낯선 블로그(Blog) 인사말 낯선 블로그(Blog) 인사말 어릴 때, 그러니까 약 30~40년 전에, 그러니까 내가 신(Spirit;God)과 종교와 세상 물정을 알기 이전의 시기에, 스스로 존재하는 존재(The Existence of 'I AM')에 의해서, 즉 우리가 신(God;Spirit)이라고 하는 여호와 하나님(Jehovah, Yahweh, God, The Lord, The Lord God)과 그의 천사(Angel)들을 통해서, .. 종교(Religion)와 사명 2006.11.07
Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 11 Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 11 Subtitle; The relation between The identity of the Existence of 'I AM' and 'Slavery or Robot of Social Customs' 03 (It is one of continual series from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea, http://www.hdjpia.com/) One thinkable question is whether or not 'Jesus Christ' is just the name of Jesus Christ who was conceived by The Holy Spirit an.. 종교(Religion)와 사명 2006.11.07
Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 10 Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 10 Subtitle; The relation between The identity of the Existence of 'I AM' and 'Slavery or Robot of Social Customs' 02 Just as a small thinking issue for the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, ie. The Lord God and His Angels, if I destroy this earth, what kind of situation would happen? If I destroy this planet, How could I live during the last of my life? I had .. 종교(Religion)와 사명 2006.11.07