I experience, so every body can try to tell what he/she wants to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky/Heaven through your mind or your thought. For 'How', refer to The Bible, because I am so little child that it is not easy for me to say what people want to know, and especially also because what I try to do in here by the help or the power of the ability of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky cannot be performed due to my age and also due to peoples' minds which lack belief for the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and even try to change what I try to do by the help or the power of the ability of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels into what they already know, such as Buddhism or Korean Confucianism or Muslims or other religions. I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels is in the Sky/Heaven above and between you and me during our conversation. You can try to pray to I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels for what you want through your mind or your thought. For saying what you want in a voice when you pray to I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels, it is same to I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels with saying something through your mind or your thought, because you have to think in your mind or brain in order to say something.

As the expression, ''I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels is in (or up to) each one's mind', what I try to say is as follow; The existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels are real like the world after human being's death and like human being's soul/spirit/mind, even though it is above the cognition of human being, especially regardless of human being's belief. But if someone believes in the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, it could be real truth to him/her including what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels said, and if someone does not believe in the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels due to the reason he/she cannot experience or cognize it, it could be just real truth, which is not related to him/her, of this world or this universe, including what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels said.

But the world after this world is too far away from the viewpoint of human being's daily life, and this world's greed/avarice/desire/lust/appetite/thirst/hunger/ambition is so near to each one's daily life, that is the problem, that is why prophet in The Bible is sometimes in this world, that's why I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels come to this world to tell Their existence and the world after human being's death and how to live in this world through selected human being.

The Bible and what I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels try to say to human beings by using a lot of ways is mainly related to how to live in this world, if you have strong belief for I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels, you will live by what I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels says, To believe and to live or to behave is almost same. To believe something strongly leads to living or behaving in that way, even though you do not know it. Please, watch yourself, and you live in daily life as you know this world.

This situation had happened at my hometown at my childhood around Year 1970 about 3-40 years ago from now. At that time there was no film and no movie and no television like today, especially in our hometown. Also, I grew up daily  like other children and my status would change almost everyday  like other children, and, as a consequence of it, my communication with I AM/Sprit/God and His Angels grow ups everyday also and my experiences given by 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels differ everyday for my writings at my age 40, such as the status in the water and the appearance of water-like flying snakes and my second sight to see something in other countries and other mentioned phenomena with other peoples who want to know something about past story and this world and the world after this world.

Sometimes there have been several persons who have tried to make some words or to take some actions in order to make my words and my activities and lot of phenomena related to the existence of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels as their productions or their organization's productions for their own political religious or economical purposes rather than for knowing what is real about the existence of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels. To tell this is really important even though this is not directly related to certain person's interest or money-earning, because the mentioned abilities and phenomena have not been my own physical abilities or power which are regarded as what some persons or organizations look for, and because my real life story-related events and phenomena and abilities could be good explanations to make people to understand the essence or the identity of I AM/Spirit/God and Angels in The Bible and the miracles in The Bible and the omniscient and omnipotent power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and especially what The Bible tries to say and what expected barriers are during missionary and so on.

When I could see several places in other countries in front of village assembly hall by the power of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky/Heaven, there were several persons who tried to show several stuffs, such as picture-like paper or pot or dog and so on, in order to make what I see and what I tell about it caused by what they show me and by what they tell me. At my hometown some persons have tried to think my abilities and phenomena as some kinds of supernatural[preternatural] power or psychokinesis or telekinetic power or telepathy or clairvoyance or prescience or extrasensory perception(ESP) by human being, ie. by myself, for the social organizations of talented persons.

Why do abilities or phenomena or events which have happened to me have been tried to be understood as other religions or other social activities regardless of what I try to say? Why do abilities or phenomena or events which have happened to me have not been tried to be understood as it has been? Why do lots of produced tests or fabricated, made, cooked-up situations to test have happened to me in the name of training, teaching, belief, or The Bible?

That kind of situations could be fully understood by me, because I checked a lot of time and in a lot of ways that my communications with I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels could not be detected by other persons and also human beings themselves cannot cognize the existences of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels and as a result of it other can see only me, even though the existence of I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels with us at the same moment and at the same place and at the same space like in the lots of events and phenomena mentioned in the series of my writings. So, when I have played games with or have communicated with or whatever words and actions I have with I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels, other persons can see and can hear only me.

The example of my second sight to see something in other countries are as follows; to see Factory in Japan, to see Penguins which are standing on the snow field and Penguins which are swimming in the water in cold winter in South Pole, to see Kangaroos in Australia, to see small lamps Green Field in New Zealand, to see Angel-like Statue in Argentina, to see Big Huge Waterfall, might be Angel Fall, in some country, to see Lots of Sand like sand in the sea of my hometown but Yellow or Blood-like Sand and also small bush-like cactus and big fine tree-like cactus on the sand, to see The Statue of Liberty in USA, to see Persons with the tails of chicken or bird on his head and some colors(MulGgam in Korean) on his face on the horses, a lot of people and horses in USA, to see a lot of factories which have chimneys with white smokes in my hometown in certain area and colorful moving things in certain region, to see dog sled on the snow field, to see a man a lot of lamps on the Sky over the field between elementary school and villages, to see a lot of factories with chimneys with black smokes, to see a lot of trees and animals in the mountains,,,peoples with black ashes (painting) on their bodies and with white(silver) and yellow(gold) teeth,,,through tunnel or cave or cavern or grotto or scope by the power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels.

When I saw Big Huge Waterfall, a lot of waterdrops fell on me and also there were strong wind, too.

When I saw Angel-like Statue, it was made to tell my figure, ie. 'Spirit' in the inside of me and Spirits in the Sky of my hometown, but it is more dangerous for human being compared to The Statue of Liberty in USA, because human being might have wrong concepts for what they have to do in their lives by believing in The Bible and The Existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and Christ Jesus. At that time already one of ladies who have shrimps tries to make me as 'the man of sin' for her glory by her misunderstanding The Bible and Christ Jesus and 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angles.

When I saw Men on the horses, the horses jumped over my head. And at that time dust fell on me, so I tried to take off dust.

When I saw fine tree-like cactuses and bush-like cactuses, there were a lot of fish bones on cactuses. I thought long time ago that place was sea, because a lot of fish-bones on the trees called as cactuses.

 When I saw dog sled, I saw men who were mishandling dogs, with long small rope, behind dogs, sitting on chairs.

What did I say to the dog near by me, after I saw dog sled? What did I say, after I saw a lot of factories with chimneys with black smokes? What did I say, when I saw A Man and a lot of lamps in the Sky? What did I say, when I saw a lot of trees and animals on the mountains, especially for missions? What did I say and what kind of motions did I take, when I saw SiKeoMeonS(시커먼스)?

When I saw Kangaroo, it looked like dog but it stood like human being with his child in his belly. It reminded me of the man who thought that human being had been evolved from animal or beast or unicellular animal. So I told to someone who stood in the direction of sea from my site and also who wanted to be politician the fact that I saw the ancestor of someone who believed that human being had been evolved from animal or beast or unicellular animal. I asked him to tell the evolutionist the place where his ancestors were in order for him to go there to see his ancestors. It is really important for the evolutionist to find out his ancestors, as parent and parent's parent, ie. ancestor, is important to human being also.

(Kangaroo => Gan GaRoo(Gan in Korean is refined. GaRoo in Korean is powder) => All the GaRoo is Gann; All the Powder is Refined. => It is Natural. => Ridiculous Name for Animal. => That Animal might be made of(created with)  Refined Powder. => It was related to someone who thought that human being had been evolved by animal or beast or unicellular animal or, in other words, who thought his ancestor as Animal. => Food which was made by powder was usually good tasty, and also boiled and roasted animals were usually good tasty. I got to know the reason why animals were usually good tasty, because animals were made of refined powders. So if we boil or burn someone who had been evolved from animal which were made of refined powder, may be, its taste would be delicious. one day I asked whether he had had any experience to taste his boiled or burned flesh by telling the animal who were standing like human being and looking like dog but almost human being and also by telling the name of the animal, 'Kangaroo', 'Kan+GaRoo; Refined Powder in Korean', like America(A(child) + Meri(Dog) + Ca(Car), like 'A' 'GaeChaBan' in Korean (A(Child) + Gae(Dog) + Cha(Car) + Ban(Half). As far as I know human being's name, each human being's name had some kind of meaning, so I apply it to all the names which I heard. ; It was just made words for my self due to my really sheer boredom in remote country. But it led to current invisible rumor attack from some organization of people who thought that human being had been evolved by unicellular animal and that kind of thought of 6-7 years-old-age boy should be cured at the age of 41.)

For Muslim, I do not know about Muslim. But as far as I know, there is the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, and there is the world of Human Beings, and sometimes Spirits of the world of God and His Angels(Spirits) have come to this world to tell the existence of them and the world after human being and how to live. The story is in The Bible as you know it. I do know your religious, but just I am telling you about what I know about 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and the world after human being's death. The Bible is not the matter of race or nation or social rank. The Bible is the story between 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and selected human beings and The Bible is related to how to live or what to do as human being.

For Buddhism, as far as I know, it is related to what human beings have realized and in any case human being and human being's soul/spirit/mind cannot be 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels as Spirit. Human Being's soul/spirit/mind is originally different from 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels as Spirit. The Origin of Buddhism is a person called as Buddha who lived long time ago and far away from here in Korea. Might be Buddha did not know about Korea at that time, because he was human being and at that time there was no way for him to come to this country. And after the death of Buddha, his soul/spirit/mind follow the same result as our human being's soul/spirit/mind follow after his/her death according to what he/she has done in this world. The essence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels is Spirit which is originally different from human being soul/spirit/mind.

For Korea Confucianism, it is related to what human beings have got to know about human being's society and human being and also the soul after human being's death.

The Bible, (Christian or Catholic and Protestant or Judaism), is not opposite from Korean Confucianism and original Buddhism, but only Korean Confucianism and original Buddhism lacks some real concept for the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, so Korean Confucianism and original Buddhism have some different concepts for what we have to do for ancestor's going to the world after human being's death and what we have to do or how we have to live during our life in this world as I have experienced it from my childhood.

For Christ Jesus, as far as I know, Christ Jesus is human being but he has Spirit who is from the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and is different from soul or spirit or mind of human being, whatever story you can tell about his conception and his birth. Even if Spirit was transformed into Christ Jesus'flesh, we call the flesh of Christ Jesus with his own soul as Human Being. So, we can regard Christ Jesus as the son of God, because he has Spirit from the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in his body and human being cannot see or know or touch The Spirit form the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and also God and His Angels.

For Being Conceived by Holy Spirit, it is better that Christ Jesus was Conceived by the power of Holy Spirit in order to let human beings to know the omniscient and omnipotent power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and as a consequence of it in order to let human beings to know the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels. And there would be a lot of ways and one example could be the combination of those of Joseph and Maria by the almighty power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, and other example could be the creation of the combination of those of man and woman by the almighty power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels, and so on. However, the more important thing is that Christ Jesus has Spirit from the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in his body and told us how to live in our daily in order to go to Heaven, not Hell.

However, it is not easy to tell about something related to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in The Bible, even though someone can meet or company or communicate with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels or someone has Spirit from the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in his body, because the essence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels is Spirit whose existence and whose power is above the cognition of human being, and because we cannot make sure that The Sprit related to someone is the same Spirit whom prophet or Christ Jesus or Christ Jesus'disciples had met in The Bible.

There was question about an expression for 'Bab', which was said by me as Korean Word for Meal/Food not English's Name for Person, for Jew and Pope and Christians, so I told that it was figurative expression for human being's belief for 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels from the viewpoint of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in hometown's heaven by using the status of Bab, 'Good for eating or Bad for eating or just So So'. It is not the problem of race or nation or social political religious rank or Jew or Pope or Christians but it is the problem of belief for 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels. Also, it is not fixed one during whole life but it could be changed according to each one's daily religious life and each one's belief. Live(do or be) good and live(do or be) kind and live(do or be) righteous with the strong belief for the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky and also the world after human being's death, if you believe in what I say and even though you do not believe in what I say, as I told it at my childhood to someone who wanted to know how to live without having any religion according to our country's social situation, because he did not know about religion but he wanted to go to good place or world after he die.

Also there was question about an expression for Bastard Charity which was said to some lady by me at my childhood; if someone always say good words and good expressions and The Bible and Christ Jesus but someone does evil or bad thoughts and activities in one's daily life against 10 Commandments of The Bible, someone could be bastard charity in that case. Also, it is not fixed one during whole life but it could be changed according to each one's daily religious life and each one's belief. Live(do or be) good and live(do or be) kind and live(do or be) righteous with the strong belief for the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels in the Sky and also the world after human being's death, if you believe in what I say and even though you do not believe in what I say, as I told it at my childhood to someone who wanted to know how to live without having any religion according to our country's social situation, because he did not know about religion but he wanted to go to good place or world after he die

For more information, please refer to my books. I would write about 50 books or about 100 books at around my age 40, as I feel so now, or if 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels told me about my writing books and about my making films at my childhood.

At that time Mr. L. who seems to have several roles and other KATUSAs and other people were here and there. Past things among what I said during this conversation in my army service had been caused by recovering my memory at that moment by unexplainable ways by the power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and by telepathy communication with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels above in the Sky or in the inside of my body and may be by several words mentioned by Mr.L. or other persons near by that spot. However, their positions, might be, were different from my position, and also my English communication ability was not so good, as my Language ability was very poor at my childhood. For the purpose to know the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels were same from all the persons there regardless of each one's personal interest. For unusual words from someone and usual scene like sniper or marksman or shooter, may be, caused by someone's brain, the words, 'Do not risk your life or your country or this world (by your doing some hazardous activity to me) due to my telling (for me to tell) truth. If you do, this world would be destroyed due to one (…) man, or you would die, before you take any action', came out. Also, may be, I said, 'My invisible existence to you or to other human is related to the existence of this world.'

Why my existence should be told as dead about 10 years ago by unknown people to unknown people who were looking for me in the newspaper? Many domestic and foreign people have heard about the story of what have happened to me since I was born in Year 1965. There were stories, believable or unbelievable, about my political and religious and economical career in human being's societies. And there are another expected times in the future between 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and me during my life time in this world, as there were expected times in Year 1986 and Year 2001. Still, the phenomena which have been written in my writings, which are about 10,000 Pages under progress of 20,000 pages, have occurred to me till the end of the life in this world, believable or unbelievable. Do you know why Year 1986 and Year 2001 could be expected times in my life? In Year 1986 and Year 2001, there were some important businesses or affairs which are also related to my life here in South Korea, such as Army Service.

I do not know the correct results of similar cases like my case from other several places in this world, but when I met I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels in my house around Year 1970, 'I AM'/Spirit/God and Angels tried to do the same proof activities in other areas of this world. But as far as I heard the results at that time, the situations were almost same here in Korea. In my case I and 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels changed original methods like in The Bible into other methods mentioned in other writings, because I was so child and our people usually never listen to the voice of children like in other countries and, especially, our traditional customs and our traditional religions so strongly have prevented me from saying what I have experienced and what I have got to know from communication with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels since I was born in Year 1965. It was not the issue of human beings but the issue of invisible social customs and intangible ways of life.

As everybody has his own soul/spirit/mind till the end of each one's life in this world, my case or other case in The Bible or Christ Jesus is not so strange to human being, even though I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels are originally different from soul/spirit/mind of human being. Why this kind of long story could be made in this society? Might be one thing clear is for my writings more than 50 books. It would be really thankful situations. The 2nd clear thing would be some scenario for production of films long time later.

When our people do not know and do not understand The Bible fully and cannot understand what Christ Jesus had done and what had happened to Christ Jesus in The Bible, How do we say The Status of Christ Jesus in Korean Way? Even though one word or one expression cannot explain Christ Jesus for our people's full understanding, especially due to different concept or different culture for I AM/Spirit/God and His Angels, but in order to make explanation to someone, we can use the word, 'SinDlLin' which means the dwelling of Spirit in the human being's body, if there are full additional explanations. It is just the issue of expression for human being's cognition. We have to make sure that Spirit dwelled in the inside of Christ Jesus is different from that of our traditional SinDlLin Concept. Actual relationship between Spirit and human being is quite different from each other, please refer to my writings for more information. We have to make sure that conception by The Holy Spirit is quite different concept from SinDlLin concept. The fact that Christ Jesus was conceived by The Holy Spirit is not related to the fact that Christ Jesus can be called as SinDlLin person from the viewpoint of Korean. SinDlLin person can be described as Spirit-dwelling person or as a person into whom 'I AM'/Spirit/God poured Spirit or as a person who received Spirit from 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels. However, as mentioned already in the previous part, Spirit dwelled in the inside of Christ Jesus or other prophet or other selected person for The Bible is originally different concept from Spirit when we say 'SinDlLin' person, even though both are in the world of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels. We can see it from various abilities and activities and what is done and what is said and so on. It is just the issue of expression for human being's cognition.

The more important thing is how each believer lives and how each believer believe and what kind of thoughts each believer has according to The Bible. To know Christ Jesus and to know The Bible and to know each phrase in The Bible and to know 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and to have response from praying to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and to have experiences with 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels is to let oneself live according to what The Bible says and what Ten Commandments says but not to push others to do something or not compel other to do something or not judge others from their daily lives.

If you know what will happen tomorrow and on the end of May 10 days later and in the middle of June in political area or religious area or economical area, what kind of things will you do today? The purpose of prophecy in The Bible is also same with the purpose of other miracles in The Bible and it is the area of the power of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels as far as I know. In order to make people believe the existence of 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels or what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels say or what selected person from 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels says there is prophecy from selected person or Spirit-dwelling person or response as a result of praying to 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels.

This is just issue for conversation between testers and being tested targets in order to prove belief for 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels and Christ Jesus. It is just for human being's thought, not for blasphemy against Christ Jesus or God's Spirit or God.

When Christ Jesus drinks alcohol, could his body got drunken or not? Is 'Being Drunken' related to anything about Human Being's Physical Phenomenon? Is 'Being Drunken' related to anything about Human Being's Soul/Spirit/Mind? Is 'Being Drunken' related to anything about Spirit/I AM/God and His Angels who dwells in the body of any human being? 'Being Drunken' may be one of the best issues to put believers into test which leads to the destruction of one's economical life in the name of Christ Jesus or The Bible and, as a result of it, one's life is greatly effected by someone who plans to make those kinds of tests for believers from the viewpoint of The Bible and what 'I AM'/Spirit/God and His Angels say. It is so-called illegal crime made by group or organization in the name of Christ Jesus or The Bible for the purpose of belief but the result is to make Christ Jesus or The Bible destroy believer's life by other so-called strong believers.

If we return to the point, Christ Jesus would not drink alcohol, but if Christ Jesus drink alcohol, his physical body got drunken, of course even in case Chris Jesus was conceived by The Holy Spirit, even though God's Spirit in the inside of Chris Jesus is not influenced by alcohol or does not got drunken by alcohol, because God's Spirit is Separate Spirit from the physical body of Chris Jesus even God's Spirit is in the inside of Chris Jesus.

If Chris Jesus'Body got drunk, what kind of physical activities could be expected? one sure thing is that we do not know anything about his physical characteristics for drinking or alcohol.

Can you guess the reason why Chris Jesus would not drink, if he would not drink any alcohol? Or Can you guess the reason why Chris Jesus would not marry woman, if he did not marry a woman at all? Do you think that Chris Jesus  did not drink alcohol or did not marry a woman in order to show divine nature, divinity, godhood, godhead to believers or mankind? Or in order to teach sacredness, sanctity, holiness, or inviolability to believers or mankind? Or in order to tell the truth about his succor, his salvation, or his redemption from human being's sin?

If Chris Jesus did drink alcohol or did marry a woman, what kind of influence will be on what he did and said during his missions and his life and, especially, what kind of influence would be expected on his succor, his salvation, or his redemption from human being's sin?

Do you think the fact that Christ Jesus can drink alcohol or can be physically drunken or can marry a woman will be related to his missions or his words or his activities or his power for the redemption or the salvation or the succor of mankind from sin? Or any one's all kinds of relief and life activities for the redemption or the salvation or the succor from sin?

What would happen to the above questions in case we know what we have to do for the salvation of each one from sin by what Christ Jesus said and what The Bible says and response from praying to God and His Angels? - FILM, SCENARIO, OF, TEN. PRODUCTION,IS, IN, PREPARATION, 20070430, JUNGHEEDEUK, -

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