영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

오늘의 기록 20110607_어린이 태권도

정희득이본명이자가명 2011. 3. 7. 21:16


오늘의 기록 20110607_어린이 태권도


What was said to a child and to a mass from me in the similar situation of Year 1965-70? What happened? So powerful power but no hurt.

Who was judge in the game?

It is not related to the competition between candidates for the No 1 Memory but it is related to one of the processes in order to tell about what has happened to or through me by the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels who have appeared in this world in South Korea. We can see the phenomena resulted from by the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels in a way of physical way regardless of the existential origin of the phenomena resulted from by the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels, and there are many issues since the end of Year 1965 including the period of 30 years when I have been in the lapse of memory about my childhood and also about the relation with God and Angels, even though there have been communication and the performance of power between I and God or Angels. So, it is useless and can become a kind of fraudulent activity to try to tell that the phenomena which have been said by me is abnormal physical phenomena, such as afterimage, an (optical) illusion, a phantom, an apparition or being possessed by Ghost(Spirit).

There is not any regrettable issue from the viewpoint of mankind in my current writings about the existence and identity of God and Angels who have communicated with me above regional area in this world since the end of Year 1965.

Right now, I have written about the above issue including the issues about relation between mankind or society and educational method, recognition status of child, feeling of mankind, soul of mankind, communication between souls, mankind, and society, as it was said in Year 1965-77 among peoples. If there still are some education or political organization or national organization who have wanted to know about it as one of secrets about mankind for national growth since Year 1965, it can be a knowledge which can be somewhat proved in a way of mankind's physical science. But, nobody does not need to worry about how to handle it by the reason that there was the death of the concerned old peoples and there remained the success of network power of mankind or fraudulent evil network activity to prevent what will have happened from God or Angels in this humanism world in a way to deceive the national law of mankind and the law of creation of God and Angels, because it has been written during my current writings about God or Angels by help of power of God or Angels, as it was said around Year 1970. But, if there is some organizational network activity from some interesting parties to harm what has been written during 5-6 years from me, as many errors of computer and internet have been said to the concerned of national libraries including the way to handle it in a way of law, it can be just one of crimes among mankind from the viewpoint of mankind and national law.

It is not right way to tell about war or disaster or disease or disability of mankind in order to deny what has happened through mankind from God and Angels. The war is the war between mankind by the cause of mankind, and the disaster or disease or disability is the disaster or disease or disability of mankind which have been caused by nature and mankind and society, and those issues not directly related to the existence of God and Angels, as there was some action between Cain and Abel or between Essu and Jacob or between Judas and Christ Jesus who had been selected and communicated with God or Angles in order to tell about God and Angels and also there was a try to tell about God an Angles in the war of mankind.

It is just illegal activity between mankind to do physical experiment based on the contents of The Bible in order to prove someone's communication with God and Angels by the cure of disease of mankind by the power of God and Angels. The person who can communicate with God and Angels is also one of mankind who have physical body, as it can be seen from Abraham to Christ Jesus,  who had lived their lives to tell about God and Angels by what they had known by themselves, and also it can be known by what had happened between Cain and Abel or between Essu and Jacob or between Judas and Christ Jesus who had been with and known God and Angels, and the cure of disease of mankind by the power of God and Angels happens only when God and Angels try to tell about God and Angels in that way, and it cannot be influenced by the way of mankind. Abraham to Christ Jesus had been with God and Angels, as it is in The Bible, but there were peoples who could believe it and there we peoples who could not believe it. Also, sometimes there were miracles but sometimes there were not miracles. However, peoples cannot see anything about miracles except for miracles themselves.  Right now, I have written about God and Angels by using computer and internet, as the vision of monitor and keyboard and black box could be seen in the sky, but God or Angels do not prevent errors from someone, even though God or Angels can create some phenomena including error in computer and internet in the way of God or Angels, and also the result of someone's verification by computer and internet can have something good for the work of God and Angels. It should not be forgotten.

If there is some organization which try to kill political candidate by the reason that the organization tries to do political activity by proxy, what is it? Is it to help the candidate or is it to kil the candidate? As it has been said from my childhood, I have to do what I have to do in the area of religion and politics by myself. Nobody can do what I have to do in the area of religion and politics except for myself, as it can be guessed by the contents of my current writings. Especially the issue of prophet-like mission cannot be replaced by Moses or by Christ Jesus, even though Moses or Christ Jesus have come this world in these days again, as it was said at my childhood when there was no concept of social religious interesting.  I have never talked about proxy and also I have never used any support and organization and money or contribution from some unknown organization for what I have to do in the area of religion and politics up to now. Even though there have been many peoples who have been in the place of  phenomena through me by the power of God or Angels since Year 1965, it is related to knowing about this world and also the world of God and Angels through me, which can be proved in a way of mankind's science. There will be thanks from both concerned parties, and there will be some contribution as a result of book-publishing and movie-producing and other economical businesses from me.

I have kept my promises about what will happen in these days or what I will do in these days with the help of power of God and Angels, but there seems to be a misunderstanding about the promises which were in the middle of Year 1986 or around Year 1970. I will appreciate it, if the concerned can come to the conversational place to talk about the truth of the contents of my current writings.

2,500-5,000 peoples in more than 5 provinces are legally needed for presidential election and also a kind of think tank or IA who can work with political candidate including deposit of 500 million won, however political candidate can be smart and excellent and intellegent. To earn or produce 500 million won is not so big deal, if 2,500-5,000 peoples think to work with me for the ideal society and political activity, even though each one is in pursuing each one's own life without one's own money loss.

If possible, it is good that there are some peoples who can be with me for prophet-like mission, but it cannot be not like the days of Christ Jesus nor the days of Moses, especially from the viewpoint of flow of time and the expense of money,  therefore I cannot have talked about a kind of community which was in the days of Christ Jesus and God or Angels who have appeared to me have known it from my childhood, so I myself have written about what has happened through me by the power of God or Angels since Year 1965, while I have been alone or I have been with other peoples. However, as I have said about it since my childhood, even though the power of God or Angels can be conducted through me into a kind of phenomena which cannot be possible by the ability of mankind, big money is needed in order to write about it and to publish books and to produce movies in order to let peoples to understand the existence of God and Angels or The Bible or belief well in a way of knowledge and based on what has happened through me from the power of God or Angels in these days, even though peoples do not have mind of belief or religious mind.

Those communication might be led to the concerned's own decision, such as by proxy or one for all and all for one(nobody know the meaning except for the concerned) or dual system or later or next world, due to political national power of mankind. What I will do in political area is not related to power game nor certain science nor some model in other country but I have to find out some historical barriers in our society or situation and I have to find out some way to solve them and I have to try to build a society from the viewpoint of human being's existential origin who has soul and physical body. Long time ago it was not so big deal, because there were small peoples compared to the land and natural resources, but right now it is important to construct social structure except for national law, as to understand the spirit and necessity of national law from  the viewpoint of human being's existential origin is more important than the powerful network and CCTV of law.


The Film Scenario

2011. 3. 7.





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