영(靈,Spirit)과 사명

The reason of communication with God or Angels,,,

정희득이본명이자가명 2011. 2. 2. 15:52


The reason of communication with God or Angels,,,


God or Angels in the below do not have physical body nor physical material from the viewpoint of mankind's physical material concept, but God or Angels in the below are living acting existence in the universe above the universe.


The communication with God or Angels cannot be stolen in any way by the way of mankind. Why?


The case of Esau and Jacob is not directly related to stealing the communication with God or Angels in a way of mankind. God or Angels appeared to Issac and had been with Issac during with one's life in order to tell what God or Angels have to tell to mankind in this world, because mankind did not create oneself and this world or mankind cannot create oneself and this world or mankind cannot know one's origin and this world, even though mankind lives through generation in this world.


The time when Issac would die has come and God or Angels should try to communicate with another man in order to tell about what God or Angels have to tell to mankind in this world. God or Angels' continual communication with mankind should be done through Issac, if possible. Why? If not, it is not easy for mankind to know and to admit someone's communication with God or Angels due to the existential origin of God or Angels who have not physical body nor physical material which can be seen and touched in a way of mankind's physical body, and also someone's communication with God or Angels can be compared to other one's communication with God or Angels enough to be led to quarrel or dispute or war among peoples, which can be seen in many situations in The Bible including Highest Priest and Christ Jesus.


From the viewpoint of God or Angels, God or Angels need some appropriate person instead of mankind's personal social concept, who can do the mission or the role well as a person who can be with God or Angels during one's life. From the viewpoint of life of mankind or from the viewpoint of mankind's soul's going to heaven and hell and unknown place, it is not happy issue to do the mission or the role well as a person who can be with God or Angels during one's life. So, the communication with God or Angels for heavenly mission from God and Angels had happened to Jacob through Issac in case of the death of Issac's physical body. If Jacob was not suitable for the mission or the role well as a person who can be with God or Angels during one's life, there would happen another story not from mankind but from the world of God and Angels. Of course, Esau and other peoples could communicate with God and Angels enough to know the existence of God and Angels, but the heavenly mission of God and Angels had happened to Jacob through Issac in order to write the story to tell the existence of God and Angels for the well-fare of mankind.


Of course, the case of Cain and Abel is similar to the case of Esau and Jacob. Cain and Abel had communicated with God or Angels enough to know the existence of God and Angels through one's experiences. But, God or Angels tried to tell the existence of God and Angels through Abel instead of Cain. If Cain tried to understand the situation by the differential characteristic of Cain and Abel, it can be led in that way but Cain tried to kill Abel due to one's own decision or will or desire.


Some problem has happened in case of Cain and Abel or Esau and Jacob from the viewpoint of mankind, because there was a social custom or tradition about the transmission of family in the days and areas of The Bible besides for the continual communication with God or Angels through the patriarch of family and the difference had happened to Cain and Abel or Esau and Jacob from the viewpoint of mankind.


My appearing in and disappearing from many countries with the help of God or Angels and my seeing many foreign places in South Korea with the help of God or Angels cannot be related to telling existential origin or existential identity or religion which are related to God or Angels who have appeared to me since Year 1965-70 or my birth in this earth. (C.F. What has happened through me by the help of God or Angels can be related to dream by the power of God or Angels or to watching vision by the power of God or Angels or the activity of living cubic vision of me by the power of God or Angels, which can be seen in Clause 4 of Chapter 9 of Mark, or actual physical body or anything else which is possible by the power of God or Angels.)


If there is some nation which can say that I would steal that country's God or Angels in order to tell the existence of God and Angels through me in South Korea, when I had appeared in that country at my childhood with the help of God or Angels or when I had appeared in that country at my childhood with old man or when I had met someone from that country, that nation's peoples can come to the places which will be known through Internet, because my current writings contain very important issue from the viewpoint of religion of mankind and also there were talks about contribution and sales right for my current writings and also my current writings are related to political religious activity from the viewpoint of human being and society and nation.


There would be many misunderstanding about the existential origin of God or Angels who had appeared to me since my childhood or about what I have said about the world of God and Angels, because there are Judaism and Catholic Church and Protestant Church and each country's own understanding and each religious party's own understanding even for The Bible regardless of the contents of The Bible, and each religious organization has one's own religious posture or activity or area . Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism had traditionally been as religion in South Korea regardless of civil religious praying activity toward Heaven in mountain and so on, and each religion has one's own religious posture or activity or area regardless of the contents of The Bible. And my religious phenomena related to the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels have happened to me and through me, especially at my childhood, regardless of mankind's social religious concept.


One example, my religious phenomena related to the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels have happened to me and through me, even when I was in sea, land, mountain, field, house and the place wherever I was regardless of my physical activity and status. It was same, when I was in the posture of Buddhist. I could reach to some kind of Buddhism's spiritual status by the help of God or Angels, when an old Buddhist wanted to know whether Buddhism's spiritual status exist or not and mankind can reach to Buddhism's spiritual status. I could appear on the top of Statue of Buddha in the Buddhist Sanctuary, (this is not related to the activity of an old man), when God or Angels had travelled all over the world till Sun and Pluto to find out the suitable place about the existence of God and Angels in the way and power of God or Angels in these days. I could appear in the Buddhist Sanctuary or see in a way of vision in Southern Asia, when there was some one who wanted to know whether I could be in or see certain religious place in Southern Asia with help of God or Angels who had appeared to me at my childhood. This kind of case can be applied to other religion including Korean Shaman.


When I was in the some place which can be seen in KBS Broadcast' Program, 'ChaMaGoDo', I pointed the place where I could be, but the problem was that the place was known for the Buddhist, who is regarded as the spiritually realized person in a way of spiritual meditation, instead of me who would talk about God and Angels with the help of God or Angels. There was similar situation, when I was in the traditional ceremony for the souls of dead ancestors, but the problem was that the place was known for the soul of mankind's ancestor instead of me who would talk about God and Angels with the help of God or Angels. It is not the issue of western and eastern or southern and northern. Even though God and Angels are with some one, the some one and other peoples cannot see the existential origin of God and Angels directly in a way of physical body's cognition. If there is some religious phenomena by the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels in this case, the some one and other peoples can know about the invisible inaudible intangible power of invisible inaudible intangible God or Angels through it.


If a child, who do not know religion, belief, The Bible, Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus, and God or Angels, can communicate with and travel with God or Angels and God or Angels try to tell about God and Angels through a child, can it be understood from the viewpoint of The Bible? How about it in the days of Christ Jesus or in the era of 500 years ago in eastern and western area or in these days in eastern and western area?


What will be the difference among the cases, when God or Angels try to tell about God and Angels through a child, or God or Angels try to tell about God and Angels through an normal adult, or when God or Angels try to tell about God and Angels through religious man of high priest, or God or Angels try to tell about God and Angels through Christ Jesus,,,How about it in the days of Christ Jesus or in the era of 500 years ago in eastern and western area or in these days in eastern and western area?


to be continued,,,


Really Thanks for the peoples who have appeared to me from Suwon City to Busan City including in the inside of train regardless of chance or luck or plan or the case related to the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001 when there was a trial to know the existence and identity of God and Angels through the mind reading power of God or Angels who would appear to me around year 2005 in order to help me to write about the existence and identity of God and Angels based on what has happened to/through me by the power of God or Angels since Year 1965.


The internal situation of Train from Suwon to DaeJeon, No 1 Passenger Car, and from DaeJeon to Busan, No 1 Passenger Car and the Train Cafe, was similar to the situation of last time.


The mind reading power of God or Angels is that God or Angels read the concerned person's thought which is related to mind reading power of God or Angels in case of heaven mission from the world of God and Angels. The mind reading power of God or Angels is not directly related to my personal physical ability. So, even though the concerned peoples have favorite minds towards me and my businesses and missions for me to do, it is not directly led to mind reading power of God or Angels. So, I cannot know what is in one's mind in the peoples of train. If God or Angels read someone's thought in one's mind and tell it to me in a way of telepathy and vision, I can know only something related to the thought but I cannot know anything related to personal social information about the thought from the viewpoint of mankind's relation and business transactions. If someone's thought is related to chemical formula, it is useless, because I do not know chemical formula and I have not much knowledge about Chemical Area. There are many short expressions about which only the concerned peoples can know among each other, even though short expression consists of Korean Language which other peoples can know. Mankind's physical concept is mankind's physical material and God or Angels do not have physical body nor physical material and God or Angels do not use physical material in this world in the way of mankind, even though God or Angels had created this world and all the living and not-living things in this world.


When I was a child, God or Angels had tried to tell about God and Angels through me, so there would be many religious phenomena from God or Angels with the desire of peoples who wanted to know about the contents of The Bible and the world of God or Angles and religion and so on about this world, which have been written in my current writings. But, the result of religious phenomena from God or Angels during several years had been led to each one's own words about belief and religion and so on instead of the words of a child or the words of God or Angels, because the child could not know about mankind's language and knowledge and science and religion and so on something in this world. The detailed progresses up to now from my childhood are in my current writings and UCC.


If some power of God or Angels happen to computer in Train Cafe on which a man with God or Angels works on in order to write about God or Angels with the help of God or Angels which is related to helping my memory about the religious phenomena from God or Angels, it can be an error from the viewpoint of mankind but it cannot be distinguished from error by computer itself also it cannot be distinguished from error by computer expert. However, it cannot be told as the competition of power of God or Angels of each religious person or each religion. It cannot be told as the competition between the power of God or Angels and the power of computer expert. It is just an example and it is not related to today's coin insert error.


Right now, there are a group of peoples who have tried to put what I have said since my childhood into some category of current religion and into some current political system in the name of classification of someone's religion and political system regardless of my words. It can be big different issue and it is really important issue, as it had been said at my childhood.


And there are so many testing situations to let me to know the truth of each one's thought by the mind reading power of God or Angels who have been said by me since my childhood. It would be good for one's life, if the detailed things can be referred to from my current writings.


If there is some one who wants to say something to me about the change of what has been planned since my childhood and the current religious political national situations, he/she had better talk it to me directly, verbally. The Chapter 14 of The Bible can be an example.


to be continued,,,


The Film Scenario.


2011. 02. 02.


정희득, JUNGHEEDEUK, in Busan Station.


신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력을 알기 위해서 기획 연출을 한 것과 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력이 발생한 것과 그 결과로서 이렇게 글을 작성하는 것과의 상관관계 및 저작권에 관한 판단,


저작권은 그 주제가 무엇이던 사람의 저작 활동 및 저작물에 관련이 되는 것이고 그러나 그 사실에 관련된 여러 가지 사실은 저작권과 무관하게 관련된 사실로서 판단을 할 수가 있는 것이고 앞에서 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력을 알기 위해서 기획 연출을 한 것 및 그 결과가 있을 경우에 이 세상의 사람으로서 사람의 인지방식 및 물질 개념만으로 직접 알 수 없는 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)를 알게 되는 행위가 되고 그 결과는 각자의 인생을 찾는 것으로 이어질 수 있고 물질의 육체의 수명만큼 이 세상에 존재하는 사람으로서 자유롭고 유쾌, 상쾌, 통쾌한 인생을 사는 것으로 이어질 수 있고 국가활동, 정치활동, 종교활동의 방향을 찾는 것으로 나타날 수도 있으니 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM) 및 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)와 통할 수 있는 사람에게 감사할 일이고 물론 강요할 것은 없지만 사례를 할 수 있으면 사례를 할 일이고 질병 치료와 같은 기적이라도 발생하거나 성령(Spirit)의 잉태와 같은 기적이 발생하는 경우에도 마찬가지일 것이다.


지금 현재 몇 년 동안 작성하고 있는 글에서 언급하고 있거나 또는 예수님의 경우에서 볼 수 있는 것처럼 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력을 알기 위해서 기획 연출을 한 것과 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력이 발생한 것과 그 결과로서 이렇게 글을 작성하는 것이 상관관계가 있을 경우조차도 이 세상의 사람과의 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력이 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터 발생하는 것이고 그런 행위가 이 세상의 사람 중의 어떤 사람의 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)를 알고자 하는 기획 연출과 맞아 떨어진 것이니 그 사실로서 저작권에 관한 시시비비를 논할 것이 없고 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행의 결과로서 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM) 및 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 능력의 발생을 알 수 있는 선지자 같은 사람은 그 사람의 행위 및 저작 활동 결과로서 경제 가치가 발생하면 그 결과에 대해서 십일조나 기부금과 같은 것을 내는 것으로 이어질 수가 있을 것이다.


성경(The Bible)에서 볼 수 있는 것처럼 어떤 어린 아이의 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행이 어떤 사람이나 지역에서의 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행과 연관이 있을지라도 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 사람과의 교통과 동행이 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에 대한 말을 하기 위해서 발생하는 것이고 또한 전도란 것이 있듯이 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행이 가능한 사람은 사람을 만나고 여행을 하는 것을 통해서 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에 대한 말을 하는 것을 비롯하여 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행이 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터 다른 사람에게 발생하여 신앙의 마음 등이 형성될 수 있도록 활동을 할 의무 아닌 의무 같은 것이 존재하고 있으니 저작권에 대한 판단 자체는 위에서 말을 한 것과 유사할 것이고 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 존재론적인 본질과 정체성에 대한 것은 사람의 국적, 민족, 지역 등과 무관하게 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행 및 능력의 현상으로 알 수 있는 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 존재론적인 본질의 관점에서 이해를 해야 할 것이다.


성경에서는 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에 대해서 사람의 물질 개념에서의 물질의 형체가 없는 것을 말을 하고 있고 대한민국의 신(Spirit) 들린 현상이나 귀신(Ghost; Spirit)에 홀린 현상도 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM) 자체가 사람의 물질 개념에서의 물질의 형체가 없어야 가능한 것이고 그런 사실은 사람의 영혼이 사람의 육체와 더불어 존재하려고 해도 사람의 영혼이 사람의 물질 개념에서의 물질의 형체가 없어야 가능한 것과 유사할 것이다.


신앙과 종교에 관하여 돈에 관련된 말을 하는 것도 추한 것이 아니고 이상할 것도 아니고 사람의 행위는 신앙, 종교란 단어와 무관하게 사회경제 활동과 관련되는 것이 있으니 그런 것에 대한 시시비비가 명확한 것이 경제적인 이익으로 인한 사람 간의 범죄 행위를 예방할 수가 있을 것이고 특히 내 경우에는 1965-76년도 무렵의 어릴 때부터 시시비비가 된 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)의 실존과 정체성과 신앙과 종교에 대한 이해를 돕고 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 사람과의 교통과 동행에 대한 이해를 돕고 향후에 발생할 수 있는 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)로부터의 교통과 동행에 대한 다른 사람의 경험과 체험을 돕는 것이 될 수도 있으니 그렇다.


1986년도 중반의 사실에 근거하여,,,

정치, 종교 분야에 대한 교육 및 성경(The Bible)에 대한 교육 등 일체의 교육이 기획`연출에 근거하여 이루어지고 있고 심령관찰능력, 전지전능의 능력에 대한 검증 행위로 이루어지고 있고 나의 하나님이나 천사님과의 교통과 동행에 대한 검증 행위로 이루어지고 있으니 그것에 관한 비용으로 오늘날 내가 작성할 글에 관한 기부금, 책의 판매권을 상계 처리 하는 것은 그런 것이 상대방이 활동을 도와서 경제 가치로 이어지면 나름대로의 명분이 있을 것인데 그렇지 않고 사람의 사회경제 활동과 인생을 방해하고 해치는 행위로 이어지면 사기 행위가 될 수도 있으니 삼갈 일이다. 특히, 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM), 신앙, 종교, 성경(The Bible), 사람에 대한 그릇된 이해로 인하여 신의 세계(God and Angels; Spirit; I AM)에 관한 사실 자체를 부정하거나 글과 책에 관한 것을 허위로 만들어서 막는 것 등은 신앙과 종교 이전에 사회 경제 활동을 방해하는 행위가 되는 것이니 삼갈 일이다.


1986년도에 발생한 일로서 오늘날부터 내가 정치 활동을 할 것이고 하나님이나 천사님과의 실질적인 교통과 동행의 결과로서 성경(The Bible)과 같은 기록 또는 선지자 같은 기록을 기록할 것이니 그 이전에 사람으로서 정치, 종교 분야에 대한 교육 및 성경(The Bible)에 대한 교육을 할 기회를 준 경우가 있지만 그것이 사기 행위를 위한 것이 아니고 나보다 먼저 정치 활동을 한 사람이 있었고 성경(The Bible)으로 전도 활동을 하고 있는 사람이 있었으니 그런 것이었을 뿐이다.


(God or Angels in the below do not have physical body nor physical material and exist above mankind's physical material concept.)


The communication with God or Angels cannot be stolen by mankind.


The communication with God or Angels cannot be transferred to other peoples by the will of mankind or by the way of mankind.


The situation of Cain and Abel is not related to stealing the communication with God or Angels.


The situation of Eseo and Jacob is not related to stealing the communication with God or Angels.


The relation between God or Angels and mankind happens by the appearing of God or Angels to mankind, but the problem is that God or Angels cannot be cognized in a way of mankind's cognition and physical material and also the appearing of God or Angels to mankind cannot be cognized in a way of mankind's cognition and physical material and also the performance of power of God or Angels cannot be cognized in a way of mankind's cognition and physical material except for the result of the performance of power of God or Angels.


The transference of communication with God or Angels from human being to human being in The Bible had been made through mankind's social way but by the will of God or Angels and as a result of human being's communication with God or Angels.


The was a communication between Cain or Jacob or other living creatures and God or Angels.


The was a communication between Eseo or Jacob or other living creatures and God or Angels.


The was a communication between Baptist John or Saint Mary or Joseph or Christ Jesus or the disciple of Christ Jesus or the mass who believed in Christ Jesus' words and God or Angels.