영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

영화, Movie, 사계의 사나이 A Man For All Seasons , 1966 ,

정희득이본명이자가명 2013. 10. 26. 19:55


Common comment for http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/


First of all, I have never received anything that would help to fulfill prophet's missionary and its result and what was said from me in Year 1965~1971~1976 from Europe or USA or Japan or China or other country since Year 1965~1970, even though http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written as the realization of God's prophecy in Year 1965~1970, especially in Year 1968~1970. The 30 years from Year 1977 was planned for God's work by God. The real reason was explained in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and there are very important issues. Also, that kind of miracle is in The Bible. My life including The 30 years from Year 1977 is not against the missionary work of prophet based on the contents of The Bible. The missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century  is not against the contents of The Bible. What has happened from God and Angels, which can be seen in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, is not against the contents of The Bible, but it is related to the miralces in The Bible.


Therefore, anyone should be defraded , if he has tried to help the missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century.


It is very impotant for the missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century that I can remember what had happened in Year 1965~1976 by watching child's activity in real world and also by watching child and place in a movie or a drama or a CF or new article with help of God and Angels. It cannot be neglected by wrong knowledge about makind's memory and association and suggestion.

Therefore, anyone should be defraded , if he has tried to help the missionary work of prophet in South Korea in 20~21th century.



The body of this page



The following information is not related to the purpose of production of the movie, '사계의 사나이 A Man For All Seasons, 1966,' But, it will be a evidence of mind-reading power of God and Angels and also of someone's belief during one's life.



Who want to say the life of  토마스 모어(Sir Thomas More: 폴 스코필드 분) and the life of '리처드 리치' to me by using the movie, ' 사계의 사나이 A Man For All Seasons , 1966 ,'?


First of all, I am not like  토마스 모어(Sir Thomas More: 폴 스코필드 분) in the movie about those issues. My religious mission is quite different from that of 토마스 모어(Sir Thomas More: 폴 스코필드 분) in the movie. 


The false witness of someone in 20~21st century like '리처드 리치' in the movie is not the essential point of the truth of my religious mission, even though it may have a influence on the contribution ,donation ,subscription which was said to me and my religious mission and my political issue in Year 1965~1976.


And also there are many misunderstanding about what I have said about prophet-like mission, my communication with God and Angels,  the world of God and Angels, the contents of The Bible, especially about Christ Jesus, and many other words.


When I said that I would prove the existence and identity of God and Angels, the concerned religion and other concerned important religious issues by computer in Year 2004~2015, it did not mean that the miracle would happen to comupter and internet by God or Angels in order to prove something related to the world of God and Angels in Year 2004~2015 when I would use compuer and internet, but it meant that I, by myself, would write about what has happened to/through me by God or Angels since Year 1965~1976 and then God or Angels would help me to remember or know or cognize  what has happened to/through me by God or Angels since Year 1965~1970 and also by mandkind at that time when God or Angels has appeared to me. 


But, we do not know that the miracle will happen to comupter and internet by God or Angels, when I use compter and internet in Year 2004~2015.


Also, the result of competition between some one and I by computer is not related to political issue.



When I said that I would prove the existence and identity of God and Angels, the concerned religion and other concerned important religious issues by national law in Year 2004~2015, it did not mean lawful knowledge nor also the result of law suit which is related to me nor social position in the area of national law, but it meant that I would use national law in order to have a conversation with the concerned religious organization in order to prevent crime and accident which will be caused by different knowledge about The Bible and especially Christ Jesus, when there would be some kind of abuse of authority in order to prevent my conversation with the concerned religious organization by the concerned religious organization or by the concerned political organization  or etc.



to be continedu,,,with pictures,



The  summary of scenario from http://www.naver.com/;


영국 교회가 로마 교회의 지배를 받던 시절, 모어(Sir Thomas More: 폴 스코필드 분)는 헨리 8세의 두터운 신임을 받고 있는 조언자였지만, 천주교에 대한 신앙심 또한 두터웠다. 헨리 8세가 이혼을 원하자, 모어는 왕의 이혼과 재혼을 승인하지 않는다. 헨리 8세(King Henry VIII: 로버트 쇼 분)가 스스로를 영국 천주교회의 수장으로 스스로를 임명하려 하지만 모어는 이 또한 인정하지 않는데.

[스포일러] 결국 모어는 리처드 리치의 모함을 받아 웨일스의 재판정에 서는 입장이 되고 만다. 그러나 그곳에서는 모어는 증인으로 소환되어 위증한 리처드 리치에게 "영혼을 파는 자는 세상을 다 얻어도 덧없는데, 고작 웨일즈 법무장관이라니"라며 "당신들이 내 피를 보려는 건 왕의 칭호 때문이 아니라 결혼을 승인하지 않았기 때문이요"라며 자신의 기독교와 도덕에 대한 신념을 굽히지 않는다. 그리고 그는 끝내 형장의 이슬로 사라져간다.

{"토마스 모어의 머리는 한 달간 '반역자의 문'에 걸려있다가 딸 마가렛이 가져가서 자신이 죽을 때까지 보관했다. 크롬웰은 그후 5년 뒤에 대역죄로 목이 잘렸으며, 대주교는 화형 당했다. 노퍽 공작도 반역자로 처형될 예정이었으나 바로 전날 왕이 매독으로 사망한 바람에 목숨을 건졌다. 리차드 리치는 대법관이 됐고, 고령으로 사망했다."}