기억을 돕는 것과 망각 상태
1) 하나님이나 천사님들의 도움으로 1965-70년도부터 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터 저를 통해서 발생한 현상들을 기억 하는 것은 어떻게 가능할까? How can I remember what has happened through me by the power of God and Angels by the help of God and Angels?
This kind of power of God and Angels is recorded in The Bible. The power of God and Angels has been conducted through me by God and Angels. So, God and Angels can know and show what God and Angels has done through me since Year 1965, as God and Angels can let the prophet to say Dialect or Foreign Language.
2) 하나님이나 천사님들로부터의 교통과 동행과 능력이 발생하고 있어도 그 사실 자체에 망각의 상태에 있을 수 있는 것은 어떻게 가능할까? How can't I know the performance of power of God and Angels and be in a status of lapse of memory for it, even though the power of God and Angels has been performed through me during 30 years since Year 1977?
The existential origin of God and Angels is invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material Existence from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept, and God and Angels can let prophet to dream some real situation in order to say something by using dream, and God and Angels can let prophet to say Dialect or Foreign Language which prophet does not know. Judas and Christ Jesus' disciples did not know it, when Satan(Spirit) entered the physical body of Judas. only Christ Jesus did know it by the help of Angel(Spirit) who had been with Christ Jesus in the inside of physical body of Christ Jesus. When A woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years was cured in Matthew 5, the woman knew it by the result of cure of her disease and Christ Jesus did know it by the movement of power(movement of Angel) through his physical body or the movement of Angel through his physical body and nobody knew it except for the two concerned peoples, A Woman of Hemorrhage and Christ Jesus of Angel's Dwelling, which was totally different from Speaking of Dialect or Seeing of Vision or Walking on the water or Separation of Red Sea. But, even the two concerned peoples, A Woman of Hemorrhage and Christ Jesus of Angel's Dwelling, could not see the existential origin of God and Angels or the power of God and Angels. Why? A Woman of Hemorrhage and Christ Jesus of Angel's Dwelling, had physical body and could do all the things with the activities of physical body and physical body could see only physical material concept of mankind, but God and Angels are invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material Existence from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept. This case can be applied to the situation in which God and Angels appeared in a vision of Dove and dwelled into the physical body of Christ Jesus. The concerned peoples could see only the vision of Dove by the help of God and Angels in a moment when God and Angels appeared in a vision of Dove, so he concerned peoples could know that God and Angels would be with Christ Jesus, and then the concerned peoples could see only the physical body of Christ Jesus and the result of power of God and Angels through Christ Jesus. Might be, Christ Jesus could not see the vision of Dove in this situation, especially by himself.
The Film Scenario
2010. 11. 9.
http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/와 즐겨 찾기의 블로그 1, 2, 3의 블로그들
http://q.freechal.com/hdjpia99의 동영상의 신앙, 종교와 선행 지식, (사진은 2-30대의 모습이고 제 동영상에는 오늘날의 제 모습이 있습니다.)
블로그에 있는 글은 컴퓨터로 작성되어 필체 구분이 어렵지만 저작권이 있는 글이고 저작자에 대한 확인은 제가 동석한 상황에서의 검증 행위나 또는 법원에서의 분쟁에서도 구분이 가능한 것으로서 불법의 상품화는 위법에 해당이 되니 주지할 사실이며 그러나 서점에서 책을 사서 읽어 보고 도서관에서 책을 대여해서 보듯이 그렇게 정보를 얻는 것에는 유익할 것이고 사람이 동서고금의 어디에서 무슨 일을 하며 세상을 살아가던 인생을 살아가는데 있어서 가장 중요한 지식과 정보를 얻는 것에는 유익할 것이며 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 실존, 성경(The Bible)의 내용의 사실성, 신(Spirit) 들린 현상, 귀신(Ghost; Spirit)에 홀린 현상, 빙의 등의 실체를 궁금해 하는 이웃과 동료에게 말을 전하는 것도 사람으로서의 행위 및 도리에 속할 것입니다.
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