4대강과 정책과 국회의원이 할 것과 행정부가 할 것과 기업인을 비롯한 국민이 할 것,,,
비록 정책 발의는 민주당의 것이 아니지만 민주당 당원 중에서 4대강 살리기 및 가꾸기는 찬성할 경우가 많을 것이니 4대강 사업에 적극적으로 참여를 해서 4대강 정책이 대운하가 아닌 4대강 살리기 및 소형 운반선 및 한반도를 강으로 연결하는 사업이 되도록 감시하면 될 것이고 2-3년 정책을 2-30년으로 분산해서 예산 절감 및 다른 분야에의 사용 효과도 가져오면 좋을 것이다.
한나라 당에서도 4대강과 같은 국책 사업이 2-3년에 종결될 수 없는 것은 다른 당보다 더 잘 알 수 있을 것이고 빌딩 건설, 고속도로 건설, 항만 건설, 플랜트 건설, 사막의 유전 케이블 건설, 파나마 운하 공사 등과 다른 것도 더 잘 알 것이니 2-3년이란 시간으로 수 조 원의 세금을 사업비로 낭비할 것은 아닐 것이고 그런 것이 2-30년이란 시간에 대한 반대급부도 아닐 것이고 수 조 원의 예산이면 과학 기술 및 여타 분야에 투자 효과도 간과 못할 것이다.
As some ridiculous comment which is caused by different plans for what had been mentioned long time ago as what would happen in these days and by movement of multiple peoples,
to be continued,,,up to Age 60th, Year 2025-35
and there will be any other challenge according to the result of the amount of deposit money and the number of traveling companions, which has been said since Year 1965-70. It can be pursued as an independent from political religious viewpoint. Why?
The problem has been caused during 10 years or 2-30 years or 3-40 years by community's neglecting the targeted one's opinions due to misunderstanding on the contents of The Bible, especially miralces through selected human being by invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material power of invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), or misunderstanding on the identity and world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), or misunderstanding on mankind's communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), or misunderstanding on other one's words, or etc.
The above social political activity is not against proof activity through me from the world of invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). The two issues are totally different issue and both issues are good for both activities.
The person who wants to know belief and the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) is more important than verifier or tester for the proof activity through me from the world of invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). The proof activity through me from the world of invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) is related to the mind and attitude of mankind toward the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and me or other selected person who has to say one's words about the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through one's own experiences by one's communicating with and traveling with the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) instead of my job or my dwelling place or my working place. It may be one of the reasons that prophets usually had travelled here and there according to the words of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).
The above social political activity is not against to publish books and to produce movies based on my current writings, which has copyright and is caused by my communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965-70, even though it has been written in computer. My communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965-70 and my writings about it will be continued to at least Year 2055 and unknown time, if there is not any harmful experiments on living physical body based on chemical medical herbal materials. The contribution and the sales right for current writings and books are other issues than the above issues.
Even though it is only possible visible way to know God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) by checking the cure of disease by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) as a result of disease induction to the physical body of the person who talks about one's communicating and traveling with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), it can not be controlled by human being's own will, which can be already known through Abraham to Christ Jesus and his disciples. Even though the death of physical body of Christ Jesus is expected due to many reasons from human beings and the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), the physical body of Christ Jesus was hurted and harmed by physical material, such as nail or spear, and then died by bleeding. The disease of human being is related to only physical body and the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit) is non-physical-material without the disease of human being and so there is not the situation of DongByungSangRyeon, 'Grief is best pleased with grief´s company or Fellow sufferers pity[sympathize with] one another or Misery loves company', between the disease of human being and the world of God and Angels. The cure of disease by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) is the result of happenings of power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in order to tell about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in that way, when God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) appear to the selected human being, such as Abraham to Christ Jesus and his disciples.
It can be a kind of fraudulent activity to make other schedules for other peoples by using the chances for me and my life and what I have to do during my life. There has not been lie to deceive one's life toward other peoples, who have been related to me since Year 1965, from me. If there is any lie to deceive one's life from me, he/she can tell it to me legally instead of mobilizing impulsive peoples into illegal harmful actions.
God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) can appear to the monk in meditation on the mountain regardless of one's religion and region and sex and race and other human being's issue, because the monk in meditation on the mountain is also one of mankind, but it is not related to the issue of the name of religion nor to the region of religion, and it can be easily guessed by considering the existential origin of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). But, the communication between the monk in meditation on the mountain and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) can be led to only tell about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) due to his thought or mind or attitude toward this world and oneself instead of heavenly proof activity by continual communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).
However, the 28 of Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Mark is basic thought or mind or attitude in order to know God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), especially when there is a kind of proof activity by a person, such as Abraham to Christ Jesus and his disciples.
We do not know when God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) can appear to mankind, especially after the days from Abraham to Christ Jesus and his disciples, which had been continual working time from the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and also continual relation from mankind to mankind.
This is one of the reasons I said at my childhood of Year 1965-77, 'When we say something only from the viewpoint of human being, if someone, who is really interested in religion and lives one's life in religion, becomes Buddhist, he may know two things according to the mind of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).
One is human being's spiritual status as a result of one's own activity. It is not easy to be reach it by oneself. Even though one can reach spiritual status as a result of one's own activity, one is still in one's own physical status and one has to live one's life by earing money.
The other is the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) by the appearance of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), which can be more easily achieved by one's seeking to meet or to know God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Even though one can meet God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) as a result of one's own activity, one is still in one's own physical status and one has to live one's life by earing money.
However, if God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) appear to someone to tell about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), he can know the above two things without any whole life's devotion nor any effort, as it happened to me at my childhood when I do not know the above two things.
As some comments due to mass activity based on political power,
The books in my writings are the one which is in book store or library. The movies in my writings are the one which is played in the cinema. The books and movies in my writings will be based on my current writings in order to tell about the world of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and what is related to the appearance of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) to mankind for the understanding of the peoples who do not have a mind of belief in the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or who have just a mind of belief without certain experices with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).
My writings are not directly related to political national policies of political party or politician but it has some understanding and knowledge about this world based on what has happened in these days in this world like The Bible, which cannot be directly proved in the way of physical material concept of mankind up to now but which can do important role for the direction of political activity and national activity in this world. As far as my political activity is concerned, I do not need to pay any money to any kind of organization including nation except for the deposit money for election, which will be paid to JungAangSeonGeoGwanRiWiWeonWoe during elecction period in order to do political activities and political national policies. Of course, as far as my religious activity is concerned, I do not need to pay any money to any kind of organization including nation in order to get a kind of acknowledge for my current writings.
The book will be published from publishing company. The movie will be produced by film producer.
If there is some one who has paid some price or certain money to some organization in order to buy political national policies from political party or politician, as if there have been some kind of general practice for political activities in SK, he/she has wrong information about my current writings, books, movies and political activities.
If there is some one who has paid some price or certain money to some organization due to book publishing and movie producing, as if there have been some kind of general practice for book publishing and movie producing in SK, he/she has wrong information about my current writings and books and movies and political activities. My political religious activity can be pursued as an independent from political religious viewpoint. Why? I have to say what I have known about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) based on what has happened to me by invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material power of invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), as The Bible had been written by what Abraham through Christ Jesus and his disciples had said by their continual communication with and traveling with invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material non-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), or as there have been many missions or priests or evangelists by their own mind of belief on the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).
My political activity can be done by myself, and if there are some supporters more than 2,500 and some deposit money of 500 million won, it can be led to presidential election, because good political national policies are with me since Year 1965-70. It is not related to proof activity by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) but it is mainly related to physical intellectual spiritual activity as human being of physical body.
My religious proof activity can be basically pursed by the appearance and power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) to me, and if there are some peoples who can believe in and support my words about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or what has happened through me by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), it would be led to good result .
The Film Scenario
2010. 11. 2.
팩스; 1515-010-4641-4261
http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and favorite's blog 1, 2 , 3
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