배트맨 비긴즈, 2005, Batman Begins,

배트맨 비긴즈, 2005, Batman Begins, Where was the BiReong(비렁) of Movie 'Batman Begins' located during movie produciton? Of course, the expression of the BiReong(비렁) does not mean that a persn or a group or a organization or associaion that has 'Bi(비)' in its name is Spirit as God or Angels as a figurative expression, but it is a kind of dialect for Rock, ('비'란 이름을 가..

죠스 리턴즈, Jaws Return / Hai-Alarm auf Mallorca, 2004,

죠스 리턴즈, Jaws Return / Hai-Alarm auf Mallorca, 2004, 스릴러| 93 분| 15세 이상 관람가| 2004.00.00 개봉 Where is the costal scene of the 1st scene of Jaws Return? Where is the house of 스벤 한센, the Helicopter Landing Airport, near by sea side? Who is ‘Sounds-Good Lady’? In which country is the police station which was attacked by car? Where was the outside swimming p..

축지법, 장풍, 신, 즉 영, 즉 하나님과 천사님들, Spirits as God

축지법, 장풍, 신, 즉 영, 즉 하나님과 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 능력, 믿거나 말거나 신, 즉 영, 즉 하나님과 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels의 존재론적인 본질 및 정체성 및 성경의 내용에 대한 이해 부족과 그리고 이 세상의 사람과 신, 즉 영, 즉 하나님과 천사님들, 즉 Spirits as God or Angels과..