종교(Religion)와 사명

국방의 의무와 성경

정희득이본명이자가명 2009. 5. 18. 13:41




There have been many peoples who have tried to talk about the relation between National Defense Army Duty and communications with or traveling with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky in The Bible as a kind of verification method for the truth of someone's communications with or traveling with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky in The Bible, especially based on the life style of the person who had met and communicated with and traveled with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky in The Bible, as smoking a cigarette or drinking a alcohol or marriage or the linguistic words and expressions and something in The Bible have been misused to attack or to deny or to make a fool of the concerned person who tried to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the way and power of Spirits as God or Angels.


What is a problem in understanding the contents of The Bible?


Human beings exist,

Human beings live in the social natural environments which are different from each era and also each region or each continent.

What was the living way about 2,000 years ago and what is the living way right now?


Spirits as God or Angels in the sky in The Bible exist in this world above the physical existential concept of this world from the viewpoint of human beings.

Spirits as God or Angels exist invisibly inaudibly intangibly above human being's cognition ability and above the concept of physical concept.

Spirits as God or Angels can be cognized only when Spirits as God or Angels appear to human being's cognition up to now.


So, Spirits as God or Angels meet and try to tell about Spirits as God or Angels with/through human being. Why?

It is really important factor to understand this world which can be seen by the eyes of human being.

It is really important factor to know the world of Spirits as God or Angels and also the world of souls of human beings whose physical bodies are dead.


National Defense Duty is National Duty which applies to everybody in South Korea. It is not option but obligatory duty.

National Defense Duty's purpose is to defend one's country and, as a result of it, to protect one's life to live one's life as a human being, and there are many concerned exercises to do it. To commit sins and crimes is not related to it and to prevent sins and crimes is related to it. Just, sometimes, there are some peoples who forget what is National Defense Duty and who focus on misusing one's power and rank and the concerned social position.

If someone's communication with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels seem to be true according to the concerned's knowledge understanding and so on, the concerned can take care of it. There are lots of working areas in the army including churches. The fact that there is no test to test one's religion is also one of good factors.



If there is someone who seems to have communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels, Spirits as God or Angels and the concerned person try to tell about Spirits as God or Angels in lots of ways which are possible in each society and each era and also the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels and also the existential origin of human being and also the purpose of proof activities about Spirits as God or Angels,,,


Try to think about it in the situations of Year 0 and Year 1970 and Year 2010 and country side and city and so on considering all the things related to the lives of human beings and the societies of human beings.


Spirits as God or Angels do not have visible audible tangible physical body.

Human beings in this world have one's own visible audible tangible physical body. 


The Bible is also only way to tell about Spirits as God or Angels for the peoples who have not met Spirits as God or Angels or who have not been in the regions and eras where Spirits as God or Angels have tried to tell about Spirits as God or Angels in the way and power of Spirits as God or Angels with human beings.


What is a problem in understanding the contents of The Bible?


The Bible had been recorded after lots of missions had been done by the power of Spirits as God or Angels with the concerned human being with the appropriate way, based on one's belief in the word of the concerned person and also in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels. The problem was there was only visible audible tangible physical body of the concerned human being and believable-or-not result of the power of Spirits as God or Angels. It is really important to do right religious life instead of calling the person's name or to attack peoples in the name of The Bible and Saint Mary and Christ Jesus.


Do not try to make any testing situation, if the concerned person and Spirits as God or Angels are in the situation of testing, it is not good to tell about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the way and power of Spirits as God or Angels. Why? Try to think about the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels and try to the fact that there are lots of knowledge or understanding or religion or way of thought or way of life or social customs or personal habits or etc,,,And also human being cannot effect the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels, even though there is a promised communication method and the concerened machine which can make it to be possible in my case since around Year 197o, when it was not easy to tell about the  existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the way and power of Spirits as God or Angels after several years' tries. (My other writings can be good for further information.)


대한민국 사람이나 아시아 사람이 성경의 예수님의 경우를 이해하기 위해서는 예수님과 무속 신앙의 경우가 서로 다르지만 무속신앙의 신들린 경우로 이해를 하면 조금은 이해하기 쉬울 것이라고 말을 하니,

그 말이 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력과 방법에 의한 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존에 대한 증거를 막고 또한 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존과 정체성에 대한 글을 작성하는 것을 막기 위한 이런 저런 핑계로,

에서와 야곱을 핑계로,

세례 요한과 그리스도 예수님의 세대 교체를 핑계로,

성경에서 언급된 단어와 표현을 핑계로,

대한민국과 애국애족을 핑계로,


사람이 Spirits as God or Angels을 부리거나 조정할 수 있는 것처럼,

성경의 이름으로,

예수님의 이름으로,

하나님의 이름으로,

명령을 하는 경우로까지 발생한다.


성경의 이름으로,

예수님의 이름으로,

하나님의 이름으로,

명령을 하는 경우가 사람들에 어느 정도로 신앙을 왜곡시키고 있는 지를 모른다.


사람 간의 비교를 할 것은 아니지만

사람의 눈에 보이는 것은 없지만 Spirits as God or Angels과 교통을 하고 동행을 하는 선지자님이나 예수님이 '귀신아 물러가라'고 말을 할 때의 상황이 무슨 상황인지를 이해를 못하고 단지 단어와 문구와 표현으로만 성경과 신앙 생활을 왜곡시키는 것으로 나타난다.

교회 안의 교회?