Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 09
Subtitle; The relation between The identity of the Existence of 'I AM' and 'Slavery or Robot of Social Customs'
This is an ensuing writing about Yesterday's 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit';
Long time ago, about 30-40 years ago, there were several words spoken by me/exactly by the power of the Existence of 'I AM', 'Slavery of Social Customs', 'Robot of Social Customs', while making conversations with my parents at playground in my house of hometown as a result of conversation with adults about 'What are necessary for my becoming Korea's President in the future' and also 'The Existence of 'I AM'' and also 'Korean Social Customs and Courtesies(decorums, etiquette, civility, propriety, politeness, amenities, good manners, good form) to 'adults' or may be 'invisible/intangible that' '. (Just for a reference, when someone tried to talk to me about that day's previous issues as aforementioned, while I had conversations with my parents at playground of my house, what kinds of greeting words did I make very politely and in a very polite word for the adult in Korean, of course as an ensuing result of 'Slavery of Social Customs' or 'Robot of Social Customs'. In order to explain my metaphorical/figurative/allegorical expressions related to these words to my parents, I was also in another difficult situations which was also caused by 'Social Customs' like 'Monster'. Whenever I opened my mouse at my childhood, one mountain was made due to our proud social customs. Some days later I also explained the meaning of 'Slavery of Social Customs' or 'Robot of Social Customs' to other children who asked me about that, and then I got to know that those kinds of persons have some influential powers to our society, so later in order to prevent our society from being controlled by those monster-like or ununderstandable or every-direction-blocked persons under 'Slavery or Robot of Social Customs' I happened to find someone who was called as something, but the someone began to be called as 'Something' by me. Do you know what it was? The first word of the word is 'Gang'. It was good society and good village but I was usually in the middle of a lot of mountains due to our social customs and, as an ensuing result of it, due to our adults' a prejudice/a bias and so on, especially from the viewpoint of some ridiculous/curiouser and curiouser/out-of-human-world child who has also The Independent Spirit, Whom no other humans can know and Who can also communicate with other Spirits, in the inside of him.)
First of all, to begin conversations about 'What are required for becoming President of Korea' by my questions was very good to me and very thankful words to me. But when we came to the point related to proving the Existence of 'I AM', there had been a difference between other persons and me, and the reason for difference was like this; I have had actual empirical experiences about/from the Existence of 'I AM'. But even those experiences and informations and knowledges have been different from concepts and knowledges of other persons whose concepts and knowledges had been originated from traditional concepts and customs about Religion and God. The problem was that they did not try to accept new concepts and knowledges whatever those are with the reasons that they did not have same empirical experiences. Actually other persons did not have any empirical experiences about their own concepts and knowledges on traditional religion and God which they had been accustomed to by the fact that those concepts and knowledges had been transmitted or be handed down from generations to generations by someone from long time ago. Of course, I could not explain it logically fully enough to make other persons to understand what I tried to say even without empirical experiences! In other words, my words were so simple and so abstract(non-objective or metaphysical) without any knowledge on the world and any concepts for God and Religion by my own thought that my those empirical experiences with The Existences of 'I AM's could not be expressed or depicted fully enough for inexperienced human beings to believe in or at least to understand what I was trying to say like other traditional religions and customs. Furthermore I could not make others to have empirical experiences about the Existences of 'I AM' due to the reason of Spirits' World and the Essence of Spirit. (Some referential expressions are on the Genesis of The Bible)
At that time, miracles or miracle-like activities, like cures of diseases or change of weathers or prophecies or mind-reading or etc, could be surely performed or conducted through me from the omniscient and omnipotent ability of the Existence of 'I AM'. But If there would be no basic concepts of other persons about the Existence of 'I AM', when miracles or miracle-like activities, like cures of diseases or change of weathers or prophecies or mind-reading or etc, were conducted through me by the spiritual power of the Existence of 'I AM', God's miracle or miracle-like activities could not be carried out. Because It could lead to other conclusions like idols or idol-like religions and also meanless activities at some points and also uninteresting activities from the viewpoint of The Existence of 'I AM', because the purpose of miracle or miracle-like activities were to make humans to believe in the Existences of 'I AM's and His world and the world after human being's death, and also to follow and keep what had been said from the Existences of 'I AM's for the world after human being's death, and also to worship the Existence of 'I AM's on the every 7th day, on the Sabbath Day, after 6 days' social activities for the observation of God's Commandments from generation to generation.
Do you know how many times did own proving methods of the Existences of 'I AM's who had accompanied me in the outside and inside of me so long time at my hometown and sometimes since then have been successful recently?
What would be serious word or information obtained from my friends? What would be the response of the Existence of 'I AM's, when I told about what I heard of my friends for becoming politician from the viewpoints of my future? As I told it in the previous writing, the abilities of the omniscient and omnipotent power of the Existence of 'I AM' could be regarded as only Korean Shaman or Medium at that time or it could be regarded as one of money-earning methods. Especially, those abilities were regarded as not so suitable for becoming politician just in Korea.
Also, when we came to the point related to 'Korean Social Customs and Courtesy(decorums, etiquette, civility, propriety, politeness, amenities, good manners, good form) to 'adults' or may be 'invisible/intangible that' ', there had been a difference between other persons and me, and the reason for difference was like this; Even I paid attention to what adults said, however I was polite to adults, and however polite words and expression I used during my conversation with adults, I always might be impolite and uncourteous and rude without saying anything, if I said something else or if I had different idea or thoughts or if I violated something which I did not know because it had been made before my coming to this world, especially about some areas or some issues. In short, there is a joke-like saying, not a proverb but just as an excuse, 'If you want to say something about your owns, whatever it is or whatever it is right and reasonable, please wait till someone else die', 'Even for drinking cold water there is a order by age or by social rank or by social power or by invisible and intangible that in our society or in Korea', and etc. Absolutely these kinds of issues are related to our society before 30-40 years ago.
What would be my following words at the end of conversations, only to make someone to remember that moment and the issues in the future with the word 'as an expression for thanks for his conversation with me in a while', just at the moment when he was going to go to other house, after several conversations with me about 'Becoming President in Korea' and also about 'The Existence of 'I AM' and also about 'Korean Social Customs and Courtesy(decorums, etiquette, civility, propriety, politeness, amenities, good manners, good form) to 'adults' or may be 'invisible/intangible that'?
However, the last metaphorical/figurative/allegorical expressions are some kinds of results of our 'Korean Social Customs and Courtesies'. When someone talked to me about whatever issues, I showed my politeness to him as a child and also I tried to use polite words as far as I knew, but sometimes there was nothing as human to human or as adult to child except social status or social order or social rank or something like that after the end of the conversation or during the conversation, especially from the viewpoint of some ridiculous/curiouser and curiouser/out-of-human-world child who has also The Independent Being, Whom no other humans can know and Who can also communicate with other Spirits, in the inside of him. So, those social relations which I did not know had been made by them before I was born, and it meant that between he and I there was noting as human being except social relations such as social status or social order or social rank or etc. It also meant that there was nothing for me to do for him as a small child, especially from the viewpoint of social activity and from the viewpoint of some ridiculous/curiouser and curiouser/out-of-human-world child who has also The Independent Spirit, Whom no other humans can know and Who can also communicate with other Spirits, in the inside of him.
Also, the last metaphorical/figurative/allegorical expressions are some kinds of results of my antipathy provoked by our 'Korean Social Customs and Courtesies', because I told something that I knew with my actual empirical experiences, even though whatever-like the issue was regarded by adults or traditional customs or traditional religions in our society. Even I told to my parents, as a really small child who did not need to worry about anything except playing with friends, there was not any reason for me to say 'lie' or 'something that I could not know' or 'something nobody could know', especially to adult. No word could be acceptable.
The more important reason to say the last metaphorical/figurative/allegorical expressions was only, just, to make someone to remember the conversation and the issues by using those ununderstandable/so ridiculous/so monster-like situations from the viewpoint of real child. It was real purpose. Do you know why? At that time I was so real child that every body thought that I was wrong without logical explaining or logical reasoning or reasonable thinking, if what I said was not consistent with their knowledge or what they already knew, ie. whatever I said was not important, what was not consistent with their knowledge or what they already knew or what they wanted to say. That was all. Do you know what was my another expression for adults? It also played a role to make me 'The Devil' or 'The Evil'. It was 'Living Creature without Thinking, just a Failure of the Existences of 'I AM's. The next word to The Existence of 'I AM's was 'Shame on You! The Existence of 'I AM's '. Of course those words were caused just from the viewpoint of a child who usually only know what he knows and also what he experience, and also directly not doubly, and also without in the ways of the world.
So, the preordained times, about age 20 and about age 40 and so on, were made between The Existences of 'I AM's and me, even though the Existence of 'I AM' have been in the inside of me. the reason (why) several times were preordained by the Existences of 'I AM's was just because those several times had been thought as important times to me from the viewpoint of our society during my life time, and about my age 40 it was preordained for me to say again what I got to know about the Existences of 'I AM's and as a result of it what I tried to say at my childhood, at that time everybody who talked to me should remember what happened between him/her and me at my childhood in order to know what I tried to say to them about the Existence of 'I AM' and also the identity of the Existence of 'I AM' at my childhood and futhermore why I tried to say for me to become President of Korea and so on. So, in order to make someone to remember the situation and the issues in the future, at about my age 40, additionally I made the situations like the last metaphorical/figurative/allegorical expressions after our conversation between someone and me was over, one of those kinds of activities is just because that day's situation and issues was one of important things to me at my childhood.
The aforementioned customs which sometimes rule human being's mind/spirit/soul very strongly enough to harm other normal person in the name of it or interfere human being's daily life and human being's liberty/right/dignity could be why The Lord God gave His Commandments and ordered not to put any Idol or Idol-like productions of human beings in the inside of human being's mind/spirit/soul. Is it so absurd? Is it able to be one reason for the importance of education method according to the situations of school and its student? And also is it able to explain the importance of teacher's style and ability and characteristic for the success of any kind of education system? 'Believable Or Not!'
(To be continued from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea)
One thing to bear in mind! This is just related to the proofs of the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, whom I have tried to say or I have tried to find the way to prove since my childhood by remembering what has happened to me from the viewpoint of Spiritual Phenomena since I was born in Year 1965 and just by telling what has happened to me at my daily lives about 40 years due to human being's political, economical, religious, and other social reasons without my involvement or perception and regardless of my mission or will or hope or desire. However, nobody's personal interest would be related or no harm would lead to certain person due to this proof process. I really wish and pray to God that this would be lead to the belief or any knowledge or at least any enlightenment about the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirits, ie. in other words as far as what we know Yahweh, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God, Angels, and also The Spirit who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ.
야훼님(스스로 존재하는 님, 여호와님, 하나님, 여호와 하나님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.
Yahweh's(I AM, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God; Spirit) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.
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