정치(Politics)와 사명

loan star

정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 11. 24. 20:07

Loan Star

하나금융, 외환銀 지분 51% 인수..4조6500억~4조7500억

권현진 기자 esprit@chosun.com


My current open conversation has not been started yet, even though 15 times had been given from April 4 of Year. Right now I have given to the concerned peoples the chance to think about all the things related to God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the contents of The Bible before open conversation, even though there will be only one man, as it had happened during 15 times from April 4 of Year 2010. The preparation for political activity based on 2,500-5,000 peoples and 500 million won of deposit money is different issue from the missionary activity with the help of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but it can be pursued in a way of social movement and business development, even though it can pursued as one man.

What's on the mind of network criminals whose sinful illegal activities can be justified by one's role in certain organization?

Even though a police steals some one's fortune by the status of police and in the reason of verification on the truth of one's words about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) or the truth of one's words about communications with God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), it is not a duty nor a law but a sinful crime from the viewpoint of human being and national law. Of course, the police's system to investigate the case is different issue.

Even though a doctor tries to do chemical herbal medical experiments on the living physical body during 2-30 years by using water and food in order to check the cure of disease and to check the survival of dead physical body by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), it is not a duty nor a law but a sinful crime from the viewpoint of human being and national law. Of course, the doctor's ability to investigate the case is different issue.

If national law and the mind of law is well known and kept, that case can be handled as a crime, but if the society depends on human being's network and power and prestige in order to do something, the case can be led to profit of organization or one of social phenomena or one of social custom, which has been pursued in order to achieve certain idealized country as a new kind of country by some unknown political organization during recent years.

Try to manage or control nation and the peoples in it in the reason to prevent crimes for the Heaven of all the peoples in the nation can call another deep crimes among peoples, which cannot be easily handled by national law, especially in the bad economical situations, as we can know it from our normal relation among peoples in strong pyramid organization.

Many illegal cases which have been known to us even through News have been evolved in that way in certain organization regardless of religion or politics or government. Current political system and situations can go in that way according to what has happened to me in the name of verification and anti-verification on the truth of my words about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) based what has happened among peoples by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) since Year 1965, which have been written and proved with many phenomena which is possible by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and the concerned situations and conversations in the concerned situations and so on.

All the mankind know that it is not easy to know the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) due to existential origin of the invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), even though all the mankind think that there is the world of Existences who created this world, because we cannot explain us in our ability and logic and knowledge, because we cannot create this world including living creatures and we have not been evolved by other living creatures considering ourselves and long time's experiences on living creatures in this world. If human being was created, the other creatures, such as monkey and gorila and Kingkong, can be created also. Mankind has said about the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) from what has happened through mankind from the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). Mankind cannot say about the type of miracle by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) even for verification on some issue about God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), because we are not the performer of miracle of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). I could see a kind of vision of Folks Wagen, which could take me to other area from SK in a way of instant spatial movement and which could not be seen to other peoples, as a result of conversation which was related to what I had been to by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but it was not created. I could see a kind of vision of UFO in the sky above the mountain between two villages as a result of conversation which was related to the identity of UFO, but it was not created. I could a vision of money and oil and so o as a result of conversation which was related to whether money and other physical material can be created by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM), but it was not created. How could this kind of situation be proved in a way of physical material concept and physical body's cognition? It is not strange one, as it has been with us from long time ago and there has been The Bible. To misuse it in order to destroy someone's life and social activities due to economical political religious is the activities of mankind, which is not related to the essence of mankind's mind.

(Many Kingkongs were in the field of my village at my childhood instead of theater. The Kingkong was King of Kongs(beans).)

My current writings are not short sentences but long stories based on what has happened through physical body of human being and among human beings in a way of physical cognition of human being and physical material concept. So, the truth of my writings can be guessed by reading my writings and also by having conversations with me and by trying to playing it in a way of movie or drama. There are lots of possible normal ways to verify the truth of my words without harming and destroying one's physical body and life, if the verifiers really want to know the truth of my words instead of preventing and destroying what has said by me and what has been done by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM).

As we can see it in The Bible, each one's life is related to each one's own thought and knowledge and activity, and the history of mankind can be written by mankind, even though the world was created by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) and there is the world of souls of mankind after the death of physical body. If there is good activity, there is good activity. If there is evil activity, there is evil activity. We need to live our life regardless of other one's activity and way of life and response from good activity, as there have been many cases of social successes by evil activities, and as there have been many cases social successes by good activities. There is no fixed good life nor fixed bad life. There is no No. 1 Life Course and Career. The quality of life is dependent upon each human being who is the owner of one's life and how to live. The result will be go to each one and the concerned society, as we can see the result of national policies from our history.

As we can see it in The Bible, God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) have not changed the thought of mankind into robot and have not brainwashed mankind from the creature of mankind or during missionary works through Abraham to Apostle John, even though some ones had been influenced by the power of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). The influence by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) was not brainwash and robot but the influence by God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) in a moment.

We can see the changes of minds of Pharaoh twelve times, even after he experienced the miracles through Moses by the power of  God and Angels(Spirit; I AM). We can see the activities of 10 peoples whose illnesses had been cured through Christ Jesus by the power of God and Angels. We can see case of Judas who experienced the existence of God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) through Christ Jesus by the power of  God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) but Evil Spirit(Satan) had been dwelled in the physical body of him due to his own vanity which had been caused during one's journey with Christ Jesus.  God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) appeared in mankind's war, which was caused by mankind and was related to th death of mankind's physical body, and had tried to prove the existence of  God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) by using it for the mankind. There was already war and the death would be led to Heaven or Hell or Unknown Place by one's life in this world and to know the existence of  God and Angels(Spirit; I AM) even through The Bible is really important for the history of mankind, as there was the histories of  Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah in the past times.

To try to manage and control the peoples by network in certain organization can be led to decrease of production, even though the network have excellent ability from all kinds of viewpoints of human society.  Basically human being consists of flesh and bone and blood and soul, even though there was difference among 6,300 million peoples. So, when each one can live one's life with one's own way without being attacked by other one or without attacking other one, the production of organization can be led to increase. If there is a support by excellent network, it would be good.

As it can be usually seen in Asia, it is to forget the existence of human being to try to adjust human being into some theory, even though the theory seems to explain the world perfectly. The theory is for the life of human being instead of fixing human being into certain theory.

The Film Scenario

2010. 11. 24.


Brainwashing people in certain religion or in certain theory is the way to forget existential origin of oneself. Brainwashed people can easily forget one's way of life as one of human being during tens of years in this world and can be led to attack other one due to the theory which can be led to manage and control peoples.