관타나모로 가는 길, The Road to Guantanamo, 2006,
드라마| 95 분| 15세 이상 관람가| 2007.08.23 개봉
There were short conversations about several issues, such as religious man and his activity as politician in Government Organization. This issue cannot be said in short words, because there would be lots of situations by human beings and the society. But if I speak it in principle, as many peoples have one's religion regardless of one job or occupation or role in society, there would be not any problem. If there seems to be any problem, the problem will be caused by some peoples' critic talks and talks which can be shown sometimes and in some cases, when the opinions or the interests of concerned peoples are different.
Even if a certain man can communicate with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky like a prophet in The Bible, there will be not any problem in a certain man's activities in social organizations. Instead, if a certain man's communications with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is real, it will be good for the society and the country. If a certain man's communications with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is real, a certain man can say about it and can do lots of activities related to the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, but those activities are not for the destruction of the lives of peoples in society but for the lives of peoples in society, of course, within the boundary of The Bible or 10 Commandments or The Law in society. Even though there are small differences in verbal expressions or in the ways how to something, the purpose or the goal of The Bible or 10 Commandments or The Law in society is similar.
If a certain man can communicate with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky like a prophet in The Bible, a certain man will try to do something related to Spirits as God or Angels, such as proofs for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, because other peoples usually cannot know the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels directly or as enough as a prophet, or in other words, because other peoples usually cannot cognize the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels directly or as enough as a prophet. But, the way or the method how to do something related to Spirits as God or Angels usually depends on the situations of a certain man or peoples surrounding a certain man or the society, because all the things related to Spirits as God or Angels, even the miracle of Spirits as God or Angels, can be done to the peoples of the society in the society. It is the issue of the ability or the power of Spirits as God or Angels, but it is the issue of the peoples who will know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, or the power of Spirits as God or Angels, or the world after human being’s death.
However, if a certain man does social political economical religious activities in one’s society, a certain man tries to do concerned things within or according to the boundary of social law or legal procedures or normal ways of human beings, even though a certain man say about Spirits as God or Angels and do something related to Spirits as God or Angels, because human social activities are human social activities, to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angels is to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, to tell about Spirits as God or Angels is to tell about Spirits as God or Angels, and human social activities are not in the opposite position of what Spirits as God or Angels try to say to human beings in human society. Have you ever seen natural law or social law or social regulations or social organizations or Governmental organizations which try to make peoples to commit sins and crimes? Of course, there are peoples who sometimes commit sins and crimes or who sometimes act in the abnormal or sinful or illegal way due to lots of social reasons, so there are policeman or public prosecutor or Agency or etc, and Jails or Prisons, and repentance and salvation and next world after human’s death due to human being’s imperfection or the gab between physical functions and mental spiritual functions from the viewpoint of human being’s Existence.
Human being is originally different from Spirits as God or Angels, Human being’s soul or mind or spirit is originally different from Spirits as God or Angels, there is no reason for Spirits as God or Angels to be born as human being or to be born of human being, Spirits as God or Angels can create all the things in the universe, Spirits as God or Angels can create human being, Spirits as God or Angels can speak what Spirits as God or Angels want to say through human beings, Spirits as God or Angels perform powers or miracles though human beings, Spirits as God or Angels can have real human being’s image in the form of vision or phantom, Spirits as God or Angels can dwell in the inside of human’s physical body like the soul of human being dwelling in human’s physical body, of course, as far as I know about Spirits as God or Angels based on my own life in this earth,
For the ‘Being Conceived’ by The Holy Spirit from the viewpoint of human being who can cognize all the things with one’s own physical cognition functions, and also who can cognize or communicate with Spirits as God or Angels, only when Spirits as God or Angels appear in front of human being, as off-record, it is some kind of process or phenomena or power of Spirits as God or Angels for the birth of Christ Jesus, like the creation of human being in the beginning of this mankind or like a walk on the water or like a walk in the air or like a lift of water or like a change of weather,
Do you think that the situation to do something will be same, when a certain man’s age is 10 or 20 or 30 or 60, or regardless of the social situations? Do you think that the situation to do something will be same, in the Jewish society of 2,000 years ago or in current American or in current Korea or in current country of Asian regions or in current Africa or in current Europe, when someone tries to prove the existence of Spirits as God or Angels? As you say, Spirits as God or Angels exist above-time-space and above all the human social concepts, such as color or race or region or nation, and the power of Spirits as God or Angels are omniscient, omnipotent, universe-creating, and mind-reading from the viewpoints of ability or power of An Existence, as expressed in The Bible, but the problem is who will know and understand something from the omniscient and omnipotent power of Spirits as God or Angels, especially as invisible inaudible intangible Existence, especially through selected human being, who tell about Spirits as God or Angels among human beings, by Spirits as God or Angels?
Also, as one of real important issue, each human being has one’s own concept about human being and the world after death and Spirits as God or Angels in the sky and so one according one’s own life history regardless of right or wrong.
When the miracles of Spirits as God or Angels are conducted in this place where lots of peoples are and where lots of social historical situations are, through someone by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God or Angels, if the result is translated as each one’s social political economical religious interest, what will you do about it or what will you say about it? Especially, if someone’s religious position is complex situations, or if someone’s religious position is not like that of the Jewish society of 2,000 years ago, what would be expected from the mentioned phenomena? Also, the miracles of Spirits as God or Angels can be conducted only by the decision of Spirits as God or Angels, absolutely based on the belief of human being.
There were short conversations about several issues, such as religious man and his activity as politician in Government Organization and army or war as National Defense. This issue cannot be said in short words, but there will be not any problem for that kind of issue.
To have religion or to believe in Spirits as God or Angels is to live without committing sins an crimes to oneself and other peoples, but if human being’s life is exposed to danger or risk from other human being, human being has to protect oneself by fair means or foul, or by hook or by crook, to abandon one’s life is also some kind of sin or crime for oneself as a living creature or for one’s parents or for Spirits as God or Angels. Human being does not live one’s life in order to be harmed or hurt or victimized or killed by sinners or criminals. Love or to love human being or to forgive human being’s faults or sins or crimes is quietly different concepts or issues. To be harmed or hurt or victimized or killed by sinners or criminals is not love or to love human being or to forgive human being’s faults or sins or crimes, To be harmed or hurt or victimized or killed by sinners or criminals is just to be harmed or hurt or victimized or killed by sinners or criminals. It is a kind of sins or crimes by making one’s life to be harmed or hurt or victimized or killed by sinners or criminals and also by making sinners or criminals to live well according to one’s ways of life or to commit another sins or crimes. Whey do you make family or tribe or nation? Why do you talk about morals or ethics or laws and other social regulations? If one human being’s defense concept for one life is enlarged or stretched, there will be police and public prosecutor or army in
The end does not justify the means. To harm human being is to harm human being. To injure human being is to injure human being.
If a certain man's communications with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky is real, a certain man can say about it and can do lots of activities related to the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, such as proofs for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels, because other peoples usually cannot know the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels directly or as enough as a prophet, or in other words, because other peoples usually cannot cognize the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels directly or as enough as a prophet. So, if a certain man who can communicate with Spirits as God or Angels in the sky try to do social activities in social organization including political activities as politician, there will be some other reason for it, but peoples in the society or in the country do not need to worry about it. Why? What do you do in your praying to Spirits as God or Angels by your belief on Spirits as God or Angels by The Bible or by other people’s missionary works? It is almost similar situation, but the differences can be said as follows from the viewpoint of human being; certain man can directly communicate with Spirits as God or Angels about what to do and how to do in one’s life and, also as a result of it, other peoples can actually know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels with indirect but real experiences, another man can receive some response for Spirits as God or Angels by one’s sincere praying to Spirits as God or Angels for what to do and how to do.
라호르, 어린 아이들의 물 놀이 장면, 무슨 대화들이 있었을까?
택시 타고 공항, what kind of conversations?
벵갈 출신,
비행기 타고 아프카니 스탄, what kind of conversations?
카라치에서 1주일,
호텔 or 사원, what kind of conversations?
비노리 사원,
목마 탄 꼬마 아이, what kind of conversations? What did I say for religion or politics or economics, when I was a child?
파키스탄과 아프카니스탄의 국경 근처 사원 화장실, what kind of conversations about the areas and the toilet?
파키스탄과 아프카니스탄의 국경,
칸다하르 폭격장면,
칸다하르 잠자리,
토우미사일 든 사람들,
하얀 건물,
white building,
What’s the purpose of your trip?
What’s the status?
How do you come to here?
In abnormal way, not in a way of human transportation, in a way of the world of Spirits as God or Angels,
Usually peoples do not show hostile attitude toward other peoples, if peoples do not show hostile attitude toward other peoples,
Is there any combat situation in here?
Is there any restriction on certain peoples?
Is there any problem for people to walk around in order to see what’s going on in here?
External and internal policy for this world will be to open this world to each country until journey to all the scenic spots in this world could be the journey to all the scenic spots in one’s country in order to promote peoples’ free movements among countries,
There would be the necessity of information system of each nation in order to promote peoples’ free movements among countries,
Peoples’ free movements among countries could be some kind of basic right of mankind in this earth from the beginning of nation era as social constitution,
폐허가 된 건물들, 1970년 대의 우리의 재건축 현장을 연상케 하는 장면들,
쿤두즈의 하얀 벽돌 건물들,
밤의 폭격,
폐허가 된 마을, 벽돌 잔해들, 부서진 담벼락에 기댄 병사, what kind of greetings and words were made?
시체를 묻는 들판,
담벼락에 기대선 사람들,
A truck,
Trucks, Soldiers,
들판, 도로변, 포로 수용소,
북아프카니스탄, 쉐버간 감옥, 200112,
적십자가 왔을 때의 장면, 빵을 나누어 주는 장면, 건물 밖에서 살펴 본 장면,
루엘 아메드의 신문 장면, 버밍햄 팁톤, 건물 안에서 살펴 본 장면,
아프카니스탄 남부 칸타하르 공군기지,
Here is my room, How did you come into my room? Who are you? Are you Korean or foreigner? This kind of converational situations happened in the similar area of one of lots of places in the movie production, becasue before this kind of conversational situtions happened, I fell into sleep at my room in front of SeongBo High School in Seoul City of South Korea.
In the tent, what kind of conversations were made among peoples for the identity of Army and for the relations between Army and religion or conscience? Some of them were said in my other writings. What kind of conversations were made for the relation between the location of 빈라덴 and the power of Spirits as God or Angels? What kind of conversations were made for the relation between religions, 코란 and The Bible?
알카에다와 알카라인, a name of battery in South Korea,
빈 라덴,
In the another tent,
what kind of conversations were made among peoples for the reason or the method for me to come to this place?
In the 관타나모, in Camp X-ray, In Camp Delta, in Cuba,
How many times and how and why could I be in the places which were called as 관타나모 camp area?
In the place like zoo,
Punch Ball,
Isolation Cell
Poisoning Spider, 독거미, in the night,
Trial to say something to make the person to remember the situation,
Who was the woman who had some negative thought about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels? And why did she have some negative thought about the existence of Spirits as God or Angels?
In the bus in which the issue to see out of the window was said,
From 관타나모 to England, by airplane by police,
파키스탄 again,
라호르, 어린 아이들의 물 놀이 장면, 무슨 대화들이 있었을까?
폭죽놀이 in the night,
돈이 오가 가는 장면 in the day,
to be continued,,,
내가 말을 하는 Spirits as God or Angels의 정체성 Spirits as God or Angels과 사람과의 관계 Spirits as God or Angels과 이 세상의 사람들과의 간접적인 관계 등에 대한 이해를 비롯하여 나의 Spirits as God or Angels과의 관계로 파생된 정치 경제 종교 관련 말들 등이 몇몇 사람들의 판단으로는 가상의 세계에서나 가능하다는 이유로서 왕실은 왕실대로 궁궐은 궁궐대로 종교 단체는 종교 단체대로 영화는 영화대로 비디오는 비디오대로 기업은 기업대로 학계는 학계대로 각각의 King-Maker는 King-Maker대로 각각의 씽크는 씽크대로 각각의 기획가는 기획가 대로 등등 각자의 정치 또는 사회 활동 등의 이해 관계로, 더구나 ‘사람의 창조’ ‘신체발부수지부모’ 등의 말을 이용하고 종교 활동에서의 Spirits as God or Angels의 대리 대행이란 상징적인 의미나 사람의 사회 활동에서의 대리 대행 대의 등을 비롯하여 사람의 사회 활동 관계 등을 이용하여 기획 연출의 이름으로 굴레와 칼쿠리가 만들어져서, 사람의 존재 자체를 사회 활동으로부터 고립을 시키기에도 바쁜 시기에, 그것도 사람의 삶과 사회 활동을 부정하는 것이 국가 대의와 정치를 위한 ‘헌신’ ‘산 제물’ ‘산 제사’ 등의 말로서 통하는 시기에, The below is not the translation of the above, 아래 내용은 상기 내용의 번역이 아님, HOW and WHY could I appear in so lots of world places, considering normal traffic utilities and traffic network in this real earth and also real traffic expenses, and also considering my social careers since Year 1986, 30 Months’ Army Service, 3 Years’ University after Army Service, one Year’s Teacher in Foreign Language School, 10 Years’ Salaried Man in Foreign Insurance Company, especially almost every day’s overtime without overtime pay except for 1~2 years in the beginning of social life, one and A Half Years’ Mountain Climbing in 15 mountains of Seoul City and Gyunggy Province since the middle of Year 2003, and almost 4 Years’ walking around from this place to that place of South Korea, especially 1 Year’s walking around SuWon City since the end of Year 2006? Now, I am on writing books more than volumes of near to 200 books about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, and the difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, and also the guessing understanding for Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and Being Conceived by the Holy Spirit and the identity of Christ Jesus as Human Being and dwelling of Spirits as God or Angels since the end of Year 2004, as said at my childhood of 30~40 years ago.
믿거나 말거나 나의 글들과 관련이 된 것으로서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력과 방식으로 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 증거를 할 수 있을 때까지 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 알고 싶어 하는 사람을 위해서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력을 볼 수 있는 것으로서 나와 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법과 그리고 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 상황 판단에 의하여 발생하게 된 현상들에 의해서 실제의 순간적인 공간이동이든 환영이나 꿈이나 상상력 등에 의한 순간적인 공간이동이든 또는 사람의 육체나 사람의 육체의 환영이나 사람의 육체와 환영이 결합된 것이나 사람의 영혼이 육체로부터 분리가 된 형태 등으로의 공간이동으로 세계 주요 정상들이 집무를 보는 공간들 및 세계 각국에서 촬영된 영화 관련 장소들과 장면들 및 세계 관광 명소의 장소들 및 우연히 사고 사로 죽고 변사자 처리 하기에도 딱 알맞은 세계의 오지의 장소들로의 이동을 한 것 및 그곳에서의 대화와 관련이 된 것은 관련자들을 통해서 확인을 하고 필히 나와의 대화를 통해서도 확인을 할 수도 있을 것이다.
앞의 현상들과 관련하여 나의 어릴 때 나와 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels 사이의 약속된 방법에 대한 것도 내가 서울에 있으면 다른 관련자들은 제주도나 거제도나 외도나 오동도 등에 있는 것과 같은 방법으로서 확인을 할 수가 있을 것이고 나의 순간적인 공간이동과 관련이 된 것들도 나의 글들 속에서 언급된 내용들로서도, 그리고 다른 무엇보다도 당사자들과의 대화 내용들로서도, 충분히 확인을 할 수가 있을 것이다.
주지할 것은 그리스도 예수님이 왕권의 사회가 아닌 유태인 사회에서 유태인의 왕이란 표현을 사용을 했고 그 당시에는 그리스도 예수님과 달리 유태인 사회의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과 성경의 공식적인 전도사인 제사장님 서기관님 장로님 등이 존재를 했듯이 성경 및 성경 속의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대해서 누가 무엇이라고 말을 하던 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 교통 및 동행이 가능한 사람이 존재를 할 수가 있다는 사실이고 더불어 내가 앞에서 및 나의 글들에서 언급하고 있는 곳들로의 순간적인 공간이동 등의 현상이 있었을 때는 대체로 그곳에 이미 우리 사회의 누군가가, 특히 내가 이곳 저곳에 나타나거나 무엇인가 말만 하면 한 두 마디 단어나 표현으로만 그것도 오래 동안 단련된 어투로만 말을 하는 사람들이 어딘가에, 있었다는 것이다.
참고로 나의 글들에서 As there is the word, King Of Jew, which mean the best communicator among lots of slight or powerful communicators with the world of Spirits s God or Angels, in The Bible and also there are lots of peoples who can have responses from the world of Spirits s God or Angels and also can show lots of slight or powerful phenomena from the world of Spirits s God or Angels, the religious phenomena or the mentioned spatial movement or the promised method between I and Spirits s God or Angels can be tested in several situations, such as my location in Seoul and others’ locations in JeJu Island or in GeoJae Island or in Oi-Do or in USA or etc. I do not know what kinds of results can be made, because there has been nothing for me to directly handle the phenomena from Spirits s God or Angels, even though I have written more than volumes of 50 books or 100 books or 200 books about the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels through my life story and the concerned phenomena. I talk about my phenomena and my life story related to the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels since I was born in this earth.
Of course, all the things related to mind-reading of peoples or telepathy communications with peoples or sight of vision of traffic signals on the streets or etc in my writings are out of my physical cognition abilities as far as I know about myself or other peoples up to now. However, those kinds of phenomena can be also confirmed by what I said or by what other peoples say or by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who really wanted to know the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels due to incongruent unfit inadequate situations of this society, which are under human-biased religions and customs in the era of scientific and material civilization, for the proof of the existence of Spirits s God or Angels by the absolute method of the world of Spirits s God or Angels due to the performance of the power of Spirits s God or Angels in this created human beings and world regardless of the omniscient omnipotent power of Spirits s God or Angels. . I talk about my phenomena and my life story related to the existence or the identity of Spirits s God or Angels since I was born in this earth.
신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력과 방식으로 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 증거를 할 수 있을 때까지 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존을 알고 싶어 하는 사람을 위해서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 상황 판단에 의하여 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력을 볼 수 있는 것으로서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법을 말을 한 결과 약 30~40년 동안의 나의 삶에서, 특히 1986년도 이후의 나의 삶에서, 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법에 의해서 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력이 나타나는 것은 관련된 사람들의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 믿음이나 신앙과 나의 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과의 약속된 방법에 의한 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 실존에 대한 증거와 더불어서 그 때 그 때마다의 복합적인 이유들이나 목적들이나 이해 관계들이 얽힌 상황에 대한 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 판단에 의한 것이겠지만 약 30~40년 동안 또는 1986년도 이후부터 약 20년 동안 각자의 그 때 그 때마다의 정치 경제 종교 등의 이해 관계와 엮여서 그리고 시간과 공간을 초월하여 존재를 하고 있는 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대해서 사람이 만들어 낸 각종 지역 인종 민족 국가 등의 사회적인 개념과 이해를 적용을 하여 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 개념과 이해가 잘 못 된 것에 의해서 나에 대한 그리고 나와 동행을 하는 또는 나와 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels 사이의 약속된 방법에 의한 신, 즉 영, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels에 대한 조직적인 희롱이나 시비만 발생을 했다고 한다면 그 결과는 어떻게 될까?
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