영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다

비밀, Secret Tears, 2000,

정희득이본명이자가명 2008. 7. 6. 01:46

비밀, Secret Tears, 2000,


Who was the girl on the 2nd floor of the hospital in the similar situations of Movie, Secret?

How or Why did the girl try to communicate in a way of telepathy or mind-to-mind or something without voice by the power of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible?


How many times have communication been made in a way of telepathy or mind-to-mind or thought-to-thought something without voice by the power of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible, including my childhood when I could not say ones thought or mind because of my ignorance of language?


A child can see mountain and can express what he/she sees, even though a child does not know a word, mountain, as it was said to some one who enjoyed communicating with me around Year 1970 at my childhood in DeukMyungRi, Haimyun, Goseonggun, Gyungsangnamdo, South Korea which is located in the southern part of South Korea and has rice field and elementary school and sea in the front of village.


Who has told lies and false testimonies for the situations since my childhood due to the existential origin of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible and also the communication method between human being and Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible?


Where have been money and other supports for me out of Promises from foreign countries in the middle of the concerned since around Year 1970, because of my residence in here due to mentioned religious reasons in my writings more than 250 pages? How much money has been paid since around Year 1970 in an invisible way with ones moral obligations [duty] including selling right of future books?


How many cases happened or how many places were involved around Year 1970 for the selling right of future books more than 200 books which will be written for the existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels around Year 2005? Some of those men, around age 60, who were involved with the selling right of my future books are similar to some of men in SC and YD and in other places from the viewpoints of human images.


My actual political career will begin with my writings around my age 40 in Year 2005 based on almost 30 years life since my childhood according to the result of one of my promises with the world of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky for checking the situations related to the missionary works in a way of the world of Spirits as God or Angels like trials at my childhood. Other detailed things can be checked in my writings.


My religious activities started my first communications with the world of Spirits as God or Angels since I was born in Year 1965. But, there have been lots of variations since around Year 1970, which can be understood but different from previous cases, because what Spirits as God or Angels try to say has been proved to peoples, who cannot directly know or cognize the existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels, in a way of the world of Spirits as God or Angels. So, if peoples try to close ones minds or thoughts or souls toward the real existence and identity of Spirits as God or Angels due to lots of human worlds reasons, there can be lots of variations also. Other detailed things can be checked in my writings.


All the things in my writings can be checked in lots of ways as mentioned in my writings, as it can be seen in the drama of chtvn, Reorganization of Crimes, and especially all the things related to the power of Spirits as God or Angels can be checked in a similar way due to the characteristics of the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels right now and in the future, in a public way, if possible with international ways. Other detailed things can be checked in my writings. 


(The basic concepts for Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible from my own experiences and knowledge; Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible is existentially and originally different from human being or human beings soul, human being or human beings soul cannot be Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible in any kind of way as far as I know, Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible exist above time before this world, Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible exist and move instantly above the barriers of physical material and space, There is only one world of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible but there are lots of Spirits as God or Angels in The Bible in it regardless of all ages and countries,,,)



드라마/판타지| 108 분| 15세 이상 관람가| 2000.06.03 개봉


국가 한국

제작사 다다필름

수입사 -

배급사 시네마 서비스


감독 박기형 -

출연 김승우 구호 / 윤미조 미조 / 정현우 현남 / 박은숙 도경 / 전선화 지영 / 김영환 석우


각본 박기형 -

제작 박기형 -

음악 김규양 -

촬영 문용식 -

편집 함성원 -

미술 신보경 -


이상한 소녀를 만났다... 슬픈 사랑, 슬픈 초능력


현남, 도경과 술을 마시고 늦게 귀가하던 구호의 차에 한 여자아이가 치인다. 허공에서 잠시 멈췄다는 느낌을 받은 동시에 아이는 곧 바닥에 떨어진다. 하지만 소녀의 몸에는 상처 하나 없다. 놀란 이들은 일단 아이를 구호의 집으로 얾긴다. 죽은 듯이 잠만 자다가 깨어난 여자아이를 본 구호는 이상한 감정에 휩싸이고 곧 그것이 사랑의 감정임을 느낀다. 말을 하지 않는 여자아이, 미조는 텔레파시로 구호를 부르기 시작하고 둘은 텔레파시로 대화를 나누게 된다.


한편, 구호의 친구 현남은 미조를 이상히 여기고 뒤를 추적하다 미조의 부모가 화재로 죽었음을 알게 된다. 구호가 없는 사이 미조를 다그치던 현남은 물을 사용하는 초능력을 지닌 미조에 의해 살해 당한다. 구호는 미조를 사랑하는 감정에 어찌할 바를 모르고 그러던 중 자신의 힘을 억제하지 못해 두려워하던 미조는 물 속으로 뛰어든다.



감독 한마디


"장르적 색채보다 미스터리 같은 한 소녀의 초능력을 통해 사람이 잠재력으로 버티는 방식, 가장 순수한 형태의 인간에너지라고 하는 초능력을 통해 살아가는데 힘을 찾는, 뭐 그런 걸 실험해보는 이야기다. 이런 이야기를 재미있는 영화 형식으로 담아내려고 한다. 초현실적인 코드도 있고, 소녀의 정체를 밝혀가는 과정의 미스터리이도 있고, 30대 남자와 소녀의 순수한 사랑이라는 멜로 요소도 있고, 사회적인 코드도 숨어 있다. 해피한 끝은 아니지만 희망을 비치면서, 희망이 배어나는 꼴로 마무리할 생각이다. 판타스틱한 면이 있지만 만화처럼 펼쳐지는 게 아니라 현실에 발을 딛고 있는, 영화적 리얼리티를 확보할 것이다. 프로덕션쪽에서는 판타스틱한 면이 있다고 해서 덩치크고, 특수효과가 주를 이룬 영화가 아니라 제작비 10억원 정도 규모에서 영화적인 고민을 재미있게 짜나가는 시스템을 만들어보고 싶다." / 씨네21 235 특집