영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

The world’s biggest, tallest, fastest, smallest (& smartest), 2012. 8. 18.

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 8. 18. 12:59


The world’s biggest, tallest, fastest, smallest (& smartest)


Wonderful works by mankind,

But we do not need to have any negative mind toward the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels and Satans and Devils and Ghosts and so on in this world who are different from mankind's soul and spiritual realization or we do not need to have any hostile mind toward the heavenly mission to prove the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels and Satans and Devils and Ghosts and so on in this world who are different from mankind's soul and spiritual realization based on what has happened through mankind and in this world from the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels and Satans and Devils and Ghosts and so on in this world who are different from mankind's soul and spiritual realization.

Also, We do not need to misuse  the 20:28 of Matthew of The Bible, 'just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."', and the 10:45 of Mark of The Bible, '"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."', in order to hinder the words of someone or the works of someone who should do this kind of heavenly mission with the help of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits as God and Angels and Satans and Devils and Ghosts and so on in this world who are different from mankind's soul and spiritual realization.

What has been said about the heavenly mission to prove the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits by a messengers from a child in South Korea, who was born in the latter part of Year 1965, has been recorded in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ since around Year 2005, especially as daily work since around Year 2007, as it had been said in Year 1965-76 and in the middle of Year 1986 and in August 16 of Year 2001. The heavenly mission by a child and during a child's growth in http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been based on what has happened through the growth of a child and in this world from the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits  since the latter part of Year 1965.

The child, who said in Year 1965-79 that he would do prophet-like mission in The Bible as a results of what has happened through the growth of a child by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits during his life, did not die during National Defense Duty in Year 1986-88. even though there was rumors about it, because some peoples could not see the miracle which they wanted to see as a result of their set-up and also some peoples misunderstood the prophet-like mission in The Bible, especially the relation between prophet-like mission and National Defense Duty, without understanding what had been said through me at my childhood of Year 1965-76, and also there were some unexpected unprovable happenings during training, and also there were certain social religious movements during training. And a prophet-like mission in The Bible is not related to the training course of high priest by high priests based on Old Testament and New Testament. A prophet-like mission in The Bible is not always related to prophecy or good words or heavenly words. A miracle in The Bible is not always related to visible audible tangible physical phenomena or A miracle in The Bible is not always happen in the way of visible audible tangible physical phenomena, such as the separation of sea or the cure of disabled part of body or the revival of dead person or etc. Even though there is visible audible tangible physical phenomena by invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, such as the separation of sea or the cure of disabled part of body or the revival of dead person or etc, mankind cannot see invisible inaudible intangible Spirits and the power itself with one's eyes without the help of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits or without any belief in prophet's relation with and words about invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, so it seems to be a kind of show or a kind of fraud or a kind of magic or a kind of supernatural phenomena or a kind of happening.

If you have wrong concept about prophet-like mission in The Bible, you cannot understand http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.

If you have wrong concept about the happenings of miracles in The Bible, you cannot understand http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ also proves the truth of miracles in The Bible.

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and my heavenly mission is somewhat related to something principal for the lives of normal peoples who do not know religious mind or who are not accustomed to the concept of religious belief. http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and my heavenly mission is somewhat related to something principal for the lives of priests who are so stick to the rules of religious organization. It might be one of the reasons I had been in the 30 years of lapse of memory about what had happened at my childhood from the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits and also about my relation with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits and what I have to do religiously politically in my life, such as several years' writings during Age 40th with 3 boxes(Computer's monitor and keyboard and hardware) by myself or what I have been related to political activity to become president and parliament.

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ also proves how The Bible could be written, such as The Genesis by Moses or The New Testament by the disciples of Christ Jesus who wanted to see God from Christ Jesus even in the time when the death of Christ Jesus came to real.

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ also can be communicated based on the contents of The Bible and be proved by the contents of The Bible, if you want to prove the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. It is not the imitation of the expressions of Christ Jesus during his heavenly missionary works, 'Jesus took the twelve apostles aside and said: We are now on our way to Jerusalem. Everything that the prophets wrote about the Son of Man will happen there.(18:31 of Luke)', 'I am not talking about all of you. I know the ones I have chosen. But what the Scriptures say must come true. And they say, "The man who ate with me has turned against me!"  I am telling you this before it all happens. Then when it does happen, you will believe who I am. p) I am: See the note at 8.24. I tell you for certain that anyone who welcomes my messengers also welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. (13:18~20 of John)', 'That is why the Scriptures are true when they say, "People hated me for no reason." I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The Spirit will help x) you and will tell you about me. help: See the note at 14.16. Then you will also tell others about me, because you have been with me from the beginning.(15:25~27 of John)', 'While I was with them, I kept them safe by the power you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost, except the one who had to be lost. This happened so that what the Scriptures say would come true.(17:12 of John)', 'Then everything will happen, just as I said, <I did not lose anyone you gave me.(18:9 of John)', 'And so what Jesus said about his death f) would soon come true.(18:32 of John)', 'The soldiers said to each other, "Let's not rip it apart. We will gamble to see who gets it." This happened so that the Scriptures would come true, which say, "They divided up my clothes and gambled for my garments." The soldiers then did what they had decided.(19:24 of John), 'Jesus knew that he had now finished his work. And in order to make the Scriptures come true, he said, "I am thirsty!"(19:28 of John), 'All this happened so that the Scriptures would come true, which say, "No bone of his body will be broken", and, "They will see the one in whose side they stuck a spear."(19:36-37 of John)', 'He said: My friends, long ago by the power of the Holy Spirit, David said something about Judas, and what he said has now happened. Judas was one of us and had worked with us, but he brought the mob to arrest Jesus.(1:16-17 of Acts)',  'The people of Jerusalem and their leaders didn't realize who Jesus was. And they didn't understand the words of the prophets that they read each Sabbath. So they condemned Jesus just as the prophets had said. They did exactly what the Scriptures said they would. Even though they couldn't find any reason to put Jesus to death, they still asked Pilate to have him killed. After Jesus had been put to death, he was taken down from the cross w) and placed in a tomb. cross: This translates a Greek word that means "wood," "pole," or "tree."(13:27~29 of Acts)' and so on.

One thing to remember is that there has been only one child in this world in Year 1965-76 and since then who would write during at least 5~6 years and within 10 years since around Year 2005 about what would have happened through a child's growth during 40 years since his birth by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, even though there would have been many believers who would have experienced directly the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. It is almost similar to the situation, when The Bible had been recorded 2,000 ~ 2,500 years ago. How can we know it? Or how can we prove it?

But, when you talk about the truth of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ or its the value of heavenly missionary works  or its the value of words and miracles or anything about it, you cannot say the qualification and the value from the viewpoint of religious career and religious social position and  Theology or University of Theology, because there had been talks about several times of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ through me at my childhood of Year 1965~76 from invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, there were talks about my life careers up to now including my university from the viewpoint of  invisible inaudible intangible Spirits regardless of mankind's social political religious interests and competition.

If some of the money which has been used for some part of this wonderful works by mankind can have been used for the books or the movies or the missionary centers of the works through a growth of a child by the power of  invisible inaudible intangible Spirits since Year 1965, as there was someone's thought and prayer about it in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001 and since then, it would be better and thankful.

If you know you have paid much money or big contribution or visible invisible assistance to me and prophet-like heavenly mission in South Korea in 21st century and publishing of The Bible-like books and producing of movies for it and establishing of missionary center for it through many peoples, especially by the requests of  Western Priests and some Asian Religious Men, who came with the Western Priests, and Western Madam in some palace in Europe, which can be seen in the movie., since Year 1965~70 according to the promise between I and the concerned persons in Year 1965-70, you had better check it. There has not been that kind of co-operation with me since my childhood, even though sometimes there have been many peoples surrounding me, as if they wanted to send me to some place in universe by their praying or their belief or the power of God and Angels of their religions due to their misunderstanding on The Bible and Koran and Asian traditional religions, or due to their misunderstanding on what had happened by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits in the place where I was or where they were with me, or their misunderstanding on the promised communication method which was made between I and invisible inaudible intangible Spirits in Year 1965-70. Also there have been many rumors about it, as if the rumors try to say the miracles or the proofs or the heavenly missions which do not provide money or oil or natural gas or scientific knowledge or etc that we need in our daily lives. (c.f, Western Priests are the European Priests who belonged to Vatican and came to South Korea from Southern America in Year 1965-70 and would go to Southern Asia as next place during their world tour and met me of a little child in Southern Part of South Korea and heard some language in The Bible through me who could not know it and also directly experienced one's communication with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits in order to prove me and my heavenly mission with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. So, there were talks about their support to publish and produce what I would write at my Age 40th with the help of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. And also there were talks about their support to establish a kind of new way of missionary center.

But, there were some rumors from Asian Peoples due to wrong information on the contents of Asian religion and supernatural phenomena in Asia and The Bible and the world of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits and the world of mankind's soul after the death of mankind's physical body. How could I tell about it, even though I was a child of several months who could not know mankind's language well and who could not know something in this world in the way of mankind tradition? How can we check the truth of it?

Some Asian Religious Men were Religious Men who came with the Western Priests in order to know about God and Angels in The Bible through Western Priests' world tour and met me in South Korea in Year 1965-70. So, there were talks about their support to publish and produce what I would write at my Age 40th with the help of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. And also there were talks about their support to establish a kind of new way of missionary center, because it happened in Asia.

Western Madam was a Madam who was in some palace in Europe, which can be seen in the movie, and met me of a child as a result of several times of my appearance and disappearance in those places in order to find out help which could protect me and my religious words with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. It happened by the way of and by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, because my activity with the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits was misunderstood as a kind of political activity which needed someone who could protect and support it. Even though my activity was a religious activity, as what I said, that kind of religious activity needed more powerful worldwide someone who could protect and support it, because if it was true, as what I said, it could be a kind of heavenly missionary case with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, which can be seen in The Bible, and there were many religions and religious knowledge in the world in 21st century.

Who was someone who said ridiculous situation about my worldwide trip with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits? A child with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits flied around this world in order to find out mankind and its power to protect him in order to tell about invisible inaudible intangible Spirits in the way and by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits.)

Also, I had received only my salaries as salaried man as a result of my daily works during the time when I had worked for some international companies during 10 years from Year 1993, even though there had been many rumors about it from the viewpoint of religious political activities since Year 1986 and also there was a promise in Year 1986 about it between I and a planning team in religious political areas. There was no another contribution and support for my current writings since around Year 2005 which was expected to be realized as a result of prophecy of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits in Year 1965-76 and in the middle of Year 1986 and in the middle of Year 2001.

The repeated talks about contribution, sales right, visible invisible support and so on are not issue of money nor the issue of  worldly desires nor 'Free'. Contribution, sales right, visible invisible support and so on had been said from the concerned domestic foreign peoples  as result of one's knowing the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits and also one's believing in future writings from around Year 2005. How could it be possible?

The Heavenly Missionary Work or The Mission which is similar to The Prophet's Mission in The Bible or The Proof which is similar to in The Bible or Writings of a volume of hundreds of books or Writings during several years or a volume of hundreds of books during several years or Writings by 3 boxes or The Mission and The Proof which can prove the truth of the miracles of The Bible or The Mission and The Proof which can show mankind the recording of The Bible or The Realization of God' Prophecy or what had been said about what I would do religiously politically during my life is true and some of them has been realized up to now and those things has been realized with the activities of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits since my birth in Year 1965.

This could be one of what happened since the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001. But, you had not better try to find out the persons who were with me and something remarkable about the appearance of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits from them. If you understand the contents of The Bible from the viewpoint of belief and miracle instead of what happened in this world from invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, it can be easily misunderstood. Do you know why? Right now when I can talk about what happened in the place where I was before my attending elementary school, especially 1~2 months from birth or around 3 months from birth or around 5 months from birth or etc, it could be possible only with the help of what invisible inaudible intangible Spirits could see in the sky, but there is nothing visible audible tangible in the sky and it is same to me and it can be guessed in The Bible, especially in Chapter 5 of Mark of The Bible

Mankind is Mankind. Statue is just statue and art. But it has some religious meaning and if there is a kind of religious activity toward and before statue, it can be wrong, silly, activity toward physical material, even though it does not directly lead to Heaven or Hell in the world of mankind's souls after the death of physical mankind. Of course, that kind of religious mind can be led to good will and good activity toward oneself and other person and, as a result of it, it can be led to  Heaven in the world of mankind's souls after the death of physical mankind. However, The statue of Moses, The statue of Saint Mary,  The statue of Christ Jesus, The statue of Confucius, The statue of Confucius, The statue of Buddha, The statue of any ancestor and any historical man are just statue and physical material, and there is no dwelling of souls of those persons and also there is no existence of  invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. Also the activity itself to worship those statues before those statues does not call the souls of those persons nor  existence of  invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. This kind of religious understanding is one of popular misunderstanding about mankind's relation with invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. Of course, prayer and response is one of reasons for it. Misunderstanding about 22:18 of Exodus, 20:6 and 20:27 of Leviticus, 18:10~11 of Deuteronomy, 28:3 of 1 Samuel and 20:22 of John is one of reasons for it.

May be if your sincerely praying mind toward some unknown almighty existence in the heaven regardless of one's religious knowledge and one's religion leads to invisible inaudible intangible Spirits, there would happen something above mankind's physical ability and phenomena by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. At that time, it can happen, when the vision of someone appears by the power of  invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. It can be guessed in The Bible and from what has happened to me during and since my childhood of Year 1965-76.

If you have something to tell me, you had better contact me in face-to-face way or through the blog of internet or by email instead of talking about the mind-reading power and instant spatial movement or the miracle by invisible inaudible intangible Spirits who have been with me and have helped me to write my current writings, before you die and before you do not deliver what you deliver to me to me.

The above contents is just related to the findings of religious phenomena in South Korea since Year 1965-70. The following is just related to the findings of what has happened in this world through one of mankind by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits in South Korea since Year 1965-70. So, what has happened in this world through one of mankind by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits can be verified in a way of mankind, even though Spirit does not have physical existence from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept, but it does not mean any verification by any kind of scientific or medical experiment, especially scientific or medical experiment on living physical body, such as causing of disease by scientific or medical experiment and cure of disease by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. Cure of disease by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirit is possible, when there is a prophet-like heavenly mission, as it is in The Bible and as it happened to me and mankind can cure one's disease by one's physical knowledge and way, but cure of disease by the power of invisible inaudible intangible Spirit is not the purpose of prophet-like heavenly mission, so there is not any response from invisible inaudible intangible Spirit, when there is any verification for it. It can be checked in The Bible.


Also, the real identity of the mentioned priest in the above is not th e key point of the truth of this writing and http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/.

And, mankind should remember that there have been many persons who cannot say one's religious mind or who do not directly know the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits. It is related to mankind's existential origin and it happened from the beginning of this mankind. So, religious peoples should admit and respect it as one of mankind's world instead of sticking to the creation of this world and also to 28:16~20 of Matthew, 1: 6~8~11 of Acts, 14:7~9 of Romans, 1: 6~10 of Galatians, 15:7 of Luke and 16:8 of Luke,,,

Peoples can try to pursue one's physical spiritual talent and one's certain physical status through Martial Arts and certain spiritual status through meditation and so on. It is not against the existence of invisible inaudible intangible Spirits and, as a result of it, belief.

The Film Scenario

2012. 8. 17.

