영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다 1342

영화,이끼, Who dreams this kind of situations from JHD?

영화,이끼, Who dreams this kind of situations from JHD? 영화는 영화 본래의 시나리오가 있듯이 Who dreams this kind of situations from JHD?란 말은 아래의 장면과 전혀 무관하니 그 점에 대해서 오해가 없기를 바랍니다. 인류가 그 동안 각자의 종교를 잘못 알고 있었고 특히 대한민국의 기독교가 성경(The Bibe..

영화, 이끼, Moss, If you, man, dies, are all the problems over? Is it your way of life?

영화, 이끼, Moss, If you, man, dies, are all the problems over? Is it your way of life? If you, man, dies, can the 40 years' damage be cured and recovered? Who would cure and recover the damage during 40 years by you, man? Is it your way of life? You, man, should cure and recover the damage during 40 years by you, man, instead of dying or retiring or disappearing? (Cf. Thi..

영화, 이끼, Moss, Who wants to say this kind of power?

영화, 이끼, Moss, Who wants to say this kind of power? However, this kind of power cannot justify hindering mankind's religion and mankind's religious mission and religious person's political activity. This kind of power cannot justify misusing the contribution for prophet-like mission and also for prophet's political activity. It is not against the contents of The Bible a..

영화, 이끼, Moss, Another Manipulation? and Last Winner?

영화, 이끼, Moss, Another Manipulation? and Last Winner? Who is the origin of another manipulation for my prophet-like mission in South Korea since Year 1965~1970? Who would be the last winner according to planning of the group who have tried to misuse my prophet-like mission in South Korea since Year 1965~1970 by the phrases of 20:28 of Matthew and 10:45 of Mark of The Bi..

영화, 이끼, Moss, Who wants to say Age for the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/?

영화, 이끼, Moss, Who wants to say Age to deny the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/? If some scientific organization denied the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ in the name of science due to the age when http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ started and tried to say it as mere fake in order to gain some kind of social, religious, political benefits, it w..

영화, 이끼, Moss, Who wants to say this kind of words about community?

영화, 이끼, Moss, Who wants to say this kind of words, the reason of community and the set-up of community(?), to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/? 일생 동안의 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 선지자 같은 사명과 1977년경부터 약 30년 또는 1970년경부터 약 37년이란 시간과 2005~2015년에 나타날 신(Spirit)의 세계로부터의 예언의 ..