종교(Religion)와 사명

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 11

정희득이본명이자가명 2006. 11. 7. 21:11

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 11

Subtitle; The relation between The identity of the Existence of 'I AM' and 'Slavery or Robot of Social Customs' 03

(It is one of continual series from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea, http://www.hdjpia.com/)

One thinkable question is whether or not 'Jesus Christ' is just the name of Jesus Christ who was conceived by The Holy Spirit and was born as the Human's Flesh with The Spirit from The Lord God resided in the inside of His Body about 2,000 years ago in this world, or 'Jesus Christ' is the name of Spirit when The Spirit is still at the world of The Lord God, ie. the name of The Spirit before The Spirit is sent into the Flesh of Jesus Christ by The Lord God. Do you think which one is more reasonable absolutely from the viewpoint of human being, not from the viewpoint of the omniscient and omnipotent God? If Jesus Christ is not the name of The Spirit in The Lord God's World, but just the name of Human Being, who had The Spirit in the inside of him, in this world, what will happen to us, more exactly what will happen to us who is calling just the name of Jesus Christ everyday without any thinking what Jesus Christ had said or did or explained to humans during his life time in this world?

It is absolutely right that Jesus Christ was conceived by The Holy Spirit and also had Spirit from the Lord God in the inside of him. Also, it is true that Jesus Christ conducted a lot miracles and made a lot of proofs for the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels with the ways and methods of the world of God, not in the ways and methods of the world of human society. And also it is true that Jesus Christ tried to give clear concepts, definitions, good understandings, and right beliefs for The Bible and The Essence of The Lord God and His Angels and His World and the world after human being's death. And also Jesus Christ fulfilled successfully one of his missions for mankind's redemption and salvation from sin.

However, also as the following words are in The Bible, if Jesus Christ is not the name of The Spirit who dwelled in the Jesus Christ about 2,000 years ago and now is in the world of The Lord God by going back to his original Existence after Jesus Christ's death on the Cross, but if Jesus Christ is just the name given to The Flesh of Jesus Christ in this world by Angels, ie. by The Lord God's Angels, when Jesus Christ was born about 2,000 years ago, just as if every human has one's own name, when he/she is born,  what kind of things do you think we are doing these days about 2,000 years later after Jesus Christ's death, even though we have not committed sins and crimes on our daily lives; 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.

You shall not worship them or serve them;' (Chapter 20 of Exodus of The Bible). 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.' (Chapter 1 of John of The Bible)


I am not on theological/divine debates but just saying something thinkable from another viewpoint of normal believer, who is trying not to make The Holy Bible an Idol or Idol-like thing, in actual Existence of The Lord God and His Angels and also The Bible as a written proof or a living proof for actual existence of The Lord God and His Angels and the world after human's death. WHY did The Lord God give his Commandments, which tells about His existence and what we have to about His existence and how to live well with each other, to human in order to keep it generation after generation? Also, WHY does The Lord God's Commandments tell about Idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth? WHAT is the relation between Idol and human being? WHAT kind of things can be expected to happen from human being due to Idol? What would be the Identity and the Role of Idol in human being's life in this world? Is the essence of Idol in The Bible related to material or something else developed or caused by material and other likenesses? What's the essence of God's Commandments and furthermore what's the essential reason to say about Idol or any likeness?

For the above issue, here is one more thinkable issue; Why Jesus Christ's disciples called and used The Name, Jesus Christ, so much about 2,000 years ago, even after Jesus Christ died on the Cross and his human's soul went to the world after human's death and The Spirit dwelled in his body went back to The Spirit's original Existence, as it could be guessed from The Bible from the viewpoint of human? Why Jesus Christ's disciples did not focus so much on what Jesus Christ had said and tried to say and tried to show and performed during his missions but paid a little bit more attention to The Name, Jesus Christ, about 2,000 years ago? Was it because Jesus Christ came to this world from The Lord God's world and had performed a lot of miracles, not human-like activities, or What Jesus Christ had said about The Essences of The Bible and The Existence of The Lord God and His Angels was absolutely right, or they could not conduct mission works without the name of Jesus Christ due to their qualifications and licences, or they were the disciples of Jesus Christ, not the disciples of High Priest or Rabbi, or they wanted to make their own district to preach what Jesus Christ said and did for Belief and God instead of existing Jewish worship method for Belief and God, or all of these reasons? The Lord God did stick to His Name, even though The Lord God tried continuously to reveal His Existence to human being for human being's welfare, and also Jesus Christ Himself did not stick to His Name, even though Jesus Christ tried to prove the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels and also tried to tell the Essences of The Bible and The Lord God for the redemption and salvation of mankind. What would be the reason of Jesus Christ's disciples?

One understandable thing from the viewpoint of human is that Jesus Christ's disciples lived with Jesus Christ about 2,000 years ago, and then how about us who live about 2,000 years later after Jesus Christ died and The Spirit dwelled in the Jesus Christ went back to The Original Existence, Spirit? Why do we so stick to The Name Itself, not to what Jesus Christ said and did, especially for redemption and salvation from sin?

What would be the reason of Jesus Christ's disciples?

What would be the role of what Jesus Christ said and did during his mission in this world for redemption and salvation of mankind? And How about The Name of Jesus Christ? What would be the role of The Name of Jesus Christ for redemption and salvation of mankind? How about 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ having The Spirit in his body lived and said and conducted a lot of miracles of in the ways and methods of The Lord God's world through the omniscient and almighty power of The Lord God in this world? And then how about these days when The Spirit in the inside of Jesus Christ went back to the world of The Lord God about 2,000 years ago and live as Spirit like The Lord God and His Angels? What's the relation between The Name of Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ said and did during his missions for redemption and salvation of mankind?

Why these kinds of questions could be made from The Bible which is unique written proof for the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels? Is this educational problem? Customary or cultural problem? Religious or human being's characteristic problem? What else? (Only for reference; Of course, the reason for 'Unique Written Proof' for the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels has already been mentioned based on my own empirical practical experiences with the story of the destroy of this earth or planet or globe or orrery 4th planet due to some kinds of conditional situations related to the proofs of The Existences of 'I AM's.)

Another thinkable issue is as follow; If you have 'how many eyes', can you see this world or human being almost perfectly, or can you see what will happen in the future, or can you read other person's mind? 6.3 billion ones? or 12.6 billion ones? If you have 'how many foots', can you run faster than missile, or can you move this place to that place at that very moment? 6.3 billion foots or 12.6 billion foots? If you have how many wings, can you fly faster than the speed of light, or can you fly from this earth to The Sun at that very moment? If you have 'how many brains' or 'accumulated knowledge and information', is your ability better than that of super computer at some points or at some areas, or can you speak a dialect or a provincialism which you do not know? 6.3 brains or 12.6 brains or accumulated knowledge and information of 6.3 brains or 12.6 brains? If you have 'how many minds' or 'what kind of ability', can you appear in everywhere and then disappear at the very moment from that place without any trace and regardless of all kind of walls/barriers/materials, or can you be invisible, inaudible, intangible, untouchable, immortal, omniscient, omnipotent, etc, and beyond time and space, Existence(ie. Being)? 6.3 billion minds or 12.6 billion minds or accumulated ability of 6.3 minds or 12.6 minds?

Stone is Stone, Iron is Iron, Grasshopper is Grasshopper, Locust is Locust, Beast is Beast, Human Being is Human Being, Human's Soul is Human's Soul, Human's Flesh is Human's Flesh, God is God, ie. Spirit, ie. The Existence of 'I AM', and Word is Word.

Do you know when something which is existing in this world, especially any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth(from Chapter 20 of Exodus of The Bible), recently furthermore any production of thought or imagination or knowledge of human being, turns into Idol or Idol-like monster to human being? Whatever it is and Whatever the reason is?   

(The Word as an one way of expression for The Existence of The Lord God and His Angels is in Chapter 1 of John of The Bible. But The Word as an expression for The Existence of The Lord God and His Angels is caused by the Essence of the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels, ie. Spirit, ie. 'I AM', ie. God seems to be invisible, inaudible, intangible, untouchable, immortal, omniscient, omnipotent, etc, and beyond time and space, regardless of God's actual features/shape/figure and especially from the viewpoint of human being's cognition, considering all kinds of human's accumulated knowledges and advanced science, also considering The Bible which is the only evidence for the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels as it was mentioned by The Existences of 'I AM's at my childhood, by saying that it would be The Bible, if tried to find something, among things in this world, similar to my writings, when all the activities and all the words have been conducted through me by the omniscient and omnipotent power of The Existences of 'I AM's since my childhood, even though the missions for the proofs of the Existences of 'I AM's had not been performed due to a lot of reasons and caused described in my other writings.

In the Chapter 1 of John of The Bible we can see the following expressions about The Word as an expression of the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels, not just a word as one of language; 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God.

All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. (Chapter 1 of John of The Bible)'

Of course, anyone who has not any empirical and practical experiences about the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels, ie. Spirit, ie. 'I AM', is able to know The Lord God and His Angels through The Bible and written words in The Bible and  lots of preaches about The Bible and many missions about The Bible. But It does not mean that only the written words in The Bible is not the only way and thing through which we can see or talk or think about The Lord God and His Angels or God's omniscient and omnipotent abilities or God's features/shape/figure. Also, we can see or talk or think other miracles or miracle-like phenomena through human by the omniscient omnipotent power of The Lord God and His Angels, such as communication with The Lord God and His Angels in a way of telepathy and cure of disease and change of weather and prophecy for things which are in the future and in the other place and some one's mind reading and sight of something in the other place and feeling or touching something in the other place and responses to faithful believer's sincere prayer in various ways from The Lord God and His Angels, through the omniscient and omnipotent power of The Lord God and His Angels, Spirit, 'I AM'.

As we can know from all our informations and knowledges,  or as we can guess from The Bible, we do not know when the Spirit who dwelled in Jesus Christ about 2,000 years ago will come again to this world as mentioned in The Bible, but the revelation of the Existences of The Lord God and His Angels, ie. Spirit, ie. 'I AM', or the proving missions for the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels, ie. Spirit, ie. 'I AM', have continued since this world began long time ago, even after Jesus Christ died on the Cross about 2,000 years ago and then The Spirit dwelled in the Jesus Christ went back to the world of The Lord God with showing the process of revival or survival of human's soul and the existence of world after human's death under the cloak of Jesus Christ's image in this world. If Jesus Christ did not take such proving methods to show the revival or the survival of human's soul or the existence of world after human's death, when The Spirit dwelled in Jesus Christ went back to the original existence, how human being could know that kind of truth by our own ability and limitation due to the essences or the characteristics of the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels and also the essences or the characteristics of human's soul.


(To be continued from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea, http://www.hdjpia.com/)


One thing to bear in mind! This is just related to the proofs of the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, whom I have tried to say or I have tried to find the way to prove since my childhood by remembering what has happened to me from the viewpoint of Spiritual Phenomena since I was born in Year 1965 and just by telling what has happened to me at my daily lives about 40 years due to human being's political, economical, religious, and other social reasons without my involvement or perception and regardless of my mission or will or hope or desire. However, nobody's personal interest would be related or no harm would lead to certain person due to this proof process. I really wish and pray to God that this would be lead to the belief or any knowledge or at least any enlightenment about the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ.

야훼님(스스로 존재하는 님, 여호와님, 하나님, 여호와 하나님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.

Yahweh's(I AM, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God; Spirit) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.