There were several children who acted as if I acted at my childhood in the Hyundai Deparment Store in Kintex and at near by by it. We cannot know what is the origin of reason, because we can see only the activity and response of child on the cart or on the chest without words and explanations. I can think the activities of those children are possible in a way of speech of foreign language by a prophet, which a prophet did not know, by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I A) in order to help me to do my missionary works well without any doubt about the truth of my current writings. There are many normal activities from a child, but it is not easy that the activities of many children in many places happen to be similar to my activities at my childhood. Right now, believable or not, I wrote about it with my memory and with the help of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) about what has happened by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but who wrote the concerned situation at my childhood?
오늘도 지하철 원당 부근 및 킨텍스 앞 아파트 단지의 생선판매 노점상 및 우체국 부근의 건널목 및 킨텍스 현재 백화점 앞 등등의 장소에서 내 어릴 때 행위와 유사한 행동을 하는 경우를 보게 되고, how can I know it and who has checked it in order to know mankind's memory capacity or ability or the soul of human being or the existence of God and Angels(Spirit) and who misused it to defraud money for my current writings and my political activity, as if it is related to human being's superpower or human being's soul or human being's soul after the death of physical body? 과거와 다른 것은 그 아이의 행위를 마음대로 판단하고 우악스럽게 간섭하는 남자가 없다는 것이다.
앞의 경우가 3살 이전의, 생후 5-6개월 후 및 3살 무렵에 내가 태어난 곳으로 돌아오기 전의, 내 여행 중 발생한 것이든 다른 사람의 생각이 신의 세계(Spirit)의 심령관찰이나 현몽의 결과로 내 기억으로 전달된 것이든 몇 몇 사람들의 기획 연출 및 set-up의 결과이든 어떤 경우이든 현실에서 사람을 통해서 재연되고 있고 또한 사람의 꿈이나 육체적인 지적인 정신적인 능력으로 불가능하다는 것이고 동서양의 지역이나 종교 이름의 문제가 아닐 것이다.
신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit)와의 약속된 의사 소통의 방법에 의해서 간혹 그 능력이 발생하고 그런 것이 마가복음 5장 28절처럼 발생하고 그 결과가 방언을 말하는 것, 환영을 보는 것, 어떤 배역에 대한 빙의와 같은 연기 등으로 나타나고 대륙간의 물질의 순간이동 등으로도 나타나니, 그 사실로 성경(The Bible)과 신앙과 종교가 이해되어야 할 것인데 오히려 조직과 재연으로 왜곡되고 사람이 분신사바나 마법의 램프처럼 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit)를 불러내어 부릴 수 있는 것으로 오해를 하고 사람의 이해관계가 없이 본 것을 본 것대로 말을 하고 알게 된 것을 알게 된 것대로 말을 하던 어린 시절부터 약 40년 동안의 사람의 말이 말로서 통하지 않고 각자의 정치적인, 종교적인 선포로 이용하려는 것은 누구로부터 기인할까?
어떤 곳에서 경쟁이란 말로서 누구에게 활동비, 노동비, 기부금 등을 주고 있는 경우는 아닌지 모르겠다. 오늘날 1965년부터 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터 발생한 교통, 동행, 능력의 현상에 기초해서 신의 세계가 실존(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)하고 있는 것을 증거 하는 글을 작성할 것이고 그 결과는 책, 영화 등 사람의 언어와 표현 방식으로 표현될 것이니 앞의 행위에 대해서 내가 사용할 유형무형의 재화에 대해서 리더쉽, 카리스마, 연기 등등의 요소로 경쟁하는 상황을 만들고 그 결과 어딘가에 소속된 누군가가 오늘날 내가 사용할 유형무형의 재화를 사용하는 행위의 결과가 이런 저런 공격성 행위로 나타나고 있는 것은 아닌지 모르겠다. 또는 오늘날 내가 정치 활동을 할 때 사용할 유형무형의 재화에 대해서도 기득권이나 정치적인 역량과 영향력과 말의 권위 등등의 요소로 경쟁하는 상황을 만들고 그 결과 어딘가에 소속된 누군가가 오늘날 내가 사용할 유형무형의 재화를 사용하는 행위의 결과가 사람의 말과 행위를 겉돌게 만들고 사람의 사회 경제 활동을 막는 이런 저런 다단계의 네트워크 활동으로 나타나고 있는 것은 아닌지 모르겠다. 심지어 약 40년 동안의 행위의 결과로 오늘날부터 시작될 나의 정치, 종교 분야의 활동에 대해서 어떤 정치인이나 종교인과 관련이 있는 것처럼 연결을 시키고 그 결과 정치, 종교 분야에서의 하나의 역할을 주려는 사기 행위 및 조직적인 범죄 행위의 결과가 사람의 말과 행위를 겉돌게 만들고 사람의 사회 경제 활동을 막는 이런 저런 다단계의 네트워크 활동으로 나타나고 있는 것은 아닌지 모르겠다.
To connect my proof activity about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) to my political activity and to neglect it due to several social interests can be fraudulent activity and harm to hinder and destroy one's life and one's religious activity and one's political activity. Especially, if it is based on multiple activity, it can be organizational illegal criminal activity.
To connect my current activity into the remnant of PP H or Y or M or M or J or S or any other political activity and try to put me into one social position in the concerned organization can be fraudulent activity and harm to hinder and destroy one's life. Especially, if it is based on multiple activity, it can be organizational illegal criminal activity.
However, if it is to work together from the viewpoint of human being and society and nation instead of fraud by using power of mass, there will be lots of things to work together from the viewpoint of business and religion and politics.
To connect my current activity into the remnant of current GO or previous GO or any other previous GO since Year 1970 and try to put me into one social position in the concerned organization can be fraudulent activity and harm to hinder and destroy one's life. Especially, if it is based on multiple activity, it can be organizational illegal criminal activity.
Even though there have been talks about political national issues, it has been caused as one of nation, as it can applied to all the peoples in the country and also all the peoples can take an examination for the service in Government Office.
I have never received any contribution money related to realizing the contents of my current writings into book-producing or movie-producing or etc since Year 1970, even though there had been many talks about contribution money to give to me and my current 5-6 years' writings are based on what has happened to/through me from the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), So, there is anyone who gave any contribution money to the 3rd person or to the certain organization in the reason of helping my political religious activity, it might be misused by some one else.
I have never received any contribution money related to realizing current writings through political activity, either. So, there is anyone who gave any contribution money to the 3rd person or to the certain organization in the reason of helping my political religious activity, it might be misused by some one else.
To prove the existence of the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) is not directly related to political activity which is related to my physical intellectual spiritual activity. The two factors are totally different issue. Also, my physical intellectual spiritual activity cannot be checked in a way of the number of Doctor.
It is not easy to meet 2,500-5,000 peoples in 5 provinces during certain period and also it is not easy to earn or collect 500 million won for deposit money by one's work for basic requirements to attend presidential election. Therefore, it would be a harmful activity to hinder my social religious political activities by sending any person who will try to verify the truth of my current writings in a way of chemical medical herbal experiments on living physical body or in a way of physical accident to hurt physical body or in one's own way by one's own understanding about the miracle and the content of The Bible or by other religious one's words or by other scientist's words instead of attending my open conversation which will be held at least till April 4 of Year 2011. Even though I have to prepare for presidential election in my Age 60th by neglecting my 40 years' past times in order to help someone's greatest fraud in this century, I should live my best life from now on and there is no time to spend away money or time or information, because there are many qualified peoples right now and also peoples will elect someone for this nation and their welfare instead of God and Angels. It is totally different from election by vote to tell about God and Angels through selected person in a way of God and Angels, because peoples cannot know about God and Angels in a way of physical cognition and physical material concept due to non-physical-material Existence.
My current writings can be verified somewhat in scientific way, but there are reasonable ways for it, because I am not the performer of the miracles in The Bible and in my writings and Abraham to Christ Jesus and his disciples are not the performer of the miracles in The Bible .
How could the existence of God and Angels have been proved by prophets in The Bible or when could the power of God and Angels have been performed through prophets in The Bible? Even though Christ Jesus was invited by someone and there was a cure of disease, it was possible by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) due to someone's belief in Christ Jesus's words and also the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). The inviter was not tester for non-verification but the inviter was a believer in Christ Jesus's words and also the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), even though there had been many non-believers in Christ Jesus's words regardless of their belief in Hight Priest or Elder's words and the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the contents of The Bible.
대통령선거; 5개이상의 시 · 도에 나누어 2,500인 이상 5,000인 이하, 시 · 도지사선거; 당해 시 · 도안 1/3 이상의 자치구 · 시 · 군에 나누어 1,000인 이상 2,000인 이하, 국회의원선거, 자치구 · 시 · 군 의장 선거; 300인 이상 500인 이하, 지역구시 · 도의회의원선거; 100인 이상 200인 이하, 지역구자치구 · 시·군 의회 의원선거; 50인 이상 100인 이하, / 대통령선거 ; 5억원, 국회의원선거 ; 1천500만원, 시 · 도의회의원선거 ; 300만원, 시 · 도지사선거 ; 5천만원, 자치구 · 시 · 군의회의원선거 ; 200만원, 자치구 · 시 · 군의장선거 ; 1천만원, http://www.nec.go.kr/nec_2009/info_election/election03/20100118/1_1141.html,
The contents of my blogs have copyright, for which several contribution including a land of 100 million pyung and 1,500 million won of Year 1968-70 and several sales right including 100,000 million won of Year 1968-70 and other economical value had been said as a result of planning and marketing by the concerned peoples and organizations in this world, because it was real proof activity based on real phenomena by the performance of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), even though it has been written by using personal computer and internet which cannot distinguish individual handwriting, as it had been said in Year 1965-76 and in the middle of Year 1986 when normal person could not talk about writing by using personal computer and internet. (C.F. If I talk about what happened for contribution money a little more, who could take care of 5,000 million won of Year 1968-70 and who could take care of a land of 100 million pyung and 1,500 million won of Year 1968-70 or who could take care of 100 million peoples and 1,500 million won? Which countries are related to 4 countries for sales right of 100000 million won of Year 1968-70? Who could calculate those kinds of value for the books which would be written like The Bible about the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) based on what has happened to/through me from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in these days? Who has prepared to draw contribution money from unknown contributors by misusing the religious situations related to my 40 years' proof activities based on real phenomena from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the books by my current writings to prove the existence and identity of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) based on real phenomena from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM)? Who has prepared to take my current writings and the concerned books or films and the copyright by misusing the human network, especially female network, and the power as a result of helping some one's political religious activities during 40 years without any efforts for writings and proof activities? Who has prepared to draw contribution money by misusing the situations related to my political activities from Age 40th to Age 60th including presidential election as an independent one?)
The Film Scenario
2010. 11. 11.
팩스; 1515-010-4641-4261(KT 전화선에서만 발송됨)
http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/와 즐겨 찾기의 블로그 1, 2, 3의 블로그들
http://q.freechal.com/hdjpia99의 동영상의 신앙, 종교와 선행 지식, (사진은 2-30대의 모습이고 제 동영상에는 오늘날의 제 모습이 있습니다.)
블로그에 있는 글은 컴퓨터로 작성되어 필체 구분이 어렵지만 저작권이 있는 글이고 저작자에 대한 확인은 제가 동석한 상황에서의 검증 행위나 또는 법원에서의 분쟁에서도 구분이 가능한 것으로서 불법의 상품화는 위법에 해당이 되니 주지할 사실이며 그러나 서점에서 책을 사서 읽어 보고 도서관에서 책을 대여해서 보듯이 그렇게 정보를 얻는 것에는 유익할 것이고 사람이 동서고금의 어디에서 무슨 일을 하며 세상을 살아가던 인생을 살아가는데 있어서 가장 중요한 지식과 정보를 얻는 것에는 유익할 것이며 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 실존, 성경(The Bible)의 내용의 사실성, 신(Spirit) 들린 현상, 귀신(Ghost; Spirit)에 홀린 현상, 빙의 등의 실체를 궁금해 하는 이웃과 동료에게 말을 전하는 것도 사람으로서의 행위 및 도리에 속할 것입니다.
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