영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

To the concerned during Euro 2012

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 6. 20. 13:08

Euro 2012

Introduction of the Blog which is related to the evidence(proof' testimony) of religious phenomena by the power of God and Angels which already had been said in Year 1965-76.

There was only one male child since Year 1965 or in Year 1965-76 in this earth who can say the following issues and the writing of http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ during at least 5~6 years with 10 years since Year 2005 in South Korea.

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is for the concerned person who had the following conversations with a child in Southern Part of South Korea in Year 1965-70;

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is for the concerned person who have heard the child in Year 1965-70 who came to spaceship or space platform in order to find out the suitable place for prophet-like heavenly mission by the power of God and Angels and in order to find out the person who believe that child will be with God and Angles for heavenly works and in order to prove that there would be God and Angles' works through a child in 21st century and in order to find out risk-bearing for the child's heavenly works by God and Angels in the universe;

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is for the concerned person who have heard the child in Southern Part of South Korea in Year 1965-70 who would prove the existence and the identity and the religion of God and Angels in South Korea and prove the truth of the miracles in The Bible and  prove the truth of what is about life in The Bible and write Books like The Bible based on what would happen through a child's growth from God and Angels with the appearance of God and Angels and with the performance of power of God and Angels;

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is for the concerned person who have heard 'Welcome to HanGook' in Year 2005~2015, because there would be talks about disputable issues in The Bible and in mankind's religions by JeongHuiDeuk who have met God and Angels in the sky since his childhood.

http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is for the concerned person who have heard who have heard 'Welcome to HanGook' in Year 2005~2015, because there would be several years' writings with 3 square(tetragon; quadrangle; trapezium; quadrilateral) boxes(keyboard and monitor and hardware of computer)  based on what has happened through JeongHuiDeuk's growth by the power of God and Angels in the heaven since my birth in Year 1965.

Cf 1)

Anyone should not be defrauded due to http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ or The 4th Heavenly Works in South Korea, by God and Angels who have appeared to me in South Korea. The 1st one by Moses and other prophets, The 2nd one by Christ Jesus and his disciples, The 3rd one by Muhammad, and The 4th one by me.

I have never received any visible invisible support in order to publish http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ into books or in order to produce http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ into movies or in order to build http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ into missionary center or for any social activity to tell about http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, even though http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ has been written by myself with the help of God and Angels in the universe above the universe, as it had been said in Year 1965-76, in Year 1986, in Year 2001 and at other times. http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ is the realization of prophecy of God and Angels in Year 1965-76, in Year 1986, in Year 2001 and at other times. But, to write  http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ by myself is not against the contents of The Bible and the writing method of prophet's works.

However, there may have been many peoples who have come to me in order to know the existence of God and Angels by the power of God and Angels, because there have been many religious phenomena by th power of God and Angels, which can be seen in the  http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/. But I cannot be sure of it, because most of the peoples who have come to me in order to know the existence of God and Angels by the power of God and Angels have never talked about it,

There are some peoples who do not know the religious mind which is related to the existence of God and Angels. It is the issue since the creation of this world. There are some peoples who has some negative mind about the religious mind or the existence of God and Angels. This is also the issue since the creation of this world. So, do not try to test the person who should tell about the existence of God and Angels by what the person gets to know about the world of God and Angels by what has happened from God and Angels.

Cf 2)

- God and Angels in the sky are not the persons in S.K.Y. but Spirits who do not have physical body and who is different from mankind's soul or spirit or spiritual realization.

- God and Angels in the heaven  are not the persons in Churches  but Spirits who do not have physical body and who is different from mankind's soul or spirit or spiritual realization.

- God and Angels in South Korea or in this world or in the universe are not mankind of physical body nor mankind's organization but Spirits who do not have physical body and who is different from mankind's soul or spirit or spiritual realization.

Cf 3)

The heavenly works of God and Angels  can happen through mankind's dream or in a way of vision or through mankind's physical body, such as fluoroscopy or cure of disease or whole armor or change of physical body condition or instant spatial movement or etc., or in physical world.

The heavenly works of God and Angels through me in 21st century or any other one  cannot be replaced by the miracles in the Bible  or by the contents in the Bible or by the knowledge  of prophets in The Bible or  by the knowledge of high priests or any church's religious activities or religious activities by priest,  pastor, clergyman, bishop,  PARSON, PREACHER, MINISTER, ECCLESIASTIC, cardinal vicar, the Vicar of (Jesus) Christ, the vicar of Bray,,,.

As there had been talks in Year 1965-76 about the following issues and also about some steps, which can be taken from the viewpoint of mankind, when I could not remember what I should remember from Year 2005 or when God and Angels happen to forget what God and Angels should do for me and for mankind from Year 2005; (Thanks for co-operation in order to know the existence and the identity of God and Angels or in order to help the heavenly works of God and Angels in this world or in order to help mankind's verification on the truth of my words about the world of God and Angels or my communication with God and Angels or the contents of The Bible or our traditional religions by doing what was said from me.)

I can remember my relation with God and Angels in the universe.

I can remember what I had said since my childhood which had been said when I had been with  God and Angels in the universe.

I can remember what has happened through me by  God and Angels in the universe since my childhood, when I was with  God and Angels in the universe.

I can remember what I have to do right now since Year 2005 and during my life which had been said when I had been with  God and Angels in the universe.

My current writings since Year 2004 by the help of power of God and Angels  is also one thing which should be written by myself by the help of power of God and Angels, which is the realization of what was said by God and Angels in Year 1965-76, in Year 1986, in Year 2001 and so on.

My sayings about nation and political policies and my political movements and my becoming politician are not against the heavenly works of God and Angels or the will of God and Angels or anything related to the world of  God and Angels. It can be proved by The Bible.

My sayings about nation and political policies and my political movements and my becoming politician are not against what was said by the priest of Vatican who met me in Year 1965-70. What was said by the priest of Vatican who met me in Year 1965-70 was, 'Do not say my political movements and my becoming politician before my sayings about it at my age 40th, because I had been involved into the heavenly works of God and Angels by the appearance and power of God and Angels and also there would be some expected things by God and Angels. So, if there is someone who has denied my personal identity and the truth of my relation with God and Angels and the truth of my current writings by misusing my sayings about my political movements and my becoming politician since Year 2005, it can be false witness and fraud and it should be modified correctly.

===== Someone's conversations with a child in Southern Part of South Korea in Year 1965-70; =====

To play soccer game is fun and good for health. This is for all who has physical body.

To watch soccer game is another fun. This is especially for the person who cannot be good soccer player.

To watch soccer game is fun. This is especially for the person who cannot be good soccer player.

To play soccer game is another fun and good for health. This is for all who has physical body.

Who had planned to steal a child's fun and health in the Year 1965-76, who seemed to be with God and Angels for heavenly works, in the name of mankind or in the name of mankind's pain or in the name of The Bible and prophet's pain and Christ Jesus' pain,,,,?

The Film Scenario

2012. 6. 20.