종교(Religion)와 사명

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 08

정희득이본명이자가명 2006. 11. 2. 01:44

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 8.

How Believable Is It... Avarice knows no bounds.

Someone say religion as a religion of empirical experience. Do you know why? Of course, we know that there are informations and knowledges about the identity of the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels and His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Also, we know that there are a lot of words and miracles and activities which had been conducted through prophets and Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ's disciples by The Lord God and His Angels and The Spirit of Jesus Christ. But the identities of all the existences of The Lord God and His Angels and The Spirit of Jesus Christ are Spirits that human beings cannot see or touch or communicate with human being's own perceptible ability. It means that even though the existences of the Lord God and His Angels and The Spirit of Jesus Christ are true and sure above time and space, only the human beings who have had any kind of empirical experiences with Spirits can say something about Spirits or communications with Spirits or etc. That's why we call human being's religion as a religion of empirical experience, even though we know what we have to keep or observe as believer or devotee, or in other words, even though we know how to live as believer or devotee.

How believable is it;

Several persons came into my room at my little childhood due to political reasons which are usually good chance for normal situation but some kind of barriers for me, when my physical conditions were changed by the power of the existence of several 'I AM's, might be ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ?

Of course, those several persons could not see or hear or touch or feel the existence of 'I AM's, might be Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, even though my physical conditions were being changed and a bone were being moved from one place to the other place in the inside of my body by the power of the existence of 'I AM', might be Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, even though they told me or thought about the necessary qualities for human being to be politician in Korea and about the necessary physical conditions for me to escape from their political activity net for my future purposes when I asked some informations to be politician and also about such abnormal situations, even though I and the existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, and they were at the same place and on the same time.

How believable is it;

There were only 3 persons in the office on the 16th of August of Year 2001 but only I could see or hear or got to know or felt or touched the phenomena, when I got to know what had happened surrounding me about 40 years in the name of politics and religions and other social interests in a way of Telepathy or 'Believable or Not' way, also when I could see or feel or touch the illusioned part or body of several persons who were in other spaces by the power of the existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ. It was almost the same situations with that of my childhood and that of Year 1986. 

How believable is it;

How believable is it? or Is there any possibile for human being to understand the identity of the Existence of 'I AM', ie Spirit, The Lord God and His Angels, If all the following phenomena are true facts and realistic events, What happened at my childhood and what happened at my school days or my campus life and what happened at my army training seasons at two regions, and also what has happened since the 16th of August of Year 2001? How believable is what has been written by me about my life and our politics and our concepts for religion/The Lord God and His Angels/Spirit/I AM, that is about 10,000 pages' writings in the name of 'Believable Or Not', especially compared to The Bible?

There was a story about telepathy between human being and God(Spirit), and also between human being and human being.

What have happened or what kind of tries and activity have been pursued for around 40 years after The Baby wanted to be the strongest/most powerful man and the richest man in the places where he lived, to the country, and to this world, in order to make other peoples to believe just what he had tried to say, The Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, because he could not explain or describe what he wanted to say in the way of human being's understanding, since The Baby met the Existence of 'I AM' and he got to know something about the Existence of 'I AM' as a result of telepathy between The Baby and God(Spirit).

My case was also one of 'Believable or Not' situations by the human beings' social/historical/conscious customs which each society has at its chronical stage at some points and also  by the invisible/intangible/omniscient/omnipotent power of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, at some points. Human Being's contradiction and lack of consistency and peerless change or alteration in their thoughts and behaviors are really difficult things for me to understand and to get along with them from the viewpoints of my childhood. Also, my childhood's memories to be able to remember what they had said long time ago during my communications with them also had been some barriers for me to get along with them. And furthermore there would be some supernatural or preternatural or abnormal abilities in me to reveal what they had done before even without me and what they will do in the coming future through the existence of 'I AM' during my communications or conversations or companies with them. To a little baby it was also a kind of confusion that their activities and words with me and those things without me had been mixed up while I had talked to others at my childhood. Also, to other friends and peoples, those kinds of phenomena were not a mere confusion but actual realistic serious abnormal occurrence.

Excellent brains and good memories are very important factors for human being's living in human being's society. Intelligence and genus and other abilities which are related to all kinds of human being's brain activities are very important elements for human being's society, expecially for political activities and money-earning activities related to my future in order to do what I have to do, and, for reference, these are also mentioned or thought by some peoples in my room when my physical conditions were changed by several peoples' visiting my home do to political reasons. Among other important many factors for one human being's living in human being society, physical conditions are also important, according to several persons about 30 years through 40 years ago. But, relatively, physical conditions are less important compared to all kinds of brain-concerned abilities from the viewpoint of one human being. (It does not mean that any physical activity are not important to human being's life. Do not be confused or do not be misunderstood.). For religion I have already some kinds of empirical experiences and also Spirit or Something Spiritual in the inside of me.

At my solicitation to the Existence of 'I AM's due to aforementioned facts and reasons, what kinds of measures would be taken to me from the Existence of 'I AM's, ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ?

When I made solicitation to the Existence of 'I AM', What did I say to the Existence of 'I AM's as some kinds of reasons in order to make solicitation for some changes into my brains and my memories and my physical bodies...those are related to people's customs about the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels in Korea and also for me those are related to my activities to prove the Existence of 'I AM'.

Age 40 is normally the age free from vacillation at east and at west.

It would be some kind of Lapse of Memory or Forgetfulness or Oblivion up to my age 40 for what has been said and what has happened to me but all the informations about my childhood and my daily lives have been put into the deep inside of my memories in order to prohibit me from uttering what would be revealed or proved for the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, and, as a consequence of it, to  protect me from unexpected risks caused by human being's never-ending curiosity and experimentation or experimentalism.).

However, unfortunately, those experimentations based on never-ending curiosity are still on going-on, sometimes, somewhere, for the realization of two purposes; one is to prove the truth of what I say and also to confirm the existence of 'I AM' in me, Spirit, may be, The Devil or The Evil by someone who has strong ambition and interest and goal which are regarded as having any relation to the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, in the inside of me. The other is to make some unexpected accidents happen to me to kill The Devil or The Evil which is regarded by someone as residing in the inside of me, not to harm me but just to kill The Devil or The Evil which seems to be in the inside of me. If what I say is true or If the Identity of the Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me is real/true/good Spirit as I said, at that time I will survive from a lot of times of experimentations based on never-ending curiosity. In the opposite case, The Devil or The Evil in the inside of me will die, not me but The Devil or The Evil in the inside of me will die.

As I have already told it a lot of times, there are a lot of ways to confirm or to check that I had met the Existence of 'I AM's at my childhood and also had communicated the Existence of 'I AM's in a way of telepathy with normal and safe and sure ways.

As I have already told it a lot of times, there are a lot of ways to confirm or to check that my physical structures and my muscular characteristics had been change a little enough not to be examined by human being's (medical) science device, (but it can be checked by actual exercises), by the omniscient and omnipotent power of the Existence of 'I AM's whom I met from my childhood and also I communicated with in a way of telepathy from my childhood. But even the persons who were at my room could not see any processes or any symptoms for the change of my physical body by the omniscient and omnipotent power of the Existence of 'I AM's except for my words or my voices.

As I have already told it a lot of times, there are a lot of ways to confirm or to check the identity of the Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me with normal and safe and sure ways.

As I have told it a lot of times, the identity of the Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me has already been confirmed so long time by a lot of persons and by a lot of ways, especially from Army Service Period and Medical Service Doctors, furthermore from my childhood. In other words, ie. if there has not been the Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me, may be, I have already been dead as the result of continuously checking the identity of the Existence of 'I AM' by a lot of persons and for about 40 years of time period.

This kind of risk or dangerous result can be guessed by everyone, but why this kind of (illegal) experimentations based on never-ending curiosity have been conducted or exerted for about 40 years in the name of checking or confirming the identity of The Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me? Why? Why not in formal way? But, Why in informal way for so long time and by so many persons? Of course, there would be a lot of reasonable reasons and causes for those kinds of (illegal) experimentations based on never-ending curiosity by a lot of eminent and noticeable persons.

Of course, the identity of The Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me is very important to the past and future of mankind. Also, to check or to confirm the The Existence of 'I AM' in the inside of me is very important to the past and future of mankind. Above all, the fact that the Existence of 'I AM' could be checked and confirmed for so long time and by a lot of real persons is very important to all the believers and devotees of all over the world, at these days, at 21st century, at the time when The Truth of The Bible and The Existence of The Lord God and His Angels and The Identity of The Lord God and His Angels have been tested by developed human being's logic and knowledge and science, especially by developed art of conversation or by good conversationalist.

Do you remember (the reason) why my physical body's structure and my physical muscles' characteristics had been changed a little enough not to be examined by human being's (medical) science device, (but it can be checked by actual exercises), when several persons visited me at my home for their own political purposes at my childhood, not for mine but for their own political purposes. Avarice knows no bounds. There were some words of phenomena through me, but those could not be identified and understood by other persons' empirical experiences about 3-40 years ago, especially due to traditional concepts for religion and God, ie. Buddha(Actually Wise Man)/The Soul of The Dead/Korean Shaman or Medium, and also traditional customs based on deteriorated confucianism. Even though the identify of the Existence of 'I AM', whom I tried to say something about, who was in the inside of me or in the sky  or in the air or ubiquitous above space by free movement of 'I AM', could not checked or confirmed by other persons' empirical experiences, it was true that there was something ununderstandable or undescribable from/through. So, really tall men followed right behind me, whenever/wherever I went, and then tried to say something, as if he was in the sky, and as if he was the Existence of 'I AM' whom I called as God. Is it possible? Surely, it is possible, even as a play or a pleasure. Do you know why? Because they could not see or talk to or touch the Existences of 'I AM's who I tried to say...And also because the Existences of 'I AM's usually do not effect other persons except the selected persons or do not directly communicate with/converse with other persons in any kind of way except the selected persons as it could be guessed from The Bible, even though the Existences of 'I AM's are able to move even animals or to destroy the earth or to sweep away everything on the land with wind and flood and something else. So, to tall men the Existences of 'I AM's is not real ones but just like imaginary/supposed/assumed ones. In a joke, that could be one of the explanations why a lot of sins still exist in human being's society on the earth. Is it acceptible?

Do you know Why? Because, the identity of Spirit is invisible or intangible or inaudible or untouchable or free movement through beyond time and space or etc, and the identity of I AM/ Yahweh/Jehovah/God/The Lord/The Lord God/Angel/Evn The Spirit dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ is also Spirit Itself, even though there had been communications in a way of telepathy between God and The Selected Persons like Prophets, even though there had been various phenomena before selected human beings in order to let them know the revelation or the existence of God, even though A Spirit from the world of The Lord God had been sent into in the inside of Jesus Christ to let mankind know the Existence of 'I AM's and the essence of the Existence of 'I AM's and the essence of God's Commandments and The Bible as in The Bible, even though there had been various responses from God to The sincere Prayer, and etc.

Also, as already told in the other writings, there had been a lot of miracles/miracle-like activities including cures by The Holy Spirits an effects to weather and red-sea miracle and so on through prophets and even The Spirit in the inside of Jesus Christ by the omniscient and omnipotent power of the Existence of 'I AM', but mankind could not see or talk to or touch or intervene or interfere God, the conversations between God and selected persons, and the processes between God and selected persons, but mankind could see only the resulted phenomena by the omniscient and omnipotent power of the Existence of 'I AM'.

What kinds of results could be expected if there had been miracles or miracle-like activities including cures of diseases/prophecies/etc as written in The Bible trough a certain child by the omniscient and omnipotent power of the Existence of 'I AM' on the situations that everybody had different concept from or almost ignorant of God of The Bible and its religion due to traditional concepts for God and religion, ie. Buddha(Actually Wise Man)/The Soul of The Dead/Korean Shaman or Medium, and also traditional customs based on deteriorated confucianism. Another situation is like this except the previous situation; some words and several phenomena through me by the Existence of 'I AM' could not be identified and understood by other persons' empirical experiences about 3-40 years ago.

I am writing down one thing which suddenly occurs to me while I am writing this 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit.' - Key Point of Today's To-Know-Each-Other Process -. 

So, according to what some adults said as far as they got to know up to that time about 3-40 years ago, if I tried to enter into the area of politics and to become President in Korea with those kinds of my abilities or situations which have been mentioned in my writings, those kinds of my abilities or situations could be used only to earn money by Korean Shaman and Medium in order to support other candidates for politicians or could be used only to prophesy the appropriate future of other candidates for politicians. What some adults wanted to say with the conversations with me is, so, 'if I will try to enter into the area of politics and to become President in Korea as I often say, I have to develop or learn something else to attract or to lead people into me'. Then I asked 'what kinds of abilities or elements do I need to be become President in Korea?' The answer was like this; 'The abilities are not fixed several things that can be said in a word right now but there would be a lot of personal abilities to be needed to become President of Korea. Besides having personal abilities, a lot of money is also needed, and a lot of persons are needed, too. The main reason for him/them to tell me is that I have to prepare gradually those abilities and elements to be required to become President in Korea except what I am trying to say about the Existence of 'I AM'.' And then do you know what I said to him/them? And do you know what were his/their responses to what I said?  Of course, his/their knowledge or information about my abilities and the Existences of 'I AM' were mainly caused by our society's totally wrong understanding and concept of the Existence of 'I AM' and also me.

However, at that time people were so frank and open-hearted and open-minded, even though their thoughts and their activities had been controlled by strong traditional customs and also traditional concepts for God and religion, not like theses days controlled by fraudulent ideas and thoughts and words and activities.

Sometimes people had been kicked out of villages or had been harmed due to the observation of traditional customs based on deteriorated confucianism, and also traditional concepts for God and religion, ie. Buddha(Actually Wise Man)/The Soul of The Dead/Korean Shaman or Medium.

For the above incredible thing, here is one episode which was made long time ago from someone who knows me in order to lead my life into other areas except political areas; if someone's last name is 'Jung' or 'Jeong' and then he wants to act in the area of politics, at that time he cannot become politician but he has to support other politician with money supply or in other ways. Is this believable? Is it possible for this kind thing to happen in real world? But peoples in the opposite sides of me try to assume to believe it and also try to make rumors spread to all over the places where I am. What would be the reason or the purpose? The purpose is simply to block my entering into political areas by making a lot of rumors to confuse my invisible supporters who will be on my sides when I decide my future careers into political areas at my age of 40, and also to block my previous career developments for entering political areas by making those kinds of rumors to peoples who have any intention to try to help me in various ways if I decide my future careers into political areas at my age of 40. The common point of the maliciously-intented rumors by someone's human networks is that I have not any intention to become politician or to try to become President in Korea and instead I support the political candidates with ideas or with money or with some kinds of labor services by using an expression, 'Politician is a public servant of the people'. Because it is very difficult to become politician without the help or the support of a lot of peoples, whatever excellent abilities or whatever much money the candidates have with them. What I try to say is that even incredible situation or even 'Believable Or Not' sometimes happens in this world where we live.

For the above incredible thing, here is another episode which was made long time ago from some ones who know me in order to lead my life into other areas except political areas or in order to realize other purposes by using the situations.

There is several expressions in The Bible and in proverbs and in normal live; 'Young Sheep', 'Kingdom is like a child's mind', 'Child is the treasure or the future of parents, a family, or a nation', 'Child is true or pure or immaculate or fair or justified...compared to adults addicted to curry favor with the hoi polloi, or to cater to the popular taste, or play down to the people's liking, or etc.', 'In oder to attract people's mind, try to attract children's mind', etc. The point is that people take some actual actions which will bring real serious bad effects on other peoples' lives without the essence of what has been said under the cloak of what I/or someone else said; 'Try to live along with what The Bible Says, because the contents of The Bible are all historically true and also possible to happen and so on.', 'Considering the times and the situations, many of our proverbs are true or correct or suitable to our lives even in modern times.' 'The pleasure or the reward of God will be double, if the bad or evil man get to know The Bible and God, compared to the fact that the righteous man get to know The Bible and God, if we have to compare the previous two cases and we have to choose one man to evangelize, even though both men are important to God and are needed to be gospelized.',,,The more important thing is as mentioned on the above that several persons have continually tried to make those situations happen to the targeted persons to achieve their purposes, according to whatever has been asked by unknown persons or just for their pleasures, under the cloak of what I/or someone else said, without the essence of what has been said. Can these things be told to anyone in this world, if these things actually happen during tens of years with organized networks all over the country? And it is not just the problem of country, but it is just reflection of some social state or current human's status. Under what kinds of human being's mind/spirit/moral situation could these kinds of events happen?

And for my case or for me what's the main reason? one is the truth that I have actually met the Existences of 'I AM's whom I have tried to say in my writings. So, the Existence of 'I AM's is real and true, not made one by human's necessity nor imaginary/supposed/assumed one. As an ensuing result, the other is what I said about my political careers at my childhood and in Year 1986 and in Year 2001. And also another is that I have sometimes met the persons who have had almost absolute power on our political areas from my childhood and at several formal times. But also some ununderstandable situations about current me from the viewpoints of normal persons and normal information about political areas is that I have to wait until I  would be around 40 years old adult due to aforementioned reasons and situations.

In short, my age around 40 was another appointment time with The Existences of 'I AM's, ie. Spirit, for the proofs of the Existences of 'I AM's, ie. Spirit, according to suitable methods and ways for current Korea's situations. As I have already told that proving methods of the world of the Existence of 'I AM's for the Existence of 'I AM's are more similar to the methods which Jesus Christ had taken during his life time in this world, there may have been several methods to prove the Existence of 'I AM's, ie. Spirits, as far as we could know with our cognition abilities Yahweh/Jehovah/God/The Lord/The Lord God/Angels and even the Spirit of Jesus Christ. What would The Existence of 'I AM's say on August 16th of Year 2001 on the mentioned place? As an ensuing result of it, my age around 40 was another appointment time with several influential peoples to decide which area would be more suitable for my life, ie. political or  economical or religious or other social area and then furthermore more detailed area, or to proof The Existences of 'I AM's, ie. Spirits. So, another unfavorable situation is that I am in very difficult or hard statuses from a lot of views due to the same aforementioned reasons and situations.

However, my ways of life, my life journey, also my proofs for the Existence of 'I AM' and  the identity of the Existence of 'I AM' and The His World and The World after human's death, also political careers, would proceed continuously to the fulfillment of what was preordained as scheduled; one day for three years, one day for two years, one day for one year, and one day for that day!

How about going to main stream of this article, 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit'.

But, However, these kinds of cases and stories could be told to nobody, because there is no evidences and no persons, but only there has been my body's responses and expecially unexpected responses, in my cases, as it have been a lot of times  at my hometown at my childhood, and at the classroom of middle school, and at High School and at the GuemJeong Mountain, and in two Army Training Centers, and at Camp La Guardia in EuiJeongBu City, and in the GED' study room on the 4th floor of SNU University, and in the commons of SNU University, and in computer room on the 2nd floor of the main computer laboratory, and at the back gate of CITI Bank, and at the front road of Shinhan Bank in City Hall Subway, and on the stairway to funeral services of Samsung Hospital in Gaepodong, and at BukHan Mountain Rock Climbingm, and at the top of BukHan Mountain, and at ridge of GwanAk Mountain to Seonbawi, and at ChiAk Mountain, and at DongEui University Hospital, and at and at 20th floor of Kangnam Building, and at ING CEO Room and ING Meeting Room, and at Prosecuting Attorney's Office of Suwon City, and a lot of times In The Subway Trains, and so on.

But, in other persons' cases, usually the targeted person would go to hospital.

How believable is it;

Whatever kind of activities are exerted/committed to someone surrounded by some kind of networks, he/she should always say 'Good', and those activities are being done in a way only the concerned persons could get to know what is happening, so such happenings could not be told to anyone even by the targeted person. However, also those social phenomena are nonofficially or abnormally permitted due to several private or social interests like our society's biting bullets or against our society's ethics.

The above situations sometimes have happened just in the name of traditional social customs and just in the name of traditional religious concepts and just in the name of traditional concepts for God regardless of the truth or the actual knowledge, especially in the name of devotion to one's country and to one's people or currently devotion to one's idealism in order to exert some influential powers on political or economical or religious or other social sectors, of course with wearing a cloth of goodness. How believable is it that these kinds of activities happen in the day time in this world which is preparing to open society to society, even though each society has its own culture, its own type of organization for politics/economics/etc, and its regional boundary at the time of 21 Century.   

How believable is it;

In order to teach someone 'how to catch a fish' for daily life styles and politics and religions and money-earning methods and whatever on the ordering list from whomever having whatever intentions for the targeted person like The Films 'The Game' or 'Don's Say A Word' or a lot of other movies, all the time and all the expenses and all the visible or invisible investments and all the tangible or intangible investments have been spent away for tight twenty years or shabby forty years, so only ripped-in-shreds body of the targeted person has been left as a result of teaching 'Know-How' about 'Know-How'? Can these things be told to anyone in this world, if these things actually happen during tens of years with organized networks all over the country? And it is not just the problem of country, but it is just reflection of some social state or current human's status. Under what kinds of human being's mind/spirit/moral situation could these kinds of events happen?

And, also there is no communications between coworkers or colleagues and further more human beings due to their ways of communication methods, just verbally or just in written words or just on telephone or just by email or only between man and woman or only between man and man or only between woman and woman or only among members of same community or something like this. Can these things be told to anyone in this world, if these things actually happen during tens of years with organized networks all over the country? And it is not just the problem of country, but it is just reflection of some social state or current human's status. Under what kinds of human being's mind/spirit/moral situation could these kinds of events happen?

October 10, 2006

(To be continued from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea)


One thing to bear in mind! This is just related to the proofs of the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, whom I have tried to say or I have tried to find the way to prove since my childhood by remembering what has happened to me from the viewpoint of Spiritual Phenomena since I was born in Year 1965 and just by telling what has happened to me at my daily lives about 40 years due to human being's political, economical, religious, and other social reasons without my involvement or perception and regardless of my mission or will or hope or desire. However, nobody's personal interest would be related or no harm would lead to certain person due to this proof process. I really wish and pray to God that this would be lead to the belief or any knowledge or at least any enlightenment about the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ.

야훼님(스스로 존재하는 님, 여호와님, 하나님, 여호와 하나님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.

Yahweh's(I AM, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God; Spirit) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.