영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

2012. 5. 6. A foreign boy in park near by National Library

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 5. 6. 23:51


2012. 5. 6. A Western Boy in Park near by The National Library Of Korea.


What seemed to happen from God or Angel in the sky on May 6 of Year 2012 within 10 years since around Year 2005, which was prophesied in Year 1965-76 or in the middle of Year 1986 or in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001!


A Western Boy and 3 others' language seemed to be French.


The following issue is not related to any personal information, nationality, race, region, religion but it is related to certain religious phenomena by the power of God and Angels who do not have physical material body from mankind's physical material concept, even though it is trueh that God and Angels have a figure of mankind. As far as I know the figure of God and Angels is not the concept of mankind's physicam material figure and the meaning of Genesis of The Bible may not be related to the figure but to characteristics of mankind, such as existential characteristics which can be expressed as 'I AM' or mankind's creation or mankind's of independent life or mankind's independent behavior or etc.


There was a little western boy, who came with a little girl and a lady and a man, at 18:00 ~ 19:00 hours in park near by The National Library Of Korea. Western boy showed lots of activities, which seemed to be similar to those of my childhood, during tens of minutes.


Western boy's falling down to the ground like a ray while his first running to lawn from small hill is one of it and Western boy's flinching by looking for something on the ground on the small hill before it is one of it and the lady's holding Western boy in her arms while his 2nd running to lawn from small hill is one of it and Western boy's trying to struggle loose[twist away] from the lady's holding him in her arms is one of it and other many activities during Western boy's walking around on the turf are also some of it.


How can we check it?

Who could know what happened from me or a little body during Year 1965-70?


Western boy seemed to be led to perform some activities by the power of God and Angels in the sky and could show the similar activities to those of my childhood to me, which can be led to help me to write what I have to write in these days or to perform my works, even though there was nothing visible about God and Angels in the sky and we do not know what kind of relation with God or Angel will be made for the child from God and Angels.


In this case which is related to my relation with God and Angels or to my current writing since Year 2004 which were said at my childhood of Year 1965-76 and were checked at the middle of Year 1986 at Army Training Center in NonSanGun in ChungCheongDo and checked at the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001 in GwangHwaMoon in Seoul City, if it is related to the power of God and Angels in th sky instead of western boy's performance and born talent, it could be possible through western boy from the power of God and Angels, even though the western boy could not know anything about the appearance of God and Angels in the sky at the moment, because God and Angels in the sky could watch and remember what has happened from me and other peoples in my place or what has happened from God and Angels in my place in the non-physical-material way of invisible inaudible intangible God and Angels in the sky.


There were a kind of processes between Moses and God and Angels, before Moses happened to know about the appearance of God and Angels in the sky and there would be unsual communication of telepathy between Moses and God and Angels, even though there was nothing visible audible tangible about God and Angels in the sky. It will be same to the prophets in The Bible.


Western boy's being led by the power of God and Angels can be guessed in The Bible, if you know that prophet could speak foreign language, which the prophet did not know, by the power of God(Holy Spirit) and Angels(Holy Spirits) and that Angel (Holy Spirit) could dwell in the physical body of Christ Jesus in order to help Christ Jesus' heavenly missionary works by the miracle by the power of God and Angels and that Satan(Evil Spirit) could dwell in the physical body of Judas in a moment in order to have influence on the thought of Judas in order to let Judas to betray Christ Jesus, why?, and that Christ Jesus was led to field by the power of Angel(Holy Spirit) in order to receive a kind of test by Satan(Evil Spirit).


How can we prove it as the performance of power of God and Angels? How can we verify its relation with the contents of The Bible instead of Korean traditional religions, if we consider that God and Angels do not have physical material body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and the power of God and Angels cannot be directly cognized by the scientific method?


The above situation will be same regardless of the truth of the situation of so-called what happened at my childhood; The above situation will be same, even though what happened at my childhood happened at my dream, which can be expressed as 'God or Angel's appearance in dream', or in a way of vision, which can be seen in the 9:5 of Mark of The Bible, by the power of God and Angels as a result of God and Angels' mind-reading on someone's thought who knew about what happened at other places, such as what happened at Park near by The National Library of Korea.



Even though God and Angels has a figure of mankind, as it is in the Genesis of The Bible, God and Angels do not have physical material body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept, so if there is not any performance of power of God and Angels in order to show something visible audible tangible to mankind from the viewpoint of mankind's cognition, such as God or Angel's appearance in prophet's dream or prophet's speaking of foreign language or cure of disease or mankind's walking on the water or dividing of sea or change of weather or etc which is possible by the power of God and Angels, mankind cannot know the appearance of God and Angels nor the existence of God and Angels.


Can the activity of a child be regarded as a child's performance according to scenario?


Is it a chance as a child that a child could show almost the similar activities of my childhood?


The western boy's being led to do some activities by the power of God and Angels is not directly related to the identity of God and Angels who have appeared to me since my birth in South Korea, because there is only one world of God and Angels in this world. The fact that there is only one world of God and Angels in this world is not the issue of eastern religion or western religion. It can be guessed by the existential origin of God and Angels or it can be guessed by what happened between mankind and God and Angels in mankind's history, which can be expressed as The Bible or Koran or mankind's supernatural experiences.


The fact that I cannot know the western child's language with the power of God and Angels cannot be any symptom to tell about the truth of my current writings which can have been written by the help of power of God and Angels or the truth of the fact that my current writings have been written by the help of power of God and Angels or the truth of the fact that God and Angels performed power in order to lead the activities of the western child like my activities of my childhood at park near by The National Library of Korea. It is same, even though the western persons are very important persons who can help me and my works.


Sometimes the power of God and Angels can help the person, who have been with God and Angels, to speak foreign language, which the person who have been with God and Angels do not know at all. But, it always does not happen in that way.


The Film Scenario


2012. 5. 6.