영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

사람을 찾습니다. Wanted. Mayhem-concerned issue .

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 6. 13. 13:21


사람을 찾습니다. Wanted. Mayhem-concerned issue.



1965-70년도 사이에 3-4살 이전의 어린 아이와 하늘에 대해서 및 세상에 대해서 아래와 같은 대화를 나눈 사람을 찾습니다. I am looking for the peoples who had conversations with me at the under of age 3-4 about the following contents at my childhood in Year 1965-70.


성경(The Bible)을 믿는 사람 중 제 글의 내용이 거짓이라고 생각을 하거나 이단이라고 생각을 하거나 성경(The Bible)의 내용에 어긋난다고 생각하면 반드시 저와 직접 대화를 할 수 있어야 할 것입니다. 2005년도부터 최소한 5~6년 정도 및 10년 안에 1965-70년도에 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터 예언된 신(Spirit)의 세계에 관한 글을 인류의 이해관계를 벗어나 객관적으로 작성하는 것으로 인하여 그리고 40세 무렵부터 70세 무렵까지의 정치활동 및 대선출마에 관한 것으로 인하여 지금까지 종교적으로나 정치적으로 무소속으로 존재를 했으니 저와 대화를 하는 것에 대해서 저로부터는 어떤 유형무형의 불법이나 폭력이 없을 것이니 그런 사실에 대해서는 전혀 걱정할 바가 없을 것입니다. 저와 대화를 하는 것은 여러가지 의미가 있는 것으로서 제 말이 쇼이고 거짓말이면 회개를 통해서 전도를 하는 것이 되고 제 말이 사실이면 비록 교회에서 21세기 대한민국에서의 저와 하나님과의 역사에 대한 공동체가 될 수 없어도 하나님으로부터의 역사를 증거하는 것을 돕는 것이 되고 그것이 하나님으로부터의 기적 및 향후의 사명으로도 연결이 됩니다. 만약에 서로 간에 완전한 대화 없이 각자의 성경(The Bible)에 대한 잘못된 지식으로서 및 제 글의 특정 부분으로서만 저의 하나님의 세계와의 교통과 동행에 관한 사실성 및 제 글의 사실성 및 성경(The Bible)과의 연관성 등에 대해서 판단을 하여 거짓으로 말을 하고 사람을 동원하여 유언비어를 만들면 그것은 거짓증거, 위증, 사기 행위가 될 수 있고 성경(The Bible)으로 사람의 사회경제활동, 정치활동, 종교활동 및 인생을 방해하고 해치는 것이 되고 심지어 하나님(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 행위도 방해하는 것이 될 수도 있습니다. If the peoples who believe in The Bible regard http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ as lie or fake or anti-Christ Jesus or violation of The Bible, the peoples should directly talk to me about it, or the peoples should have conversations with me about it. The peoples do not need to worry about any illegal crime and any force from any organization as a result of conversation with me about the contents of my current writings, because I have been alone from any religious political organization since my childhood, because I will have to write my current writings about the world of God and Angels objectively and above any international social religious interestings by using 3 tetragonal boxes and cable(computer with keyboard and monitor and cable) with the help of power of God and Angels during at least 5~6 years and within 10years from Year 2005 and because I will have been actively involved in political activities from age 40th to 60th including presidential election since my current writings from Year 2005, which was predicted during my relations with the world of God and Angels at my childhood. To have enough conversations with me have many important meanings; it can be led to true missionary work with my repentance, if my words are any show or any lie for personal purpose without my relation with the world of God and Angels, and it can be led to help true missionary work by the power of God and Angels in 21st century in South Korea, even though any church cannot become my religious community with the power of God and Angels,  if my words are true as I have said since my childhood or in my current writings since Year 2005, and the result will be related to the performance of power of God and Angels right now and in the coming future. If peoples try to say http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ as lie or fake or anti-Christ Jesus or violation of The Bible, or If peoples try to deny the truth of my relation with God and Angels or the truth of my prophet-like missionary work by  God and Angels or the truth of the contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ or the truth of the relation between http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and The Bible or the truth of anything related to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, without any enough conversation on the contents of my current writings with me, based on one's wrong knowledge on The Bible and based on some contents of  http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, and if there is a rumor by network of mankind as a result of it, it can be led to reasonless charge or false witness or fraud, and also it can be led to hinder my social economical political religious activities and life as a result of it, and furthermore it can be led to hinder the works of God and Angels since my birth of Year 1965. 


http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/에서 말하고 있는 것은 요약 정리된 개념이 아니고 저의 어릴 때부터 하나님의 세계로부터 저를 통해서 및 제가 있는 곳에서 발생한 것을 기록하고 있고  하나님의 세계와 저와 다른 사람들 사이에서 발생한 것을 기록하고 있고 저와 다른 사람들 사이의 대화에 관한 것이니 제 글에 관한 어떤 잘못된 판단 이전에 그 점 꼭 참고를 해야 할 것입니다. 만약에 성경(The Bible)에 관한 잘못된 지식 및 제 글의 특정 사실로서만 저의 하나님의 세계와의 교통과 동행에 관한 사실성 및 제 글의 사실성 및 성경(The Bible)과의 연관성 등에 대해서 판단을 하고 사람을 동원하여 유언비어를 만들면 그것은 거짓증거, 위증, 사기 행위가 될 수 있고 성경(The Bible)으로 사람의 사회경제활동, 정치활동, 종교활동 및 인생을 방해하고 해치는 것이 되고 심지어 하나님(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 행위도 방해하는 것이 될 수도 있습니다. http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is not the summary of what God and Angels have tried to say through me since my birth of Year 1965, but http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ talks about what has happened through me and in the place where I have been by the power of God and Angels since my childhood, and also about what has happened among God and Angels and me and other ones since my childhood, and also about the conversations between I and other ones since my childhood. Those facts should be considered as most important issues before any wrong judge about http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.  If peoples try to say http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ as lie or fake or anti-Christ Jesus or violation of The Bible, or If peoples try to deny the truth of my relation with God and Angels or the truth of my prophet-like missionary work by God and Angels or the truth of the contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ or the truth of the relation between http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and The Bible or the truth of anything related to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, based on one's wrong knowledge on The Bible and based on some contents of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, and if there is a rumor by network of mankind as a result of it, it can be led to reasonless charge or false witness or fraud, and also it can be led to hinder my social economical political religious activities and life as a result of it, and furthermore it can be led to hinder the works of God and Angels since my birth of Year 1965.


사람 중에는 신앙의 없는 사람도 있고 신앙에 관한 사명을 가진 사람도 있고 그러니 신앙의 마음 유무가 사람이란 존재로서 문제가 될 것은 아니지만 사람이 종교에 대해서 말을 할 때는 사람의 종교에 대한 이해와 무관하게 천지를 창조할 수 없는 사람으로서 성경(The Bible)의 마태복음 12장 31-32절의 내용 및 마가복음 3장 28-29절의 내용은 꼭 명심해야 할 사실입니다. 그것이 다른 사람에 대한 기본적인 예의일 것입니다. There have some peoples who do not have religious mind and there have some peoples who have religious mission from God and Angels, so the existence of religious mind of mankind cannot be any kind of problem from the viewpoint of mankind's existential origin, but when mankind talk about any issue about religion, mankind who cannot create this world should know the Phrases 31-32 of Chapter 12 of Matthew and also the Phrases 28-29 of Chapter 3 of Mark of The Bible regardless of one's religious mind and knowledge about religion. It is basic attitude toward other person.


아래 내용은 위의 번역이 아닙니다.

the following is not the translation of the above.


Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands?


Mayhim is everywhere. For more correctly, Mayhim can be everywhere. For much more correctly, Mayhim can appear to  or other manknd everywhere. Are you in good hands?


Mayhe is everywhere. For more correctly,  Mayhe can be everywhere. For much more correctly, Mayhim can appear to or other manknd everywhere. Are you in good hands?


Mayhim or Mayhe is not related to mankind's any time, such as Yesterday or Today or Future.

Mayhim or Mayhe is not related to mankind's any social material concept, such as Eastern or Western or Northern or Southern Area or King or Scientist or Farmer or etc.


Mayhim or Mayhe or the relation between Mayhim or Mayhe and mankind  is not related to even mankind's religious concept, such as Judaism, Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shamanism,,,.


Mayhim or Mayhe or the relation between Mayhim or Mayhe and mankind is related to the relation between Mayhim or Mayhe and mankind.


The more important issue is; 


As far as I know, The Bible is to talk about Mayhim or Mayhe or the relation between Mayhim or Mayhe and mankind. But, all the mankind, who believe in The Bible, cannot meet God or Angels like the prophets in The Bible.


Koran is also to talk about Mayhim or Mayhe or the relation between Mayhim or Mayhe and mankind. It seems to be one part of The Bible, as The New Testament is one part of The Bible. But, all the mankind, who believe in Koran, cannot meet God or Angels like the prophets in The Bible.


Do not compare the Old Testament to the New Testament or Do not compare the New Testament to the Old Testament, if you want to know this world or the two worlds or the world of mankind and the world of God and Angels correctly, because it is mankind's social way and it is just the result of mankind's competition and it is not the purpose of God and Angels who have met mankind since its beginning. 


It is not easy to talk about the relation between mankind and God and Angels since its beginning. But, in brief, The 1st result of the relation between mankind and God and Angels were expressed as the Old Testament by Moses and other prophets, and The 2nd result of the relation between mankind and God and Angels were expressed as the Old Testament by Christ Jesus and other prophets, and The 3rd result of the relation between mankind and God and Angels were expressed as Koran by Muhammad,,,. If there was not the Old Testament, it was not easy for the peoples to know the New Testament by Christ Jesus. Right now, I talked about the world of God and Angels and mankind's religions, such as The Bible and Korean and Confucianism and Taoism and Buddhism and Shamanism,,,.


Competiton itself is just mankind's social way and competition can be led to destroy mankind's life. Examination is just one way to check what one knows. If you teach something to other ones, you do not know how other ones understand it or know it, so there is examination. There are many kinds of knowledges and there are many kinds of abilities, talents, characteristics,,,. But, mankind should do one's best in order to know something about this world or in order to get something from this world or in order to live one's life for one's life in this world, because we do not create this world,,,. 



Confucianism or Taoism or Buddhism is not related to talking about Mayhim or Mayhe or the relation between Mayhim or Mayhe and mankind. But, some of mankind in that area can have met God and Angels, as the believer in The Bible have met God and Angels, so they could experience the power of God and Angels, and they could know the existence of the world of God and Angels, and they could know the world of soul of mankind after the death of physical body of mankind.


Confucianism or Taoism or Buddhism should know that they cannot become God as the result of their spiritual meditation but they happen to meet God or Angel, while they was lost in or sunk in spiritual meditation in quiet place, especially in quiet open place, with the sincere mind to know the existence of God who create this world or with the sincere mind to know about this world as one of mankind in this world.


About Shamanism,

It is not related to the soul of dead mankind but it seems to be related to any phenomena by the world of God and Angels. Therefore Shamanism should know that mankind's soul does not have that kind of power, as it can be checked by each one's soul during each one's life. Also, Shamanism should know that Mankind cannot control mankind's soul and also mankind cannot control any existence of the world of God and Angels, because mankind's soul and invisible inaudible intangible living acting Spirits which can be called as God and Angels and Devils and Satans and Ghosts do not have physical body nor physical material which can be influenced by mankind's physical body.


For the life of Shamanism, Shamanism should try to read the contents of The Bible, even though Shamanism cannot come to the church of The Bible, because mankind cannot defend the coming of invisible inaudible intangible living acting Spirits which can be called as God and Angels and Devils and Satans and Ghosts, and because mankind cannot create this world, and because there is the world of invisible inaudible intangible living acting Spirits which can be called as God and Angels and Devils and Satans and Ghosts, as Shamanism is also to talk about it.


Some of Mankind have regarded mankind's soul or some of mankind or animal or  stone or tree or any physical material as God. There are many reasons. one of reason is that God appears to this world but there is nothing visible audible tangible about God from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept.


That is the origin of the concept of the word, only one God, in The Bible.


There are many invisible inaudible intangible living acting Existences, i.e. Spirits,  and there are God Spirit and Angel Spirit and Satan Spirit and Devil Spirit and Ghost Spirit,,,and that can be called as Good Spirits and Evils Spirits from the viewpoint of Mankind,,,



The Film Scenario


2012. 6. 13.