영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

the plane of orbit

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 7. 28. 15:17

the plane of orbit


The following content is not directly related to the above article, but it is mentioned in order to explain something in issue in this world, because there was talk about journey at my childhood in Year 1965-76.

Who were they who wanted to know the existence of Eden in this solar system or in this universe where mankind's revived physical body can live its eternal life after mankind's physical body's death in Year 1965-76, because there was a word that sometimes I could communicated with God and Angels or there was the performance of power of God and Angels? What was my answer?

If mankind can fly in the plane of orbit and mankind can see directly both the earth and the universe through the space shuttle in the space shuttle which is made of glass or a kind of telescope, it can be very helpful for mankind's knowing mankind's science and ourselves. There can be no dispute about the origins of mankind and the solar system.

God and Angels can know what a cameraman has seen during his picture-taking in this world by mind-reading power of God and Angels, do you think how?, and then God and Angels see it clearly in that place in the way of God and Angels, and then God and Angels can let a prophet to see or to feel or to know the scene. It is possible in a way of vision and in a way of dream and in a way of physical body. How can we distinguish the supernatural phenomena, which can be detected by mankind's physical body, by the power of God and Angels from imagined one by mankind's imagination and knowledge about The Bible and my current writings(http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/)?

Do you know someone who worried about it at DeukMyungRi of HaiMyun of GoSeongGun of GyungSangNamDo in South Korea in Year 1965-70-76, when there is no secret about the contents of The Bible, after I would try to tell about the world of God and Angels, the supernatural phenomena by the power of God and Angels, the communication relation between mankind and God and Angels, the contents of The  Bible  and so on during 10 years from Year 2005 or during some period from Year 2030 or during period from Year 2055, if I can survive from all verification activities, such as cure of disease, which is caused by mankind's scientific way or by any material created by God and Angels, by the power of God and Angels and so on?

Do not try to plan any event to deny the truth of what has happened to me from God and Angels and also the truth of my current writings (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/) by misusing scientific knowledge or by misusing mankind's relation or by mankind's social economical situation, because it can be checked in a way of mankind, even though God and Angels do not have physical material from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept, because I have lived as a physical existence in this earth since Year 1965? If you have something to neglect the truth of what has happened to me from God and Angels and also the truth of my current writings (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/), you can have a conversation with me at open place.

Do not try to plan any event to spend away the visible invisible contribution which should be used to check the contents of my current writings (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/) and which should be used to publish and produce my current writings (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/) into books and movies and which should be used to build religious center and which should be used to build religious society.

Especially, do not try to calculate the required money for these issues in order to spend away the remnants for the fraud. When several old peoples of Age 60th~80th whom I met promised contribution for my future writings in Year 1965-76, they could know the existence of God and Angels through me or through my communication with God and Angels and also they could feel that my future writings would be written in Year 2005~2015. As old peoples who were near by the end of life in this world, they thought that it would be one of most valuable investment for South Korea and Mankind, because the existence of God and Angels could not be revealed by mankind's science itself and only it could be revealed by cooperation between mankind and the world of God and Angels, even though the existence of God and Angels is true. Also it was related to the appearance of God and Angels, 

Do not try to plan any event to prevent my current writings (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/) from being realized into reality during my life in this world.

Do not try to plan any event to shift or to move down the date of issue from Year 2005 to Year 2025 or to Year 2045 or to some day after death.

If there has been some kind of planning in order to achieve some religious goal or some political goal, that kind of event can have an influence on the social economical activity of someone, even though that kind of event has been communicated among the concerned only in linguistic way.

Believe it or not,

It was prophesied in a mankind's linguistic way through me as a child by the power of God and Angels in Year 1965-76 to write about the existence of God and Angels in this world, the identity of God and Angels in Korea, the contents of The Bible, the truth of a child's communication with God and Angels like a prophet in The Bible and so on based on what has happened through me or in the place where I am by the power of God and Angels since my childhood. And also it was prophesied in a mankind's linguistic way that it would happen during at least 5~6 years within 10 years from Year 2005 and it would be written by 3 square boxes or 3 quadrilateral boxes or 3 tetragonal boxes or 3 quadrate boxes.

The writing itself can be pursued by my own ability with the help of God and Angles, but its books and movies and religious center cannot be pursued by my own ability considering the life up to age 40th South Korea. So, it had been exposed to a kind of planning from Year 1970 and the middle of Year 1986 and the middle of Year 2001 regardless of someone's planning to deny my words about my communication with God and Angels like a prophet in The Bible and so on by misusing these situations.

Before these situations, as there had been detailed explanations several times, I could appear in European places and meet some old peoples several times, which can be seen in the several movies, in a way of God and Angles by the power of God and Angels in order to get some help from some most powerful organization in this world which can protect my heavenly religious activity with the appearance and company and power of God and Angels, as it can be guessed from a prophet in The Bible. How can I find out the old man who regarded my heavenly religious activity, which was led by the power of God and Angels, as that of politician in Year 965-70?

Right now, the realities of European places and some old peoples are not the issue, even though I could tell about similar European places and similar old persons in the several movies, but the issue is the fact that it happened when God and Angels tried to tell about God and Angels through a child in Year 1965-76 in order to tell about something that would be going on in this world and also I can tell about it right now by remembering it with the help of God and Angels. How can we distinguish reality from show or lie or fraud?

How can I find out the old man who regarded my situation as ridiculous one due to the situation that God and Angels had to find out a kind of help from mankind in order to tell about God and Angels instead of God and Angels' salvation by the almighty of God and Angels?

The similar situation happened to my political activity which would be pursued from Year 2005 to Year 2035 and which would include political activity as politician by national election.

I have never received any contribution up to now which can be used to write my current writings and to publish it into books and to produce it into movies and to build religious missionary center. So, any body would not be deceived due to any contribution. Especially, I could have never found out the contribution which was distributed to many peoples by old man in Year 1965~76 but it cannot be related to any verification on the truth of my current writings.

The Film Scenario

2012. 7. 28.