English. Book,

Some, Of, Wrong, Concept, For, Religion,

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 10. 28. 17:07

Some Of Wrong Concepts For Religion


We say lots of words, or expressions, which have been made by ourselves in our religious activities, especially for the purpose of salvation, (good) fortune, (good) luck, blessing, bliss, happiness, and so on. But, if we think a little more about words, expressions, or activities, which have been used in each religious books about 35 years ago or theories about 35 years ago or conversations among peoples, by looking up Korean dictionary or encyclopedic dictionary, it is not so difficult for us to know what we can know from each religion, even without special trainings or educational courses. Each religion has its own area and origin and aim and so on. What I try to say is not conflict among religions or nations, but what I try to say is that there is no reason for us to compete or to fight due to religion, especially that there is no reason for lots of peoples to harm one person, organizationally and continuously, who has different concept or different experience or different understanding for religion and Some Existences, ie. Spirits as God and Angels, in the Sky.


What I try to say about religion and The Bible based on my own personal experiences during 42 years, Some Existences, ie. Spirits as God and Angels, in the Sky are totally different from human being and human beings soul or mind or spirit. Human beings soul or mind or spirit will be still alive, even after human beings physical body dies, and then will go to next world which cannot have no communications with this world, as everybody knows it.


Here are some of our traditional wrong religious concepts which have made us difficult among families or friends or intimates so long time.


Bad rumors for my talks about the world of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky since my childhood of Year 1965 through Year 1976 have been caused, 1) by wrong concepts for Some Existences, ie Spirits as God and Angels, in the Sky, and 2) by confusion of concepts by mixing Some Existences, ie Spirits as God and Angels, in the Sky with Humans Soul or Mind or Spirit after death based on our traditional concept about the survival of Humans Soul or Mind or Spirit regardless of humans physical death, and 3) by competition between human being and Spirits as God and Angels as in the Greek and Roman mythology, even though competition between human being and Spirits as God and Angels is impossible due the essential or ontological difference between human being and Spirits as God and Angels, as if competition between human being and human beings soul is impossible, and 4) by wrong concepts for Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky, or Devil Spirits as God and Angels in the Sky, or Prophets, or Saint Mary, or Joseph, or Christ Jesus, or Being Conceived by (Holy) Spirits, or especially communication between human being and Spirits as God and Angels, or also especially dwelling of Spirits as God and Angels, also especially receiving of Spirits as God and Angels,,,due to human word or human expression the figure of Spirits as God and Angels and also due to human words or human expressions Saint Mary, or Joseph, or Christ Jesus, the birth of Christ Jesus and also due to humans imagination for miracles, omniscient and omnipotent, above-time-space, world-creating,,,in The Bible, and 5) by wrong concepts for The Bible and Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible based on our regional racial national concepts for Some Existences in the Sky and Religion from our concept about the survival of Humans Soul or Mind or Spirit regardless of humans physical death. Even though our concept about the survival of Humans Soul or Mind or Spirit regardless of humans physical death is right and the same concept as that of The Bible, Humans Soul or Mind or Spirit after humans death will go to other world and Humans Soul or Mind or Spirit is essentially ontologically different from Spirits as God and Angels. Also Spirits as God and Angels are not related to any humans regional racial national concepts, as Spirits as God and Angels exist in the Sky or in the Cosmos in the form of invisible inaudible intangible untouchable above-time-space,,,Existences and also all the affairs of human society has changed according to the passage of time and the change of physical environment,,,















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