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그랜드 힐스 호텔, 세계에서 가장 큰 로열스위트 전경

정희득이본명이자가명 2008. 7. 4. 19:59



세계에서 가장 큰 로열스위트 전경

기사입력 2008-07-03 10:45


Where it was? When it was? How was it possible? What was said at that time? Who enjoyed the amusement of that place?


If someone can see the real cubic living image of some place through the eyes of photographer, how can it be possible?


If someone can see the real cubic living image of some place through dream or vision, how can it be possible?


If someone can appear in a real cubic living vision in certain place and the actual human of that vision can know the related story, how can it be possible?


If someone can appear in a certain place through a kind of instant spatial movement from place to place by the unknown phenomena, how can it be possible?


If someone have appeared in lots of places in a real world or in a visionary world including dream and imagination and in a real physical body or in a visionary body or in a form of soul by a kind of instant spatial movement from place to place by the power of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, can it be believable? If the concerned peoples say about it, can it be believable? What kind of things can be checked in a way of scientific or medical method? What kind of things can be checked in a way of human cognition without any belief or any effort to know the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels who are originally different from human being and other physical materials in this earth or in the universe,,,?


If some miracle happens in the library of Suwon City, what kind of things can be seen in a way of human cognition without any belief or any effort to know the performance of the power of Spirits as God or Angels who are originally different from human being and other physical materials in this earth or in the universe,,,?  What kind of miracle can be possible in the library of Suwon City, without any damage to the missionary and the lives of peoples in this world but for the beliefs of the concerned peoples?


(Thinkable Tips for the miracle of Spirits as God or Angel from The Bible and my own experiences; the same miracle usually doest not happen in the same way, only the result of miracle can be seen, only the process miracle can not be seen, the power of Spirits cannot be cognized by human cognition like the original identity of Spirits as God or Angels, the same miracle usually doest not happen in the way to bring bad results on the missionary and the lives of peoples in this earth, the power of Spirits cannot create things made by human beings and also the power of Spirits does not work in the way of the ability of human beings,,,If the missionary can create money by the power of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky, what will happen to the missionary and in this earth? )


to be continued,,,