블루 라군, 1980, The Blue Lagoon,
Where was the sand?
Who were the girl and the body?
Where was the cave? And so on?
104 분 / 18세 이상 관람가
장르 드라마 / 로맨스
국가 미국
감 독 : 랜달 클라이저 (Randal Kleiser)
출 연 : 브룩 쉴즈 (Brooke Shields) .... 에멜린 / 크리스토퍼 앳킨스 (Christopher Atkins) .... 리차드 / 레오 맥컨 (Leo McKern) .... 패디 버튼 / 윌리엄 다니엘스 (William Daniels) .... 아서 레스트레인지 / 엘바 조셉슨 (Elva Josephson) .... 어린 에멜린 / 글렌 코한 (Glenn Kohan) .... 어린 리차드
각 본 : 더글라스 데이 스튜어트 (Douglas Day Stewart)
제 작 : 랜달 클라이저 (Randal Kleiser)
음 악 : 바질 폴레두리스 (Basil Poledouris)
촬 영 : 네스토르 알멘드로스 (Nestor Almendros)
편 집 : 로버트 고든 (Robert Gordon)
의 상 : 장 피에르 도를리크 (Jean-Pierre Dorleac)
원 작 : 헨리 드 비어 스택풀 (Henry De Vere Stacpoole)
아내를 잃은 아서 레스트레인지는 조카딸 에멜린과 아들 리차드를 데리고 샌프란시스코행 선박에 탑승한다. 항해 중 배에 불이나는 사고가 벌어지자 뱃사람 패디와 에멜린, 리차드는 보트를 타고 피신하는데, 표류하다가 한 작은 무인도에 머물게 된다. 얼마 후 패디는 죽게 되고, 어린 에멜린과 리차드는 구조의 희망 없이 그대로 섬에 눌러앉는다. 세월이 흘러 에멜린과 리차드는 성년이 된다. 에멜린이 초경을 겪는 등 두 사람의 육체와 정신, 감정에 변화가 생기면서 그들은 서로 다투기도 하고 미묘한 설레임을 느끼기도 한다. 그런 와중에 둘은 육체적인 사랑을 깨닫게 되고 서로를 정신없이 탐닉한다. 결국 에멜린은 임신하고 아이를 낳는다. 그렇게 두 사람은 자신들만의 천국에 그대로 남고 싶어하지만...
육체적인 사랑에 눈떠가는 과정을 지나치게 순진하게 그리려 한 탓인지 극적인 긴장감이나 연기의 묘미 따위는 찾아 볼 수 없다. 다만 아카데미 촬영상 후보에 오른 작품답게 환상적인 풍경과 아름다운 나체 장면이 그나마 볼거리다.
블루 라군 2 (1991, Return to the Blue Lagoon)
101 분 / 18세 이상 관람가 / 1992-08-29 개봉
장르 드라마 / 로맨스
국가 미국
감 독 : 윌리엄 A. 그레이엄 (William A. Graham)
출 연 : 밀라 요보비치 (Milla Jovovich) .... 릴리 / 브라이언 크라우스 (Brian Krause) .... 리차드 / 리사 펠리칸 (Lisa Pelikan) .... 사라 / 코트니 바릴라 (Courtney Barilla) .... 어린 릴리 / 가렛 래틀리프 헨슨 (Garette Ratliff Henson) .... 어린 리차드 / 나나 코번 (Nana Coburn) .... 실비아 / 브라이언 블레인 (Brian Blain) .... 힐라드 선장 / 피터 헤히르 (Peter Hehir) .... 퀸란
각 본 : 레슬리 스티븐스 (Leslie Stevens)
제 작 : 윌리엄 A. 그레이엄 (William A. Graham)
음 악 : 바질 폴레두리스 (Basil Poledouris)
촬 영 : 로버트 스테이드먼 (Robert Steadman)
편 집 : 로날드 J. 패건 (Ronald J. Fagan)
미 술 : 존 다우딩 (Jon Dowding)
기 획 : 랜달 클라이저 (Randal Kleiser)
원 작 : 헨리 드 비어 스택풀 (Henry De Vere Stacpoole)
때는 19세기 후반. 목사의 젊은 미망인 사라는 한살짜리 딸 릴리를 데리고 샌프란시스코행 배에 승선한다. 그때 우연히 난파선에서 기적적으로 살아남은 2살짜리 남자아이가 구조되고, 사라는 아이에게 리차드라는 이름을 지어주고 돌보기 시작한다. 배에 콜레라가 퍼지자 사라는 아이들을 데리고 배를 떠나고, 아사 직전 한 무인도에 도착한다. 강인한 사라는 아이들에게 문명에 대해 알아야 할 것을 가르치면서 구조될 날을 꿈꾸지만 폐렴으로 세상을 떠난다. 외딴섬에 남은 릴리와 리차드는 서로 의지하며 살아가고, 커가면서 자연스럽게 사랑을 깨닫는다. 그러던 어느 날, 영국에서 온 배 한척이 섬에 정박하게 된다. 릴리와 리차드는 문명에 실제로 접하게 되자 큰 충격을 받고, 선장의 딸인 실비아는 야성적인 리차드의 모습에 매력을 느끼는데...
Where is the 1st scene of the concerned movie? Where is it located, in Korea or in the country of film production? How many times could we, actually I, appear in those concerned places?
What opinions were communicated for acting or performance, human life, human talents or abilities, the film industry or the movie industry or the motion picture industry, the relation between sins or crimes and sexual relations, the relation between human social life and religious sins or crimes, the relation between religious sins or crimes and social laws or social regulations, the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, religious life and so on?
How could we, actually I, appear in some special places, such as on the boat in the sea like in the Korean movie ‘Hwal(활) and in Germany movie, ‘Jaws Return’, and in American movie ‘Swept away,,,and on the island in the sea in American movie ‘Cast away’,,,and in the ship under water like in Japanese Movie, ‘Aegis’,,,and on the helicopter in the sky and in other isolated hidden rooms or places? What is it in my writings to be said as instant spatial movements in actual daily lives in the real world or also in visionary world or in dream or in imaginations in the form of actual physical body or vision of actual physical body or combination of actual physical body and vision of actual physical body or a kind of soul separated from actual physical body by the power of Spirits as God or Angels through the promised communication method or signal between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who would want to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through any kind of direct indirect experiences with Spirits as God or Angels?
HOW and WHY could I appear in so lots of worldwide places of movie studios, scenic spots, mountains, lakes, falls, sea sides, cliffs, on the car-running roads, on the railroads, and certain political or national places of major countries since Year 1986, as if it was at my childhood around Year 1970 and it happened sometimes during my middle school days or high school days, considering normal traffic utilities and traffic network in this real earth and also real traffic expenses, and also considering my social careers since Year 1986, 30 Months’ Army Service, 3 Years’ University after Army Service, one Year’s Teacher in Foreign Language School, 10 Years’ Salaried Man in Foreign Insurance Company, especially almost every day’s overtime without overtime pay except for 1~2 years in the beginning of social life, one and A Half Years’ Mountain Climbing in 15 mountains of Seoul City and Gyunggy Province since the middle of Year 2003, and almost 4 Years’ walking around from this place to that place of South Korea, especially 1 Year’s walking around SuWon City since the end of Year 2006? Now, I am on writing books more than volumes of near to 200 books about the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, and the difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, and also the guessing understanding for Saint Mary and Joseph and Christ Jesus and Being Conceived by the Holy Spirit and the identity of Christ Jesus as Human Being and dwelling of Spirits as God or Angels since the end of Year 2004, as said at my childhood of 30~40 years ago.
There was a question about my wealth in other movie studios or lots to tell me, ‘What is good for actual movie production based on conversations or information, which I did not know at that time, with other peoples instead of expenditure or spending of money by worldwide traveling and also by other lots of special events and some kinds of crimes which had been done in the name of Experiences by some peoples whom I have not known and met up no now?’, because Appearance and Disappearance of me and my traveling companions and a kind of monster and, as a result of it, some unfamiliar phenomena had been detected lots of times in USA or in movie studios or in lots.
Why and how could there be some negative words or attitudes by my traveling companions or by some domestic peoples about telling truths about what had happened sinfully or criminally in foreign countries in the name of my name or some one else’s name due to the difference of religion or the proof activity for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels who exist above-time-space and above-human-cognition in order to make mock of the omniscient and omnipotent of power of Spirits as God or Angels and The Bible and also my communications with Spirits as God or Angels and The Bible, especially based on wrong concepts or understanding of Spirits as God or Angels and the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels and The Bible and, as a result of it, The Bible, when I and my traveling companions appeared in by instant spatial movement by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who would want to know and to believe Spirits as God or Angels through indirect or direct experiences related to Spirits as God or Angels? How could I know it regardless of the truth of all the sinful criminal activities in foreign countries in the name of my name or some one else’s name, even though they did not tell me about it?
How many events and plans have been planned and carried out sinfully or criminally in worldwide places during tens of years in the name of expenditure or spending of money which was made by human beings but whose usage seemed to belong to me by some peoples whom I have never met up to now and who have been called as a kind of Sons and Daughters which have showed some negative attitudes toward the existence of Spirits as God or Angels or The Bible or the contents of The Bible, such as the Sons of Spirits as God or Angels?
What had happened sinfully or criminally in worldwide places during tens of years in the name of Experiences by some peoples whom I have not known and met up no now, before I and my traveling companions appeared in by instant spatial movement by the power of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who would want to know and to believe Spirits as God or Angels through indirect or direct experiences related to Spirits as God or Angels? And how can it be said from the peoples who do not know the full story related to the proof for the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels by the promised method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who would want to know and to believe Spirits as God or Angels through indirect or direct experiences related to Spirits as God or Angels, because the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels could not be proved by the method or the power of the world of Spirits as God or Angels due to precisely mentioned reasons in my writings more than 50 books or 100 books or 200 books up to now since the end of Year 2004,,, ?
I do not know where those worldwide places were during our instant spatial movements in actual daily lives in the real world or also in visionary world or in dream or in imaginations in the form of actual physical body or vision of actual physical body or combination of actual physical body and vision of actual physical body or a kind of soul separated from actual physical body by the power of Spirits as God or Angels through the promised communication method or signal between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who would want to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through any kind of direct indirect experiences with Spirits as God or Angels since Year 1986 or since my childhood about 30~40 years ago, as there were words about my writings and film production more than 50 books or 100 books or 200 books for the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels around Year 1970 and also about several social activities as one of human beings in this world, because the existence of Spirits as God or Angels could not be proved from my childhood by the method and power of the world of Spirits as God or Angels due to several personal social historical reasons, because the existence of Spirits as God or Angels could be proved to human beings without hindering human beings from living their lives according to each one’s own characteristics, talents, abilities, environmental elements and so on regardless the omniscient omnipotent power of Spirits as God or Angels, because each one’s life is each one’s own life and also a life from parents in the beginning of one’s life and furthermore a life from Spirits as God or Angels in the beginning of this world and each one have to live each one’s life with each one’s own cognitions and responses in this world and, as a result of it, in the world of human soul after human physical body’s death ! (For one’s reference, the promised communication method or signal at my childhood is not the way or the method to know or to check whether a child or a human being can communicate with the world of Spirits as God or Angels or not, and also the promised communication method or signal at my childhood is not usual communication method between human beings and the world of Spirits as God or Angels, even though there will be made another promised communication method between a selected human being and Spirits as God or Angels due to some personal social historical reason in human society, (is there any possibility for it considering mankind’s history), because the promised communication method or signal was made one only for me between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood for the peoples who would want to know the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through any kind of direct indirect experiences with Spirits as God or Angels, because all the phenomena through me from Spirits as God or Angels happened to be understood or translated as one of religious phenomena of our traditional religions related to the results of human physical mental activities by the peoples who have other religions and even by Christians who did not have one own direct experiences with Spirits as God or Angels except for responses by praying to Spirits as God or Angels, as a result of our misunderstanding or wrong concepts about the identity and the power and the world of Spirits as God or Angel and the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels. How and Why could our misunderstanding or wrong concepts happen about the identity and the power and the world of Spirits as God or Angel and the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels even by Christians? Even though there was The Bible and The Bible was written by the peoples who could communicated with Spirits as God or Angels, The Bible was written in human languages in English or in Korean or etc, and it could make peoples to have one’s own imaginations and concepts about the identity and the power and the world of Spirits as God or Angels and the relation between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, because Spirits as God or Angels exist invisibly, inaudibly, intangibly, above time and space, and above human cognition from the viewpoints of existential essence of Spirits as God or Angels, and also Spirits as God or Angels can be cognized, only when Spirits as God or Angels appear to human beings, from the viewpoints of existential essence of Spirits as God or Angels.)
Is it related to the proof for the existence of Spirits as God or Angels in the sky to know the names or the locations of so many places, (as that issue was once mentioned by one of my traveling companions), where I had happened to appear in by the power of Spirits as God or Angels? Who names all the things in this world and who thinks all the things in this world and who need all the things for one’s life in this world? How could the names be called in this earth according to languages? How many times of changes are in one’s thoughts or minds during conversations? Who reads the thoughts or the minds of human beings except for the selected human being from Spirits as God or Angels as a kind of exceptional case for the proof of the existence of Spirits as God or Angels through human beings co, if we talk about Spirits as God or Angels? (Refer to my other writings about checking for the existence or the identity or the power of Spirits as God or Angels by checking some one’s thought or mind or brain, or the game of truth or not, or the communication processes among normal human beings and selected human being and Spirits as God or Angels.)
Is it possible for the richest man to appear in so many worldwide places mentioned at my writings during so long time in the real world considering actual traffic means and traffic expenses and time and other daily works? Is it possible for me to appear in so many worldwide places mentioned at my writings during so long time only in the real world considering actual traffic means and traffic expenses and time and my other social activities and my economical statuses and my social statuses since Year 1986 or since my childhood? Also how many peoples will read or listen to my writings more than 200 books for the existence and the identity of Spirits as God or Angels based on actual events on daily lives under current situations considering what has happened during my life time regardless of several mutual conversations related to my words about actual and visionary phenomena from Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood and also about my writings around my age 40, BulHok, 불혹, and about sales rights or publishing writings or copyrights about my writings of age 40 about 30~40 years ago? How many peoples will believe in my writings as I have said without their own reasonable logical thoughts and reasoning?
The reason I say ‘By the power of Spirits as God or Angels’ for the above and below situations, such as our instant spatial movements in actual daily lives in the real world or also in visionary world or in dream or in imaginations in the form of actual physical body or vision of actual physical body or combination of actual physical body and vision of actual physical body or a kind of soul separated from actual physical body, is that the above and below situations and also situational conversations with the concerned peoples are not possible even in my normal dreams according to my 42 years’ life since my birth and also normal knowledge about human being’s dreams.
Regardless of what words from my traveling companions or the concerned peoples, the actual situations can be guessed by the contents or the logical reasoning of so many events in my writings s far as we know human knowledge up to now.
As far as I know, or according to what has happened to me, (Of course, it has been said in my writings to check what has written in my writings with several conditions in my words by the promised communication method between I and Spirits as God or Angels at my childhood, even though the result is totally dependent upon the decision of Spirits as God or Angels), sometimes some kinds of instant spatial movements could be possible for prophets in The Bible by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, and also some kind of warm physical conditions could be possible in cold nights and in the cold top of mountains also for prophets in The Bible by the power of Spirits as God or Angels, but in those days there were not so many peoples like these days and it could be regarded as one of lots of abnormal phenomena or miracle-like phenomena from the power of Spirits as God or Angels, because Belief was normal for in those days for Spirits as God or Angels and also sometimes for The Idol, because Spirits as God or Angels exist invisibly, inaudibly, intangibly, above time and space, and above human cognition from the viewpoints of existential essence of Spirits as God or Angels, and also Spirits as God or Angels can be cognized, only when Spirits as God or Angels appear to human beings, from the viewpoints of existential essence of Spirits as God or Angels, however life is hard and human being’s metal physical desire is endless.
Silence is gold(en)! A thing is cherished only so long as it is useful, or When cunning hares are all caught it is the turn of the faithful hound to be killed for meat! Making profit out of two contestants, or Gaining the third party’s profit. A stroke of luck,,,
There have been lots of groups of peoples who like proverbs or common says or fables and phrases or Four-character idioms or religious lessons. There have been lots of planned situations to make human life or the targeted human life to be spoiled by making use of the meaning of proverbs or common says or fables and phrases or Four-character idioms or religions lessons and also one word or certain expressions during normal conversations and situational conversations..
There have been some groups of peoples who try to have influence on other person’s life systemically or organizationally or criminally, as if they have some rights or powers to control or make other person’s life as their own thoughts or Think Tank for their own personal interests and purposes with the background of political religious social powers, if they work for some political party or some politician or some priest or some missionary.
There have been some peoples who have regarded it as 'For You' 'Something Good' to send Believers who believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels or The Bible or the world of human soul after human physical death to the heaven or the world of human soul after human physical death by accidental death or by indirect murder caused by medical experiments on water, fruit, food, or something to drink, eat, smell, and breathe. There have been some peoples who have regarded it as 'For You' 'Something Good' to isolate Believers who believe in the existence of Spirits as God or Angels or The Bible or the world of human soul after human physical death from all kinds of political economical religious social activities in this world which seem to require human's sins or crimes for successful life and so on from misunderstanding human being, human being's life, human being's sins or crimes, what Spirits as God or Angels try to say about human being's sins or crimes, what 10 Commandments in The Bible try to say, what The Bible tries to say, and so on.
There have been some peoples who have regarded it as the goal of life to compete with the power of Spirits as God or Angels, or the person who can communicate with Spirits as God or Angels, who exist above time and space and human cognitions and, as a result of it, can be cognized by human cognitions, only when Spirits as God or Angels appear to human cognitions, based on misunderstanding about the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, or the difference between human being and Spirits as God or Angels, or even the difference between human physical existence and human soul or mind or spirit in the inside of human physical body, or the contents of The Bible, such as the wrestle of Jacob with Spirit as God or Angels in a vision of human being or the concept of being conceived by the Holy Spirit or the identity of Christ Jesus. What is the purpose of the meaningless competition due to the existential essence of Spirits as God or Angels?
There are some expressions about how God created the heavens and the earth and all the things in these in Genesis of The Bible, which seemed to be figurative expressions from the viewpoints of human cognitions. There are some expressions about the existential identity God who created the heavens and the earth and all the things in these in John, which seemed to be figurative expressions from the viewpoints of human cognitions. There are expressions God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Angel, Lord, Spirit, I AM, several expressions like 신 산신 신령 성령 영 하늘 하늘님 하나님 천사 등등 in Korean, or in other languages for the Existences or the Beings or the Seins in the haven who are existentially originally different from human being and also human being’s soul or mind or spirit. (Spirits as God or Angels, or God, or Angels, in English will be used according to the contents of sentences for the Existences or the Beings or the Seins in the haven who are existentially originally different from human being and also human being’s soul or mind or spirit. 하나님과 천사님들, 또는 하나님, 또는 천사님들, in Korean will be used according to the contents of sentences for the Existences or the Beings or the Seins in the haven who are existentially originally different from human being and also human being’s soul or mind or spirit to prevent us from misunderstanding the existential identity of Spirits as God or Angels.)
There were some expressions from a child about lots of phenomena, which can tell the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels, from Spirits as God or Angels. Due to lots of reasonable social historical reasons there were some expressions from a child about proving and writing the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels around the child’s age 40, 불혹, in a volume of more than 50 books or 100 books or 200 books, because Spirits as God or Angels should tell the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels and what Spirits as God or Angels should tell to human beings who live in this earth with one’s own Physical Body and also soul or mind or spirit in Physical Body.
There were some expressions from unknown identities of some peoples at my childhood; if I tell it real that Spirits as God or Angels exist in the identity of invisible inaudible intangible existential origin from the viewpoints of human cognitions and also write the existence or the identity of Spirits as God or Angels in a volume of more than 50 books or 100 books or 200 books around my age 40, 불혹, some peoples will try to make it to be real that they have made lots of planned situations to make human life or the targeted human life to be spoiled by making use of the meaning of proverbs or common says or fables and phrases or Four-character idioms or religious lessons and also one word or certain expressions during normal conversations and situational conversations.
Why? Has there been human knowledge or human ability which can prove and explain all the laws of all the things in the universe including the identity and the world of Spirits as God or Angels?
The Film Scenario Of Ten Production,
'영화(Movie)와 사명·증인을 찾습니다' 카테고리의 다른 글
생,날선생, 2006, (0) | 2008.05.06 |
살인의 추억, Memory of Murder, 2003 (0) | 2008.05.06 |
브릭, Brick, 2005, (0) | 2008.05.06 |
배트맨 비긴즈, 2005, Batman Begins, (0) | 2008.05.06 |
죠스 리턴즈, Jaws Return / Hai-Alarm auf Mallorca, 2004, (0) | 2008.05.05 |