정치(Politics)와 사명

One Of Harmful Life Styles

정희득이본명이자가명 2007. 6. 21. 01:30

One Of Harmful Life Style


Long time ago, around Year 1970, when I was under age 10, there were several persons who came to my village which was real good village. They stayed in a while at my village, so there were several talks between them and me. one of them said to me that just they wanted to live as what they wanted to live without doing anything. The problem or the question was how to they get what they eat and wear and sleep and anything that they need, if they did not work at all. Even though everybody worked very hard from morning to night in the field, it was not easy for us to live. one of them told me that someone gave something to settle what they needed for their lives with something to do for him also. If they lived in that way, it was not to live their lives as what they wanted to live without doing anything. Instead, they worked in that way in order to earn money which is needed for their lives. So, if the order which was given to them was not good order, for example to harm or hurt someone, I asked what would they do?


As you knew I was a little child, so I did not know well about this world and what was going on this world. But your life style seemed to be no good to me, i.e. your life style seemed to be those of bad persons. Everyday you did not anything, but sometimes you did something only for someone and you did not know the results of your activities. . I did not know exactly what kind of works you did for someone or for yourself. Also, other persons worked by themselves or for other persons, but they did not directly harm or hurt other persons but just they did works by themselves or for others. As far as I felt, the way of thoughts and the way of saying words and the way of works of those persons seemed to make some traps in order to trap some targets.


As far as I know; there are good deeds and bad deeds in our activities. There is this world and also there the world after this world. There is the world of God and His Angels. To say Christ Jesus has same meaning as it. Also, according to what human being does in this world, he/she will go different place in the world after this world. I do not know how do I call the places where human being will go to after this world according to human beings deed in this world. But as far as I know, it is sure that there are places where human being will go after this world according to what human being does in this world. That is one of the reasons why I am here, in this world.


Everyday human being does a lot of works, so it is not easy for me to say good deed and bad deed which can be applied to all the activities of human being with one word. But normally we can say be (do) good and be (do) kind and be (do) righteous. Sometimes, if you do not know what is right or wrong, then if you listen to what your conscience says without selfishness or self-interest or greed or cupidity, you would know what is right and wrong. If you know characteristics, please read The Bible which says how to live for other detailed things. Human beings activities are usually related to situations, so it is not easy for us to tell what is right and wrong in this spot and in one word. As one more important thing, Human being cannot be perfect in what human being does and think, so at the end of the day we need to repent of what is done wrong in our daily life. But do not use repentance in order to commit a sin or to commit a crime. All the things you do and think will be recorded in your mind, or what do you want to say? Heart? In your Heart, or Spirit? In your Spirit, or Soul? In your Soul, or whatever you call it, in something in you. Do not worry about losing what is recorded about your life in something in you, because you will know the results of what you do and think during your life in this world at the end of your life in this world. Some of the above words had been spoken out in English, Believable Or Unbelievable.




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