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아나콘다와 Spirits as God or Angels

정희득이본명이자가명 2008. 11. 8. 16:42

아나콘다와 Spirits as God or Angels


Do not try to test the life of human being in the name of research about human being.


If some one is exposed to the situation of test for certain purpose, such as the eligibility of political capacity and so on, the result will go quietly differently way regardless of ones ability in test situation, because the test situation can have ones own way to do something and especially each tester has ones own response and view about the test situation according to ones own social economical political desires and so on. If there is any necessity to test someone, it would be better to have conversations or actual appropriate concerned activities about the concerned issue with someone.


If the candidate of leading actor for certain movie is exposed to the free test situations to the multiple failures of leading actor without specified scope and regardless of scenario and other certain interesting issues, and if the result of free test situations can be led to the another candidate opportunity of leading actor for certain movie to the multiple failures or to the member of organization to which the multiple failures belong to, and if there is a lie to tell that the purpose is to teach the proverb, Failure teaches success. (속담) 실패는 성공을 가르친다., by failure in real situation, and so on, what results will be drawn from the free test situations?  


Believable Or Unbelievable,


There is a story in The Bible about a man who entered the abdomen of fish and survived after 3 days. How?


I do not know whether there has been a snake which swallows human being regardless of dead or alive or not. But, if there is a bag that contains a man in sleep in front of a big snake, 아나콘다, what will happen to the bag or the man in the bag? How about in case of the man who is related to communications with or traveling with the world of Spirits as God or Angels?


If a big snake, 아나콘다, cannot swallow the bag or the man in the bag, what can be the reason? How about in case of the man who is related to communications with or traveling with the world of Spirits as God or Angels? If Spirits as God or Angels can prevent a big snake, 아나콘다, from swallowing the man in the bag who is related to communications with or traveling with the world of Spirits as God or Angels, how can it happen? If there is an invisible intangible big bubble which is larger that opening of mouth of snake, is it a show or can it be real?  


The performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels is totally dependent upon the will of Spirits as God or Angels, even in case of a prophet who could communicate with and travel with Spirits as God or Angels and tell about the miracles from Spirits as God or Angels, as it can be guessed from the contents The Bible. So, there is nothing for us to tell about the possibility of the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels in each test situation, as there is nothing for us to see about existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels. So, if there is any harmful test to be conducted on living physical body of human being, it would be same as that on living physical body of human being, regardless of ones communications with and traveling with Spirits as God or Angels.




캥거루 통째로 삼키려던 비단뱀…


입력 : 2008.11.07 15:20 / 수정 : 2008.11.07 19:26




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입력 : 2008.02.28 11:21 / 수정 : 2008.02.28 16:12

