영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

The purpose of The Bible is not to kill prophet, even though there is,,,

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 8. 19. 17:25

The purpose of The Bible is not to kill prophet, even though there is,,,


If any plan has been scheduled to deny the truth of my current writings or if any plan has been scheduled to delay or hinder or stop my political activities, it should be stopped or modified correctly according to the contents of my current writings which is the realization of prophecy of Year 1965-76 of God and Angels, even though it is a kind of word-to-word activity.

The purpose of The Bible is not for the right reason to cause disease, murder, disability or murder to mankind, especially to prophet who meet God and Angels in the Heaven, even though there has been heavenly punishment for mankind from God and Angels in the Heaven, while  God and Angels had tried to tell about this world and the existence of  God and Angels in the power of God and Angels and in the way of  God and Angels, because God and Angels do not have physical existence from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and mankind can cognize only mankind's physical material concept and also mankind cannot know about this world including oneself, because mankind did not create this world including oneself.


A child's relation with God and Angels in Heaven like prophet in The Bible since his birth of Year 1965 and The Child's Prophet-like Missionary Work in South Korea since his childhood of Year 1965-76 in 21st century and The Child's The Bible-like books at least more than 10 books and The Child's movies more than 10 movies to show mankind the world of God and Angels or the relation between mankind and God and Angels cannot be treated as that of 20:28 of Matthew in The Bible and that of 10:45 of Mark in The Bible. 


20:28 of Matthew and 10:45 of Mark in The Bible is not the destiny of prophet nor the life of prophet, but 20:28 of Matthew and 10:45 of Mark in The Bible happens, if mankind close one's mind toward this world and other mankind and the world of God and Angels in Heaven, especially if a priest who should do one's missionary work by The Bible closes one's mind toward other one's relation with God and Angels in Heaven who is not a priest, especially who cannot becomes priest due to one's heavenly work by relation with God and Angels in Heaven.


Even in the world of priests and in the careers to become priest, there is a kind of religious training mankind's way and rank and also there is a learning of knowledge about The Bible by mankind's way and rank, so usually it is not suitable for prophet's work by God and Angels' appearance and disappearance. It can be known from The Bible.  


Mankind's relation with God and Angels in Heaven does not directly related to mankind's religious social position, even though there has been priest who should do one's duty based on The Bible in order to tell about the existence of God and Angels in Heaven in a way of mankind, as it can be known from The Bible, but mankind happens to connect mankind's religious social position to mankind's relation with God and Angels in Heaven, because there has been a priest who should work for God and Angels in Heaven in mankind's way in the house of God and Angels, and someone happens to become a priest through a kind of religious social career, if someone feels belief in and duty for God and Angels in Heaven.


The priest duty in the temple of God and Angels was said in Moses' recording from God and Angels, but usually it was not by the power of God and Angels nor by the words from God and Angels, which happened to prophet, but it was a kind of what priest should do as priest for mankind and God and Angels. It is not comparison for competition between priest and prophet. Prophet has one's own duty to do with God and Angels' traveling together and by the power of God and Angels and by the words from God and Angels, even though it was not easy that a prophet could be regarded as prophet due to the existential origin of God and Angels and also the relation between mankind and God and Angels and so, as times went by, especially after a priest and his duty in the house of God and Angels had been established and transmitted from generation to generation. The imprisonment or the death of Baptist John and Christ Jesus and Christ Jesus' disciples by misusing current religious laws and current social laws were one of examples that priests and elder believers committed crimes toward prophets by misusing current religious laws and current social laws, as there have been many copy cat crimes of it since then. It cannot be justified by result of punishment for the concerned priests and elder believers from God and Angels nor by the reason that it is one of things in The Bible. It is just crime from viewpoint of mankind's existential origin and also from viewpoint of God and Angels that priests and elder believers committed crimes toward prophets by misusing current religious laws and current social laws. However, there could not be direct punishment from God and Angels. Do you know why? 


If A Great King or A Great Scientist die of mosquito (mosquitos, mosquitoes), is it not to die?


If any plan has been scheduled to deny the truth of my current writings in the name of verification or in the name of competition, it should be stopped or modified correctly according to the contents of my current writings which is the realization of prophecy of Year 1965-76 of God and Angels, even though it has been a kind of word-to-word activity, because it would be continued to any result by some special peoples in the name of plan or etc, because  my current writings has been written since around Year 2005, as it had been said through me by God and Angels in Year 1965-76 or in the middle of Year 1986 or in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001, and there was talks about contribution(8,000 million won and a land of 100 million pyung and a people of 100 million and so on in Year 1968-70 before currency reform), sales right(100,000 million won as sales right in 4 countries in in Year 1968-70 before currency reform), expenses for 10 years' missionary trip, more than 10 books, more than 10 movies,,,, and there was talks about a kind of plan to prepare for Prophet-like Missionary Work and The Bible-like books and Movies to show mankind the world of God and Angels or the relation between mankind and God and Angels and so on, and also there was someone who regarded my future writings as fraud or show or magic to deceive mankind and Korean Peoples for my own economical political purpose, and there was someone who thought that I stole someone's relation with God and Angels, and also there was someone who thought it was the reason of my political activity from age 40th to age 60th including my presidential  candidate, which he should get rid of it, and also there was bad rumor about the relation religion and politics based on history,,,.


If any plan has been scheduled to delay or hinder or stop my political activity from age 40th to age 60th including my presidential  candidate in the name of verification or in the name of competition, it should be stopped or modified correctly according to the contents of my current writings which is the realization of prophecy of Year 1965-76 of God and Angels, even though it is a kind of word-to-word activity, because it would be continued to any result by some special peoples in the name of plan or etc, because there was talks about a kind of plan to prepare my political activity from age 40th to age 60th including my presidential  candidate, and also there was talks from a Priest of Vatican  to hinder my political activities at least till my age 40th, even though it was misunderstood by other religious peoples, and also there was some fake will, i.e. dying wish, to prevent me from involving into politics, and also there was bad rumor about the relation religion and politics based on history,,,.


So, if any plan has been scheduled to deny the truth of my current writings or if any plan has been scheduled to delay or hinder or stop my political activities, it should be stopped or modified correctly according to the contents of my current writings which is the realization of prophecy of Year 1965-76 of God and Angels, even though it is a kind of word-to-word activity.


It is not joke nor for lie for some political purpose. 


My relation with God and Angels in Heaven began from my birth, who found out it? how can we find out the person?, but it was not just for belief or religious mission like priest, and it had been led to prophet-like missionary work in The Bible during childhood, which can be written in a volume of hundreds of books based on what has happened from God and Angels with the help of God and Angels.


My relation with God and Angels in Heaven cannot be classified as A religion, B religion, C religion, D religion by each period, such as childhood or from Year 1965 to Year 1986 and Year 1986 to Year 2005 and Year 2005 to Year 2025 and from Year 2025 to Year 2045 and from Year 2045 to Year 2065 and etc or from Year 1965 to  Year 2005 and from Year 2005 to Year 2030 and from Year 2030 to Year 2055 and from Year 2055. It can be guessed by mankind's knowledge concept, but my relation with God and Angels in Heaven would prove the existence of  God and Angels in Heaven, the existential origin of God and Angels in Heaven, the truth of the miracle of The Bible, how to understand The Bible, how to live and so on, as Christ Jesus did it in the days when priests proved the existence of God and Angels in the house of God and Angels based on Moses' recordings.


My current writings is not the end of work of God and Angels in South Korea in 21st Century, but my current writings are related to future work of God and Angels or to future miracle of God and Angels, even though my heavenly missionary work had been scheduled for these days at my childhood by God and Angels, as my current writings have been written, as it had been said in Year 1965-76 or in the middle of Year 1986 or in the middle of Year 2001. 





마태복음 20장 28절, Matthew 20:28,


인자가 온것은 섬김을 받으려 함이 아니라 도리어 섬기려 하고 자기 목숨을 많은 사람의 대속물로 주려 함이니라 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."


마가복음 10장 45절, Mark 10:45,


인자의 온 것은 섬김을 받으려 함이 아니라 도리어 섬기려 하고 자기 목숨을 많은 사람의 대속물로 주려 함이니라 "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."


로마서 12:1, Romans 12:1,


그러므로 형제들아 내가 하나님의 모든 자비하심으로 너희를 권하노니 너희 몸을 하나님이 기뻐하시는 거룩한 산 제사 로 드리라 이는 너희의 드릴 영적 예배니라 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.


히브리서 7:27, Hebrews 7:27,


저가 저 대제사장들이 먼저 자기 죄를 위하고 다음에 백성의 죄를 위하여 날마다 제사 드리는 것과 같이 할 필요가 없으 니 이는 저가 단번에 자기를 드려 이루셨음이니라. who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.


히브리서 9:11-15, Hebrews 9:11-15,


그리스도께서 장래 좋은 일의 대제사장으로 오사 손으로 짓지 아니한 곧 이 창조에 속하지 아니한 더 크고 온전한 장막 으로 말미암아 염소와 송아지의 피로 아니하고 오직 자기 피로 영원한 속죄를 이루사 단번에 성소에 들어 가셨느니라. 염소와 황소의 피와 및 암송아지의 재로 부정한 자에게 뿌려 그 육체를 정결케 하여 거룩케 하거든 하물며 영원하신 성 령으로 말미암아 흠 없는 자기를 하나님께 드린 그리스도의 피가 어찌 너희 양심으로 죽은 행실에서 깨끗하게 하고 살 아계신 하나님을 섬기게 못하겠느뇨. 이를 인하여 그는 새 언약의 중보니 이는 첫 언약 때에 범한 죄를 속하려고 죽으사 부르심을 입은 자로 하여금 영원한 기업의 약속을 얻게 하려 하심이니라. But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.


히브리서 9:22, Hebrews 9:22,


율법을 좇아 거의 모든 물건이 피로써 정결케 되나니 피흘림이 없은즉 사함이 없느니라 And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.



히브리서 9:24-25, Hebrews 9:24-25,


그리스도께서는 참 것의 그림자인 손으로 만든 성소에 들어가지 아니하시고 오직 참 하늘에 들어가사 이제 우리를 위 하여 하나님 앞에 나타나시고 대제사장이 해마다 다른 것의 피로써 성소에 들어가는 것 같이 자주 자기를 드리려고 아 니하실찌니 그리하면 그가 세상을 창조할 때부터 자주 고난을 받았어야 할 것이로되 이제 자기를 단번에 제사로 드려 죄를 없게 하시려고 세상 끝에 나타나셨느니라. 한번 죽는 것은 사람에게 정하신 것이요 그 후에는 심판이 있으리니 이와 같이 그리스도도 많은 사람의 죄를 담당하시려고 단번에 드리신바 되셨고 구원에 이르게 하기 위하여 죄와 상관 없이 자기를 바라는 자들에게 두번째 나타나시리라.


For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; nor was it that He would offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the holy place year by year with blood that is not his own. Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.


히브리서 10:5, Hebrews 10:5,


그러므로 세상에 임하실 때에 가라사대 하나님이 제사와 예물을 원치 아니하시고 오직 나를 위하여 한 몸을 예비하셨 도다. Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says, "SACRIFICE AND OFFERING YOU HAVE NOT DESIRED, BUT A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME;


히브리서 10:10, Hebrews 10:10,


이 뜻을 좇아 예수 그리스도의 몸을 단번에 드리심으로 말미암아 우리가 거룩함을 얻었노라. By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.


히브리서 10:12, Hebrews 10:12,


오직 그리스도는 죄를 위하여 한 영원한 제사를 드리시고 하나님 우편에 앉으사. but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD,


사도행전 7:42, Acts 7:42,


하나님이 돌이키사 저희를 그 하늘의 군대 섬기는 일에 버려두셨으니 이는 선지자의 책에 기록된바 이스라엘의 집이여 사십 년을 광야에서 너희가 희생과 제물을 내게 드린 일이 있었느냐 "But God turned away and delivered them up to serve the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, 'IT WAS NOT TO ME THAT YOU OFFERED VICTIMS AND SACRIFICES FORTY YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS, WAS IT, O HOUSE OF ISRAEL?



고린도전서 5:7, 1 Corinthians 5:7,


너희는 누룩 없는 자인데 새 덩어리가 되기 위하여 묵은 누룩을 내어버리라 우리의 유월절 양 곧 그리스도께서 희생이 되셨느니라. Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.


고린도전서 6장 19-20절, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20,


너희 몸은 너희가 하나님께로부터 받은바 너희 가운데 계신 성령의 전인 줄을 알지 못하느냐 너희는 너희의 것이 아니 라. 값으로 산 것이 되었으니 그런즉 너희 몸으로 하나님께 영광을 돌리라. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.



갈라디아서 1장 4절, Galatians 1:4,


그리스도께서 하나님 곧 우리 아버지의 뜻을 따라 이 악한 세대에서 우리를 건지시려고 우리 죄를 위하여 자기 몸을 드 리셨으니. who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,



The Film Scenario


2012. 8. 19.