영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

영화 최후의 8인, 20120418.

정희득이본명이자가명 2012. 4. 19. 02:38








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8인 : 최후의 결사단, 2009; 十月圍城; Bodyguards and Assassins,




The above movie is not directly related the following contents, as I was not an actor in the above movie and the little child was a girl in the above movie. However, several scenes in the above movie is similar to the scenes which happened in Year 1965-70 and which I can remember by my memory or by the help of God and Angels, while I watch movie. There are lots movies and dramas and scenes of this kind.

Mankind remember something by the help of power of God and Angels, because God and Angels also watch and cognize and remember all the things in this world in the way of God and Angels or by the existential origin of God and Angels, which can be seen in The Bible, and because the power of God and Angels itself can have an influence on the thought of mankind, even though it is not the providence of God and Angels  between mankind and God and Angels, which can be seen in The Bible. The thought of Judas who betrayed Christ Jesus was influenced by the power of Satan who is Spirit also. Pharaoh's mind had been influenced by the power of God and Angels, while Moses had tried to take the peoples out of Egypt, who had met God and Angels since Genesis or who were the descendants of the peoples who had met God and Angels since Genesis,  in order to build society which prove the existence of God and Angels,,,,

Is it my own activity, which happened during several years' my journey at my childhood? Or is it other child's activity, which was transferred to me by the power of God and Angels as a result of God and Angels' mind-reading power on the thought of  other one who wanted to know about the identity of God and Angels in South Korea and in this world or the world of God and Angels or the contents of The Bible  or mankind's religions through a child who seemed to have communication with God and Angels in the sky or to whom God and Angels had appeared from sky?

Did it happen in a dream not by mankind's physical body's activity or metabolism but by the power of God and Angels who try to say to mankind through selected mankind about the existence of God and Angels, the creation of this world, the principle of this world, expecially the providence of mankind's life, and so through mankind's dream, because mankind's physical body's activity cannot have an intended special influence on mankind's physical body's dream?

Did it happen in a dream as a result of the mind-reading power of God and Angels about other one's thought who wanted to know about God and Angels' appearance in mankind's dream, which is in The Bible or mankind's dreamed by the power of God and Angels, which is in The Bible?

Did it happen in a vision as a result of the mind-reading power of God and Angels about other one's thought who wanted to know about vision made by the power of God and Angels, which is in The Bible?

Did it happen through my real physical body's activities, while I had traveled through changing kindergarten during several years at my childhood?

Did it happen through my real physical body's activities, while I had traveled by the power of God and Angels during several years at my childhood?

Is it related to all the above methods which had happened during my childhood, while I had traveled through changing kindergarten and by the power of God and Angels during several years at my childhood?

However, the real place is not so important to understand the following contents or the contents of my current writings, http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/, or the contents of The Bible.

It is not talk about memory or memory capacity  for the purpose of political activity or political candidate.

It is not show nor knowledge for the purpose of political activity or political candidate.

It is not talk about competition  for the purpose of political activity or political candidate.

It is not talk about this religion or that religion for the purpose of political activity or political candidate.

It is not looking for someone who can realize my religious knowledge or my religious phenomena or my religious proof into political policy or scene or linguistic expression by proxy or by deputy or by procuration.

It is related to proving the existence of God and Angels, the identity of God and Angels, the contents of The Bible, religious phenomena and so on, by God and Angels' appearance to me, by what has happened through me from God and Angels, by the phenomena which is possible from God and Angels, by the power which is possible from God and Angels and so on, because God and Angels do not have physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and God and Angels Spirit who is different from mankind's spirit or soul or spiritual realization, even though God and Angels exist and live and sometimes appear to mankind in a invisible inaudible intangible non-physical-material way from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept.

One of key points is that I can remember what had happened at my childhood below age 12 including conversation, situation, scene and other concerned thing, as if I am watching picture or movie or drama, but I cannot know personal information about the concerned persons, do you know why?, and also it was said to some ones at my childhood of Year 1968-70. Who can remember it? How can I find out them?

Can you remember and explain what happened to you at your age of several months? Can you remember and explain your conversation at your age of several months? May be there is something that is possible by mankind's memory, also. But, how many?

It is to hinder my economical business, my political activity, my religious heavenly mission and it is to destroy my life to send any person who tries to find out something to deny the truth of God and Angels' appearance to me since my birth or who tries to deny the truth of the contents of my current writings or to deny that my current writing is based on the help of power of God and Angels by one's own verification method and test on the miracle of God and Angels?

It is to hinder my economical business, my political activity, my religious heavenly mission and it is to destroy my life to spend away the visible invisible contribution which can be used to help my current writings to be published into book or to be produced into movie as a result of someone's denial on anything related to the truth of the contents of my current writings.

It is to hinder my economical business, my political activity, my religious heavenly mission and it is to destroy my life to spend away the visible invisible contribution which can be used to help my current writings to be published into book or to be produced into movie as a result of competition in the areas of writing, book, movie,  performance, politics, religion, speech, missionary work, computer, internet, technology or etc.

It is to hinder my economical business, my political activity, my religious heavenly mission and it is to destroy my life to spend away the visible invisible contribution which can be used to help my current writings to be published into book or to be produced into movie by sending some peoples to the place where I am in the name of helping my words and by calculating the price for it.

Mankind cannot test the miracle of God and Angels, as Christ Jesus says it in The Bible, especially in the 1-4 of Chapter 16 of Matthew of The Bible. If mankind tries test the miracle of God and Angels through selected man, it will be led to anger of God and Angels and to prevention of miracle of God and Angels, even though there will not be direct physical punishment, such as death.

If you want to know the miracle of God and Angels, it is basic to believe in the existence of God and Angels and also to believe in someone's relation with God and Angels like a prophet in The Bible, even though you do not pay anything in order to prevent you from being defrauded and to have open, reliable, trusted, unfailing conversation with someone who talks about his relation with God and Angels like a prophet in The Bible or who talks about God and Angels' appearance to him for heavenly missionary work like a prophet in The Bible, as Christ Jesus says about belief in The Bible. And then, if your mind and thought is led to and can be read by God and Angels who have appeared to someone in a invisible inaudible intangible non-physical-material way from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept, you can cognize something  by the power of God and Angels through selected someone  or directly. However, one thing to remember in that situation is that you cannot see the identity of God and Angels  directly physically or the power of God and Angels directly physically. Even though you can see what you want to see in other country in a way  vision, it is not by your eyesight but by the power of God and Angels and you cannot see the identity of God and Angels  directly physically or the power of God and Angels directly physically.

If you want to help me, it is to have open, reliable, trusted, unfailing conversation with me about my current writings in order to prevent any accident due to misunderstanding on the contents of The Bible and the truth of my current writings without any prejudice, any verification method, any training, any other intention to hinder and deny my words, even though you do not pay money for it.

If you want to help me, it is to help me to publish my current writings into book and to produce my current writings into movie and so on as one of economical activity without any prejudice, any verification method, any training, any other intention to hinder and deny my words, even though you do not pay money for it.


Who were with me?

Who said a girl would be there?

There is Nothing for us to do for him except for that he would be here and he would remember it with the help of God and Angels in the sky at his age 40th. Originally, all the things were prepared for him, because he would write about God and Angels in the sky in Asia  like The Bible in Western, but other personal interests had been made by using it.

What was said from me for the word of kidnap by someone?

What was said from me as a child at the table, when father said and left, 'Meal With Families'? Meal With Families, Do Not Go Anywhere. Eat for me!

Who planned to change babies or to change each baby's what to do in the future due to some organization's religious political reasons?

My religious mission comes from God and Angels in the sky, and it will be pursued like a prophet in The Bible based on what has happened through me from God and Angels and also based on The Bible, and it is similar to the case of prophet in The Bible, even though my religious career has not followed a priest's career or a pastor's career. My political activity is also related to it, especially to  my understanding about mankind and this world, even though my political activity is not related to Holy Nation or Holy Politics. However, there will be a trial for idealism which will be led to a kind of kingdom on earth, even though God's trial to build society or nation through prophets or special leaders known as judges or chosen kings by God had been led to a society which will be managed by mankind.

The Film Scenario

2012. 4. 18.