문화일보 403

EBS 세계테마기행, 아프리카의 재발견, 에티오피아

EBS 세계테마기행 아프리카의 재발견, 에티오피아 In the similar situations; Where it is, monkeys and goat and green field and valley and the land of salt and so on? When and how did I appear in, through the eyes of photographers or the eyes of camera man in the dream or in the visionary world or in the real world or in the form of living cubic vision or in the form of physical b..

페이지 터너, The Page Turner / La Tourneuse de Pages, 2006,

페이지 터너, The Page Turner / La Tourneuse de Pages, 2006, 스릴러| 84 분| 15세 이상 관람가| 2007.10.03 개봉 http://megazone.paran.com/ http://megazone.megapass.net/top/index.html?p_eye=nmega^gnbt^mme^meg^zonebi Where is the store of butcher’s (shop) or meat shop in the movie? Where is the big house which has garden in the movie? Where is the country in the movie? When it was ..