종교(Religion)와 사명

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 02

정희득이본명이자가명 2006. 10. 27. 13:39

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 2

This is an ensuing writing about Yesterday's 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit';

As a Common Saying, Do you think what's the main difference between Most of The Prophets in the Old Testaments of The Bible and Jesus Christ in the New Testaments of The Bible according to your empirical experiences and according to your knowledge about The Bible? What's your thoughts about Prophets and Jesus Christ?

The common thing is that Prophets and Jesus Christ proved the Existence of The Lord God and His World and The World after Human Being's Death. Prophets and Jesus Christ proved the true(intrinsic) nature or essence or substance about the Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, as far as we know with human being's 5 senses and 6 senses and our all perceptibility Yahweh/Jehovah/The Lord/God/The Lord God/Angels and also The Spirit dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ. Prophets and Jesus Christ also proved the true(intrinsic) nature or essence or substance about Commandments from The Lord God, ie what The Lord God said to Human Being, for the salvation or the redemption from sins of all human beings living in this world.

Do you think what kinds of methods had been used for the purposes of their proof missions from The Lord God and His Angels? Words form The Lord God and His Angels, Human Beings' Words, Miracles, Miracle-like Activities, Promises with The Lord God and His Angels, The fulfillment of Promises from The Lord God and His Angels, Prophecies for the future, Dialect or Provincialism by the Power of The Lord God and His Angels(Spirits), and so on, had been used by Prophets and Jesus Christ in oder to complete their proof missions in this world. 

And now do you think what's the main difference between Prophets and Jesus Christ in completing their missions from The Lord God? Prophets and Jesus Christ continuously prayed to The Lord God and made frequent communications in a way of telepathy with The Lord God and His Angels, while they had performed their missions in this world. However, usually in case of Prophets they could perform all kinds of their miracles by the omniscient and omnipotent power of The Lord God and His Angels accompanying with them. In case of Jesus Christ, all kinds of miracles could be performed by the omniscient and omnipotent power of The Spirit who came from the world of Lord God and dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ and also sometimes by the omniscient and omnipotent power of The Lord God and His Angels accompanying with him. (To be continued from 'Believe Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea)

This is an ensuing writing about Yesterday's 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit';

The difference also could be one of explanations for Jesus Christ's bold activities at his childhood and also could be some kinds of understandable or reasonable explanations for his traces before Age 30 from his childhood and furthermore could be one of a lot of reasons to his early death at his age 33 on the Cross only after 3 years and a half year's evangelism compared to the average age or the average activity time of other prophets. Due to The Power of The Spirit dwelling in the inside of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ's thinking and sayings and activities and abilities had been above the limitation of cognition and ability of human beings who had had super-powered authorities over The Bible and The Commandments from 'I AM', ie Spirit, at Jewish Society about 2,000 year ago. Especially, Jesus Christ's thinking and sayings and activities and abilities had been above or absolutely ignorant or almost inexperienced for invisible or intangible or untouchable or unable to be spoken in words/verbally or only empirically obtainable those of human beings or human beings' society. In other words the invisible or intangible or untouchable or unable to be spoken in words/verbally or only empirically obtainable those of human beings or human beings' society could never be understood generally or normally or reasonably to Jesus Christ who was more similar to The Existence of 'I AM', ie Spirit, regardless of his Flesh.

Of course there had been time's passage/lapse/flight compared to the time of prophets' activities. It means that for the knowledge and understanding of The Bible and The Intrinsic Nature of 'I AM' the authority of chief priest had become more powerful than that of precedent times according to the increase of human beings' logical knowledge for The Bible and, above all, according to the increase of the proofs for the Existence of 'I AM'. It meant that it had become gradually difficult for other proofs or other methods for the true nature of The Bible and the intrinsic nature of The Existence of 'I AM' to be approved by the society and by the authority of society. It also meant that the true nature of The Bible and the intrinsic nature of The Existence of 'I AM' would rarely be approved by other persons. Those tendencies would naturally lead to be contrary to or to be against or to deviate from the true nature of The Bible and the intrinsic nature of The Existence of 'I AM', instead human beings' own understanding and knowledge and authority  had replaced what The Lord God and His Angels wanted to say to human beings in this world for the purpose of salvation and redemption of human beings.

In short, in order to prove the existence of The Lord God and His World and also to prove what He said, the usual or traditional prophets had been normally guided by The Lord God and His Angels according to prophets' continual meeting and communications with The Lord God and His Angels as human beings having some kind of inborn spiritual attribute as mentioned in the Genesis of The Bible or as human beings receiving Something Spiritual from The Lord God and His Angels. In order to prove the existence of The Lord God and His World and also to prove what He said, The Lord God poured His Son-like Spirit into Jesus Christ from the Immaculate Conception(or the Immaculate Impregnation) or from his birth. So, as an ensuing result, Jesus Christ and The Spirit in the inside of him had performed his mission for the purpose of human beings' salvation and redemption by proving The True Nature of The Existence of The Lord God and The Intrinsic Essence of The Lord God's Commandments for human beings, needless to say the communications with The Lord God and His Angels.

We actually do not know whether Jesus Christ's death is destined by The Lord God's Will or Not. But one sure truth is that Jesus Christ's death could be surely predicted by Jesus Christ with The Spirit in the inside of Him and also The Lord God(including Angels). one more truth is that Jesus Christ's death was absolutely caused by the result of human being's own political economical social religious activities as aforementioned already. As far as we know from all our knowledge about The Bible and all our empirical experiences with The Lord God and His Angels, The Lord God does not take his selected person's life by intention or without reason and also The Existence of The Spirit exists above time and space as we know it from the fact that The Spirit dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ went back to the Existence of Spirit and to the world of The Lord God after The Spirit met Jesus Christ's Disciples with the image of Jesus Christ's Lifetime when Jesus Christ, not The Spirit in the inside of Jesus Christ, died on the Cross as human being and also The mission of Jesus Christ with The Spirit had been completed in this world. 

As all of us know it, The Existence of 'I AM', ie. Spirit, as far as we know with human being's 5 senses or 6 senses and our all perceptibility Yahweh/Jehovah/The Lord/God/The Lord God/ Angels and also The Spirit dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, invisible, intangible, untouchable, inaudible, undefinable, living wisdom, living light, living word, living whisper, also to-be-above time space, omniscient, omnipotent(almighty), and so on. If The Spirit dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ did not took the image of Jesus Christ's Lifetime, may be, nobody easily got to know the Existence of The Spirit, Especially as The Spirit in the inside of Jesus Christ. Also, Jesus Christ's disciples and other peoples at that time surely got to know the fact that there must be the world of The Lord God and His Angels and also the truth that human beings must go to the world after human beings' death, because Jesus Christ took the image of Jesus Christ's Lifetime in order to show that He is still alive in the world of 'I AM', ie Spirits, before Jesus Christ totally went back to his original Existence by completing his missions in this world. We can see easily these kinds of examples in the Bible. (To be continued from 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea)

야훼님(스스로 존재하는 님, 여호와님, 하나님, 여호와 하나님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.

Yahweh's(I AM, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God; Spirit) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.