종교(Religion)와 사명

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit 01

정희득이본명이자가명 2006. 10. 27. 13:38

Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit


Today's thinkable issues for one of the processes to proof the Existence of 'I Am', ie. 'Spirit', as far as we can know with our 6 senses like 'the Title of Movie' and also with our scientific knowledge 'Yahweh', 'Jehovah', 'The Lord', 'God', 'The Lord God', 'Angels of The Lord God', and 'The Spirit' who dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ, are Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit' in the 1st Chapter of Matthew of The Bible.


What kinds thoughts do we have for 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit', whether we have some empirical experiences like some special responses on our sincere faithful prayers with or from  the Existence of The Spirit or not, as human beings live in the 21th century of Space Shuttle Ship'. The issue is somewhat related to the area of 'Taboo' or 'Tabu' of religion until our daily-developed science can certainly identify the Existence of 'I AM', The Existence of Spirit, in order to avoid never-ending debates or discussions which unexpectedly lead to misuse or bad use in the name of experiment or temptation or dazzlement or bewilderment. But the issue is actually the problem of our understanding or preception or our cognition for The Existence of Spirit, not the problem of blasphemy or profanity or sacrilege or desecration for The Lord God and His Angels.


So, more actually realistic answer about the issue is that, up to now, unfortunately, we do not know the truth for 'Being Conceived by the Holy Spirit' until we could clearly hear the answer from The Lord God and His Angels or our surprisingly science can get the exact answer for the possibility of 'Being Conceive the Holy Spirit', 1) because we are physical existence even having soul and mind and spirit(this spirit is different from The Spirits whom we call as The Lord God and His Angels regardless of the same spells), but God is The Existence of Spirit, 2) because we cannot know the Existence of Spirit up to now except for the case of the empirical experience, 3) because we cannot know clearly the actual realistic extent of the Omniscient and Omnipotent Power of the Existence of The Lord God and His Angels even our saying those words and expressions in our daily lives and in our weekly sermon.   


One more thing which interfere our clear thought about 'Being Conceived by the Holy Spirit' is ten months' period of pregnancy or gravidity or f(o)etation or conception or gestation for Jesus Christ's birth, even though we admit the creation of human being and all the existences of the universe and the universe itself.


However, what we can say is for 'Being Conceived by the Holy Spirit' that it is some kind of combination of those of Joseph and Saint Virgin Mary by the Omniscient and Omnipotent Power of 'I AM' and, as a consequence of it, The Spirit from the world of The Lord God dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ from that moment, 1) considering the creation of human being, 2) considering the cure of all kinds of diseases by the Holy Spirit which is invisible and intangible and untouchable and unperceptible and unrecognizable and so on, 3) considering that the patients do not feel any kind of cure process or any kind of disease's being-cured feeling for perfect cure of their diseases, 4) considering all kinds of other miracle-like phenomena in The Bible written by a lot of human beings in different times of several thousands' years, 5) especially considering that one bone could be moved from the area of my hip to the area of my chest  and could be stuck to the chest area during about 35 years without any pains and pangs without any physically surgical operation about 35 years ago,  6) at the same time considering all the other physical changes made to my body with other several adults' existing at my room at day time, 7) considering that my eyesight could see the blood and the heart in the inside of human being when my eyesight and my audition were being accommodated or made up  by the Omniscient and Omnipotent Power of The Spirit at the front of my parents at my childhood, and etc.


Even though we admit one more considerable thing that The Spirit could be totally or permanently or eventually transformed into physical existence or human being in order to understand 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit', the Flesh is just Flesh, The Spirit is just Spirit, as we would know a lot of cases through thousands' years in the Bible or in our live societies. For normal understanding for the transformation of Spirit into physical being, it might be similar to God's modelling on the image of human being's appearance just like human being's disguise or makeup or impersonation at movie or drama scene.


And the more important is that The Spirit had dwelled in the inside of the Flesh of Jesus Christ as The Spirit from the World of The Lord God during the whole of his life, as the similar case is in the 'Genesis' Chapter of The Bible. Even though several serious phenomena could be guessed for 'Being Conceived by The Holy Spirit' from the examples of The Bible or from the phenomenon of the delusion or the infatuation or the illusion or the hallucination as one of possible activities of human being, the most actual historical truth is that Jesus Christ had conducted his missions during his activities in this world for the salvation and redemption of human beings from their sins by Evangelism and also by proofing the Existence of The Lord God and His World and The World after Human Being's death through a lot of miracles and many miracle-like activities and exact explanations for Ten Commandments and The Essence of The Lord God and also The Bible. The other most actual historical truth is that The Spirit who had dwelled in the inside of Jesus Christ went back to the world of The Lord God by The Visible and Tangible and Touchable and Perceptible Jesus Christ's being crucified on the Cross. (From 'Believable Or Not' written by Hui-Deuk Jeong in Korea)


October 20, 2006


Hui-Deuk Jeong

at PT University



야훼님(스스로 존재하는 존재, 여호와님, 하나님, 여호와 하나님)과 그의 영이신 그리스도 예수님의 살아 있는 전지전능한 지혜와 끊임없는 축복이 늘 함께 하실 수 있기를 진심으로 바랍니다.

Yahweh's(I AM, Jehovah, The Lord, God, The Lord God; Spirit) and Jesus Christ's, His Spirit, Living Almighty Wisdom And Inexhaustible Blessings Be Always With You With All My Hearts.