종교(Religion)와 사명

[스크랩] 올 주택공급 물량 70% 달성 어려울 듯

정희득이본명이자가명 2008. 10. 3. 18:29
뉴스: 올 주택공급 물량 70% 달성 어려울 듯
출처: 서울신문 2008.10.03 06:26
출처 : 경제일반
글쓴이 : 서울신문 원글보기
메모 : The Bible tells about one's possession and, as a result of it, tells about,'Do not harm other peoples and do not steal the possessions of other peoples and do not tell a lie to other peoples,' Why? if one's life is attacked to be put into certain situations to tell community, is it crime or information?