The above picture is not directly related to the following contents. But, it is a kind of help to explain what has happened to or through me since my childhood due to what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels since my childhood, and also it is a kind of help to tell it to the concerned peoples and to find out them.
The baby in the picture is not me!
A similar situation to situation of the baby in the picture can happen to all the babies in this world.
But, who wanted to hear 'WHAT' from a Korean Baby in Year 1965-66-67 from a situation of the baby in the picture?
The baby said 'WHAT' by a lady's word or thought and the baby said '뭐' by a man's word or thought, while they talked about some situation or some organization or some activity which would try to know through me and my growth from a child about this world, child's cognition and intelligence and growth and education, makind and ablility and education, the existence of soul of mankind, the existence of spirit or spiritual realization or spiritual status of makind, the communication between souls of mankind regardless of physical bodies of mankind, the existence of living spirit(영(靈)) who is called as 하늘(Heaven) or 신(a kind of name for concept for spirit) or God or Angel or Allah Ghost or Demon or Satan or etc and who is different from mankind's soul or spirit or spiritual realization or spiritual status and who does not have physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and who exists above mankind's physical material concept, the existence of bloody relation, the existence of maternal relation, and so on, because some peoples could cognize my relation with God and Angels in the sky from my childhood of birth and it seemed to be not one time's relation with God and Angels in the sky for belief in God and Angels or religious mind or any religious mission but it seemed to be a kind of continual relation with God and Angels in the sky for something, as it sometimes happened to one of mankind from God and Angels in the sky regardless of the time and the region and the sex and the age and anything related to mankind's physical, spiritual, social concept.
What kind of competition or game was there among peoples due to family or religion or politics?
Who could know and tell about the true situation about it in these days?
There would be misunderstanding among some peoples about my personal information, who was related to religious mission from birth by God and Angels in the sky regardless of mankind's plan and also who was related to political activity as politician by mankind's reason by heavenly reason, due to the situation of growth of children for the mentioned reasons including the fact whether child can cognize one's parents by one's instinct or one's bloody relation?
Who would substitute for what I would do in religious political activities and also for my writing, book, movie, and so on in order to tell about what has happend to or through me from God and Angels since my childhood and about the contents of The Bible and about mankind's several important religions? Regardless of whatever one's good purpose, it cannot be treated in that way, because my writing has a copyright protected by national law, and also there were international talks to prepare for contribution and sales right and so on in order to help my wirting, book, movie and missionary work by western priest, who could know and meet God and Angels in The Bible through me in South Korea who was a child and did not know anything about God and Angels except for communication with God and Angels, and my writing is related to what has happened to or through me by the power of God and Angels since my childhood, which can be led to religious sin and illegal crime by changing the concerned, and there would be another writings in the future which would be related to my current writings, and my writing is related to really big critical issues about The Bible and mankind's religions, and so on. If there is anyone who would try to send me and the concerned to jail or prison by misusing National Law due to misunderstanding about The Bible and mankind's religions and mankind and this world, it can be led to really big problem legally. Also, as far as I am concerned, it would be led to understand this world and mankind to talk about what has happend to or through me from God and Angels since my childhood, the contents of The Bible, and mankind's several important religions, because what has happend to or through me from God and Angels since my childhood is true regardless of one's belief in it, even though it cannot be proved in a way of physical material concept, because God and Angels do not have physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept.
As far as I remember during my current writing with the help of God and Angels, who sometimes have appeared to me, even though God and Angels have been in the sky for heavenly purpose, I was in a group of children in a while, but I was got out of that group, because I could not stay in that group due to the difference of my ways of thought and behavior and so on from those of other children under management of certain adults, even though I was very interested in cultural and artistic areas.
Who would try to replace my religious political duties with other ones in the name of planning of 토사구팽, 어부지리, 낙동강 오리알, 속담, 격언, 사자성어?
Who would try to replace my writing, book, movie and so on with other ones' in the name of planning of 토사구팽, 어부지리, 낙동강 오리알, 속담, 격언, 사자성어?
'부모 말씀을 들으면 자다가다 떡을 얻어 먹는다.' 등등의 속담, 격언, 사자성어, 성경구절 등등에 기초해서 제가 해야 할 일 및 제가 살아가야 할 인생에 대한 설계를 왜곡하는 것은 삼갈일이고 그것과 성경(The Bible)의 십계명의 5절 등의 구절을 이용하여 신의 세계 및 성경(The Bible)에 관한 제 말과 글을 부정하고 반증하고 그 결과로서 기부금 등을 전용하는 것도 사기 행위이니 삼갈 일이고 제 글과 책과 영화 등에 관한 기획연출을 맡는 것으로서 제가 해야 할 일 및 제가 살아가야 할 인생에 대해서 전혀 다르게 설계를 하고 토사구팽, 어부지리, 낙동강 오리알, 속담, 격언, 사자성어를 말하는 것이 정당화 되거나 이해될 수 있는 것은 아닙니다.
제가 해야 할 일 및 인생에 대한 기획연출을 맡은 것은 기본적으로 그 일을 추구 하기 위한 것이고 그 과정에 다른 사람들의 종교나 정치에 관한 것 또는 글, 책, 영화 등에 관한 것도 더불어 추구될 수 있고 다른 사람들도 더불어 이익을 추구할 수 있는 것이지 기획연출을 맡은 것이 그 사실로서 사실을 왜곡시킬 권리가 있는 것은 아닙니다.
제가 대한민국에서 및 1965-76년도 무렵의 어릴 때부터 성경(The Bible)에서 말하는 선지자(Prophet) 같은 그런 하나님과 천사님과의 교통과 동행 및 능력의 발생으로 대한민국의 신의 세계, 성경(The Bible), 종교 등에 대해서 성경(The Bible)이나 코란(Koran)과 같은 글을 작성할 것이 예정되어 있었고 그것이 신의 세계로부터의 예언과 실현에 관한 것이면 - 지금 현재 1968년도 무렵의 신의 세계의 예언이 실현되고 있고 그 사실은 사람의 방법으로 확인 가능한 것임 - 그것에 관한 기획연출 및 마케팅은 정말 중요한 것이고 기획연출가는 그 과정에서 다른 사람들의 종교에 관한 발언, 글, 책 등에 관한 것도 도모할 수 있는 정도의 상황이 생길 것이고 그것이 서로 간의 이익이 되는 것이지 기획연출 맡은 사실로서 제가 해야 할 일 및 제가 살아가야 할 인생을 다른 사람들이 대리하고 대행하도록 기획연출 하고 그 결과 제가 해야 할 일 및 제가 살아가야 할 인생에 사용될 기부금 등을 다른 사람들의 종교에 관한 발언, 글, 책 등에 관한 것을 도모하는데 사용하면 사람의 사회경제활동을 방해하고 인생을 파괴하는 것이 될 수 있고 경우에 따라서 국가의 법에 의한 범죄 행위가 될 수도 있을 것입니다. 기부금을 줄 권한을 가진 사람이 그렇게 해도 마찬가지입니다.
The Film Scenario
2012. 2. 6.
'사진과 그림과 사명' 카테고리의 다른 글
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