영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

다니엘 3, Daniel 3,

정희득이본명이자가명 2011. 7. 24. 15:09


다니엘 3, Daniel 3,


It cannot be the issue of your God or His God or my God. It cannot be applied to The Bible's God or Koran's God or any proof's God. It cannot be applied to Christ Jesus' God or Saint Mary's God or JungHeeDeuk's God. Why?


Long time ago, there were many Golden Statues which had been made by the physical material in this world which were created by the power of God and Angels. May be it had happened as a result of someone's unusual communication with God and Angels in the sky. If someone happens to see religious phenomena by the power of God and Angels, or if someone happens to communicate with God and Angels in the sky, it can be led to make Statue of physical material in this world by one's own experience, because the figure of God and Angels in the sky is invisible inaudible intangible, because God and Angels in the sky do not have physical body nor physical material from the viewpoint of physical material concept of mankind.


As Christ Jesus had said in his days, we cannot see God and Angels with our own eyes. So, we cannot distinguish this Spirit from that Spirit due to the existential origin of God and Angels. Ghost can dwell in the physical body of mankind, and Satan can dwell in the physical body of mankind, and Angel can dwell in the physical body of mankind, as soul of mankind dwells in the physical body of mankind.


That is one of the reasons that God and Angels talked about '3. Do not worship any god except me. 4. Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on earth or in the ocean under the earth. 5. Don't bow down and worship idols. I am the LORD your God, and I demand all your love. If you reject me, I will punish your families for three or four generations.' in The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5.1-21.


The 5th Commandment may be for the purpose to leave what has happened through prophets from God and Angels for the welfare of mankind, because there will be many illegal things among mankind, as mankind's knowledge about this world has developed.



The Belief of Prophets or The Way of Missionary of Prophets cannot be applied to all the other believers. God and Angels had appeared to Prophets and had let Prophets to say something by the power of God and Angels, as that kind of phenomena could be seen many times from Christ Jesus. So, it cannot be the model of all the other believers. Especially, each prophet has one's missionary work by the power of God and Angels, as it can be guessed in The Bible. My 5~6 years' writings from around Year 2005 and further writings by myself had been prepared by the world of God and Angels as a result of several years' efforts of God and Angels who had tried to say the existence of God and Angels based on what had happened by the power of God and Angels to the peoples who had a mind of belief but who had wrong concept about it through a child who did not have any social concept about mankind and this world. The truth of it can be verified in a way of mankind with me with the concerned peoples, because I have written about the existence of God and Angels or the similarity between God and Angels in Korea and in The Bible   based on what has happened through me from my childhood up to now by the power of God and Angels.


From the viewpoint of mankind, there will be more wise talks or there will be more wise solutions, even though it happened under the political system of King, as there are some words in Phrase 8 of Chapter 16 of Luke in The Bible.


However, we cannot apply it to the case of prophets, because God and Angels had frequently appeared to Prophets and had traveled around with them in the sky and had let prophets to say something in mankind's language by the power of God and Angels. When propeht says dialect(foreign language) to the person(foreigner) who uses different language from prophet by the power of God and Angels, it happens totally in a way that God or Angels read the thought of foreigner and then have an influence on prophet's saying dialect(foreign language). It will be a little different from mankind's normal way of saying.  But, the prophet does not know the foreigner's language and it does not happen at a prophet's will and we cannot see the existential origin of God and Angels in the sky or in the physical body of prophet.      


to be continued,,,


According to pharse 17-18 of Daniel 3, when prophets are in the risk, there will be the performance of power of God and Angels or there will not be the performance of power of God and Angels. Even the prophets do not know it, as it can be seen from Christ Jesus' missionary works.


But, according to phrase 21-29 of Daniel 3, there was the performance of power of God and Angels in order to save the life of 3 prophets with sincere belief instead of Ostentation, and there was belief from King also.


So, it can be guessed that the pharse 17-18 of Daniel 3 had been said from 3 prophets with the help  of  God and Angels who had appeared to 3 prophets at that moment in order to save the life of 3 prophets and to tell the existence and power of  God and Angels for the belief of King and other vassals. However, we can guess it from The Bible, but we cannot say anyting about it directly.


Therefore, we cannot risk any prophet's life and missionary works in order to check the truth of prophet's words and also in order to test the appearance and power of God and Angels to save the prophet's life. We cannot imitate any prophet's situation and we cannot imitate any prophet's miracle, because all the miracles of prophet had happened through prophet by the appearance and power of God and Angels. 


God and Angels see this world in the way of God and Angels who do not have physical body from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept and mankind see this world in the way of mankind's physical material concept, even though soul exists in the physical body of mankind and dog can see this world  in the way of dog's physical material concept. We cannot know even ourselves perfectly.


to be continued,,,


Daniel 3 is not the competition of between Prophet with the power of God or Angels and King with vassals and the power of Army. God or Angels exist above this world including mankind, even though God and Angels created this world including mankind. We cannot have any influence on God and Angels due to the difference of existential origin as physical material and non-physical material, and God or Angels tells about this world through selected person, but selected person is still one of mankind with physical body of physical material with soul of non-physical material. Selected person from and God or Angels should try to be polite and kind and moderate and righteous and patient,,,as it Christ Jesus tried to say.


Is there anyone who has tried to say about my religious issue, which has happened since the end of Year 1965 in the name of King or National Position or Political Position or Religious Organization or Religious Position, instead of my words and the works of God and Angels in the sky? Is there anyone who has tried to say about my political issue which has happened since my childhood of Year 1965-76 in the name of King or National Position or Political Position or Religious Organization or Religious Position? Is there anyone who has come to me in order to take me to the places where my blood is or to the places where my social families are? Is there anyone who has come to me in order to help me to publish book about the proof from God and Angels in the sky and to produce movies about the proof from God and Angels in the sky? Is there any special communication method among peoples except for mankind’s languages? If someone tries to say one’s own theories on religions instead of my words and the works of God and Angels in the sky in the reason of co-operation for my political activities, it might has been caused from wrong information about my religious issue including my current writings and The Bible and my communications with God and Angels in the sky. The person had better stop it for the interests of both.


If someone tries to do one’s own political activities instead of me in the reason to help me to do my religious activities, it might has been caused from wrong information about my political activities and my religious issue including my current writings and The Bible and my communications with God and Angels in the sky. The person had better stop it for the interests of both. My political issue and my religious issue are different independent issue which cannot be replaced by anyone’s words, but my political issue and my religious issue are open toward other peoples and also I am open to cooperate with other peoples for their works, if other peoples do not prevent my words and activities and if other peoples do not misuse my words and activities as theirs.


The Film Scenario


2011. 7. 24.






다니엘 3, Daniel 3,





금 신상 숭배


1 느부갓네살왕이 금으로 신상을 만들었으니 고는 육십 규빗이요 광은 여섯 규빗이라 그것을 바벨론 도의 두라 평지에 세웠더라

2 느부갓네살왕이 보내어 방백과 수령과 도백과 재판관과 재무관과 모사와 법률사와 각 도 모든 관원을 자기 느부갓네살왕의 세운 신상의 낙성 예식에 참집하게 하매

3 이에 방백과 수령과 도백과 재판관과 재무관과 모사와 법률사와 각 도 모든 관원이 느부갓네살왕의 세운 신상의 낙성 예식에 참집하여 느부갓네살왕의 세운 신상 앞에 서니라

4 반포하는 자가 크게 외쳐 가로되 백성들과 나라들과 각 방언하는 자들아 왕이 너희 무리에게 명하시나니

5 너희는 나팔과 피리와 수금과 삼현금과 양금과 생황과 및 모든 악기 소리를 들을 때에 엎드리어 느부갓네살왕의 세운 금신상에게 절하라

6 누구든지 엎드리어 절하지 아니하는 자는 즉시 극렬히 타는 풀무에 던져 넣으리라 하매

7 모든 백성과 나라들과 각 방언하는 자들이 나팔과 피리와 수금과 삼현금과 양금과 및 모든 악기 소리를 듣자 곧 느부갓네살왕의 세운 금 신상에게 엎드리어 절하니라


다니엘의 세 친구


8 그 때에 어떤 갈대아 사람들이 나아와 유다 사람들을 참소하니라

9 그들이 느부갓네살왕에게 고하여 가로되 왕이여 만세수를 하옵소서

10 왕이여 왕이 명령을 내리사 무릇 사람마다 나팔과 피리와 수금과 삼현금과 양금과 생황과 및 모든 악기 소리를 듣거든 엎드리어 금 신상에게 절할 것이라

11 누구든지 엎드리어 절하지 아니하는 자는 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데 던져 넣음을 당하리라 하지 아니하셨나이까

12 이제 몇 유다 사람 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고는 왕이 세워 바벨론 도를 다스리게 하신 자이어늘 왕이여 이 사람들이 왕을 높이지 아니하며 왕의 신들을 섬기지 아니하며 왕이 세우신 금 신상에게 절하지 아니하나이다

13 느부갓네살왕이 노하고 분하여 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고를 끌어 오라 명하매 드디어 그 사람들을 왕의 앞으로 끌어 온지라

14 느부갓네살이 그들에게 물어 가로되 사드락, 메삭, 아벳느고야 너희가 내 신을 섬기지 아니하며 내가 세운 금 신상에게 절하지 아니하니 짐짓 그리하였느냐

15 이제라도 너희가 예비하였다가 언제든지 나팔과 피리와 수금과 삼현금과 양금과 생황과 및 모든 악기 소리를 듣거든 내가 만든 신상 앞에 엎드리어 절하면 좋거니와 너희가 만일 절하지 아니하면 즉시 너희를 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데 던져 넣을 것이니 능히 너희를 내 손에서 건져낼 신이 어떤 신이겠느냐

16 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고가 왕에게 대답하여 가로되 느부갓네살이여 우리가 이 일에 대하여 왕에게 대답할 필요가 없나이다

17 만일 그럴 것이면 왕이여 우리가 섬기는 우리 하나님이 우리를 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데서 능히 건져내시겠고 왕의 손에서도 건져내시리이다

18 그리 아니하실찌라도 왕이여 우리가 왕의 신들을 섬기지도 아니하고 왕의 세우신 금 신상에게 절하지도 아니할 줄을 아옵소서


세 친구를 풀무 불에 던지다


19 느부갓네살이 분이 가득하여 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고를 향하여 낯빛을 변하고 명하여 이르되 그 풀무를 뜨겁게 하기를 평일보다 칠배나 뜨겁게 하라하고

20 군대 중 용사 몇 사람을 명하여 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고를 결박하여 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데 던지라 하니

21 이 사람들을 고의와 속옷과 겉옷과 별다른 옷을 입은채 결박하여 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데 던질 때에

22 왕의 명령이 엄하고 풀무가 심히 뜨거우므로 불꽃이 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고를 붙든 사람을 태워 죽였고

23 이 세 사람 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고는 결박된채 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데 떨어졌더라


왕이 세 친구를 높이다


24 때에 느부갓네살왕이 놀라 급히 일어나서 모사들에게 물어가로되 우리가 결박하여 불 가운데 던진 자는 세 사람이 아니었느냐 그들이 왕에게 대답하여 가로되 왕이여 옳소이다

25 왕이 또 말하여 가로되 내가 보니 결박되지 아니한 네 사람이 불 가운데로 다니는데 상하지도 아니하였고 그 네째의 모양은 신들의 아들과 같도다 하고

26 느부갓네살이 극렬히 타는 풀무 아구 가까이 가서 불러 가로되 지극히 높으신 하나님의 종 사드락, 메삭, 아벳느고야 나와서 이리로 오라 하매 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고가 불 가운데서 나온지라

27 방백과 수령과 도백과 왕의 모사들이 모여 이 사람들을 본즉 불이 능히 그 몸을 해하지 못하였고 머리털도 그슬리지 아니하였고 고의 빛도 변하지 아니하였고 불 탄 냄새도 없었더라

28 느부갓네살이 말하여 가로되 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고의 하나님을 찬송할찌로다 그가 그 사자를 보내사 자기를 의뢰하고 그 몸을 버려서 왕의 명을 거역하고 그 하나님 밖에는 다른 신을 섬기지 아니하며 그에게 절하지 아니한 종들을 구원하셨도다

29 그러므로 내가 이제 조서를 내리노니 각 백성과 각 나라와 각 방언하는 자가 무릇 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고의 하나님께 설만히 말하거든 그 몸을 쪼개고 그 집으로 거름터를 삼을찌니 이는 이같이 사람을 구원할 다른 신이 없음이니라 하고

30 왕이 드디어 사드락과 메삭과 아벳느고를 바벨론 도에서 더욱 높이니라



King Nebuchadnezzar's Gold Statue


1 King Nebuchadnezzar ordered a gold statue to be built ninety feet high and nine feet wide. He had it set up in Dura Valley near the city of Babylon,

2 and he commanded his governors, advisors, treasurers, judges, and his other officials to come from everywhere in his kingdom to the dedication of the statue.

3 So all of them came and stood in front of it.

4 Then an official stood up and announced: People of every nation and race, now listen to the king's command!

5 Trumpets, flutes, harps, and all other kinds of musical instruments will soon start playing. When you hear the music, you must bow down and worship the statue that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.

6 Anyone who refuses will at once be thrown into a flaming furnace.

7 As soon as the people heard the music, they bowed down and worshiped the gold statue that the king had set up.

8 Some Babylonians used this as a chance to accuse the Jews to King Nebuchadnezzar.

9 They said, "Your Majesty, we hope you live forever!

10 You commanded everyone to bow down and worship the gold statue when the music played.

11 And you said that anyone who did not bow down and worship it would be thrown into a flaming furnace.

12 Sir, you appointed three men to high positions in Babylon Province, but they have disobeyed you. Those Jews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refuse to worship your gods and the statue you have set up."

13 King Nebuchadnezzar was furious. So he sent for the three young men and said,

14 "I hear that you refuse to worship my gods and the gold statue I have set up.

15 Now I am going to give you one more chance. If you bow down and worship the statue when you hear the music, everything will be all right. But if you don't, you will at once be thrown into a flaming furnace. No god can save you from me."

16 The three men replied, "Your Majesty, we don't need to defend ourselves.

17 The God we worship can save us from you and your flaming furnace.

18 But even if he doesn't, we still won't worship your gods and the gold statue you have set up."

19 Nebuchadnezzar's face twisted with anger at the three men. And he ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than usual.

20 Next, he commanded some of his strongest soldiers to tie up the men and throw them into the flaming furnace.

21-23 The king wanted it done at that very moment. So the soldiers tied up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and threw them into the flaming furnace with all of their clothes still on, including their turbans. The fire was so hot that flames leaped out and killed the soldiers.

24 Suddenly the king jumped up and shouted, "Weren't only three men tied up and thrown into the fire?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the people answered.

25 "But I see four men walking around in the fire," the king replied. "None of them is tied up or harmed, and the fourth one looks like a god." h) a god: Aramaic, "a son of the gods."

26 Nebuchadnezzar went closer to the flaming furnace and said to the three young men, "You servants of the Most High God, come out at once!"

They came out,

27 and the king's high officials, governors, and advisors all crowded around them. The men were not burned, their hair wasn't scorched, and their clothes didn't even smell like smoke.

28 King Nebuchadnezzar said: Praise their God for sending an angel to rescue his servants! They trusted their God and refused to obey my commands. Yes, they chose to die rather than to worship or serve any god except their own.

29 And I won't allow people of any nation or race to say anything against their God. Anyone who does will be chopped up and their houses will be torn down, because no other god has such great power to save.

30 After this happened, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to even higher positions in Babylon Province.



'영(靈,Spirit)과 사명 ' 카테고리의 다른 글

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