편지(Letter)와 사명


정희득이본명이자가명 2011. 1. 13. 02:48

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The following is summary for just information about the situation.

I do not need this kind of message for my current political religious activity. I have to live my life on my way regardless of the destruction of this earth or this solar system.

My current political religious activity has been caused by me from my childhood of Year 1965-76 and many chances to work with me for my current political religious activity have been given to other Think Tanks. If The Think Tanks can work with me, Think Tanks work with me, but if The Think Tanks misuse the situation to work with me for my current political religious activity, they misuse it for themselves and they cannot work with me and their roles or activities are over and what they have misused should be returned to me or to other Think Tanks to work with me. How can this kind of ridiculous situation happen as a result of long time schedule for public political activity and for the religious activity to prove the existence of God an Angels(Spirit; I AM) who have appeared to me in South Korea since the end of Year 1965. (I do not know the place where I had been up to around Age 3 in a way of regional name and mankind's knowledge, even though I talk about the situation which had happened in the place where I was. There will be chances to talk about it publicly at least April 4 of Year 2011.)

And I have to find out other peoples to work with me until my current political religious activity has the results,,,

One of the results of my current religious activity is,,,

I have written about the existence and identity of God and Angels who have appeared to me since my childhood who have been in South Korea since at least my age 3 when I can cognize the place where I was in the regional name, based on what has happened to or through me from God and Angels since my childhood, as it had been said during several years around Year 1970 or in the middle of Year 1986 or in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001. It is the situation to prepare for next procedures such as book-publishing and movie-producing, as it had been said during several years around Year 1970 or in the middle of Year 1986 or in the afternoon of August 16 of Year 2001, even though many peoples have regarded it as impossible one from my childhood according to the knowledge about mankind, The Bible, mankind's traditional experiences on God and Angels and what can been seen from me since Year 1977 or since the middle of Year 1986 when I did National Defense Duty.

As there was some one who planed to help one of the results of my current religious activity, because it is impossible for me to publish books and to produce movies by myself according to my life schedule up to my age 40th in South Korea, if I can write about the existence and identity of God and Angels at my age 40th, who have appeared to me since my childhood, there have been talks about my current religious activity since my childhood including book-publishing and movie-producing. It is different issue from the contribution and sales right for current writings.

As far as my current political religious activity is concerned,,,

The roles and activities of Thinks Tanks is to work with me. The chances to control anything related to my current political religious activity is to achieve it politically religiously for each one's own purpose within what has been said by me since my childhood, such as political activity from Age 40th to Age 60th including presidential election without general election, which can be pursued within The National Constitutional Law,  and the promised periods of Age 20th, Age 40th, Age 65th, Age 90th between I and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in order to check the possibility to tell about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), which is not related to normal communications between I and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in order to tell the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in a way of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Up to now it happened, as it had been said arond Year 1970. Right now, the communications between I and God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) have happened to or through me in order to help me to write about what has happened to or through me from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since my birth, in the end of Year 1965.

To change my schedule or what I have tol do in my life is not their roles and activities. To decide my qualification for what I have to do in my life is not their roles and activities. To find out the peoples or the organizations, who have been involved into my current political religious activity since my childhood, is not their roles and activities, even though there have been some miscommunications among the concerned, because many social interests have been involved due to contribution money, political issue and religious issue based on real religious phenomena by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and also because I have been in the period of lapse of memory about  God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), even though I have been in the situation that some phenomena has happened through me by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). If not, nobody can succeed in one's political religious activity, even though Super Man with Einstein tries it. In other words, if the Think Tanks can change some thing important about some one's political religious activity by one's own qualification result, nobody can succeed in one's political religious activity, even though Super Man with Einstein tries it.

My current political religious issues are two different independent factors. As far as my current political religious issues are concerned, the two different independent factors are not against each other. It is totally different issues which can be pursued at the same times in the way of win-win. It is different case from priest who has social religious status from society and nation and religious organization.

To use the information about my current writings and the concerned economical value which have been said around Year 1970 is not related to copyright nor sales right but to using the information which is really important for people to find out one's life regardless of job or talent or ablility or etc, even though there has been The Bible, because the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the truth of The Bible will be proved, at least in a way of mankind's knowledge and logic and science,  in these days based on what has happened  to or through me from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since my birth, in the end of Year 1965 according to what had been said from me between my conversations with adults. Of course, there has been misunderstanding about it, as if the issue of the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) was the result of someone's religious education or someone's planning. Of course, there had been someone's religious education or someone's planning around Year 1970 in order to know about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in a way of mankind, because there was not anything regular and estimated about what has happened  to or through me from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) from the viewpoint of mankind's mind or eager to know about it.

My current religious issue has been caused from my birth in the end of Year 1965 by The World of God and Angels whose existential origin is Spirit who has not any physical body nor physical material as living acting powering Existence from the viewpoint of human being's physical material concept. My current religious issue is not against my social political economical activity as human being who lives with human being. My current religious issue needs someone, who really happen to believe my words about my communication with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and also the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), instead of powerful religious political organization which can try to change what has happened to or through me from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in the name of mankind's wisdom and knowledge. What is necessary for my current religious issue was said at my childhood and in The Bible also, but what was the answer about it from adults, even from religious men or any one who had experienced what had happened from God and Angels(Spirit; I AM)?

Also, my current religious issue has been related to the supports from Europe's certain Kingdom and Parliament which can be seen in scenes of movies, while I had tried to talk about The World of God and Angels based on the phenomena which could be possible through selected human being by the power of God and Angels.

It is one of the reason why some of the contributions for my current writings have been related to religious organizations or business companies in Western Countries.

However, it might have been twisted by the peoples in Korea or in Asia, while the supports from Europe's certain Kingdom and Parliament have been supported by the peoples in Korea or in Asia due to many regional religious cultural reasons, because it is not easy to support my current religious issue in Korea in Asia from the area of Europe due to political national religious reasons.

My current political issue has been basically caused by traditional political or national activity or organization since my childhood. The Think Tanks have been introduced since Year 1986 regardless of the purpose of the concerned peoples and organizations who talked about The Think Tanks, as far as my current political religious activity is concerned, it is not easy for some one to achieve it by oneself, as times go by.

However, it might have been twisted by the concerned peoples in the name of current social economical political powers, while the supports have been planed and conducted by the peoples in Think Tanks. There might have been ridiculous Think Tanks who have tried to change my political situation in the name of current social economical political powers, as the power of ridiculous Think Tanks have increased, as times go by. There might have been ridiculous Think Tanks who have tried to do my political situation in the name of proxy by using current political organization and politician, as the influence of ridiculous Think Tanks have increased, as times go by.

However, I have to do my current political issue by myself or by my own activity, if there has been a change compared to my original ones by the concerned Think Tanks. The concerned Think Tanks do not need to worry about it, if there has been a change compared to my original ones due to current social economical political powers and also due to misunderstanding about the contents of The Bible, the issue of prophet-like proof activity, the issue of The Bible-like writings, the issue of movie-production, the issue of contribution and sales right and anything that is related to the issue of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but it is illegal forceful activity from the activity of mankind and the law of nation to try to put me into wrong schedule and what is different from what I have said.

My current political issue can be pursued by me alone or it can be pursued in a way of public political activity through national selection process according to the results of the concerned situations. The presidential election needs 2,500-5,000 peoples in at least 5 scattered provinces and 500 million won as deposit money. 500 million won as deposit money can be made during 40 years, if 1 million won can be saved per each month.

Right now, there might have been wrong political situation that a kind of organization related to current political organization try to handle all the political issues of promising future political candidates with the situation that there is no more new political activity except for current government. It is a kind of repeated national crime which happens, when there is a kind of powerful organization which tries to build a nation in one's own way whose result will become a kind of disaster regardless of one's good will. Why? The End Of This Letter.


The Film Scenario


2011. 1. 10.