English. Book,


정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 10. 28. 21:42



MaNim Of AkMaNim, MaNim as AkMaNim, MaNim for AkMaNim,


There was someone of ELs in South Korea  who called as MaNim(Ma(Evil Devil Being) as First name + Nim as Respecting word), but his full alias of ELs in South Korea was AkMa(Ak(Evil Devil Being) as Last Name + Ma(Evil Devil Being) as First Name). The meaning of his full alias of ELs in South Korea, AkMa, was that his activity for the future of children of my hometown was like those of Evil Devil Existence. His activity only focused on using the future of childrens life of my hometown for someones political activity.


Of course, there were some reasonable reasons from the viewpoints of this societys reality compared to my hometown as a country side. However, I called some old evil devil persons as MaNim(Old Evil Devil Being) whose Korean pronunciation is the same as MaNim as an expression for Madam or Honorable Person(Excellency), instead of as AkMaNim(Old Evil Devil Being) whose meaning could be easily detected by any one. Also, there were lots of aliases for adults, because a little child could not call adult by his/her name directly at that time.


One of aliases for several persons from Rome or The Vatican was Eo-Jung-Ie-Ddeo-Jung-Ie for some one whose facial color was mixture of several facial colors of several persons from several countries, ie. The mixture of white and back and yellow,,,there was no humiliation for facial color. Eo-Jung-Ie-Ddeo-Jung-Ie was not related to any characteristics and talents and abilities of human being. But it was translated into human discrimination by race or by human beings right by someones trickery who was accustomed to misunderstand what I or the targeted persons try to say for negative dispute or negative rumors. 


One day there came several persons for missionary works from Rome or The Vatican. I gave several aliases for them according to each ones facial color and characteristic as several aliases mentioned in my other writings, but there was no humiliation for them as usual for alias. However, the situations related to the differences of aliases for EL of Korea and for several persons of Rome or The Vatican had been misused by misunderstanding of the words related to MaNim for EL of Korea and other words for several persons of Rome or The Vatican by someones trickery, as if there was strong discrimination even from a little child by race by nation by country or state in South Korea, even though what I tried to talk about was the existence of the world of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible and also several persons of Rome or The Vatican came to missionary works for the world of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible.


There came someone to teach me about 고아(GoAh in Korean; Orphan Or Lonely Child as symbolic meaning). So, I said to him, My name is 정희득(Hee-Deuk Jung). Why do you try to call me 고아(GoAh in Korean; Orphan Or Lonely Child as symbolic meaning)? He tries to tell me the meaning of 고아(GoAh in Korean; Orphan Or Lonely Child as symbolic meaning). So, I see the meaning of 고아(GoAh in Korean; Orphan Or Lonely Child as symbolic meaning). Now, why do you try to call me 고아(GoAh in Korean), regardless of actual situations as lonely child without no friends due to adults social political religious reasons or as orphan without parents? I do not know whether my parents are real parents or unreal parents, because I did not make them and I was just born in here? But the more important thing is that there are some ones whom I can call as parents? Is that any problem with you? Can you sure that your parents are your parents? If so, how? Can you believe what other persons try to say?


At that time, I was surrounded by un-understandable peoples due to my ways of thought about our courtesy and our ways of life and our social customs, and also due to my religious phenomena which were similar to what is The Bible, as the reasons for The Bible and English Names of Some Existences in the sky with whom I could communicate were already mentioned reasonably in my other writings, even though I was born in South Korea. Some kinds of wrong religious concepts for human being and human beings soul after human beings death and Some Existences in the Sky as Spirits as God and Angels have been mentioned in my other writings for mutual understanding among religions in this world. 


According to what he said, he tried to express my situations with one word. And there was another intention to make me to be depressed by someones request. He also would try to make some kind of trickery to make me difficult or ridiculous in the future based on his conversation with me. I did not say about that, even though I could know it from what he tried to say.


To make some kinds of trickery to harm or injure other peoples by using conversations was one of daily works of several persons who came to my hometown for some purposes regardless of age from a child to an adult. It was caused by my religious phenomena which seemed to be similar to what The Bible says from my words about my own experiences and also from knowledge on religion of several religious experts, even though there was no surety and there were no miracles in The Bible due to reasons-clarified social situations for beliefs and there could be full clear explanations for religious concepts with human knowledge and religious knowledge, and also It was caused by my political activity based on my religious phenomena. But, their hostile activities had been based on their wrong concepts or traditional wrong concepts for human and human life or activity and religion and this world and next world after this world and the world of Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky, because I was born in my hometown in South Korea and what I tried was my own experience and knowledge regardless of its identity similar to what The Bible says. Some kinds of wrong religious concepts for human being and human beings soul after human beings death and Some Existences in the Sky as Spirits as God and Angels have been mentioned in my other writings for mutual understanding among religions in this world.


One of the key points was for their various tricks that I had to know what kind of trickery did they try to make and also I had to prevent their future hostile activities to harm or to injure me, because what I tried to say about religion based on my own experiences with the world of Some Existences in the Sky was similar to what The Bible says and there were some miracle-like expressions for Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible, such as world-creating omniscient omnipotent above-time-space mind-reading,,,for Some Existences in the Sky. So, there were several words from me; I am a child, as you know it and also you have one. Other human being has humans soul in the inside of body, even though you cannot see it with your eyes. I also have my own soul in the inside of body, as other human being has humans soul in the inside of body, even though you cannot see it with your eyes. I am human being, even though I can meet and talk to Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky. As you can talk to other peoples, I talk to you and also to Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky. It does not related to you from any point of view, because you cannot see the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky and also you do not believe me and what I try to say, even though I can talk to Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky. So, there is nothing related to you in actual situations for what I try to say about the Existence of Spirits as God and Angels with whom only I have conversations sometimes. Why do you try to make various kinds of bad things harmful to other persons, even to a child, who tries to have conversation with you? There Is No Reason. Just They Have To Do For Their Lives. Some kinds of wrong religious concepts for human being and human beings soul after human beings death and Some Existences in the Sky as Spirits as God and Angels have been mentioned in my other writings for mutual understanding among religions in this world.


After I got to know the meaning of 고아(GoAh in Korean; Orphan Or Lonely Child as symbolic meaning), I made 고어(GoEo in Korean; Lonely Adult) for adult. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고어(Lonely Adult) is to an adult. I made 고학(GoHak in Korean; Lonely Student) for a student. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고학(Lonely Student) is to a student. I made 고청(GoCheong in Korean; Lonely Youth) for young people. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고청(Lonely Youth) is to an young people. I made 고노(GoNo in Korean; Lonely Old People) for young people. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고노(Lonely Old People) is to an old people. I made 고남(GoNam in Korean; Lonely Male) for male. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고남(Lonely Male) is to a male. I made 고려(GoRyeo in Korean; Lonely Female) for female. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고려(Lonely Female) is to a female. I made 고동(GoDong in Korean; Lonely Animal) for animal. 고아(Lonely Child) is to a little child what 고동(Lonely Animal) is to an animal. I made 고개(GoGae in Korean; Lonely Dog). I made 고견(GoGyeon in Korean; Lonely Dog). I made 고소(GoSo in Korean; Lonely Cow). I made 고우(GoWoo in Korean; Lonely Cow). I made 고염(GoYeom in Korean; Lonely Goat). I made 고고(GoGo in Korean; Lonely Goat). I made 고피(GoPi in Korean; Lonely Pig). Most of living creatures were lonely except several persons from children to old peoples who walked around from this place to that place to find out to-be-targeted person to make sacrifices for their political religious social ambitions from the viewpoints of a little child who did not know the ways of the world. But regardless of my lots of words, he tried to teach me 고자(孤者; GoJa in Korean) as Lonely Adult, instead of 고어(GoEo in Korean) for Lonely Adult), and then 고아(GoAh in Korean; Orphan Or Lonely Child as symbolic meaning).


One day several persons from Rome or The Vatican came to my village for missionary works. I called them as 고어(GoEo in Korean; Lonely Adult) and also 고자(孤者) as Lonely Adult, due to religious reasons, by saying me as 고아(Lonely Child) due to religious reasons, because they came from a long distance and I was excluded from them due to the difference of my religious experiences from Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism, Muslim, and also even the Christianity which was expressed by several persons. Of course, they did not care about my expressions for their loneliness due to missionary works, but the situations and the words were misused in order to make me ridiculous and also to make dispute between me and some Korean religious peoples, as if I had some bad intentions to gain any support from religious organization due to my future political purposes by saying me as 고아(Lonely Child) due to religious reasons and also by saying them as 고어(GoEo in Korean; Lonely Adult) and also 고자(孤者) as Lonely Adult due to religious reasons.


When I saw dirty clothes of several persons or some actors from or for Rome or The Vatican and heard that they were thrown into deep puddle, while coming to my hometown, I said that I understood it and also it was so natural happenings for them due to this countrys concepts for region and race and nation and ours and also as a result of religion, because I, a little child in my home town, also was at issue due to my own religious experiences and phenomena which were different from what they knew about religions. But, only the words of the 1st part among what I said, ie. I understood it and also it was so natural happenings for them, had been used to make some kinds of trickery in order to put me into traps as a test(an experiment) or by way of experiment(trial).






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