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삼거리 무스탕 소년의 최후 (2009)

정희득이본명이자가명 2010. 3. 23. 04:35

삼거리 무스탕 소년의 최후 (2009)

블랙 코메디/액션/SF 100 분 19세 이상 관람가 2009.07.23개봉


경쟁력 제고가 스스로의 능력, 재능, 소질, 자질, 특기, 관심, 흥미, 적성 등을 키우는 것으로 나타나야 하는데 사람을 상대로 나타나게 되면 그 결과가 사람을 해치는 것으로 나타날 수도 있다. 특히, 다수의 사람들 대 개인이란 경쟁 관계가 형성이 되고 경쟁을 하고자 하는 목표나 경쟁에 관련된 행위가 없고 경쟁을 하고자 하는 목표나 경쟁에 관련된 행위에 대해서 경쟁자와 상호 간의 충분한 대화 및 교제가 없을 경우에는 경쟁 행위가 사람에 대한 공격 행위로 이어져 나타나기 쉽다. 물론, 경쟁 행위에 특정한 룰이 없이 그 때 그 때마다의 임시변통의 행위가 많고 신체 활동이나 사회 활동이 많은 경우에도 경쟁 행위가 사람에 대한 공격 행위로 이어져 나타나기 쉽다.

국가 한국

제작사 -

수입사 -

배급사 -

감독; 남기웅

출연; 강현중   (건태 역) / 예수안   (향수 역) / 이상훈   (헬박사 역) / 김병춘   (기태 역) / 이도윤   (미미 역) / 홍석연   (힘줄큰형 역) / 손정만   (힘줄둘째/무사 역) / 조한희   (건태모 역) / 최명주   (미미모 역)

각본; 남기웅

화면이 지나치게 어둡고 카메라와 사람이 지나치게 밀착된 것도 조금은 아쉽다. 분장의 노고에 감사를,,,

뉴욕 아이 러브 유


The following is not directly related to the above movie. So, I wish it would not have a bad influence on it.

It's nice to see her. It is not the issue of outlook. Good Mind. Does she has a kind of religious mind regardless of the name of religion. Belief in Spirits God and Angels is different from religious activity, because there is religion which talks about Spirits as God and Angels and also there is religion which do not talk about Spirits as God and Angels but about the realization status by the result of physical mental activities of human being. However, someone who has belief in Spirits God and Angels can do religious activity in religion which talks about the realization status by the result of physical mental activities of human being, and it is no problem according to the contents of several worldwide religions, if someone knows well about both types of religions according to the contents of both types of religions; a religion which talks about Spirits as God and Angels, and also a religion which do not talk about Spirits as God and Angels but about the realization status by the result of physical mental activities of human being.

If you have a good mind for her, it is good for you to take care of her. If there are some peoples who have the results of 100 million peoples in this world, it is good to pay the results of it to me. There is nothing for me to pay something for it. What is it???

At my childhood,

'How can I appear in those places, in New York and in Busan City?

It is really good place to live in, but I have to do something in my life,,,,

Warm place,

Let me to sleep in warm wind in a while,

Try to take a picture of me by using all the cameras surrounding here.

One of the best thing that you can do for your life is to have a mind that the existence of Spirits as God and Angels is not against the existence of mankind. If you can try to think that mankind and Spirits as God and Angels exist in the different way, such as physical material way and non-physical material way, in this world, and each one has one's own independent way of life, as you can know it by seeing me, it can lead you to happy life.

I and You and Spirits as God and Angels exist in here right now. But, you can see me with your physical body's cognition. I can see you with my physical body's cognition, and I can see something far away or in the inside of building by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, if Spirits as God and Angels want to try to say about Spirits as God and Angels in that way, and also I can know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels according to the influence and movement of Spirits as God and Angels. Spirits as God and Angels can see me and you in the cognition way of Spirits as God and Angels as non-physical-material, but I also cannot know about it, because I can see something with my physical body's cognition.

What was the difference between New York and Busan City around Year 1965-70? one of the thing was that there was someone, who could try to understand my traveling with invisible inaudible intangible above-physical-material Spirits as God and Angels, in New York and there was someone who could try to prevent my proof activities, which would be done with Spirits as God and Angels, in one's own efforts. So, I gave a chance to do it till I stated to write about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels by myself with only words without any physical activity, especially without any experiments on physical body.'

One of verification activities of Year 20010816 or since Year 1986 or since Year 1965-70 was to make some one to have religious belief on the existence of Spirits as God or Angles by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, such as cure of someone's amnesia by the power of Spirits as God and Angels or cure of someone's disability by the power of Spirits as God and Angels or cure of someone's cancer by the power of Spirits as God and Angels or etc., because he cannot believe in the existence of Spirits as God and Angels according to his personal mind and knowledge about human being and this world and he has seen many abnormal religious peoples.

But, it is caused by misunderstanding about the contents of The Bible and belief in Spirits as God and Angels. Human being is human being. Spirits as God and Angels are Spirits as God and Angels. Spirits as God and Angels appear to human being. If human being open one's mind toward the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, it is easy for human being to know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels, and if not due to one's own knowledge and so on, Spirits as God and Angels do not open the closed mind of human being, because the life of human being is dependent upon how to live by human being and the result of life of human being is also dependent upon how to live by human being.


New York, I love you,


It seems to be similar to the situation of the following content;

There was a time at my childhood of Year 1965-77, when the capacity of memory had been managed several times by the power of Spirits as God and Angels, because my memory capacity was so strong compared to that of children.


Help is not the same help.
Some help is to destroy one's social life in order to prevent me from committing sins and crimes by putting me in the room during whole life. Some help is to make me to be disabled in order to prevent me from committing sins and crimes by putting me in the room till death.

Some help is to kill me in indirect way in order to send my soul to Heaven. These kinds of helps has been thought by unknown peoples, because I told that I would prove the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky and also would write about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in the sky from what has happened to me Spirits as God and Angels in the sky since Year 196570. So, help is not the same help.


Open Conversation in Open Place,

The date and place for open conversation in open lace can be known through my email and blogs.

If any one has time to come to the place to say any anti-proof activity about my words or the contents of my writings, it will be my pleasure and our conversation will help us to understand what each one wants to say without preventing what each one wants to say. But, one of things that should be kept in one's mind is that I have also physical body which feels tired easily and which have some characteristics and limitations described in many ways with the results of many real physical activities, such Physical Training During National Defense Duty. That is one of the reasons why repentance is so important in one's daily life, not for crimes but for preventing crimes.

However, I cannot know when there will be the performance of power of Spirits as God and Angels during my open conversations during at least one year, (you can know the reason, if you can read my writings.). Regardless of the performance of any kind of miracle by the invisible, inaudible, intangible, above-physical-material power of invisible, inaudible, intangible, above-physical-material Spirits as God and Angels, I will have conversations about the truth of contents of my writings which talks about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels from what has happened to me from Spirits as God and Angels since Year 1965-70, (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and 즐겨찾기 블로그 1, 2, 3), during at least one Year for my life's survival and my social life and one of my proof activities as the result of communications with Spirits as God and Angels, because my writings are related to the existence of Spirits as God and Angels in The Bible or in our story of 'Being possessed by GwiShin(Ghost: Spirit)' or 'Dwelling of Spirit' and also to the contents of The Bible. Many anti-verification activity can be pursued for both of us at that time. Therefore, the date and place can be known through my email and blogs.

Spirits as God and Angels cannot be proved on the planning schedule by strong believer and also in the way of physical cognition ability of human being's physical body. When Spirits as God and Angels appear to us and there is something to tell about Spirits as God and Angels in the way of Spirits as God and Angels by overcoming the difference between two non-physical-material, invisible, inaudible, intangible existence and physical-material, visible, audible, tangible existence, some proof activities can be done in this world through human being and human being's physical cognition ability from the world of  Spirits as God and Angels.

I have talked about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels and what has happened to me from the world of Spirits as God and Angels as one of human being who has physical body of pregnancy growth and death. The problem is the existential origin of Spirits as God and Angels and Spirits as God and Angels has one's own independent, oneself, I AM, life and activity in the universe above the existence of universe.

At my childhood of Year 1965-77, there had been many things from the world of Spirits as God and Angels compared to other period, because Spirits as God and Angels had tried to say about the existence of the world of Spirits as God and Angels in the way of Spirits as God and Angels by overcoming the difference between two non-physical-material, invisible, inaudible, intangible existence and physical-material, visible, audible, tangible existence. If there is a kind of activity from the world of Spirits as God and Angels, there is nothing visible audible tangible physical material except for the result of activity from the world of Spirits as God and Angels. If there is any impact on my physical body from the world of Spirits as God and Angels, there is nothing visible audible tangible physical-material except for impact itself, even in the moment of impact. If it is related to change of weather, or if it is related to movement of animals, or if it is related to any influence on human being, or if it is related to any kind of miracle in The Bible, such as the cure of disease or the separation of sea or walking on the water, how can we cognize it? The phenomena from the world of Spirits as God and Angels can be seen or cognized by physical cognition of human being, only when Spirits as God and Angels enable us to see or cognize it.

Since Year 1977, I have been in the status of lapse of memory up to now about my childhood and Spirits as God and Angels, Why?, which had been told around Year 1970, even though there have been some phenomena from the world of Spirits as God and Angels up to now since Year 1977, especially by the usage of my promised communication method with Spirits as God and Angels to tell the existence of person who really wants to know the existence of Spirits as God and Angels by direct-indirect experience on the power of Spirits as God and Angels.

In Year 1986 and in Year 20010816, there had been a moment when I can know about Spirits as God and Angels and when I could remember what has happened to me from Spirits as God and Angels. Since the moments of Year 1986 and Year 20010816, I have been in the status of lapse of memory up to now about my childhood and Spirits as God and Angels, Why?, which had been told around Year 1970.

In the period of from Year 20010816 to recent days, there have been proof activities by climbing mountains during one and a half years since the middle of Year 2003, and also there had been proof activities by traveling around this and that places during two years since the middle of Year 2005, and both proof activities are related to what had been said through some one's thought in some place in Year 20010816 and what had been said during several weeks in the middle of Year 1986 and what had been said around Year 1970, and both proof activities are mainly related to weather condition or natural phenomena on the mountains and movement of animals on the mountains and so on by the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels, and both proof activities are somewhat related to the performance of the power of Spirits as God and Angels, and both proof activities are somewhat related to human affairs also. Who can be the evidence on what has been done by me or on what has happened to this world through me by the power of Spirits as God and Angels or on what has been visible audible tangible as non-physical-material existence in the moment in this world, only when the power of Spirits as God and Angels was being performed since Year 1970 or Year 1986 or Year 20010816 or the middle of Year 2003 (including two years from the middle of Year 2003) or Year 2005(including two years from the middle of Year 2005)   

In the period of Year 2005, I have written about the existence of Spirits as God and Angels during 5 years since Year 2005, my age 40, based on what has happened to me from Spirits as God and Angels, which had been told to many unknown peoples all over this world around Year 1970.

More details are in my writings, (http://blog.daum.net/wwwhdjpiacom/ and 즐겨찾기 블로그 1, 2, 3).

What is in the coming future at least to the days of Year 2055, if I can survive from unexpected experiment from anyone who seems to be the guard of The Bible or the guard of any theory about human being and this world or the guard of any religion?

The Film Scenario



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