The Big Egg
What was the reason, or where is the place to make it to be possible, when is entered in the line of website address and the ‘Enter’ button pressed, the website and address of is displayed?
Big egg has another egg in it.
How do you know it? Is it possible that egg has egg inside?
I did not say any word.
Where is a child? There was a sound of a child. Do you think the child knows the word, Real or the child imitates the sound, Real?
How many that kind of Big Egg do you have? Before you check what is in it, it would be better you try to shoot a moving picture. If possible, it would be better you try to contact the person who sell it and you try to find out the concerned chicken and you try to know how the egg is laid.
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<object width="448" height="336"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="448" height="336"></embed></object>
<object width="448" height="336"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="448" height="336"></embed></object>
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